Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 156 Results and "Personal Bodyguard"

Chapter 156 Results and "Personal Bodyguard"

In the cold and dark cosmic space, a spaceship containing the highest technology of civilization floats quietly against the background of deep space.

Unlike the usual high-tech appearance of spaceships, it looks rather unpretentious.

From the appearance, it does not have row upon row of complex structures, nor does it have any eye-catching unique shapes. It is like a huge streamlined "submarine", lying quietly in the space, unremarkable.

In fact, it is advancing at a speed of 8‰ of the speed of light, which is about 2400 kilometers per second relative to the parent star, and it is still in the acceleration stage. In the end, it will accelerate to 7% of the speed of light, and then move forward at a constant speed to the target star system at this speed .

Seven percent of the speed of light, that is the world's top speed exceeding [-] kilometers per second, and it is also the limit speed that the long-distance spacecraft built by their civilization can reach under normal conditions.

This is a miracle achieved by the entire civilization in terms of energy utilization, and it is the brainchild of its aerospace technology.

Thirty years ago, it circled the central star for the last time, accelerated its speed to 30km/s with the help of its huge gravitational force, and finally used the huge gravitational force of the giant planet to complete the acceleration when it was parked at the edge of the star system, thus achieving a "Jumped out" from the parent galaxy, passed through the unknown area on the edge of the interstellar, and "passed by" endless tiny celestial bodies.

Finally, it completely broke free from the gravity of the central star of the Crystal galaxy, and sailed into the void of the universe that had never been reached.

The distance between its current location and the closest celestial body in the Crystal Galaxy has exceeded one trillion kilometers, and it is still moving away rapidly.

This is the macroscopic celestial body closest to it at present, and in front of it, there is nothingness.The matter there is extremely thin and unevenly dispersed, and on average, there is not even one atom per cubic centimeter.

What kind of concept is this?Probably just throwing a grain of sand into a space of [-] cubic kilometers.

One trillion kilometers, such a long distance, is only 0.1 light years, and the whole voyage has just begun.

Under continuous acceleration, after only 10 years, its speed has reached the expected target, and then it begins to rely on inertial parking in the universe.In this process, except for necessary attitude adjustments, basically no energy will be consumed.

All civilized individuals began to take turns on duty to spend this long time.

If there is no accident, the distance of 50 light-years will take them more than 700 years. Even if their lifespan is generally much longer than that of lizardmen, they can basically live in zero units of time. Two hundred sidereal years or even more!

Even so, this is enough time to reproduce for more than a dozen generations. If the dormancy technology is not overcome, they will all die during this period.

But at this moment, the Lizardman Empire on the continent of Saran has just completed another transfer of power. The new emperor has ascended the throne and is striving to become stronger, continuing to launch a unification war against the surrounding powerful countries and barbarians.

At this time, there are still nearly 500 years before Zero wakes up from nothingness and the Zerg enters the world stage.


What are the Zerg doing now when the time goes back over 500 years?

Ten years have passed, and the swarms of insects have become more and more numerous in the four seas, and they can be found everywhere except the polar regions.

Now on the surface of the planet, more than 80.00% of the area has been explored by the Zerg, and they have even brought the deep sea into their range of activities.

In the deep underground of the land, continuously improved excavators have built Zerg bases one after another here, and a large number of Zerg swarms that have completed their exploration are dormant here.

Underneath a large island in the ocean, a vast Zerg base was established here.

After ten years of observation and statistics, the frequency of geological activities and natural disasters here is relatively low. Therefore, this place has become the final location of the SARS scientific research base.

The algae worms are expanding wildly in the ocean, and gradually have the appearance of covering the sky and the sun.The ecological environment of the ocean has been initially affected by the Zerg, and many plants that depend on sunlight for survival have died in pieces.

For a while, some sea creatures targeted algae as their feeding targets, but how could the energy unit developed by Sass for the Zerg be cheaper for them?

The emergence of algae is to replace the original life and provide energy for the Zerg. In the ocean, as the algae continue to expand, Zero gradually does not care much about the damage caused by the insects to the environment.

Although strictly speaking, the Zerg's dependence on the planet's environment has not been lifted. In addition to food, they also need air with stable composition and ratio, and water sources. These things need a suitable environment to maintain.

