Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 244 Armed Rule

Chapter 244 Armed Rule
Ideas like Sims' are only the thinking of moderates in the military.

And in a civilization, no matter how liberal it is, there will always be some racists.They are always resistant to outsiders, especially alien intelligent races that are completely different from them.

The Velvet Federation is certainly no exception.

For these people, carrying out the Great Purge is the best destination for these Brochers.Such a weak civilization does not deserve superior conditions, and the Federation does not need other races to exist.

This kind of extreme xenophobia is actually not a minority within the military. It's just that the Federation has always adhered to the original code of conduct, and the strong political system ensures the normal operation of the Federation, which prevents them from standing on the stage.

But then again, these ethnic minorities who have been adopted by the federation have played a significant role in the development of society over the years. They may not be indispensable, but they have indeed made the federation better.

Whether or not to be xenophobic is just a matter of civilizational tendencies. Seriously speaking, there is no right or wrong. After all, in the Federation, the Velvets are the undisputed subjects, and this is their civilization.

Of course, the Velvet people are not philanthropists. For this indigenous civilization, a space vehicle entering the atmosphere of its home star is not just for sightseeing.

Eliminating the remaining armed forces is one aspect, but the other aspect is much simpler.

Biological experiments!And it is an aboveboard biological experiment.Capture, take away, everything is simple and unpretentious, and in front of the entire Brochet civilization, there is no disguise.

The Zerg units back then could be said to have enabled the Velvet people to make great gains in biotechnology. Even if we don't mention the powerful life-extending potions, the outer armor of today's Federation battleships all have their contribution.

But now, these Brochers are the Zerg of the past!Even if they cannot provide such significant value, research on unfamiliar species has always been a reserved project of the Velvet people.


In ordinary times, some people may have imagined what it would be like when aliens arrived. There are even some excellent works of art, showing the vastness and vastness of the universe to the public in a unique form, full of yearning for the future.

But when a real alien civilization invades, no one will have any hope for such a future, because they bring real killing and terror, but there are no heroes like those in works of art who can stand up and save the world.

The airspace of the Brocher home planet has been completely occupied. Even though the civilization still has a very small amount of aviation power, it is completely unable to pose a threat to the enemy.

After military bases and facilities were accurately destroyed, even those hidden deep underground were not spared. The only thing they could pose a threat to these alien aircraft traveling at high speeds in the sky were some handheld kinetic energy weapons.

But this is only theoretically possible. In reality, it is basically impossible to use this method to shoot down mechanical creations that are obviously different from our own.

And once they are attacked, even if they are not harmed, these federal soldiers will immediately launch a counterattack without hesitation, and this often means the lives of a few people, or dozens or hundreds of people!

In the era of nations, war was also part of the historical process of civilization, but that was a long time ago, so long ago that the Brochers themselves had almost forgotten it.

After the establishment of the Commonwealth, the world tended to be unified, and the intensity and intensity of wars continued to decline. In the past hundred years, at least on the surface, there have not been a few large-scale conflicts, let alone wars, and they were so crushed. Ordinary war? !
When the energy beam falling from the sky shone on the surface of the earth, many hidden places that even the Brochers themselves did not know were directly attacked and destroyed.

Communications were taken over, and the military armed forces were destroyed in the first round of attacks. Today, the Brochers have lost their unified organization, and the entire association has become disordered and chaotic.

In just a few days, the original peace and stability no longer existed.Some are desperate and some are crazy.The order established over hundreds of years is rapidly collapsing, and everyone realizes that the end may be around the corner.

It is not easy to accept this reality, so in those dark corners, disgusting sin and madness quickly breed, and rapidly expand toward the light. Those instincts hidden under order and restraint begin to explode, and gradually Amidst the chaos bloomed pure black flowers.

Compared with the armed attack by the Velvets, the Brochers caused irreparable losses to themselves in just a few days, even far exceeding the direct damage caused by the Velvets.

The government has basically lost its role. They cannot communicate directly with the grassroots because the communication system has been controlled by the Velvet people. It can avoid being intercepted through wired transmission. However, in subsequent attacks, these major related facilities were also in Velvet. Within the target of human attack.

