Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 443: Being a guest at 31 houses, strong criticism seems like a rush

Chapter 443: Being a guest at Trinity Gate, strong criticism seems to be a rush
Early the next morning, under the leadership of Lu Jin, Zhang Zhiwei and his party arrived at the foot of the Trinity Gate.

This is a valley. A river winds like a jade belt to the south and flows into the sea. However, in the gentle terrain, it suddenly spreads out many tiny tributaries like spider webs. A prosperous town is located in this water network.

Zhang Zhiwei's first impression of this town was that it was rich. When looking from a distance, he only felt that the houses were lined up in rows. When he entered the town, he found that it was densely populated and very lively.

The second impression is that the transportation is developed, not only by land, but also by water. The land route is similar to an ordinary small town in the Republic of China. It is not spacious. In addition, with the vendors on both sides of the road, it is even narrower. However, the water network is dense, making it very convenient to sail. , so Lu Jinqian hired a boat and took a boat there.

"I said, Lao Lu, why is this place so similar to Wuzhen?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Fujian and Zhejiang are all close!" Lu Jin said with a smile.

"Guest, you are too tall and have to lower your head to cross the bridge!" the boatman shouted.

Zhang Zhiwei was slightly attached, and the boatman pushed the oar. The water rippled, and the boat sailed lightly across a bridge hole.

At the end of the boat, Li Muchuan sat there blankly, looking at the scene around him in a daze.

He has lived here for three full years, and he is very familiar with the streets and alleys here. He was a bad boy in his hometown, but here, he is a good boy praised by everyone.

"It turns out that it's the Little Celestial Master and Little Gao Gong from Longhu Mountain, as well as the Lu Family's Twin Jewels. I've admired them for a long time!" Dongshan clasped his hands and said, "On behalf of the Trinity Sect, I welcome you all!"

Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised. He finally understood why this old boy Li Muxuan was able to go abroad later. It turned out that he learned foreign languages ​​here.

"Really?" Lu Jin sighed: "That's such a pity. It would be great if Master could just step forward, then Senior Brother Zhang would be a fellow Senior Brother!"

"Yes, there is such a thing!" Dongshan said solemnly: "Our Trinity Sect values ​​the word 'sincerity' most. Those who are not 'sincere' to themselves will be in great danger during practice. If they are not careful, they will be in great danger." You will follow in my footsteps, so Master is most interested in this aspect. He once told me that if you only stop pretending, inform him and he will personally take you back to the mountain!"

"Speaking of the little Celestial Master, my master came back from attending your grandfather's birthday party and chatted with me. He said that he met a peerless genius during this trip. He could see through the state of rebirth at a glance and was a good candidate for practicing rebirth. It's a pity that The Heavenly Master accepted him as a disciple first, and now when I see him, he is really majestic and majestic, unlike a mortal!" Dongshan sighed.

By the way, who are these? "Dongshan looked at Zhang Zhiwei and the others.

After that, he knocked on the door, and the person who opened the door was a tall, thin, middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing glasses, who looked like an old scholar.

"Teacher, did Master Zuo make a three-year agreement with you back then, saying that as long as I stayed in the school for three years, he would accept me as his disciple?" Li Muxuan asked.

"Did Master Zuo really want to accept me as his disciple back then? What will Master Zuo think of me now? Will he not see me? Will he drive me away? What should I say after I see him..."

Lu Jin clasped his hands and said, "Senior brother Dongshan is joking. Junior brother is out here, but he always misses his master and brothers, so as soon as he finishes his work, he rushes back!"

He turned sideways, revealing Li Muxuan standing at the end.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the middle-aged man named Dongshan. This man was almost the same age as Lu Jin's father, but his name was Master Zuo Ruotong. Zuo Ruotong was probably not younger than his master.

When the middle-aged man saw Lu Jin, he was stunned for a moment and said with a smile:

Lu Jin ignored Lu Ci and said, "By the way, Senior Brother Dongshan, look at who I brought here!"

"Yes, wasn't he sweet boy? Mar velous force in his writing."

Lu Jin introduced everyone one by one.

