Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 165 Electromagnetic Waves

Chapter 165 Electromagnetic Waves

This will mean that the opponent's technological level is simply beyond the reach of the current Zerg and Zero!
Because even the ethnic group in zero memory is still quite far away from this step!

Not to mention the Zerg, they have just been born for only 200 years, and the most developed civilization they have seen is only in the age of firearms. How can they understand such a civilized group?
Regarding the other party's intelligence, Zero's eyes were completely blinded.If they have malicious intentions, the Zerg may not even be able to fight back!

How can a group of creatures that can't even enter space threaten the spaceships hanging high in the sky?
When he thought of the possibility of weapons full of science fiction, he couldn't figure out where the odds were.

However, the situation is not so bad, because one thing is certain.

If the opponent doesn't have any weapons such as star destroyers or planetary cannons that can cause devastating damage to the entire planet, at least it can still save the Zerg Zero.

Because the range of Zerg's activities today can even go deep into the ground, as long as there is one breath left, the Zerg will not perish.

Of course, this destructive damage also includes the complete destruction of the ecological environment, such as draining the atmosphere, which the current Zerg cannot resist.

Zero is not so worried about this point. The other party has come here from hundreds of millions of miles, so he won't come here to do such meaningless things.

Unless doing this kind of thing can generate any huge benefits for it.

But so far, these unreasonable guesses are nothing more than adding trouble.Although Zero hopes that he can always remain humble and in awe of the vast universe, and try not to use his limited cognition to speculate on unknown things, but what he can rely on now is only his own cognition.

If we speculate based on this, then the other party must have asked for something when he came here and observed it!
Fortunately, Zero had the foresight. Before that, most of the activities of the Zerg had stopped, and the only group had completely gone underground.

If this satellite does not have any black technology that he cannot understand, the other party should not be able to detect the existence of the Zerg hidden deep in the ground for a while.

And Zero's line of sight is enough to cover the entire surface of the planet, and their every move will completely fall into his eyes!
The so-called enemy is clear and we are dark, this is the only advantage of the Zerg now.

At this time, Zero didn't realize that the other party was just a group of cosmic refugees, and their real technology was far from being developed to the extent that they could destroy the planet. They came all the way here to survive.

But this does not affect him to carry forward his consistent spirit of being lenient to the enemy.For the existence of any civilization, Zero has always been vigilant enough, not to mention this kind of ethnic group that has an obvious crushing advantage over the Zerg in technology.

The so-called body has a sharp weapon, and the murderous intention arises.

Although the other party is only probing now, for the sake of caution, Zero didn't leave any room for optimism in his heart.

Under all unknown circumstances, for Zero, this is a huge crisis!

In fact, even zero can't do much at this stage.

The Zerg has no ability to attack enemy satellites far above the orbit, so they can only try their best to hide themselves and wait and see what happens.

Except for a few observers who are still hiding in hidden places and continuously observing the movement in the universe, there are almost no Zerg units on the surface.

Because Zero has no way of confirming the accuracy of the other party's detection satellites. Generally speaking, this kind of detection satellites is very likely to be able to achieve a level that is almost complete, so it is impossible to hide everything on the surface that is on the surface. over each other.

Although there is only one at present, and it is not yet possible to cover the whole world, but who knows what other arrangements the other party has?
He didn't want to expose the Zerg to the other party like this. This is the only advantage the Zerg has over them now.

The rest, such as the fierce numbers, are really not enough to rely on in the face of the huge technological gap.

Today's zero can only choose to lie dormant, waiting for the other party to reveal his purpose.

No matter what they came here for, as long as they took action, He would be able to obtain information, at least not as ignorant as they are now.


As expected, shortly thereafter, five consecutive artificial satellites arrived one after another, precisely adjusted their positions and orbits, and finally completed full coverage of the entire planet.

One and a half months later, the real spaceship finally revealed its true colors in Zero's field of vision.

Under the starry sky, a spaceship that is far from the high-level sci-fi feeling in Zero's mind gradually decelerated from the darkness, and finally cut in from the equatorial plane, and determined its own orbit at the periphery of the orbit around the satellite.

Zero watched all of this with a cold eye. The streamlined spaceship that looked ordinary and even a little tattered, and had experienced a long journey at first glance, was the focus of his attention.

Unexpectedly, he did not observe obvious traces of weapons on it, at least not the expected structure. Except for a slight defect, the entire hull is streamlined and quite smooth.

Of course, hidden attack units are not ruled out, which actually doesn't explain anything.However, those mottled impact marks still gave Ling some comfort, because it meant that the opponent might not be as powerful as he imagined.

The Zerg are trying to hide themselves, while Zero is quietly watching.

Under the vision that covers the entire planet, Zero is confident that as long as the other party moves, he will definitely gain something.

See what the other party is like, what kind of threat they are, and what they want to do here...

