Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 166 Thomas' Cleverness

Chapter 166 Thomas' Cleverness


"I don't understand what Barbara means at all now, because after chatting with her, I feel that Barbara has the idea of ​​​​wooing me into the donkey party when she comes back this time."

"The fact that she was so eager after the canal incident can prove from the side that she, or the donkey party behind her, may care about my opinion on the canal matter?"

"You may think my thoughts are a bit strange, and you may think that I feel a little good about myself now, but what I want to say is that I do think so now, and more importantly, I still want to say that I have no opinion on the canal at all."

At night, at home in Los Gatos, Ethan held a fork in his left hand and a knife in his right.

That fierce action drew a slap, and Linda slapped her nephew's wrist, and then took away the table knife that might scratch someone.

But even so, the crisp slapping sound did not affect everyone. Thomas, who was sitting opposite him, swallowed the steak in his mouth before focusing his eyes on his daughter.

"You think so too?" Thomas asked.

"Uh-huh~" Evelyn pronounced it with a joan nose, but did not speak.

After sending Barbara away, Ethan decisively called his sister, called her home who was working in the company, and described to her the situation he just encountered.

When the girl heard the whole story, she immediately expressed doubts about the private conversation Barbara was looking for, and it seemed to her that the conversation that excluded her had no meaning.And at this moment, she was thinking the same as Ethan. The purpose of Barbara's trip was to win over Ethan. After all, as early as last year, Barbara had already taken the initiative to show her position to the two.

But at this time, the wooing...

What's the point?

"I think Barbara's behavior today is very weird."

Evelyn put down the knife and fork, wiped her mouth with a wet towel, and said: "Her behavior today seems a little eager, eager to prove to Ethan that what she supports, or that the donkey party she belongs to is all right, let Ethan not be prejudiced against it..."

"As for the rest?"

"It's not close to the general election. Even if she wants to lobby for votes, it's too early, right?"

"Oh—do you think so?" Thomas laughed at his daughter's words.

He glanced at Linda, and Linda, who had the same heart, got up immediately, went to the wine storage rack in the living room to help him get a bottle of wine, opened it and poured a glass, the guy shaking the light red liquid immediately yawned, and said: "You two have your own ghost ideas in making inventions, but you are too insensitive in other aspects. If you don't say anything else, let's just say that you voted for Jimmy last year. In your opinion, this may be a very small thing, but it must have been taken care of by those who care about it. People put it on record, like, for example, the donkey and the elephant."

'? '

Ethan and Evelyn squinted at the same time.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and a question mark appeared on their foreheads at the same time.

"Thomas?" Ethan called.

"Dad?" Evelyn also called out.

The doubtful voice made Thomas take a sip of the wine, and the sweetness mixed with alcohol made him pour a glass for the three of them, "This wine is good." He murmured to his wife with a smile, and then turned his eyes to the two of them, "Oh——" He sighed and said, "Why don't you feel this kind of thing at all? In our country, there is no such thing as a dull business. It didn't happen before, it doesn't exist now, and it won't happen in the future. Even if you rely on a good school, that won't work."

While drinking, Thomas babbled and said, "I said there is a reason why you can't get around these things, because every time there is a general election, candidates from the two parties will explain their campaign platforms to the public, and those contents are closely related to our lives."

"I'll take the farm that our family has been running for so many years as an example."

"During the election last year, Jimmy and Gerald put forward their own policies on agriculture. Jimmy said that he is a farmer and he has deep feelings for agriculture. He said that agriculture is one of the most important industries in our country, but also one of the industries that are not respected. He will find ways to increase the sales price of agricultural products and promote agricultural development. Gerald said that he will maintain the existing agricultural subsidies and tax incentives to protect the stability of the agricultural market, but he will also use diplomacy to improve the international competitiveness of the export of agricultural products."

"On the surface, they are all trying to please us farmers, but in reality? These policies have real meaning, because the agricultural associations of various states and the national agricultural associations will take these things to Washington to talk with them after they take office, and urge them to realize their original promises as soon as possible. Because we have land and people, generally speaking, no one will renege on their debts."

Speaking of this, Thomas suddenly asked: "Do you still remember that I told you before that the export price of our navel oranges was kept very low by the book?"

