Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 441 Zuo Ruotong’s troubles, Little Heavenly Master’s advice

Chapter 441 Zuo Ruotong’s troubles, Little Heavenly Master’s advice

There is a natural cave in the back mountain of Trinity Gate. It is a beautiful place, so Zuo Ruotong chose it as a retreat place on the spot.

At this moment, Zuo Ruotong was sitting on the futon. The flickering candlelight in the cave illuminated his gloomy face. He kept murmuring one sentence:

"If you go with the trend and avoid discipline, you will be misfortune. If you go against the trend, you will be able to master Yuan Gong. If you go with the trend, you will avoid discipline and you will be misfortune. If you go against the trend, you will be able to master Yuan Gong..."

Then, he sighed: "Almost, still almost... I have seen the end point of the second stage of rebirth, and I am just one step away from it, but I just can't move, and I can't make any progress!"

"Since many years ago, I dare say that I have mastered the mental methods of this sect, but now my second level has been at a standstill for a long time."

"According to the ancestral teachings, even though the road ahead is difficult, you should be able to walk step by step. Otherwise, how could the ancestor reach the third level?"


Zuo Ruotong's expression flashed: "It's impossible, absolutely impossible. It's going to be like this. It's all because we, the younger generation of disciples, are incompetent and can't see the way forward. There is definitely a way forward!"

After a while, Zuo Ruotong sighed: "Master, the disciple has actually vaguely seen the direction, but the disciple doesn't know how to take that step!"

A sect rich in drunkards may not necessarily be very good at fighting, but when it comes to drinking, they are definitely no weaker than others.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Just now he thought it was the Little Heavenly Master and the Quanxing Demon who had no idea, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

In order to show their respect for Zhang Zhiwei, several people in Qingzhuyuan drank wine quite cheerfully, even more generously than Lu Ci who would always let you have one drink and I would have four drinks.

Everyone was not enjoying themselves after drinking, so Fengping volunteered to get some more jars of good wine.

He and Fengping are good friends. These days, Fengping has been saying that Zhang Zhiwei's advice has been of great help to him, which made Gao Gen feel a little itchy, so he asked this question.

"The ancestors once said that a Dharma couple's wealth and land are indispensable. Dharma, I have obtained the secret of rebirth, and there is no shortage of it. The Trinity Sect has been running for generations, and wealth and land are not a problem. But where can I go with this 'couple'?" try to find?"

Gao Gen said with regret: "At that time, because of the incident in Liaodong, I had no chance to go to the Lu family and missed the guidance of the little Celestial Master. Now that we meet here at Yinghe Tower, it is also fate. I wonder if the little Celestial Master can take advantage of Fengping to buy While you're drinking, can you give me some advice and I'll wait?"

"The capital of Fujian is only a hundred or two hundred miles away. When you come back from buying wine, the day lilies will be cold!" someone said.

As strangers, everyone has a good drinking capacity, especially the people from Qingzhuyuan. Although what they did before was a bit unethical, they were very bright at the wine table.

Gao Gen didn't make fun of him, but was talking about Zhang Zhiwei's discussion with all the younger generations present at the birthday banquet and giving advice.

Gao Gen said: "Fengping went to buy wine. It would be too uncomfortable for us to eat vegetables here. Speaking of which, last time the Little Heavenly Master was in the Lu Family Courtyard..."

"Where can we get wine in the wilderness here?" someone said.

Lu Jin drank a lot of wine and was already drunk. When he heard this, he thought Gao Gen was going to say that he was beaten to tears by Zhang Zhiwei. He suddenly woke up and suddenly woke up. After listening carefully, he realized It was a false alarm.


At this time, Gao Gen ran over to toast a glass of wine and asked:
"Little Heavenly Master, I see that you are acquainted with the head of Quanxing, and it seems that you have a good relationship. I would like to ask you, what do you think of Quanxing?"

"Who knows?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "But everyone has his own ambitions, and the path lies at his own feet. This is his own choice, and I respect his choice!"

"I'm drunk today, I'm happy today. No matter what you do, I'll come back as soon as I go!"

"Meeting is fate. Since you have asked for advice, I will not hesitate to give you advice. However, the ugly words are ahead. I will take action according to the limit of your own Qi, so..."

"It's not that I am arrogant. With my current level of cultivation, I may be able to find someone who can beat me by one and a half moves, but where in the world can I find someone who can tear apart my reverse state?"

"If Master Chu knows that you use the means to make a living to buy wine, he will beat you to death when you get back!" Gao Gen reminded.

Although Qingzhuyuan sounds like an unpopular sect, it has a long history. The founders were the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. These seven people studied a wide range of subjects and were proficient in music, drinking, poetry...