All actions have a purpose, and there must be the motivation of interests. In the face of such a seemingly powerful enemy, understanding the logic of the opponent's behavior is the prerequisite for dealing with them.


In the spaceship, this is the time to discuss the next move.

On the way the spacecraft came, the satellites had collected a lot of information.They have initially figured out the current situation of this planet, and they also basically understand the environment that the civilization recovery operation is facing today.

Jimenez is the supreme leader of this team that implements the civilization recovery plan.Of course, in this plan related to the continuation of civilization, he has not been given the authority to act completely arbitrarily. All the individuals here are existences carefully selected by civilization. Questions, they will all discuss and make choices based on the simple majority principle. When there is a dispute, it will be Jimenez who will make the final decision.

Today, Jimenez is acting as the narrator, summarizing and introducing the information collected by satellites during this period to the 211 remaining civilized individuals who have all awakened.

In the main control room, silent fluctuations are spreading rapidly.

"Consistent with previous judgments, there are indeed traces of civilization here, but so far, we have not found any traces of space activities.

Under the monitoring of satellites, we have found evidence of the existence of civilization on the land on the surface of the planet, strange planned buildings, distinctive man-made facilities, tools of unknown purpose, etc.

It is preliminarily determined that the development of the indigenous civilization here is only at the initial stage, which is roughly equivalent to us 1800 years ago, and it should be a strange land civilization, so there is a high probability that it will not pose a threat to us.

However, it is still necessary to wait until the advance team lands before making a preliminary judgment.

In addition, this place can almost be said to be a paradise for life, and it is not much better than the parent star, no, it is even better.

After this period of observation, the climate here is relatively stable, and geological activities are quite rare compared to the parent star.

The most important thing is that it is consistent with the conclusion of the parent star before departure, its surface has an ocean that accounts for as much as 82%, and the land only occupies 18%, which is almost perfectly in line with our expectations. "

The fluctuations maintain a relatively stable frequency, and continue to transmit information to all surrounding civilization elites.

"As for the specific ecological environment and how it will affect our bodies, this point still needs direct sampling research, and it is also the first step in the plan to restart civilized activities.

But there is one thing that is very strange. We found traces of the activities of the indigenous civilization here. According to the size of its buildings, its body size should be directly observed by satellites.

However, during this period of time, our satellites did not find any traces of directing biological activities, and those buildings also seemed to have signs of decay and collapse. It is not yet certain whether it is a characteristic of civilization, and it is temporarily impossible to make a judgment.

It is speculated that it may be a lost relic of civilization, which also needs to be ascertained by the advance team. "

"In the next step, we need to verify the suitability of the planet's environment, including the atmosphere, ocean, biology and other aspects. Everyone already knows the specific information. The first batch of exploration teams is expected to be five people, carrying simple scientific research studios, weapon units, Communication units, life support units, etc. enter the ocean to collect samples and conduct preliminary analysis for a period of [-] sidereal days.

It should be noted that the advance team will not have contact with the other civilization for the time being, and try not to approach the area where civilization exists, and judge after completing the environmental inspection. "

"The landing pod is ready, and the coordinates of the target location are xx xxx.xxx.xx, which is far away from the mainland and is the most suitable landing location. According to the plan, the advance team will set off immediately, and the satellite in the main control room of the spacecraft will provide precise navigation."


Zero looked indifferently at the unknown aircraft that was released from the spaceship, and watched it complete its backward deceleration. When it slowed down to the lowest speed around the orbit, that is, below the first cosmic speed, it moved towards the vast ocean in a parabolic arc. Falling somewhere.

Although its shape is regular, and the internal structure and creatures cannot be glimpsed, Zero still concludes that this must be the landing pod without a doubt.

Its external heat insulation material rubbed against the atmosphere, emitting a strong flame. During this process, the speed was also continuously decreasing, and finally stabilized inside the atmosphere, and it precisely adjusted its position and heading in a jet flight attitude. Indeed, there is a fairly precise destination.

Zero didn't act rashly, just observed quietly.Of course, he is quite envious of this obvious high-tech product, but the situation is unclear now, and Zero can only put all his thoughts in his heart and wait and see the changes.

I saw that this aircraft, which seemed to be in line with the low-key temperament of the spacecraft, finally extinguished its engine above the sea surface, and plunged into the sea water.

Although a little puzzled, Zero remained unmoved.Because even in the deep sea, he still has a general sense of vision, and the opponent's every move cannot escape Zero's gaze.

The other party was very cautious. When Zero saw the aircraft enter the ocean, it was able to advance rapidly in the sea water, and then it seemed to have reached the designated position, and finally suspended in the sea water.

Thereafter, part of the seawater and the air above the surface of the sea were drawn separately, seemingly through a pipe extraction device.