This question made the two of them think about it for a while, and then Evelyn nodded, "Yeah~ I seem to have said at the time that it is normal to lower the price of the book, because they will not be content with the status quo."

"Yes." Ethan also remembered this matter.

It's been a long time since this incident happened, it should have happened in [-].

At that time he...

It seems that "Snake" has not been done yet.

"That's right, but it's been resolved now." Thomas shook his glass and said, "Jimmy signed the Agricultural Trade Act this year. Next, he will increase the export of agricultural products. At the same time, he has already started negotiations with Benzi. He will ask Benzi to reduce tariffs on agricultural products and increase imports."

"This kind of effect that can be seen with the naked eye is the impact on our interests."

"And the video games you make now..."

"In fact, you can also reap similar benefits."

Ethan didn't understand, and his face showed doubts.

Evelyn was the same, looking at her father with her chin resting on one hand.

The confusion between the two caused Thomas to shake his head helplessly, "You two idiots." He cursed in a low voice, and then said: "Do you think video games are just entertainment? Oh--this is a fact, but this fact is not fully described. Because entertainment corresponds to huge influence."

"Let me give an example that may not be appropriate. The tax payable and actual tax payable in our agricultural industry are different every year, because it involves a lot of relief. I suggested that you build the manor in the form of agricultural management, because the part of the expenditure for building the manor can be counted as the production house in agricultural production. As farmers, you can live better in your own farmland. No one can control this, and the millions of expenses incurred as a result can be fully tax deducted."

"And what about your video games?"

"I don't know how your company pays taxes, but I know that video games are a big cake that everyone is greedy for. If in the future, someone says in the election that more taxes should be imposed on the entertainment industry, it may involve the video game industry. At this time, his opponent will definitely say that the current entertainment industry is very stable, and he will not introduce more tax provisions after he takes office. And this one... that is actually for you to see."

Thomas stared intently at the two of them.

The two guys sitting together were stunned.

"Should this have something to do with our income?" Evelyn was a little surprised, "Ethan, does what Thomas said have something to do with our influence?" She was puzzled.

"Probably?" Ethan felt that he understood, but he didn't seem to understand completely.


The appearance of the two silly fufus made Thomas look tangled, and said loudly: "Of course this has something to do with your influence! Because at that time, you can say to the public that the increase in taxes and fees may cause the price of video games to rise! When you release such words, it will definitely make those who like to play games very dissatisfied! Then they will definitely be affected when they vote!"

"How many people have not played your game now?"

"I've played it all!" Thomas turned to look at Linda.

Aunt Linda also nodded with a smile, "Baby, I have played too."

"This is influence!" Thomas liked his wife's answer very much, and continued: "When your statement affects the announcement of a campaign platform, you naturally gain influence! This kind of influence may be different from our family's farm, because those farmers are our most direct base, and those who follow us to eat will follow us unconditionally, and your influence in the game can affect the tangible interests of countless people!"

"You may not feel this way now, because even the law is lagging behind, but after time has passed, you will definitely be exposed to all of this. The most frightening thing is that so far, you can represent an industry. Other industries may need an association. But in the video game industry, when Atari and Mirov are unable to stand up and other companies cannot pose a threat to you, your will actually represents the will of the entire industry!"

"In this case, you will definitely be watched by politicians."

"They will use a magnifying glass to study your words and deeds, and study your preferences."

"Because it's all useful."

"For example, you are very close to Barbara now. The next time Jimmy campaigns, he says that in order to support the video game industry and make North American people enjoy more happiness, he will introduce a tax cut plan for the video game industry. At this time, as long as you publicly declare that Jimmy's bill will bring more room for discounts on video game prices, voters who like these things will vote for Jimmy."

Thomas put down his glass.

Cross your hands and rest your elbows on the table.

He looked at the two with a smile on his face, but Ethan and Evelyn...

The two understood what Thomas meant, but they still couldn't agree.

"Dad, the influence you mentioned is too random, isn't it?" Evelyn said.

"Uh...Thomas, why do I feel that you think too much?" Ethan also agreed with his sister's words, "Video games may affect some people, but their influence is also very nihilistic."

"No, No, No..." Although the two children refuted their views, Thomas was not angry, but shook his index finger and said: "If you think the support is not obvious, let's think about it in reverse. What if someone proposes to ban video games?"

"Like a cartoon?"

