Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 236 Force Fields and Dimensional Channels

Chapter 236 Force Fields and Dimensional Channels
The other party showed an unexpected "docility" and remained indifferent to the annoying harassment from the Zerg, which made Viser a little puzzled for a while.

To put it another way, if someone dropped a few nuclear bombs on the Ori track occupied by the Zerg, even if it didn't cause much damage, and the Zerg has the ability to easily kill each other, then Zero will definitely not Be stingy with those who take the initiative to give the other party a ride.

But here, the Zerg base swaggeringly settling outside the galaxy, and even the Zerg swarm who took the initiative to provoke from a certain distance did not receive any attack.

Even when the Zerg space unit approached with a space energy cannon, the opponent did not make any obvious reaction.

That's weird, especially for a creature.

Either, it is determined that the Zerg's attack cannot cause damage to it, or there are some defects or limitations in this creature itself that prevent it from doing so.

However, this is not a bad thing for the Zerg at the moment. As long as the temptation starts, no matter how it responds, it will ultimately benefit the Zerg.

At this moment, another experiment on it is already on the way.

After so many trials, Viser had already let go of his original cautiousness, so the entire Zerg space unit, which was an attack unit except for the propulsion system and energy supply system, slowly slid into the interior of the galaxy.

The insect swarms that had died in large numbers before had used their lives to help it test out a rough lethal range, and it only needed to launch an attack outside this range.

A fairly simple mission.

Time passed little by little, and the energy attack launched by the Zerg space unit arrived as expected.

Although it had been expected before, when the beam of high-energy plasma that was enough to dissolve and destroy the asteroid continued to irradiate the planet, Viser still couldn't help being a little disappointed.

It's not because the other party didn't respond. In fact, during this attack, the Zerg scientific research unit observed obvious high-energy fluctuations, which meant that "it" was active.

But that's all, the Zerg's attack didn't work, at least it didn't cause much damage to the opponent.Because in the observation, these attacks are like mud cows entering the sea, and they disappeared without touching the planetary entity at all.

It is certain that, in a sense, the Zerg's attack did "touch" the opponent, but the effect was obviously not good, and it failed to even provoke it.

The speculation before the action may have turned into reality. While it is immune to physical attacks, it also seems to have strong resistance to energy attacks. What's more, it is not impossible for this energy attack to be directly absorbed by it.

Zero doesn't know if the other party has feedback on "pain", but as a creature, it must have its own unique information characteristics, so that it can show some of the characteristics shared by living bodies, otherwise it is just a mass of cohesive energy That's all.

Then assuming that the Zerg's attack caused it damage, there is no reason for it to be attacked without any changes, unless - this attack is useless to it or simply beneficial.

Visser's disappointment did not last long. After all, this was expected. No matter what, at least he could encounter it in this way, instead of being unable to achieve success like all previous attack methods.

In the pitch-black deep space of the universe, the Zerg space unit that completed the energy attack but was not violently killed by the opponent as expected, under the leadership of Visser, opened the energy shield that was originally used to defend against the opponent's counterattack , accelerating towards the orbit of the planet.

This will be the last link in this test. It seems that there is no hope for the attack. It is still unknown whether the energy shield can defend against its attack.

In the field of vision of the Zerg detectors, the energy fluctuations around this space worm species increased to the extreme in an instant. However, when it came into contact with some unknown existence, this strong energy fluctuation disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. It lowered rapidly until it disappeared, that is, at this time, the insect lost its life characteristics in an instant.

This was also a not-so-successful test, and it still failed to cause the other party to move obviously, which meant that it still "didn't care".

But this does not mean that Viser got nothing. This is the first time that the Zerg unit did not die immediately under the attack of the opponent. This bought Viser, who was paying close attention to it, valuable observation time.

At least from this, a preliminary judgment can be made, that is, the opponent's attack method is very likely to be all-round energy penetration, and the Zerg's energy shield is not completely defenseless.

It is certain that in the process of attacking the Zerg, it failed to directly cross the energy shield. Instead, it first exhausted or extracted all its energy before acting directly on the Zerg itself.

It's just that this process is still unexpectedly short, and the opponent's restraint on energy makes Viser feel a little helpless.

The option of using energy weapons to attack is excluded by it. With the abilities shown by the opponent, there is a high probability that even if the energy crystal is used to drive the attack, it will have the same effect.

So, what other means can achieve the purpose of killing or injuring it, or at least expelling it?

Not only Visser was thinking about these issues, but Zero was thinking too.

It is known that the opponent is a kind of energy life, and it is immune to physical attacks, and has a very high resistance to energy attacks, so how to cause damage to it?
Zero recalled his original thinking about energy.Whether it's controllable nuclear fusion or today's energy weapons, intelligent civilizations have shown enough vigilance against this existence like a double-edged sword. They use various means to restrain it and direct energy to the required direction.

If the direct energy attack is ineffective, perhaps it is a possible solution to try through this restraint method. Anyway, "it" is there, with an "arrogant" appearance that allows me to attack me and stand still .

