Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 427 Wudang Yang Guo met the Little Heavenly Master

Chapter 427 Wudang Yang Guo met the Little Heavenly Master

The old nun was not a strange person, she was extremely weak. In order to avoid accidents along the way, Zhang Zhiwei used his blue hand's ability to control thoughts and arranged for two more knights to escort her.

When he was doing these things, Isaac watched thoughtfully. Although he had realized that Zhang Zhiwei had used a method similar to the Soul Imperius Curse among the three unforgivable curses, he did not stop him. He was not a Pedantic people, besides, the other party is not using black magic, it just has similar effects.

"Zhang, do you want to inform the Pope of the Papal States about what's going on here?" Isaac said softly: "Are you worried that there is something wrong with the Archbishop of Canterbury's position on this matter?"

Although he didn't understand Zhang Zhiwei's specific intention, he had some vague guesses.

"A cardinal who abuses black magic, as the pope, should have the right to know!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Indeed!" Isaac nodded and did not ask any more about the matter. "By the way, Zhang, where are you going next?"

"I'm going to go to the Pig Cage Walled City, where we arrange the trafficked people. It was also attacked just now," Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Is the situation urgent?" Isaac asked quickly.

"I have two junior brothers there, it's been settled!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved!" Isaac said: "I'm going to go to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau to investigate. As soon as we sent the people there, they couldn't wait to send them here. I think there's something fishy in there!"

He has a stable temperament and would never risk his life for these unimportant people. If the charterer hadn't taken action in time, he would have dragged Tian Jinzhong away.

Immediately, the two parted ways, Isaac went to the Ministry of Industry Bureau, and Zhang Zhiwei took Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others to the Pig Cage Walled City.

"Zhang, you are my friend, I won't be polite to you!" Isaac nodded.

"That's true, that's true!" Tian Jinzhong scratched his head, pointed at the Yongxin thugs outside and said:

"By the way, senior brother, what should we do with these people?"

"This is indeed a problem!" Lu Jin scratched his head.

Lu Ci was indifferent to the chaos along the way, but Lu Jin, who had a strong sense of justice, couldn't stand it and frequently beat away the gangsters who wanted to take advantage of the chaos.

Because of Yongxin's successive big moves, the slums are now in chaos like a pot of boiling water. Many gangsters are also taking advantage of the situation and engaging in zero-dollar shopping in the name of the Caoqing Gang.

"Xiao Qi, don't kill someone rashly!" Lu Ren quickly dissuaded him.

Tian Jinzhong took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart: "I can't calm down for a long time. This is the first time I have experienced such a scene!"

As soon as Lu Jin took action, Lu Ci, who was always in tit-for-tat with him, was naturally not to be outdone and also took action, cleaning up all the gangsters along the way.

"It can only be said that the multiple forces here are too deeply connected!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "If you want to investigate, I won't stop you. If you need help, you can use the yin and yang paper to let me know."

"This is a good idea!" Fire Cloud Evil God grinned and agreed.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, and with his height advantage, he naturally patted Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi on the head: "How do you feel?"

"Calm down, calm down!" Lu Jin said with a smile from the side: "Where are you now? I can't stand this small scene. How can I hang out with Senior Brother Zhang in the future?"

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei arriving, the two people quickly came over to greet him.

A group of people came to the gate of the Pig Cage Walled City. Screams could be heard one after another. At a glance, the entire street was densely packed with Yongxin's thugs. No one could stand up, and the firearms they held were collected. In the corner, there was a small mountain piled up, and Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi were guarding it.

"What kind of problem is this?" Lu Ci expressed his opinion: "Why don't we just kill this kind of social scum and end it? Eliminate harm for the people!"

He paused and said in a deep voice: "It was my decision that caused those children to die. I must find out about this matter, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

However, along the way, Zhang Zhiwei and his group were not blindly stared at. After all, he was tall and strong, with a height of 1.9 meters. He gave people the feeling that he was not easy to mess with, not to mention that there were so many people around him. There is Lu Ci, an evil star with an unruly face.

"Brother, this group of gangsters brought more than 300 gangsters, and we knocked them all down. We also arrested the two main emissaries, and they are in the walled city!" Tian Jinzhong said with excitement.

Zhang Huaiyi looked slightly calm and said: "It's still a bit dangerous. If there weren't some experts here, it would be terrible!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at these people. If he was at the scene and these people attacked him, he wouldn't mind killing them all with a few golden whips, but now, he didn't intend to hit them again.

"Inform the patrol room to come and clean the floor!" Zhang Zhiwei said, turned around and walked into the walled city. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the huge Tai Chi diagram in the middle of the square.

