Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 158 The Germination of the Hive Will

Chapter 158 The Germination of the Hive Will

In this way, Zero has experienced a scene like a flower in a mirror of water for quite a long time. At first, he was still throbbing. The feeling like being separated by frosted glass made him very uncomfortable, but the feeling in the dark But it made him very concerned.

Until later, he calmed down a little bit. Although he still wanted to obtain effective information from these hazy pictures as much as possible, he no longer felt anxious.

He watched everything in front of him quietly, and his mind gradually calmed down.

Maybe these are closely related to him, maybe they may hide his own origin or other information, but he doesn't pay too much attention to these now.

This is not the state he entered actively, so Zero has nothing to ask for.Since he couldn't escape, he simply calmed down and let it go.


A big dream, I don't know the year.

When Zero once again felt the existence of the swarm, more than twenty years had passed.

Even if he didn't pay much attention to the hazy picture "played" from his own perspective, a "personal experience" with an extremely long span was enough to make him trance.

In fact, he still got some information about himself from it.Seriously speaking, before this incident happened, it was only more than seventy years with zero consciousness.

But now, when His will enveloped the swarm again, the time has come to 100 years.

It took more than twenty years to passively bring in another perspective, and what he saw was an extremely blurry version. Even if some of the pictures were familiar to him, it was not easy to maintain his sanity now.

Now, He already has the answer to the question of "Who am I" when he first woke up.

"who am I?"

Zero's tone was calm.

"I am who I am, I am the Zerg Master."

"I am—Zero!"

He remembered everything about the "dream" in his heart.Those important and unimportant things have already become a part of Him, so there is no need to care.

If that place still exists in this universe, in the future, he would like to lead the swarm to take a look.


Compared with his own "life experience", it was the changes brought about by the swarm that made him more happy.

Yes, if this big dream has brought any benefits to the Zerg, it is undoubtedly reflected in the Zerg field.

Zero didn't know the specific reason, and he reconfirmed their situation as soon as he re-observed the swarm.

——There is not much growth in the overall number.

But the Zerg field has actually changed.

Perhaps it was the "immersive" experience that was almost tortured for more than 20 years that strengthened his willpower. Before Zero had time to observe the specific changes of the Zerg, he immediately noticed the difference in the field.

Because in zero's perception, it seems to have a little "alive" feeling.

If before, the Zerg Field was nothing more than a plug-in processor with built-in memory for Sass, then now, it may have quietly completed its self-upgrade and possessed a touch of "intelligence".

If you want to make a metaphor, it's like forcing the most primitive AI on a desktop computer that still has a big butt.

Since the number of swarms has not increased significantly, its hardware has not been upgraded, but after Zero woke up from the "dream", it inexplicably has a little more spirituality.

It seems... can give all Zerg units a basic behavioral logic?

This is not zero's guess, but it depends on zero to exist, so he can know what it can do from the feeling.

Zero doesn't know where this "spirituality" comes from, but it is obviously two completely different things from the wisdom possessed by Sass.

There is no doubt that Sass is a highly intelligent and normal creature with emotions and emotions. Although he has been silent for a while without complaint, this does not prevent him from being rich in emotions.

But the change in the Zerg Field this time is more like adding a little intelligent system to a machine that can only operate mechanically, so that it can run according to the set program.

Not to mention emotions and emotions, it will not even exceed the set rules. It is a completely cold consciousness, which is not as good as ordinary Zerg with only instinct, but it is just a place to connect the entire Zerg. It is based on the field, so it has the ability to integrate all Zerg individuals in the field.

This is undoubtedly another big event that can change the evolutionary mileage of the Zerg race. Zero didn't expect that he would have such a wonderful harvest after suddenly having a big dream!

Although I don't know exactly how it happened, it may be related to my own experience in the past 20 years, but its changes can indeed help a lot.

Because this means that it is finally possible for Sass to command the entire swarm!