The Brochers have no secrets in the eyes of the Velvet Federation.The road they have traveled has also been traveled by the Velvet people. Perhaps there are huge differences in some aspects due to different living environments, but what kind of means does the civilization at this stage have? The people headed by Sims The attackers are clearly visible.Not to mention that they have obtained a large amount of intelligence under the invasion of quantum computers.

Sims had no intention of paying any attention to the chaos and sin of the Brocher people, as if it had nothing to do with him.He ignored the ceaseless communication requests from the top brass of the Brocher Alliance for the federation and sent Marines to the planet's surface to collect experimental materials.

Some Brochers discovered the landing of the Federal Marines and tried to pose a threat to them. However, when the Velvets appeared in front of them, fully armed and wearing neat mechanical armor, they stepped onto the mainland. They sadly discovered that they The weapon in his hand is almost the same as a fire stick.

Compared to the Brochers, the Velvets are like a powerful civilization that came out of a science fiction movie. Energy weapons, energy shields, hyperdrives, gravity bombs, and biological mechas all reveal the characteristics of their own advanced civilization. .

In the next six days, the remaining military armament of the Brocher complex was completely disarmed by the Marines, and a large amount of infrastructure was destroyed, which further exacerbated the collapse of the Brocher civilization.

They have no way of attacking the Velvet people. At this moment, anyone with a normal IQ can clearly realize that the Brocher civilization has lost its future and hope in just a few days.

Those warships that straddle the orbit of the planet completely isolate the earth's surface from the starry sky. All non-Velvite aircraft take off and will be hit from the space base the next moment.

Even if you find another way to escape the information monopoly of the Velvet people, you can't make any changes to the status quo.

As time passed, the chaos continued to simmer, and the Brochers were unable to do anything about it.

The military power has collapsed, and the security forces have lost their unified command. The crazy people are venting their fears wantonly, and more of them have fallen into despair.

And only fifteen days have passed from the beginning to the discovery to this point. In the past, the fifteen cycles of the planet's rotation could not even make the Brocher people feel anything. Everything was so normal.

But every day now is precious to them because they don't know when death will come.

Comparing the two, it feels like a world apart!
……………… The flagship of the Third Fleet, Federation Admiral Sims, is participating in a high-level meeting far away from his home star in the form of a holographic projection. This meeting will ultimately determine the cloth under his feet. The fate of the Roche people.

A strange civilization, even for the Velvet people, is something that cannot be ignored.Therefore, the participants in this meeting were almost the top leaders of the Federation, including senior officials in the political circles, military bosses, top academicians of the Academy of Sciences, etc. It can be said that these Velvets are the ones with the highest social status and the widest rights in the Federation. They control the future of the entire federation and lead the direction of the federation.

And among them, about [-]% are Zerg lurkers.

"Obviously, we have controlled the entire planet and they have lost their ability to resist. To us, this is just a child who has just walked out of the planet and has no ability to fight back at all."

Sims introduced the current situation, which is one of the most important purposes of these high-level meetings.

"Including their newly built planetary colonies, they are all under our control. Of course, following your orders, our soldiers did not take the initiative to open fire on their cities.

The biological research plan of the Academy of Sciences is already being shared. The first batch of 106 alien species, including intelligent creatures on the planet, have been captured by the Marine Corps and entered into the experimental warehouse. The accompanying scientific researchers will be in the next one Basic research on the main species of the entire planet will be completed within the month, and a batch of the same samples will be sent to the home planet. This is expected to take two years. "

"The overall technological level of the other party is initially estimated to be almost the same as ours before 1900, but it is far inferior in terms of energy application. Currently, no energy crystals have been found in the galaxy, and there are no relevant records in its historical records.

Their application of conventional energy far exceeds that of the Federation at the same time. We destroyed three small nuclear fusion reaction devices on the surface of their home planet. Their application in this regard is approximately equivalent to that of the Federation 800 years ago. "

"All in all, they don't have much value to today's federation. Personally, I don't think the federation needs a fifth minority, at least until the biological experiments show that the bug is as amazing as that one. Until the conclusion is reached, I maintain this view.”