Now the most effective way for the Velvets to restrain energy weapons is to control them in the form of a strong electromagnetic field. Viser plans to start from this aspect and make another attempt.


At the same time that Visser was ordered to find a solution to the unknown energy life in the Lyman galaxy, in 1296 of the Zerg, several Zerg scientific research units that followed Ruhr into the passage from Krichtel five years ago changed from SH- Galaxy 009 appeared from the suddenly opened exit.

Ruhr is not among them, obviously it still stays in the channel, faithfully carrying out its mission.

However, the appearance of the Zerg scientific research unit means that it has determined the exit location from Krichtel to the SH-009 galaxy. If the next time Krichtel's passage is opened, a Zerg unit can emerge from it, then Meaning it thoroughly confirms the relative position between the two exits.

From then on, the transportation of materials and even troops across galaxies using the vein channel as a carrier can be initially put on the agenda.

Of course, due to the limitations of the passage entrance, it seems that it still cannot be of great use at present, but the research results of the Velvet Federation in this regard have given Zero a moderate surprise.

The diversity of thinking of intelligent civilization is very important in scientific research activities, especially after the civilization has developed to a certain level.And this has always been the biggest shortcoming that the Zerg has faced in scientific research.

But since the Velvet civilization was exposed to the Zerg's vision, Zero seems to have found a new answer to this long-standing problem.

The establishment of a special research team based on the best scientific research talents in the entire civilization, with honor and interests as the internal drive, made these federal elites burst out with extremely high enthusiasm for scientific research.

Since the establishment of the energy ore vein research project in 1266, the Velvet people have spent 14 years completing the reconstruction of the channel observation system, allowing it to further meet the needs of more advanced scientific research.

During this period, the research on gravitational creation and restraint has never stopped.Although the entire project can be roughly divided into two major directions: gravity and passage, there has been no clear boundary between the two since their establishment. After all, they all serve the same goal.

In the past 30 years, six gravitational fluctuations have been observed in the three passages in Civilization, and the changes in various parameters during the process have been observed and recorded.

With the support of channel observation data, the force field research that has been stagnant for hundreds of years has once again opened a window to the Velvets.

In 1293, the original gravity bomb came out. Although it destroyed the laboratory used to contain it at the beginning of its birth, causing a large number of precious scientific research equipment to be damaged due to violent gravity collapse, no one felt sorry for it.

Because this represents the first time the Federation has made a major breakthrough in fundamental strength!It represents not only the gravity bomb as an attack method, but more importantly, it is another answer to the nature of the universe!
In the previous application of energy weapons, they have applied the electromagnetic force to the limit that can be achieved so far, and firmly restrained the drastic energy changes within a controllable level.

Now, once more, gravity opens its arms to them

The grand unification theory of fundamental forces has been highly valued since the cognition of them by civilization. In the federal scientific community, it is generally regarded as the "key" to open the future!
Because in theory, the unity of fundamental forces can explain all phenomena in the universe!

Although the current Velvets are still far away from this step, the current breakthrough in gravity is undoubtedly a big step forward!

Although gravity bombs or gravitational bombs are just a superficial application of basic force, there is no doubt that this is equivalent to kicking open the previously closed door, revealing the real mystery behind the door little by little!The so-called accumulation of steps and even thousands of miles, the progress of civilization is to move forward little by little in this way.

Of course, from the birth of the theory to the verification and then to the maturity of the technology, it takes time to settle during this period.

Just covering the size of a room is not the ultimate goal of zero, it is just born, and there is still considerable development potential.

In 1296 of the Zerg, after three years of concentrated and rapid development, the Velvets advanced it to the level of actual combat application for the first time. .

Of course, what kind of role it can play in this requires follow-up observations.

At the end of 1296, in the Space Dock of the Ninth Colonial Galaxy of the Velvet Federation, a gravity bomb capable of instantly causing a gravitational collapse effect comparable to ordinary rocky planets was loaded on a mechanical spacecraft and left the home port, heading for the target area.

The fleeting and huge gravitational collapse is enough to cause nearby macroscopic objects to twist and destroy in an instant. All this has a certain similarity with the phenomenon when the mineral vein channel is opened. Let the two proceed simultaneously and observe the process and final result. The result is the mission of this trip.

The Ninth Colonial Galaxy of the Federation, here, was once the location where the Zerg first arrived through the mine vein passage, and it was also the area that the Velvet people focused on for the past hundred years.

At this time, the first gravity weapon in the history of civilization was ushered in here. It was housed inside the spaceship and slowly approached the predetermined coordinates.

What the Velvet people need to grasp is to detonate this huge force that is strictly restrained in that small area at the same time as the passage is opened in that short moment, so that the two can happen at the same time!

This is not difficult to achieve. When Pope was still an ordinary researcher, he had solved the problem of accurately predicting the opening time of the channel within two months before it opened by means of continuous observation.

At this moment, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

All the Velvets who knew about it, including the Zerg cerebrates and Zero, were paying attention here, waiting for that specific moment.

"Attention, the gravitational bomb is in place, confirm the orbit synchronization, and start the evacuation of personnel."