"I'm doing okay, Mr. Dongshan, how are you doing?" Li Muxuan didn't dare to look into Dongshan's eyes, but still lowered his head and said.

"Long time no see! How have you been these past years?"

"Junior brother Lu, you are finally back. Master was talking to me about you a few days ago, saying that as soon as you go out, you act like a wild horse running wild everywhere. I'm afraid I won't see you again this year! "

"Li Muxuan?!"

Lu Jin smiled and said: "The teacher in this school is one of my senior brothers. He is knowledgeable about the past and present, and has learned both Chinese and Western knowledge. However, he is jealous of talented people. In his early years, something went wrong when he was practicing reverse rebirth, and he injured his meridians. Although he was saved, Life, but there was no possibility of practicing, so he opened a school here!"

Dongshan sighed and said, "Master really had high hopes for you back then!"

Dongshan continued: "If you have performed well for three years, it means that you have really changed your temperament in order to enter the Trinity Sect. Not only does he accept you as a disciple, he also wants to apologize to you and use you as a teacher to learn from you. I humbly ask for advice on how to do it, but it’s a pity…”

When he heard this, Li Muxuan trembled all over. He never expected that the Zuomen Chief could do this and actually planned to apologize to him!

"Marvelous force in his writing."

"Lao Lu, your Trinity School is quite high-end. It even teaches English."

"Teacher Dongshan!" Li Muxuan lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

The sound of reading loudly came from the school: "Yes, wasn't he sweet boy?"

It's just that this good boy's character only lasted for three years. After becoming a disciple of the Ghost Hand Queen, he left here and never came back.

"You're being serious, what a beautiful idea you have!" Lu Ci curled his lips. He thought Zhang Zhiwei was his brother from the Lu family.

When Li Muxuan heard this, his eyes flickered. Even though he tried his best to hold on, he still looked sad.

"What do you want to ask?" Dongshan said.

Li Muchuan pondered for a moment and said: "Yes, there was some misunderstanding about what happened back then. I want to clarify it with the teacher and the Zuomen!"

"It's still the same, except that you can't practice, everything is fine!" Dongshan said: "Did you come to Trinity Gate this time to see me or Master?"

"These are senior brothers Zhang Zhiwei, senior brother Zhang Huaiyi, and senior brother Tian Jinzhong from Longhu Mountain. This is my childhood, Lu Ci and Lu Ren from the Lu family!"

Dongshan asked with concern. He was Li Muxuan's teacher. In addition to teaching Li Muxuan culture, he also gave him a three-year foundation. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was Li Muxuan's master. He naturally had feelings for Li Muxuan.

"You're welcome!" Zhang Zhiwei and others returned the greeting with clasped hands.

While Li Muxuan was worrying about gains and losses, Xiaozhou came to a private school.

Now, as Lu Jin, Zhang Zhiwei and their group returned to their hometown, he actually felt a sense of timidity in his hometown, and it was difficult to calm down.

Hearing the voice in the school, Li Muxuan was stunned. He stood at the end of the crowd and did not dare to step forward.

Seeing Li Muxuan, Dongshan was stunned. The appearance of the young man in front of him slowly overlapped with that of the child in his memory. With a look of surprise on his face, he blurted out:

"A few of the older people in Trinity Sect know about this matter. Master occasionally talks about it with a look of regret. If he knew that you came to see him, he would definitely be very pleased!" Dongshan said.

Li Muxuan opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say. In the end, he just nodded.

"By the way, you want to enter the mountain gate, right?" Dongshan asked.

Lu Jin nodded: "I visited Longhu Mountain some time ago. During this time, I was under the care of Senior Brother Zhang, so I would like to invite him to our Trinity Gate as a guest!"

"That is indeed what it should be!" Dongshan said with a smile: "Well, I will take a day off from school today and take you into the mountains!"

"It's okay, Senior Brother Dongshan, just have me, no need to trouble you!" Lu Jin said with a smile.

"It's no trouble, no trouble. The arrival of the distinguished guest makes the whole family shine. Plus, Xiao Li is back. It's more happiness than happiness. How can we call it trouble!?" Dongshan said with a smile.