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said: "Speaking of which, at that time, the imperial mausoleum in the center of the Dragon Vein Land was difficult for everyone to enter due to the influence of the Qi Bureau. He was the one who led the way!"

Zhang Zhiwei was thinking about the upgrade of Tiantong Hall.

"I met him in Changbai Mountain. At that time, he was not a demon, but a righteous man who fought against the Japanese and saved the country."

"Quanxing, of course they are all demons!" Zhang Zhiwei said casually.

Zuo Ruotong sighed, "I don't have much time left!"

Therefore, the disciples of Qingzhuyuan know many messy tricks. The "Five Dou Jiejie" used by the little crew chief named Hou Ling to subdue Li Muxuan was the trick of Liu Ling, the wine fairy among the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest. , it can only be used after drinking alcohol.

But then, Gao Gen puzzled: "Since Wu Gensheng is such a heroic and courageous righteous man, why did he join Quan Xing? Is there any unspeakable secret?"

"Then why do you know your identity and the heads of those monsters?" Gao Gen asked puzzled.

On the other side, Yinghe Tower.

Zhang Zhiwei grinned: "Are you mentally prepared?"

After Fengping finished speaking, he pinched the spell with his hands, and surging flames burst out from his seven orifices, wrapped around his whole body, and disappeared with him.

With Gao Gen's interruption, Zhang Zhiwei no longer thinks about the upgrade of the hall. There is only one idea and one direction for this matter. There are many details to consider, which cannot be figured out in a short while. He began to concentrate on drinking and eating meat.

But Gao Gen, who was familiar with Feng Ping, knew his plan: "Are you planning to use Fire Release to buy wine?"

After drinking freely, he drank all the wine in Yinghe Tower.

"Little Heavenly Master, I understand!" Gao Gen nodded, drank the wine in one gulp, and said nothing more.

"Don't be afraid, there is no wine here, but Fujian has it. I will go to Fujian now and bring back some wine for everyone!" Fengping laughed.

After Gao Gen finished speaking, other people present responded one after another, hoping that Zhang Zhiwei would give some advice.

Fengping slapped the table: "Exactly!"


Gao Gen suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the relationship, no wonder!"

"Of course I have no objection!"

Everyone responded in unison.

Seeing the excitement on everyone's faces, Zhang Huaiyi pinched a handful of jasmine seeds and thought to himself, you guys will have some good things to eat later.

"In that case, who goes first?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"I'm coming!" Gao Gen stepped out from the crowd, clasped his hands towards Zhang Zhiwei and said, "Gao Gen, please give me some advice from the little heavenly master!"

"Easy to say!" Zhang Zhiwei clasped his hands in return: "Let's take action!"

Gao Gen took a deep breath and activated the Qi in his body. An extremely solid Qi flowed around him. He had learned the Qi Sect from his master and was practicing the ultimate Qi.

Zhang Zhiwei narrowed his eyes, and he could feel a blazing energy surging through Gao Gen's body.

The so-called Yi Qi Men means to practice the whole body Qi Qi. In essence, it is a Kung Fu similar to horizontal training, somewhat similar to the golden light effect of the Golden Light Curse, but the defensive power should not be comparable to the Golden Light Curse, but it should have some other effects.

Gao Gen was wrapped in thick Qi and rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei like a thunder, making the air roar violently.

But the sound only lasted for less than a second and then stopped.

Zhang Zhiwei pinched Gao Gen's neck with one hand and lifted him up. Gao Gen's proud skills were crushed to pieces.

Gao Gen's face was full of disbelief. He knew that he was no match, but he didn't expect to lose so miserably.

Doesn't it mean to show the ultimate strength of one's Qi? He was puzzled as to why he was still defeated by one move and crushed in this posture.

"It seems that your use of your own Qi has not reached your limit at all!"

Zhang Zhiwei put Gao Gen down and reminded him: "Your Yi Qimen majors in Qi, and you use Qi to strengthen your own skills. This has many similarities with body training, but it also has completely different points. "

"In my opinion, your Qi is missing the word 'condensation'. As a school that majors in Qi, your Qi concentration is not high enough and seems too loose. Therefore, even if I compress my strength to be the same as yours At the same level, he can still defeat you with one blow."

"Then how can we consolidate our Qi?" Gao Gen asked.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Human will is from the outside in. If you want to improve your control and exert your ultimate strength, you must start with your muscles and bones."

"You should know about the Wuhou Sect. As a sorcerer sect, they also need to fully control themselves in the pursuit of magic."

"So, they practice some kung fu such as oil hammer initiation, iron ruler tapping ribs, chest crushing boulders, and even Bajiquan. They are all practicing it as sorcerers, why don't you practice it?"

