Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 162 1 Light Years

Chapter 162 1 Light Years
The research and development process of various technologies is not controlled by Zero, which is the domain of Sass, although he has been able to directly learn everything it does through the will of the hive.

Zero observed his starry sky as always, and tried to make Sass constantly update his "observation instruments".

Time passed quietly in such a busy and leisurely day. Zero overlooked the entire planet and looked up at the endless starry sky in the distance.

After all, Sass’s research has made progress. At the extremely microscopic level, the boundaries between plants and animals have been quietly erased, and the substances containing genetic information determine everything, and finally lead different species in different directions.

Sass is like a gene thief. After trying it on himself, he feels that he has no obvious characteristics to try, and instead devotes his energy to the algae that he transformed with his own ability.

Here, it breaks through again.

The algal worm is a worm species transformed by Sass through the sea snail with its own unique ability. It is completely different from the general Zerg unit. If the original algal worm was not created by Sass, and they can Provide zero vision, he can even completely regard the Zerg and algae as two kinds of creatures.

Because algae, like other species on this planet, are capable of self-reproduction.

In other words, even if all worm species including Zero disappear, it will still be able to gain a foothold on this planet and eventually become a part of it!

Among the Zerg, except for the special hatchery, none of the other Zerg species has the ability to recover the number of companions after leaving the group.

In a sense, algae are more like a normal biological group than other insect species.

At least their individuals will always maintain a very high similarity. Unlike the swarm, even if they are of the same race, the flying dragon and the forager seem to be two completely different creatures.

This time, Sass conducted a more in-depth study on them, and the secrets about chlorophyll were revealed little by little. Sass is planning a kind of organism to replace the algae. As for the reason, it is still about the energy supply efficiency. .

To be honest, today's Zerg does not lack energy sources, but there is a problem that has been bothering Zero. The energy obtained from food is too inefficient.

It may be a bit abstract to say this, but the energy provided by the decomposition and transformation of sugar, Zero still feels a bit too rough.

It may be able to satisfy the Zerg's daily activities and reproduction, but if more is to be done, it will be difficult to satisfy people.

At least the space voyage, if it is powered by this thing, even if the Zerg gains a long life later, it will eventually become a pile of biological garbage in the universe, the efficiency is too low!
Even so, Zero did not ask Sass to be able to achieve it overnight, that is unrealistic.

Specifically how to improve the "purity" of energy is a rather broad subject.All Sass can do today is to make some changes in its output.

In addition to feeding themselves, the output of the original algal insects is to reproduce new algal insects. It can be said that they themselves are their most important energy output.

It took Sass a while to change this situation, that is, refer to the various crops that the Zerg had planted before, and convert them all into sugars through photosynthesis.

Of course, this has not changed in any way in essence. After all, SARS’s cognition of energy, in addition to various ingredients in food, the most important thing is sugar.

At this point, it requires more knowledge.

So although Zero still expresses dissatisfaction, it is the limit of what it can do at present.

Even so, as a result of this improvement, its energy supply effect is still greatly improved on the original basis.Because of the new algae production, its sugar content is much higher than the previous crop!

This is also thanks to the deeper research on genes, which allowed Sass to finally let the Zerg ignore the boundaries between creatures to a certain extent, and directly let them achieve such a result.

This should be regarded as an advanced version of the original algae, but unfortunately, there is still a huge gap from the powerful energy unit in Zero's mind.

It is impossible to say that he is not disappointed, but all the research process of Sass is in his eyes, so Zero is also very clear that with Sass' current level of cognition, he can only do this step.

To say it was disappointment was actually nothing more than a trivial emotion.Sass was able to make a breakthrough in the recent research on Zerg genes. In his opinion, it was a fluke, and he really shouldn't be too demanding.

Zerg's time is still long, so there is no need to rush for a moment.Ten years is not enough, then 20 years, 50 years!He can afford to wait.

However, the current zero does not realize how difficult it will be when it comes to research on energy.


There are countless forms of energy, and almost everything we encounter in our daily life is closely related to it. In the nature of the universe, it is everywhere.

It is a pity that although Sass has worked very hard, the use of energy by the Zerg only stays above chemical energy.

Through chemical reactions, during the process of decomposing large molecules into small molecules, along with the breaking or recombination of chemical bonds, the energy released is used by the Zerg to support their daily activities.

Lizardmen have more applications in this area. They use burning for heating, metal smelting, etc., and even create firearms. The level of energy utilization promotes the progress of society. Unfortunately, there is no black technology other than this. The presence.

Sass’s research in this area encountered a huge bottleneck here, because it found that no matter how the Zerg’s body changes, as long as it is still obtaining energy by eating compounds in the general sense, it is unlikely to use energy Beyond that, at least at this stage, is unlikely.

This has little to do with how the genes of the Zerg have changed, because the creatures on the entire planet today, except for microorganisms, are actually not much different from the Zerg in essence.

They may be able to convert the inorganic matter in the outside world into organic matter through photosynthesis and store it as energy. able to use.

The Zerg still haven't stopped their research on various creatures on the entire planet, incorporating them one by one into their own gene pool.

Zero knows that the violent reaction of certain compounds, such as combustion, can generate huge energy, but the problem is that the current small body of the Zerg can't bear this level of energy release, and how to use it reasonably is also a huge problem .

This involves all aspects, and it doesn't mean that mastering some superficial aspects of gene application can solve all problems.

Today, they can only accept relatively mild energy release methods, and how to solve this is another research project.


As the saying goes, there is no light in the east and light in the west. SARS, which has been unable to achieve results in energy, has made a huge breakthrough in the accurate "cutting" of genes.