Zero is not completely sure, all of this is guesswork made through the behavior of the other party.

It is indeed a reasonable guess to verify the composition of the atmosphere and seawater, and it is also quite accurate.

If this speculation is true, then the other party's purpose has been exposed, at least part of it has been exposed.

Sign in!

Landing is to seek benefits on the planet, and as long as the other party is not here purely for destruction, then no matter how strong their technology is, there will be much more room for the Zerg to operate!

Zero doesn't believe that they will leave after just coming to the surface of the planet to collect a sample. Their spaceship has been damaged. It is obvious that they paid a certain price to get here, and the other party is so determined, which can only represent one thing. That is, the gains from here more than make up for all the losses along the way.

And the other party doesn't seem to have the intention of violent destruction, that is to say, this benefit will not be some kind of illusory existence that I can't understand because the star core of the living planet is more unique and can have any special functions.

It's just above the surface.

So what does Ori have that other planets don't have?
A superior environment suitable for the existence of life!
Zero felt that he should have grasped the key point. If the other party was not pursuing something beyond his own understanding, the only thing that could make sense was this.

It is not impossible for the other party to come here for this, or some important scientific investigation, or colonization activities, or even kidnap a few aborigines for biological research.

If this is the case, it is actually very difficult for the opponent to deal a fatal blow to the Zerg. Ensuring this is very important for Zero.

He doesn't know that this group of alien "friends" who came from afar is a refugee civilization with a severely biased technological tree, let alone planetary cannons and other destructive space-based weapons. In terms of biotechnology, They are not even as knowledgeable as Zerg Sass!

Of course, compared to the lizardmen, there is no doubt that the heavens and the earth are in the sky. If the lizardmen are still the masters of the planet at this moment, even if it has been 200 years since the Zerg started the war, they want to develop to deal with the constant It is absolutely impossible for aliens to have the ability to travel between stars.

Facing these invaders, only the Zerg has the power to fight.

The inspection of the air and seawater seemed to have cost the other party some energy. Zero did not observe any creatures coming out of the aircraft, but the will of the hive covering the entire planet felt a strange signal!

The Hive Will is a collection of Zerg consciousness. It is powerful because of the strength of the Zerg, and it will also perish due to the decline of the Zerg, just like Zero itself, but its extinction condition is much lower than that of Zero. If the Zerg When the decay reaches a certain level, there is no need to touch death at all, it will disappear as suddenly as it appeared.

The hive consciousness is not an entity, but an illusory existence that Zero cannot touch temporarily.

In addition to zero, it can be said that it represents the entire Zerg including Sass!After it appeared, Zero also understood why the previous Zerg individuals obviously did not have sound wave receiving organs, but they were able to collect the sounds from various substances in nature.

Because that was not "heard" by the individual of the Zerg, but was received by the will of the Hive, which was so weak at that time that it had no external expression ability at all!
All the information transmission of the Zerg is basically related to the will of the hive. Even the individuals of the Zerg within the direct influence of Sass must go through the will of the hive to receive orders.

Even including the communication between Zero and Sass, the brain wave information that he originally thought was actually the information transfer through the will of the hive that had not yet appeared at that time, and then "translated" into information that each could understand!

It can be said that the only thing above the will of the hive is Zero's own will to dominate.And the former now, as the Zerg grows stronger, it seems that it can not only capture the sound wave information from the outside world, but it can do more!
Yes, the hive will is not the same as Zero's will to dominate. At present, there is no difference in scope between the two. They also cover the entire Zerg, covering every area within the Zerg's sphere of influence.But the fundamental difference between the two lies in belonging and being subordinated, in other words, in the level of authority.

Zero can do anything it can with the help of the Hive Will, which has no emotion and only the instinct of the Zerg, but the reverse is completely unfeasible.

But this time, Zero felt an incomprehensible signal through the will of the hive!

Feeling is not receiving, because today's hive will can't receive such a signal at all!

This has never been felt before on this planet!This one is pretty sure.

When the Zerg has grown to the point of being invincible on the surface of this planet, and can only fall into dormancy to maintain the macroscopic existence of the will of the Hive, Zero has received quite a lot of information from the natural world through it, including but not limited to marine life. Calls that cannot be captured under certain circumstances, information about bat hunting activities, signals with unique frequencies before natural disasters, etc.

These are all the functions of the will of the hive after the Zerg grows, but he has never felt the existence of such a signal. The hive will of a planet, but failed to capture it, it is like...

Just the same!
Zero reacted immediately, this is an electromagnetic wave!

This is the other party communicating with satellites or spaceships in the sky through electromagnetic waves!
It is unknown what information they have passed on to each other. The Zerg have no means to capture this information, let alone decipher it.

But one thing is certain, the other party must have received some instructions, because Zero discovered that the alien aircraft suspended in the ocean started to move again!

(End of this chapter)

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