Speaking of Sass, before Zero had time to think about it, it had already contacted Zero immediately after re-feeling the dominant will covering the entire Zerg.

At the same time, all the Zerg individuals distributed and over the world once again felt the breath of zero, and then fell into dormancy again under the command of zero.

From Sass, Zero basically understood what the Zerg had experienced when he fell into the "dream".

At the beginning of the incident, Sass traveled around the world and used four months to end the chaotic state of the Zerg all over the planet and bring all the Zerg back to order.

However, due to its limited range of command, no matter where Sass is located, he cannot take care of all the Zerg bases.

Therefore, except for the main base used for scientific research, all other Zerg were basically forced to enter a dormant state.

For more than 20 years leading the Swarm alone, Sass has done little in terms of exploration and expansion for this reason.

During this time, it basically shrank inside the main base, silently conducting its own research.

On the entire planet, only the Zerg races here remain active, giving the various creatures that had been rattled by the Zerg races a chance to breathe again. During this period of time, they ushered in a long-lost golden age.

As for the achievements in scientific research, there are many, among which there are two important ones.

One is the observation and recording of the corresponding biological traits controlled by the previously determined genetic material.

After such a long time, Sass was finally able to free up his hands to observe and sort out this extremely complicated and numerous project in a more detailed manner, and now he has drawn some preliminary conclusions.

In this area, its next goal is to try to actively intervene in the genetic material of various corresponding traits, and to further research in a more essential direction.

Because through Zero's description, it already knows that the so-called genetic material in the nucleus is actually not completely the factor that controls the external characteristics of creatures, and the secrets of the Zerg itself are hidden in deeper, smaller structures.

According to Zero's habit, it called it - the base.

It also has a basic understanding of the movement characteristics of intracellular substances such as transcription and translation, and the rest is to figure out its underlying principles.

Exploring this direction in a more microcosm is the most suitable path for the development of the Zerg, so although he has obtained a lot of scientific research knowledge and achievements from the previous two well-developed lizard civilizations, Sass only focuses on this direction.

Of course, this is also due to Zero's inspiration. The lizard people's love for tools has reached a very high level, which is closely related to their social structure. The main purpose of their scientific research is actually to better serve individuals.

But the Zerg is different, Zero does not need to consider every individual of the Zerg, and the Zerg does not need to use tools like them.

All the weapons and needs are in their bodies, so he only needs to explore in this direction.

Of course, this is not to say that it is not important to explore the laws of the universe and the nature of the world. The only way for the world race.

However, each stage of development of the Zerg has its own focus.Now on the planet, the cognition of celestial bodies in the universe only exists on the planets under your feet. There is really no need to explore deeper issues, and there is no way to study them.

Even if Zero can put forward some opinions for reference in this regard, it is actually meaningless.

He really does not expect the Zerg to reach the first cosmic speed on the surface of the planet in a short period of time, so as to achieve the achievement of breaking away from the surface of the planet, which is unrealistic.

Space is the future of the Zerg. Zero never gave up, but the Zerg should have the Zerg's method. Referring to the knowledge in his mind, it may lead the Zerg to go astray.

In short, while this is a known path to success, it doesn't apply to the Zerg.

Zero doesn't know whether the Zerg will encounter other creatures in the future, whether their basic body structure will be consistent with that of this planet on a basic level, and whether the conclusions that Sass has drawn now can be put to the universe. None of these zeros can be determined without accurate fundamentals.

Thinking about it, it shouldn’t be. The Zerg’s research on science has only just started, and all they have come into contact with are creatures on this planet. For the entire universe, it is not even a drop in the ocean, so how dare they say that they have touched the world? The lowest essence.

But the Zerg grew up here, so it should naturally start from here. At present, this is the only way the Zerg can go.


Sass solved the problem of the Zerg's cold resistance, allowing the Zerg to land on the ice sheet smoothly, bringing it into their sphere of influence.