Afterwards, he walked into the school, gave some instructions, gave the students a holiday, and then led everyone to climb the mountain gate. Dongshan and Lu Jin walked in front, one on the left and the other on the right, walking as fast as flying.

"Teacher Dongshan, how are you?" Li Muxuan asked. He remembered that Dongshan was not in good health.

Dongshan smiled and said: "I failed in the early years and left some root causes of disease. Now I have almost recovered. Although I can no longer practice due to meridians problems, the foundation of dual cultivation of life and life in the past is still there. Compared with ordinary people, my body still needs to be strengthened." Better than a lot!”

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, this is the benefit of dual cultivation of life and life.

In the plot, the old Celestial Master comes down from the mountain to destroy Quan Xing. Mu You, one of the ten men, once proposed to depose the old Celestial Master. Even if this proposal is passed, the old Celestial Master is willing to be punished, and the deposed old Celestial Master will not become a hand. There is no power to bind the chicken.

With his level of life cultivation, even if he can't use magic, I'm afraid not many people can beat him based on his remaining physical strength. After all, when he was in his prime, he didn't use magic to hit people. It was just a slap anyway. .



Climbing up a long staircase, on the top of the mountain with towering ancient trees, you can see a row of vermilion buildings. The mansion is so splendid that it can almost rival the Tianshi Mansion of the Sihan Dynasty.

This mansion has a gold plaque with "Trinity Gate" hanging high, and the writing is as powerful as an immortal writing. Outside the gate, there are a pair of huge stone lions on both sides, both two people tall. One lion stretches out its claws to hold down a life-size stone child. , posture majestic.

Dongshan and Lu Jin went over and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was a young man in his thirties wearing white clothes.

"Xiao Lu, you've had enough of being out in the wild, why are you willing to come back?" The young man scolded lightly, then looked at Dongshan: "Senior Brother Dongshan, why are you here too?"

"Senior Brother Shuiyun, that's what happened!"

Lu Jin quickly explained the situation.

Upon hearing this, the young man named Shuiyun looked at Zhang Zhiwei and hurriedly clasped his hands and said: "Shuiyun of Trinity Gate, I have seen the Little Celestial Master. Please come in quickly, the Little Celestial Master!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and returned the greeting: "Brother Shuiyun, just call me Zhang Zhiwei!"

Shuiyun and Zhang Zhiwei exchanged some polite words, then looked at Li Muxuan who was behind the crowd. He pursed his lips with a complicated look on his face.

"Shuiyun...senior brother, long time no see!"

Li Muxuan folded his hands and said that among the Trinity sect members he came into contact with back then, apart from Dongshan, Shuiyun was the one who had the most contact.

"You kid, come in too!"

Shuiyun said something and led everyone into the gate of Trinity Gate.

As soon as you enter the mountain gate, you will see a copper tripod with red candles as thick as a baby's arms stuck on it.

Li Muchuan was dumbfounded. He remembered that the last time he came to Trinity Gate, he had not yet reached the height of the cauldron, and he had wandered in front of the cauldron for a long time. Now that he was revisiting his old place, he felt that the story was different.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go, Brother Li!" Lu Jin shouted from the front.


Li Muxuan hurriedly followed, and after walking for a while, he came to the Trinity Sect's school grounds. This is where the disciples practice and learn. Many disciples of the Trinity Sect gathered here.

These disciples of the Trinity Sect are all dressed in white and have delicate looks. They are both male and female. They are all extraordinary in appearance, with white energy rising all over their bodies and immortal aura floating in the air.

Everyone was stunned, while Li Muxuan looked envious.

In previous lives, it was said that the Trinity Sect accepted disciples based on their appearance, but now at first glance, it was really the case... Zhang Zhiwei sighed inwardly.

In contrast, the disciples of Tianshi Mansion are a bit sloppy, and some can even be described as crooked melons and cracked dates.

In the center of the school grounds, a short old man in white clothes, with his arms crossed across his chest, was giving instructions to the young disciples.