Today, it basically has preliminary gene editing capabilities.Because in theory, it has been able to "splicing" different gene fragments in the body of newborn individuals of the Zerg, so as to obtain various expressions.

This means that as long as there are "samples" in the Zerg gene pool, even without the help of Sass, from then on, the Zerg can theoretically have the ability to transform itself!

Because the research results in this general sense are completely different from the unique ability of SARS, it is universal!That said, Zero would be able to do that too if it wanted to.

And if combined with Sass's natural ability, this transformation will become more arbitrary!
Zero sometimes thinks, maybe this is the combination of technology and metaphysics?

In his view, Sass' innate talent cannot be explained at all at present, even if the Zerg's research on life has penetrated to the genetic level, this is still a mystery.

What kind of mechanism does it use to achieve this, and what level of technology is involved? With zero cognition, I can't figure it out at all.

Therefore, for the time being, he can only use metaphysics to explain it, just like his own existence, and cannot get an answer.

Perhaps this is the end of science?
Zero couldn't help but think that those incomprehensible phenomena and technologies are like miracles in the eyes of lower civilizations, but perhaps their essence is just a natural phenomenon in the universe, which is not surprising at all.

As Sass pushed the Zerg's biological technology level to the level of gene editing, the "decoding project" of genetic material also kicked off.

This is destined to be a vast and lengthy process, and the huge information contained in it is definitely an extremely huge astronomical number. The secret of life hidden in the deepest part of the gene is far from that simple, and its arrangement and combination are so complicated that even zero Scalp tingling.

If he has a scalp.

The reason why it is said that SARS currently possesses the preliminary gene editing ability in theory is because it is still relatively inexperienced in this work.

Even if the Zerg has taken a big step in this direction, there is still a long way to go if they want to transform any needed Zerg species as they like.

All the secrets of ordinary life are hidden in these bases, waiting for the day when they will be deciphered by the Zerg.

Of course, maybe this ordinary life needs to get rid of SARS.So far, Zero has no idea what is the unexplorable and untouchable substance that makes the Zerg brain worms unreproducible. He believes that it may be difficult to find the answer in this pair of bases.

Even so, it still does not affect the far-reaching impact of this achievement on the Zerg.

Since waking up from zero, the ignorant ant colony has undergone various evolutions and mutations, until the Zerg was born and landed on the continent, and then swept the entire planet. Now they have even begun to grasp the secrets hidden in the biological genes. They only use Just under 200 years.

The superposition of various superior conditions has allowed them to develop from a small ant queen to such a degree that it has to be said that they are the darlings of this world, and the lizardman who was originally the overlord of the planet can only be regarded as an abandoned one at best. son.


In the dark deep space of the universe, a roughly streamlined spaceship is rapidly advancing towards the Ori Galaxy. Of course, in the context of the universe, it can also be said that the entire Ori Galaxy is approaching it rapidly.

At this time, it has been 700 years since it threw off the gravity of the central star of the Crystal galaxy and entered the real deep space!
After experiencing the first few decades of acceleration, it has been gliding in the universe for nearly 700 years at 49% of the speed of light, and the distance it has traveled exceeds [-] light-years, which is an extremely distant astronomical figure. If you count the kilometers known as zero, that is an exaggerated distance of hundreds of trillions of kilometers!

It can be said that most of the journey has been left behind by it.

At this time, it is 1 light-year away from the "Heprius" galaxy in the mouth of their group.

According to the original budget, they will slowly decelerate after gliding for five years. In 33 years, they will reduce their speed relative to the target star system from 50% of the speed of light to about [-] kilometers per second. In order to finally be able to successfully park in the target star system and find a new home.

This long journey, which lasted for more than seven hundred years, is coming to an end.

However, at this moment, all the civilized individuals in the entire spaceship have been awakened in advance. Except for those who died halfway and could no longer wake up, this octopus-like creature with a developed brain and many tentacles The last batch of individuals of the ocean civilization were all concentrated in the main control room.

Although they are civilizations born in the ocean, in the process of evolution, in order to adapt to the slow changes in the environment caused by various conditions, their bodies have a part of the ability to adapt to the external "dry" environment.

This is the most basic condition for them to be able to escape from water, a medium that is vital to their lives, and it is also one of the prerequisites for civilization to eventually go into space.

Later, based on this point, in order to develop aerospace technology, the scientific research force of the entire civilization was integrated, and a set of biological "space suits" were made for them, allowing them to move in the outer space for a short period of time. Does not receive fatal damage.

These undertakings and many scientific research achievements including materials and energy issues were all miraculously overcome problems in just 100 years!
It can be said that at the last moment, all the resources of their civilization were crazily piled up in this direction, so that the technology tree of the entire civilization became a relatively deformed one.

But this is not a problem, at least this effort is effective, and the fire of civilization is preserved. In a few decades, they will arrive at Heprius and their new homeland.

It's a pity that the journey has reached the final stage, and a serious problem has come to the fore at this time.

Although they once suffered a huge loss during the voyage, there is still a [-]% redundancy in energy, which is not much, but it can be said that there is still room. If luck is good enough, these energy sources are Barely enough.

But now, this problem has suddenly become extremely serious.

Although they haven't encountered any unacceptable huge losses in the past 100 years, in order to avoid various accidental risks during the journey, the original 0.4% energy redundancy has dropped sharply to [-]%!
 The exams in these two days will be updated from time to time until the 19th! ! The update will resume at 20:[-] on the [-]th. If you ask for leave, a single chapter will be issued. If there is no one, it will be updated normally.

(End of this chapter)

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