The tone for how to deal with the Brocher people had been set long before their level of civilization development was confirmed.

That is to say, the star system where it is located will become the tenth colonial star system of the Federation. What needs to be finally confirmed now is just the method.

Some radicals in the military undoubtedly support Sims's view. A stable society in the Federation does not need to integrate a fifth ethnic minority. In fact, this is indeed a thankless thing.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it does not take much effort to destroy this race.

The other side can be said to be waiting to be killed. The coalition government, which tried to contact the Velvet people every day to pray for peace but was ignored, could only try its best to re-establish order under the pressure of terror and destruction all over the world. However, it had no effect. Tiny, useless, their society has collapsed, and at a time when life and death threats continue to exist, nothing can convince the people that civilization still has a future.

Sadly, today's government doesn't even have enough power to do much. They are like puppets and lose control of everything in an instant.

It can be said that today's Broche civilization is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and it is impossible to pose any threat to the Federation in any case.

Under such a premise, what's the use of keeping them?
This is the simplest theory of the Velvet people today. The racial assimilation plan back then cost the federation so much energy, and they don't want to do the same thing again.

Of course, they didn't know that they, the Velvets, couldn't make the decision in this matter, even if it was their civilization.

The one who can really make the decision is actually the Zerg behind this star field, the brainworm Todd, Zero who is one with the Zerg.

If the Hive Mind hadn't been strengthened enough, all the Velvets here would have been Zerg lurkers.

If Zero wants them to exist, they will exist, if not, they will destroy, that's all.

As the supreme commander of the front line, Sims theoretically has the right to deal with all matters on the spot. However, he can only restrain his desires under the strict orders of the federal center and wait for the final decision of the federal high-level. This is how the Zerg treats Velvet. Where people have control.

This decision only depends on whether the biological research on the Brocher people is of sufficient value to allow them to be retained, and has nothing to do with Sims's own wishes or even the wishes of the military.

This result was quickly obtained in the shipboard laboratory of the Federation's Third Fleet, and Todd finally determined that the Brochers still had the value of their existence.

Now that Todd has made such a decision, it means that no matter whether the Brochers are willing or not, or how many Velvet people oppose it, the Velvet Federation will once again have a brand new ethnic group to join it.

The basis for Todd's evaluation is not the other party's current technological level, nor is it useless things such as moral concepts, social philosophy, etc.

All it wants is potential.

For the Zerg, this potential is simple and crude. It has nothing to do with anything else. It is only related to its creativity, plus a little life span at most.

No matter from the level of biological anatomy, or looking at the entire development history recorded by the Brocher people, it is not difficult to find that although they are weak, backward, and have some blind boldness and arrogance today, the creations of this race before that Even the current Velvet people would be ashamed of it.

When the original Velvet people first entered deep space, they had the bonus of special resources such as energy veins. They jumped to the more distant starry sky and rapidly developed and expanded.

The Brochers did not have these conditions, but Todd went to observe their history, study their bodies, and then compared them with the Velvets. The rigorous and rigid Velvets were generally unconstrained, or arrogant and unrestrained by nature. In front of the Brocher people, they are indeed far inferior in some aspects.

Perhaps for the Velvet people, the so-called civilization style has a lot to do with the culture of the entire civilization or the development environment, but this is not the case for Todd.

The Zerg's research on life technology will always be beyond the reach of the Velvet people. In its eyes, this characteristic has been almost integrated into the genes of both sides. In other words, the overall characteristics of the two races are actually innate. By then, it was already determined.

Therefore, in the year 1441 of the Zerg, after sitting back and watching the Brocher people chaos themselves and losing hundreds of millions of people for nearly a year, hundreds of thousands of marines from the Federation Third Fleet landed on the Brocher people's home planet on a large scale for the first time. , destroyed all the original management systems, and launched a military occupation of it.

At the same time, the Federal Supreme Academy of Science also received a gift from the distant stars, which was a "sample" from the Brocher home planet.

(End of this chapter)

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