Zhang Zhiwei's explanation was not without detail. After hearing this, Gao Gen was overjoyed and quickly bowed deeply to Zhang Zhiwei: "Thank you, Little Heavenly Master, for your guidance!"

After Gao Gen, it was Ruan Tao from Qingzhuyuan who continued to come to Zhang Zhiwei for advice.

He was using Qingzhuyuan's special skill - Da Xuan Zhang.

Previously, Li Muxuan just couldn't block the Da Xuan Palm, so he was at a disadvantage in the fight. In the end, he was hit by Wu Dou Jieyun and was taken down. However, it was still easy for Zhang Zhiwei to block it.

I saw Ruan Tao pushing out his palms continuously, making heavy palm shadows, making it difficult to tell where his attack would land. Because he couldn't see the landing point of his palms clearly, it was difficult to parry and could only dodge.

But Zhang Zhiwei's eyes clearly saw from the layers of phantoms an arm tapping his shoulder from above.

"You want to punch the old master to death?"

Zhang Zhiwei grabbed Ruan Tao's hand and shook it violently.

Suddenly, Ruan Tao felt as if a mountain had collapsed. All the energy and blood in his body seemed to be shaken away by this. His joints were sore, as if they were all out of place, and he could no longer exert any effort.

"Your Daxuan Palm is interesting. Not only can others not guess the landing point of your palm, but you can't guess it yourself either, right?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Ruan Tao collapsed on the ground, his whole body limp, but this did not affect his speech. He said with a surprised look on his face: "You can actually see it, little Celestial Master!"

"It's a very simple truth, there's nothing obvious about it!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "You have a big problem. You just use it according to the script, but you don't have any understanding of it. You can't control your means, but you are controlled by your means. No wonder you almost didn't fight three against one." Pass!"

Ruan Tao lowered his head in shame. If others had said this, he would not be convinced, but when the Little Heavenly Master said it, he would reflect on it.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "You Da Xuan Zhang, I have seen something about your sect. The founders of your sect, the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, each have their own strengths. In addition to music, poetry and wine, they should also be good at Huang Lao's art. "

"And this Da Xuan Palm should come from a sentence in the Taoist Tao Te Ching - 'The ancients who were good at Taoism only had a slight glimpse of Xuan Dao, but could not achieve a single goal in a profound way'!"

"The meaning of this sentence is that in ancient times, the actions of those who achieved Tao were indescribable, unfathomable, profound and difficult to understand. It is precisely because it is difficult to understand and speculate that it is difficult to resist the enemy in the face of this palm technique. .”

"But it is precisely because it is difficult to recognize and speculate. If the self-exploration is not deep enough, the person who uses this palm technique will not know exactly what move he is using!"

"In the final analysis, I still have less awareness of myself. Taoism talks about inaction, but in fact it pays great attention to exploring the self!"

"You can perform because you control your body, which is the 'objective' self, but you do not control the 'subjective' self. You don't even understand yourself, so you don't know what you are playing. Bastard punch!"

Ruan Tao was confused when he heard this, and asked in confusion: "Then little Heavenly Master, how should I make progress?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Recognize your truest self and don't be affected by the so-called delusions of the outside world!"

"What are delusions?" Ruan Tao asked again.

"It's the ideas that others impose on you, or the ideas that the world imposes on you!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Ruan Tao still looked confused, but at this moment, a cough sounded, and everyone looked and saw that it was Li Muxuan who had been placed on the bench and woke up.

Li Muxuan looked at Ruan Tao who was lying limply on the ground, and he didn't understand what was happening now. Where were Old Man Wang and Yuan Jingui? He looked anxious, but his mind was in a mess.

Seeing this, Lu Jin went over to talk to Li Muxuan for a while and told him what happened just now.

Li Muxuan was relieved when he learned that Wang Yaozu had left safely.

He looked at the people in the field, stared at the people in Qingzhu Garden unkindly, then glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, but quickly looked away.

Because as soon as he saw Zhang Zhiwei, he remembered the previous scene. His master was easily taken down. He went to save him, but he was knocked unconscious in a snap of his fingers!

What a despairing scene this is? !
Li Muxuan has always been arrogant and arrogant. After suffering such a big humiliation before, on normal days, he would just leave without saying a word after waking up, but at this moment, he hesitated a little.

Because after Lu Jin told him about Trinity Gate, he really wanted to go to Trinity Gate again, meet Zuo Ruotong, and ask him face to face, did he tease him back then? Do you really intend to accept yourself as your disciple?

This is very important. If he doesn't understand it, he won't be able to live in peace for the rest of his life.

Therefore, he couldn't leave. He had to go to Trinity Gate with Lu Jin.

Zhang Zhiwei noticed Li Muxuan's eyes, which contained fear for himself and malice towards the people of Qingzhuyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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