However, with the emergence of algae, Zero is already planning to replace the entire biosphere with the Zerg!
It has to be said that this is a bold and crazy plan, because it means that all other creatures on this planet have no need to exist.

However, it is not completely impossible to realize the possibility. The existence of the Zerg does not need a beautiful ecological environment, and they do not have this requirement, as long as the basic living conditions can be guaranteed.

If the ecological balance can be achieved under the leadership of the Zerg, it will undoubtedly be better.

Sass is still obsessed with advancing the basic science of the Zerg, but during this period, there are still some achievements that have to be mentioned.

With the massive reproduction of algal insects, the hoarders transformed more than ten years ago seem a little weak. At present, they can only have some functions on the mainland, but they are also on the verge of being eliminated.

In addition, collecting such small individual units is quite troublesome for every Zerg individual.

And dealing with these relatively tiny sources of energy is equally inconvenient.

As a result, a new class of troops came into being, they were specially responsible for collecting algal worms from the ocean, and their special structure could directly inhale large pieces of algae worms floating on the water surface into their stomachs.

It seems that its structure is not much different from that of the storage, but it is just an adaptive change, but it is not.

Because Sass did so much more than that, it made changes to the hatch itself once again.

The original hatchery, whether it was on land or in the ocean, basically followed the same principle, that is, to obtain energy through feeding, and this energy would be directly used to hatch newborn Zerg.

They themselves do not retain the energy they ingest. Generally speaking, they will use up the energy during the process of incubating the Zerg, and even if there is a little leftover, it is still needed for their daily activities.

The work Sass has done, in simple terms, is to combine the hatchery and the storage, allowing them to directly have the ability to store energy.

This is a big reason why hoarders are in an awkward position today.

However, doing so will inevitably allow the hatchery itself to inherit the huge size of the storer, so it is only useful in a base with a stable environment like today. If it is in a war, it has no chance to store energy. , still maintains the original basic functions, and naturally there is no trouble of getting bigger.

At the same time, the hatchery that permanently existed in the base was no longer what it was before. Under the leadership of Sass, it changed the original "feeding" mode.

If the swarm hatches directly while acquiring resources from the outside world, they no longer need to "eat" resources.

Because Sass designed an external organ specially used to "digest" the energy source, it was inspired by a carnivorous plant found during the swarm exploration, their digestive organs are directly exposed to the outside world, waiting for prey After taking the bait, it is directly digested on the spot and becomes its own nutrition.

The emergence of this point directly solves the problem of energy acquisition efficiency for hatcheries, because this kind of "plug-in" digester can be continuously increased as long as there is no thought, and it is not even a problem for multiple hatcheries to share.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the entire planet is basically under the control of the Zerg, and it is also an improvement made by Sass in the Zerg main base for his own research convenience.

Of course, the Zerg's achievements in the past ten years are far more than that. Among them, the most rapid growth is of course the Zerg field that is constantly growing with the expansion of the Zerg swarm.

Up to now, Zero even feels that there is almost no thinking barrier between Sass and himself. If Sass is compared to a part of Zero's brain with thinking ability, it is quite reasonable.

He can easily understand everything that Sass does, even if it is always a bug busy, it can't even take the initiative to get even a shred of inspiration from Zero's thinking, but until now, it is Zero , except that it is born with a special ability that even it itself can't explain clearly, everything has no secrets about zero.

The changes in the Zerg field don't stop there.

Today, the swarms have almost spread all over the world, the continent has become their exclusive stage, and the ocean has become the zerg's private land and back garden. Compared with ten years ago, their number has dropped by an order of magnitude.

Although most of them are generally dormant in their respective bases, each individual is providing more assistance for the strengthening of the Zerg field.

The most direct manifestation is that the research speed of SARS is getting faster and faster. Up to now, it has initially come into contact with one of the most core secrets of living beings - genetic material!
From the discovery of cells to the cognition of genetic material, this is the achievement of a complete civilization that would take hundreds of years to achieve without deliberately interfering.

Sass only used it for ten years. Of course, there was no lack of zero help and guidance, and it overcame too many possible mistakes, and clearly placed the goal in front of its eyes.

This saved a lot of time for Sass. Nevertheless, observing the true nature of the matter inside the nucleus from the cell level to the deep nucleus is enough to reflect the achievements of Sass over the years!