This question made Ethan and Evelyn frown.

And what Thomas said about the prohibition of comics actually happened more than 20 years ago.

In the 50s, a New York psychiatrist named Frederick Wertham published a book called "The Seduction of the Innocent", in which he accused comics of being the culprit of juvenile delinquency and psychological problems.

Once the book was published, it immediately attracted widespread attention from the whole society. The Senate immediately set up a subcommittee to investigate juvenile delinquency to review and question the comics industry. In order to avoid endless investigations by the judiciary, comics publishers had to unite to set up a comics censorship bureau and formulated a strict self-castration system.

This incident caused a huge blow to the comics industry in America, causing countless publishers to close down and countless cartoonists to lose their jobs. Among them, Marvel was the most hurt. After losing its publishing ability, it could only commit itself to DC, and DC also resolutely sold itself to Warner after it couldn't hold on.

However, the real culprit who caused the incident made a lot of money selling books and giving lectures, and later became an absolute expert in the field of juvenile psychiatry.

Although Ethan, who has future memories, knows that this kind of thing will never happen again, let alone in the field of video games, but at the same time, Ethan also understands what Thomas really means.

"Thomas, what you want to say is that in the future, if some parents come out and say that video games affect their children, or some experts come out and say that video games are addictive, then there will definitely be congressmen who will focus on this issue. At the same time, there will definitely be congressmen who will oppose this issue. Although they are all after fame and votes, at this time, players who want to get more happiness will definitely give the greatest support to those congressmen who defend video games."

“And those are the potential influences.”

"It's also the key to the possibility that the donkey and the elephant will stare at me, right?"

"Because the video game industry is so big, it can affect the employment of countless people and affect the income of countless people. The public opinion attack and defense launched for this can make them a lot of money."

Ethan and Thomas looked at each other and said their conclusions.

And his words made Thomas snap his fingers.

"Ethan! You're right!"

"This is your influence!"

"This is what you can bring to the donkey and elephant parties!"

"What are parliamentarians? They are real maggots! They never solve problems! They are the real manufacturers of all problems! Only intensified contradictions can reflect their value! And in the process, how to skillfully stir up topics and how to make the public pay attention to themselves is what they want to do most! And your position is actually very important to them!"

"Because which side we like, that means which side can enjoy the bonus of promoting video games?" Evelyn reacted mockingly and said: "When the voice of opposition sounds, the side we like can firmly support us? Although this may be superficial."

Although Evelyn kept asking questions, her tone was very certain.

After Thomas faced many questions from his daughter, he denied it in an easy-going tone: "I'm just a farmer, and I can't answer your questions about the distribution of benefits."

"But what I know is that after Ethan scolded Warner and the canal incident escalated, many people in our state contacted me again. They told me that our former governor will run again in [-]. He will promise the public to reduce taxes, especially the tax reduction for you rich people. He will find a way to stop the handover of the canal, because he is also a staunch patriot. At the same time, they also told me that our former governor likes Star Wars very much, movies, and games."


Ethan finally understood what he had mastered.

Gamers are a very large group, a group that crosses races and genders, as long as they are not stupid politicians, they will send a certain signal of goodwill to them.When they say they like games, it's the same as a New York real estate developer saying I like hamburgers, and they have fun with the people.

Moreover, this thing is very easy to pass the time. When people are addicted to it, they will naturally pay less attention to public opinion and criticism of social conflicts.

Just like Hollywood, give foreign countries the power of a role model, and give domestic satisfaction with a pacifier.

Such facts made Ethan shake his head with a smile, "I knew I wouldn't hate Warner."

"It's really causing a lot of trouble."

"But the problem is, whether you scold or not, they will come eventually, won't they?" Thomas was very dissatisfied with Ethan's ostrich mentality of refusing to communicate with politicians. He shook his head and said, "Ethan, many things don't exist without your contact."

“Take your factory, which must be running under the noses of many people now, because you have absorbed a lot of veterans. On the surface, you are providing jobs for your father’s comrades in arms, but Congressmen of both parties certainly don’t think so.”

"In their eyes, this may be an issue, right?" Ethan smiled, but his tone was very cold, "For example, if they need to apologize to these soldiers who have suffered injustice in the future, then Michael, who has received good treatment, may be invited to Washington."