This point finally fell on the immune system, and he implanted a way to release heat by decomposing energy substances and strengthening the thermal insulation of the Zerg's outer skin to achieve this achievement.

Apart from much higher energy consumption, there are no other disadvantages.

Of course, the fundamental purpose of the Zerg to do this is not just to go to the polar region. There is nothing that the Zerg cares about, and the creatures that can be found have already been studied.

Doing this is just to try to expand Zero's field of vision so that he can look into the deep space.

The purpose is also to roughly confirm the position of the planet you are in in the star system, and make plans for the long-term development of the Zerg in advance.

Speaking of this, compared with the research on the microscopic level of biological structure, looking up at the starry sky can be regarded as one of the many subjects of SARS, but in this regard, due to the small amount of energy invested, the current results are also limited.

Based on the only conclusions, the Zerg's own planet should be a rocky planet. It is not known where it is located in the star system, but it is certain that it has a satellite that is far away.

Compared with those distant celestial bodies, it is really not difficult to observe this satellite. Even if Sass's main energy is not here, he basically has a clear understanding of the size and distance relationship between it and the planets under his feet. .

It is the main factor for the ebb and flow of the tide on this planet, and it also deeply affects the trajectory of this planet in all aspects, but because of the long distance, even in a clear night sky, it does not very bright.

However, it will not be clear until the Zerg has the ability to board its surface one day.

After learning about the basic development of the swarm from Sass, Zero didn't have any special thoughts.

20 years may seem like a long time, but for some technical difficulties, it is really nothing.Being able to achieve what it is now, Zero is not disappointed or happy.

At least it can be proved that SARS did not let himself go during this period, which is a good sign.

Compared with these, the changes in the Zerg field this time may bring greater changes to the Zerg.

In the past, except for the relatively clear instructions issued by Zero or Sass, the general Zerg units actually couldn't have a clearer purpose at all.

If they don't get instructions, they will act according to their instincts. Simply put, just like when Zero suddenly disappeared before, the purpose of all actions is to reproduce more of the same kind.

It doesn't sound like a bad thing, and as long as it is under Zero's control, this situation will basically not happen.

But Zero actually doesn't have that much energy to give each Zerg unit a clear order. Generally speaking, he orders the entire Zerg group to achieve a goal together, which is simple and rude.

As for how to achieve it, and whether there will be any task conflicts between individuals, he has no energy to control it at all, and basically depends on the innate tacit understanding of the Zerg.

Not to mention Sass, his ability in this area is simply not comparable to Zero.

But now it is different, the Zerg field can coordinate this, thus solving the problem of cooperation between Zerg individuals on a local basis.

When the Zerg individual is not ordered, it can coordinate the entire situation, move in a direction that is absolutely beneficial to the Zerg, and relatively reasonably arrange each Zerg individual to do what it should do or directly enter dormancy.

Of course, with its current intelligence, it is not enough to do this perfectly, and it still needs some summarization and "learning".

In addition, based on its characteristic of integrating the entire Zerg, in fact, it is equivalent to a large server that connects all Zerg individuals, which is actually equivalent to a special tool.

To illustrate with an inappropriate metaphor, Zero is equivalent to the highest administrator of this server and has all the permissions. Sass is below Zero and also has some permissions.

Unlike in the past, Sass can now transfer Zerg across regions through the Zerg field.Of course, the premise is to get the inspiration of zero.

Although it is not as convenient as using a medium to do it in a single thought, it finally solves a rather distressing problem that Zero has been facing for a long time.

Zero has not forgotten the initial positioning of Sass, it should not just be a scientific research insect species of the Zerg, it should play a greater role in the Zerg.

The role that the Zerg Field can play today is not the same as it was in the past.

It already has the original intelligence, so it should not be called "field" anymore.

Zero gave it a more resounding name - Hive Will!
 Thanks to the book friends [Lizi three years old] and [Heart of the Swarm] for 100 rewards each!
(End of this chapter)

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