Even if it is only observed now and cannot really make a powerful intervention on it, this is still a great milestone achievement!

With a little help from Zero, it took ten years to achieve this step with the power of one insect. In addition to Sass himself being smart enough, the Zerg Field also played an irreplaceable role in this.

At least in Zero's memory, whether it's in the design of scientific research insect species used to observe the microcosm from generation to generation, or in the subsequent deduction of basic technological development, this invisible and intangible existence like a plug-in server has helped Sa There are many.

Therefore, in the Zerg system, it also plays an increasingly important role.

Zero doesn't know in which direction it will eventually evolve, but it is certain that its true role has only just manifested.

In the past ten years, Sass has devoted his energy to the exploration of the nature of the world, and will continue to explore in the future. Although his specific results have not yet been applied to the Zerg due to lack of cognition, but This day should not be too far away.

Zero is certainly not doing nothing in the process.In order to reward Sass, who is like a model worker, he personally proposed a unique unit of arms.

Rewards are called because they are only designed for Sass.

This is a worm species that consumes a lot of material once it hatches, and takes a lot of time to grow into a full body, and its cost performance is absolutely low to freezing point, because it is almost a variety of insects that have been integrated into the gene pool by SARS over the years. The characteristics of creatures are all mixed together.

Its overall shape is very unique, and there are structures that can adapt to various environments.Its wings are broad and powerful, allowing it to easily fly into the sky, while also maintaining its ability to breathe and move below the surface of the water.

The complexity and particularity of its body structure allows it to have the flying ability comparable to that of a flying dragon, and it can also run extremely fast on the ground, like a fish in water in the ocean, and even move slowly in the underground environment. Compared with clearly classified insect species, it is like a decathlon champion.

Needless to say, fangs and claws, such as mixing toxins, ultra-long-range vision, and even the production of micro blasters in emergencies are all within its capabilities.

It can be said that within the biosphere on this planet, there is almost no place it cannot go.

The only disadvantage is that it is a little bit bigger, more than four times bigger than ordinary aggressive insects.

However, such a terrifyingly huge creature, if viewed from the front, has an extremely uncoordinated part.

Its abdomen has a pocket-like design that can be opened and closed, which looks like a large kangaroo, which is incompatible with its huge and mighty appearance.

There is no way to do this, because the reason it was designed at any cost is for Sars.

The current scientific research activities of the swarm are almost entirely dependent on the SARS worm, and the discovery that it is inconvenient to move around the world requires it to handle it personally. It is too slow to rely solely on the turtle-like mobility of the sea hatchery some.

Therefore, this kind of insect species that consumes a lot of money but can indeed facilitate the movement of Sass came into being.

Because of the price-performance gap it reflects, it will not be incubated in large numbers as a conventional unit, but only exists in a very small amount.

It can be said to be a bodyguard, or it can be said to be a mount.

It was born to serve Sass, except for the various "weapons" on its body, everything about it was designed for the convenience of Sass.

If Sass needs to move long distances, it is his mount. With Zero’s precise navigation and Zerg’s supply bases all over the world to provide supplements along the way, any place on the entire planet that can be touched by any swarm, it can fly within a month. Can be reached anywhere!

The process is simple and rough, and you can leave immediately, and you will arrive within a month.For Sass, the environment is safe and comfortable, the voyage is fast and reliable, and it will not even affect its thinking and work on the way too much. Apart from being slightly funny, there are no other obvious shortcomings.

Of course, this is not within the scope of Zero's consideration. Sass' body structure is doomed to make it unable to be a majestic "Dragon Knight". more ridiculous.

Zero is a pragmatist, as long as it is useful, there is no doubt that this bug species can meet the needs.

If Sass is attacked, it will be the most loyal bodyguard and the last line of defense. If it is really invincible, it will take Sass away directly.Of course, the possibility of this happening is extremely small, almost non-existent.

So far, apart from Sommer's unexpected blow, no creature has been able to directly threaten the life of Sass.

However, this kind of attack against an important unit of the Zerg must always be guarded against, and this Zerg species is the first generation of guardians in the new era of the Zerg, and only exists as the "personal bodyguard" of the Cerebral Zerg.

(End of this chapter)

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