"Because they are relatively normal, not extreme, able to communicate, and should have the willingness to cooperate."

Ethan remembered a joke he heard in his previous life.

When a huge and irreparable event occurs, what politicians need to do is not to save it, let nature happen, wait for everything to happen naturally, wait for everything to dissipate naturally, even if there are still people advocating justice a hundred years later, it does not matter, because at that time, for the sake of huge exposure, younger generations will admit their mistakes, apologize to the parties who are still alive, and compensate only a few parties involved.

By doing so, firstly, the pressure of public opinion at the time of the incident can be ignored, secondly, it can reduce the own responsibility for the rescue failure, and thirdly, it can rely on huge compensation that cannot be afforded.


Thomas poured another glass of wine and said with a smile: "Many things are like this. When you look up, you may see countless ugliness, because the real beauty is the pleasure of looking down, right?"

"Hey hey~" Thomas' words made Ethan raise his glass.

The two touched lightly, and the crisp voice aroused Evelyn's regret.

"So Barbara got into it too?" she asked.

"She is just fighting for her dream." Ethan gave his evaluation.

Although I haven't seen her for half a year, Barbara has become more utilitarian, but human nature is fickle.

As long as Barbara can obtain her own happiness and satisfaction in this change, it is a good thing for her. Ethan will bless her and congratulate her. As for his personal position?



"Go to Barbara tomorrow and tell her that you love her and support her. If there is a need in the future, you will donate in your own name to those donkey politicians who she thinks are great. Not only that, I will also make a video game with a female protagonist. Of course, the inventor is you."

"then you?"

"I...I'm not suitable for this kind of thing. I'm just a 22-year-old kid. I graduated from high school and haven't experienced higher education. I need time to slowly understand the world..."

In Ethan's view, his dear sister is the most suitable person to have a relationship with Barbara. First, they are of the same gender and naturally belong to the same camp. Second, they belong to the same school. This relationship is also a guarantee of natural communication. Third...

It's too far away from the version of the battle of the gods!
That's right!

If this is the 21st century, then Ethan Jones will definitely take the initiative to stack armor, but in the 70s?Forget it, the identity of the red neck is more useful.

Before the version is updated, Ethan will not take the initiative to engage in those messy things, but for future considerations, many things must be available.

And when Ethan said this, Evelyn, who understood what he meant, also agreed decisively. After the girl communicated with Barbara the next day, the news she brought back was mixed.

"Barbara regrets your decision to still want to study, but she supports your idea."

"At the same time, she was also very happy for my willingness to donate money and cooperation. She also expressed her expectation and happiness to the women you mentioned in the game. She can't wait to share this news with more friends."

"And since she has gained something, she will leave today."

"So fast?" Ethan was a little surprised.

"Yes." Evelyn nodded, "I came here just for you."

"Then she went straight back to work?" Ethan shook his head, "He's really a workaholic."

But Evelyn denied: "No, she said she was going to Arkansas because one of her juniors was there, and her junior became an attorney at Ross Law Firm, the oldest law firm west of the Mississippi this year, and also helped Jimmy organize all the campaigns in Indiana last year."

"After Jimmy was willing to bring women into the judiciary of our country, Barbara thought of her school girl and wanted to know if the other party would like to get a position in the federal judiciary."

"..." This whereabouts made Ethan a little speechless.

After pondering for a long time, he nodded in admiration and said, "All right, I wish Barbara success."

"Did Barbara say who her school girl is?" He was curious again.

"No." Evelyn shook her head, and said: "Barbara only told me that her junior is very powerful. Her junior participated in the impeachment against wiretapping back then. She was one of the only three female lawyers in the legal team, and her junior was only 26 years old at the time. If she hadn't returned to Arkansas with her husband, her junior would have gained a foothold in Washington..."

'? ? ? '

This description made Ethan frown.

He always felt as if he had heard about this experience somewhere.

And after he inquired about the list of lawyers involved in the impeachment case against wiretapping, a young woman's face made his hands tremble...


"Barbara's school girl is she?"


"What kind of outrageous relationship is this?"

 Note: ① Yes, Barbara's junior is the governor's wife. When they were not making a fortune, Barbara pulled the junior into Washington, so when they reached the top, they also sent the second female justice to the Supreme Court according to Barbara's recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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