Continuous battles have left the Pig Cage Walled City in a mess. Many of the old buildings have been destroyed, and the residents are carrying out repairs with heavy faces.

In the center of the square, Wang Ai, the three masters, the charterer and the charterer were discussing matters.

The charterer was wearing pajamas and had one hand on her hip, while the others stood there like grandchildren, saying nothing.

"Damn fat man, since you are so rich and there is plenty of land outside, you can just buy a piece of land to live in. Why are you staying here with me and pretending to be a grandson?"

Wang Ai didn't dare to reply, and said weakly: "I looked for it, but couldn't find it. In fact, I just wanted to save people, and I didn't want to harm you!"

"You want to save a fool, you damn stick!" The charterer understood Wang Ai clearly, and she continued to curse: "You have offended the gang, will everyone still have a good life? Why don't you take your people and get out? !”

Wang Ai shrank his neck when he was yelled at. He had never been scolded like this since he was a child, but the other person was a great master and dared not speak out in anger.

At this time, he glanced aside and saw Zhang Zhiwei and his entourage walking in. He felt as if he had been granted amnesty, as if he had seen a savior. He quickly ran over, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and glared at Zhang Huaiyi:

"Big Ear, you're the one who cheated me. You found an excuse and ran outside. I was yelled at like a grandson inside!"

"I don't know that fat... charter woman, so I won't get scolded for you!" Considering that the other party was a master, Zhang Huaiyi did not call her fat woman.

No wonder you two are guarding the gate outside and looking at the firearms. It turns out that you don’t want to be criticized. As expected, you are the grandfather who doesn’t want Bilian. He still has a sharp eye... Zhang Zhiwei said to himself and walked towards everyone.

Seeing him arriving, the charterer and the three masters all looked at him.

Even the charterer, who had kept his eyes closed and said nothing, opened his eyes and stared over.

He saw in Zhang Zhiwei a rare temperament of heaven, which he had only felt in his master, which made him stunned.

Before entering the walled city, Zhang Zhiwei heard the tenant's wife yelling and scolding him. In order not to be scolded as a grandson, he did not restrain his momentum.

Invisible power pushed forward like a wall. At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei, in the eyes of others, was as tall as a giant god. The gaze projected from his star-like eyes gave people a sense of condescension.

The charter woman swallowed back the curse words that came to her lips. She was not afraid of anything, but that didn't mean that she was not smart. The man in front of her was so arrogant that she almost had the word "arrogant" written on her forehead. Moreover, it looked like she was still very arrogant. Friends are not enemies, so why would she want to get into trouble with the other party?

"Zhang Zhiwei of Tianshi Mansion, I've met you all!" Zhang Zhiwei said, holding his hands.

As soon as he said these words, the terrifying pressure on him disappeared, and now he looked like an ordinary person, but no one dared to ignore him, and no one thought that everything just now was an illusion, because it was too profound.

"Wudang Yang Guo, I have met the Little Heavenly Master!" The charterer seemed to be worried that the charterer would say the wrong thing, so he quickly took a step forward and folded his hands.


Zhang Zhiwei was stunned by the charterer's name and cursed in his heart, does your face deserve your name?

But when he glanced at the charterer next to him who was nicknamed "Little Dragon Girl", he thought to himself, if it was this Little Dragon Girl, she really deserved it!

Zhang Zhiwei blew himself up, but it didn't cause much reaction. After all, these people were living in seclusion and didn't know much about the world. However, when the charterer reported his family name, the three masters next to him were shocked and looked at him with horrified expressions:

"Yang Guo, Yang Guo from The Legend of the Condor Heroes?" The charterer nodded: "It's all just a false reputation. We have withdrawn from the world for a long time!"

After receiving confirmation, the three of them looked at the charterer again: "Then the charterer is Xiao Longnu?"

"Have any objections?" The charterer glared at them.



"I dare not have it!"

The three of them shook their heads. When they were still in the world, the Condor Heroes were great masters that they could not reach.

You little dragon girl, I'm afraid you are deaf... Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously: "You actually know me?"

The charterer sighed and said: "Although it is said that he has retired from the world, people are in the world and can't help themselves. How can they completely withdraw? Brother Diao is flying around and occasionally brings me some recent news in the world. Long The name of Little Heavenly Master Hushan is like thunder!"

"Brother Diao?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously, "Since it's called the Condor Heroes, where is your eagle?"

"Brother Eagle is in the sky!"

After the charterer finished speaking, a loud eagle call came. When he looked up, he saw a huge golden eagle flashing across the sky.