Lu Jin introduced Zhang Zhiwei in a low voice:
"That white-haired old man is Uncle Sichong. He is my master's junior brother and the great elder of our Trinity Sect. Master has been retreating more and more frequently in recent years. Even when he comes out of seclusion, he is still giving lectures to everyone, so All the mundane affairs within the sect will be handed over to Senior Uncle Sichong!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, finally understanding the division of labor of the Trinity Sect. Zuo Ruotong was responsible for cultivation and was the face of the Trinity Sect, but the management of the affairs within the sect was in the hands of Sichong.

At this moment, Xi Chong was teaching new disciples, imparting the secret of entering the state of reverse life. This step was quite dangerous, so even when he saw Zhang Zhiwei and his entourage coming in, he ignored them.

Under his guidance, the new disciple took off his white robe, revealing his strong body, stood up in a standard horse stance, and secretly exercised his energy.

Soon, traces of white energy evaporated from his skin. At the same time, his belly button, where the Dantian was located, began to become congested, hot and blood-red.

Shuiyun stopped in front of the school grounds: "Wait a moment, everyone, the cultivation of counter-life is quite dangerous. If you are not careful, at least, you will ruin your life's cultivation path. At worst, I am afraid that acting like an ordinary person is just a delusion. Let’s wait for a moment, don’t disturb them, let them pass the level safely!”

Dongshan said with deep understanding: "Yes, yes, something went wrong when I was going to the second level. I didn't expect that I would see new disciples clearing the level this time when I went up the mountain. What a coincidence!"

Lu Jin whispered: "Senior Brother Shuiyun, in the past, when disciples passed the pass, it was always the master who guided them. Why is it that this time it is Senior Uncle Sichong?"

Shuiyun said: "Master went to seclusion a few days ago, and before he came out, he was replaced by Master Shi Chong. Don't worry, Master Shi Chong has a high level of cultivation and is the second person behind our master in the Trinity Sect. Instruct the disciples to pass the first level, it won’t be a big problem!”

"I'm afraid there's something wrong!"

Zhang Zhiwei's eyes boiled with golden flames, and he suddenly spoke.

Shuiyun and Dongshan were stunned and looked at Zhang Zhiwei with some confusion.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what problem did you see?" Lu Jin asked quickly.

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "The key to the first level of the three levels of reverse regeneration is to fill up the true Qi, and then transform the Qi into the skin and flesh. To do this, the Qi transformed by refining the essence needs to be transferred out of the lower Dantian and follow the path of the Qi. Go all the way up and start the state of rebirth, but this is a very dangerous step."

"Because the lower Dantian contains the most important parts of the human body, such as the seminal vesicles, kidney water, Qi gate, blood gate, and vitality gate... they are all located in this area."

"Refining Qi and transforming Qi means letting Qi gather in the Dantian to moisturize these parts, so a person's physical fitness and quality will improve by leaps and bounds."

"Only when the body's quality has been improved to a certain level and the meridians are strong, can Qi Chongguan be activated and the state of reverse growth be activated."

“In this process, whether the meridians are not strong enough, or the energy path is not well controlled, or deviations occur, it will damage the seminal vesicles, kidney water, Qi gate, blood gate, vitality gate... these fragile places, causing irreparable losses. "

"There is nothing wrong with the Xingqi trajectory pointed out by the old man, but there is something wrong with the new disciple himself. The meridians in his lower Dantian are not strong enough. If he tries to break through, I am afraid he will end up with hemiplegia."

After hearing what Zhang Zhiwei said, Shuiyun and Dongshan were shocked, "How did the Little Heavenly Master know these things?"

"This matter has to start with the slap in the Lu Family Courtyard. Ask Lu Jin for details. I don't have time now!"

He explained this matter in front of Lu Jin and Zuo Ruotong.

After saying that, Zhang Zhiwei's figure flashed, and he came to the center of the school field in an instant, pressing the disciple's forehead.

"The thief is so brave, he dares to destroy our disciples and break through the gate!!"

Si Chong shouted angrily and took action angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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