"Personnel evacuation is complete, the observation system is in the first self-check..."


"The third self-inspection is completed, everything is normal... The target is expected to arrive in 2.6 standard time."


"Precise time setting, ready to detonate!"

Through various observation devices, all the Velvets controlled by the Zerg and participating in the direct or indirect promotion of this project, including Zero himself, are paying attention to this experiment, witnessing the achievements of decades of hard work.

Finally, when the long-awaited soft light flashed in this star field, the countdown of the gravitational bomb also reset to zero simultaneously, and it was detonated at the exit of the passage at the same instant!

The observation ships and instruments distributed around all recorded the extremely chaotic gravitational field at this moment. If there is any substance with macroscopic mass near the exit of the channel, it will shatter and melt at this moment due to the extremely complicated force .

This is by far the most powerful weapon created by the Velvets, and at this moment it has fulfilled its due mission!

They did it!The light that was supposed to be fleeting did not disappear immediately this time, but paused for a few seconds!
Afterwards, the gravitational chaos displayed by the monitoring instruments quickly stabilized as time passed, as if a pair of stable hands slowly smoothed out the folds of the space, and finally quickly returned to its original state.

However, within this short period of time, Ruhr, who was waiting inside the passage for Krichtel or the SH-009 galaxy passage to open again, observed a strange scene!
The originally ubiquitous but untouchable brilliant light inside the channel began to "flow" violently in the same direction in a very short period of time!
It's as if a vertically downward cavity suddenly appeared at the bottom of the lake, pulling a large amount of "water" in the lake to rush there!

It can feel that the "hole" should not be far away from where it is, but the instruction to complete zero is its first choice, so it did not go there in time.

This phenomenon stopped very quickly, even if Ruhr had taken action before, this time was simply too late.

But in the outside world at this time, after all the visions ended in just a few seconds, the Velvet people staying around the synchronous orbit had no time to worry too much.

The exit of the channel has not been permanently opened because of this, which can be determined from the rapid return to normal gravitational changes.

But where the original mineral vein passage was, a batch of energy mineral veins displayed an alluring light on the panel of the detection instrument!
97 stars!
This is the average total output of the three energy mines of the Federation for 41 years in normal times!
In order to meet the needs of faster-than-light navigation, the Velvet people have been frugal in energy crystals for many years. In order to get rid of their dependence on them, the search and research on alternative energy sources have never stopped.But at this moment, they seem to see a bright future!
If there was enough energy support back then, the current federal territory, at least the exploration territory, would have expanded by more than five times.

In comparison, even if the cost of a gravitational bomb is high, what is it?


Compared to the Velvets, Zero is also very happy.Cerebral worms indirectly participated in their research process, all of which can be learned directly without even going to the database.

Now that they have achieved such a result, it means that the cerebrates only need to complete the Zergization of the gravitational bomb to get the same effect!

At this moment, Zero finally realized what it was like to use the scientific research power of an entire civilization for his own use.If only a few brain worms study day and night, it is unknown how long it will take to reach this level.

This feeling of secretly guiding other civilizations to serve him made Zero feel at ease after a long absence.

The harvesting of energy crystals is the part that the federal officials are most concerned about in this experiment. Although they are also very happy about it, Pope and other senior federal researchers still need to do a lot. The processing of the recorded data.

For them, this is the most precious information obtained in this experiment. As for those energy crystals, they are just accessories.

These data are related to the correctness of the previous conclusions, as well as the direction of future research on the vein channel, and it is also the crystallization of decades of work by the entire scientific research team!

Pope and others were busy working as soon as the data was transmitted back.

Today, the originally young Pope is no longer young. Although the Velvet has a long lifespan and he has been injected with the highest quality life-prolonging potion, even so, from the time the Zerg appeared in 1109 to the present Nearly 200 years later, his physical condition inevitably went downhill.

The prime of life has gradually left him, and Pope is slowly moving towards old age.

Therefore, he cherishes his time very much and does not want to waste it.

For the scientific research of the Velvets, Sass followed up the whole process, and at the same time mobilized the power of the idle cerebrates to help the Velvets advance the scientific research progress secretly as much as possible.

Time pays off.

With the most cutting-edge scientific research data and the most elite scientific research talents in two different civilizations, it took 16 months to study the data obtained from previous experiments. Pope's team is the first in the history of civilization. For once a credible conclusion about the passage of the vein was drawn.

——That is to say, this so-called vein channel is not a simple high-dimensional space as previously guessed and evaluated, but a special existence between three-dimensional and high-dimensional. The form of appears in the three-dimensional universe and is directly observed by civilization.

At the same time, there is a conjecture with higher credibility that accompanies this definite conclusion.That is, perhaps it is precisely because of its unstable characteristics that it releases a huge amount of energy, thus giving birth to a special energy crystal.

But there is no way to prove this yet.

Determined the nature of the vein channel, providing a practical basis for the Velvet people on the dimension research.In order to distinguish it from the three-dimensional real universe, they named this special dimension—the secondary dimension space!
(End of this chapter)

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