Damn it, there really is one. Later when Ah Xing used the Tathagata Divine Palm, the eagle he stepped on was this eagle. Speaking of Ah Xing, he should still be a child. Wang Yuqiao is in charge of the Ax Gang now. Wang Yuqiao Later, after his death, the Ax Gang changed its ownership... Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes truly deserves their reputation!" Zhang Zhiwei exclaimed.

At least the divine eagle lived up to its reputation... He added silently in his mind.

"It's just a false name, I can't compare to you, Little Heavenly Master!" Bao Zhaogong said: "I heard that Little Heavenly Master is righteous and good at eliminating evil and promoting good. Those people who have recently moved into our city must be the result of Little Heavenly Master!"

"I was just talking, they did it!" Zhang Zhiwei pointed at Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others.

"So that's it, I thought it was that little fat guy who was engaging in a cult!" said the charterer.

Although she didn't know what Zhang Zhiwei had done, Bao Zhigong's words that he had met the little Celestial Master first already contained enough information about the person who would inherit the mantle of the Celestial Master in the future.

What kind of person is the Heavenly Master? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the leader of Taoism. In terms of status, strictly speaking, he is above his father-in-law, the head of Wudang.

She knew her father-in-law's ability, so she would not underestimate the value of this little heavenly master. Therefore, her tone was slightly gentle. It had nothing to do with anything else but respect for the strong and virtuous man.

"Little Tianshi, these people from Yongxin Company don't seem to want to give up!" The charterer pointed at Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng who were knocked unconscious in the venue, and said: "I'm afraid there are masters behind these two people!"

"Indeed, the person behind them is the Bat Mage!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"The one who was ordered to be hunted down by the previous Heavenly Master decades ago?" The charterer was horrified.

"This person is still alive?" The charterer also said in shock: "It is said that this person is the most vicious. I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to solve this problem. I have to go back to the sect and ask the master for help. Only his old man can help. That bat mage can’t escape even if he has wings!”

"Master?" Zhang Zhiwei thought of his apprenticeship with Wudang, "Who is your master?"

"Wudang Clan Leader, Sun Lutang!" the charterer said solemnly.

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked that the charterer turned out to be a disciple of the Martial Saint.

Sun Lutang, the leader of the Wudang Sect, was nicknamed Wu Sheng, God of Martial Arts, Almighty Hand, and Tiger Head Shaobao. When he was young, he fought against all the invincible hands in the world, so he was also called the best hand in the world. He was recognized by later generations as the number one master in the Republic of China, and he was an extraordinary and saintly existence. .

Zhang Zhiwei has always known about this person and has heard many legends about him, but he has never visited him.

Mainly because he doesn't like people who are brave and aggressive, so why would he go to see Sun Lutang?

Fight or ask for advice?

There is no need to fight.

Please tell me, he also has his own master!

However, if Sun Lutang takes action against the Bat Mage, he will definitely be able to catch him.

"For such a trivial matter, there is no need to ask Senior Martial Saint to take action. Our Senior Brother Zhang has already trampled that little bat to death!"

At this time, Lu Ci said with admiration. Although he was unruly, he admired the strong the most. Sun Lutang was undoubtedly the strong.

The charterer was stunned when he heard this: "Who is Senior Brother Zhang?"

"This is the person in front of you!" Lu Ci said quickly.

"Little Master, have you dealt with the Bat Mage?"

The charterer looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise. The Bat Mage was the same generation as his master. How would such an old senior fall into the hands of such a junior? He couldn't believe it.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "It has indeed been solved!"

The charterer thought for a while and then said: "It is said that this person is the most cunning. Little Heavenly Master, be careful that you have fallen into his trap to escape from the golden cicada's shell!"

"Hey, you wretched guy, why don't you listen?" Lu Ci couldn't help but choked when his idol was questioned.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't explain too much. He reached into his wallet and took out the bat mage's soul. He gave the charterer a look and said:

"I destroyed his body, captured his soul, and prepared to take him back to Longhu Mountain. You can take a look. He has indeed been executed. There will be no further trouble in this matter. You and the people in the walled city will follow. Everyone can live a stable life!"

The charterer stared at the bat mage's soul, felt its breath, and then frowned:

"Although I have never seen a Bat Mage, there are not many people with such powerful soul power. I'm afraid it's him!"

He raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Did the Little Heavenly Master personally capture him?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

“It’s unbelievable to be able to compete with such seniors at such an age!”

The charterer suddenly remembered his master's regrets, clasped his hands and said:

"I want to help the little Celestial Master. I wonder if the little Celestial Master can give me some advice?"

(End of this chapter)

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