Chapter 277
It is difficult for the insect swarm to obtain a complete technological theory from Mira, and the same is true for the other party.

The Zerg's "database" is not open to the public, and Mira's "memory" is obviously only accessible to it.

If you want to obtain the other party's technology, there is only one way, which is to use the other party's technological creation to reverse its structure and principles.

It's definitely a lot harder, but it's better than nothing.

Judging from the opponent's reaction, it seems that there is not much direct defense capability against the Zerg's anti-matter cannon, which means that at least in this aspect, Mira has not surpassed the Zerg's technology.

In different environments, different civilizations have different priorities for development. Of course, Mira does not have the experience of receiving suspected remnants of advanced civilizations like the Zerg, and perhaps because of this, she has lost an opportunity.

In the first round of testing between the two sides, it was obvious that both parties had noticed the progress of the other party over the years. However, the strange thing was that the swarm did not use anti-matter cannons on a large scale because of the difficulty in making them, and Mira did not launch it again. A space attack as strong as before.

If the opponent's weapon is also half-finished like the Colossians, Visser doesn't believe it.

For an existence like Mira, even a slight change that is too small to be noticed is magnified a thousand times for it. Since it can be put into battlefield use, it means that it is mature enough.

As for why it is not used continuously to cause large-scale destruction to the Zerg, Visser believes that this kind of almost earth-shaking space attack must be accompanied by some kind of great price, or extremely huge energy consumption, or some kind of A special rare resource. All in all, like the Zerg's anti-matter cannon, this should not be Mira's regular attack method.

Of course, if the opponent is an ordinary civilized fleet, just this round of attacks from both sides can cause the opponent to suffer a devastating blow.

But for the battlefield at this time, this was just a "hello" between Visser and Mira after nearly a thousand years.

After some communication at an ultra-long distance, as the insect swarm quickly approached, both sides used their conventional methods over the years!

Advances in material technology and shield defense have made conventional weapons between the two sides, such as most kinetic energy weapons, completely useless. Low-power energy weapons at mid-range will also be blocked.

From a certain point of view, both sides are "not short of money". Even for a war of this level, no one would frown upon the loss of resources and energy.

Although the combat power of both sides has not yet reached its peak, the scale of the battle has risen to a level unimaginable by an ordinary intelligent civilization in a very short period of time!

From the asteroid belt at the edge of the galaxy, to the battle between planet orbits, to the attack and defense of the galaxy base, the endless swarm of insects and the mechanical fleet launched the fiercest fight.

The discovery of wormholes made the two sides' research on gravity almost the same. Although they had completely different experiences, similar offensive and defensive modes always complemented each other on the battlefield.

Energy shields, force field defense, and even the "physical" defense of the Zerg elite team can be seen everywhere on the entire battlefield.

The intensity of the war continues to rise, and the casualties on both sides are also increasing rapidly, but no one cares about this.

Mira's rear fleet is rising exponentially, and the swarm's reinforcement fleet is also continuing to arrive through the wormhole.

Although the number of losses was not small, the intensity of the war never decreased!
Whether it is Visser or Mira, they seem to be determined to decide the winner here, and they have been adding more money here.

But Zero, who had a global vision, indifferently discovered that although Visser had put on a posture of wanting to fight here on the frontal battlefield, in other directions, the Zerg had already set off.

Their overwhelming numbers are enough to allow the insect swarm to attack from any direction, just like they did against those intelligent races.

The only difference is that this time, the number of insect swarms that Visser needs to contain the opponent head-on is at least an order of magnitude higher than ever before!

Although this method is old-fashioned, it is practical enough for the Zerg.

The continuous stream of insect swarms from the rear gave Visser enough confidence to open up new battlefields while maintaining pressure from the front, so as to achieve the purpose of penetrating destruction deep into the hinterland.

From the time when the Zerg discovered Mira in 1977, until the Zerg started a war in 1983, in an unfamiliar star field, both sides used materials and energy from other star fields to frantically squander it here.

When the war was at its most intense, the two sides were fighting fiercely near every planet in the galaxy, and even every macroscopic object in the asteroid belt.

This scale is enough to put to shame any intelligent civilization the Zerg have encountered so far.

Until the Zerg 1992, Visser's three intersecting fleets found the opponent's rear base from the direction in which the Mira fleet was detected and launched an attack without hesitation.

At this point, the war escalated again.

The detector hidden in the vacuum of the universe noticed the approach of the insect swarm. On the new front, Mira was also prepared, so she did not appear panicked.

All the invading insect swarms were blocked, and more intense attacks and defenses were launched in an area that spread tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Consumption on both sides further intensified.

The insect swarm was already going all out. The support from the rear allowed the insect swarm to continuously launch large-scale and powerful offensives, and the frequency of use of anti-matter weapons also began to steadily increase.

On Mira's side, the opponent's space weapons seemed to have rapidly improved and began to be used frequently in a small area, causing considerable damage to the swarms of insects that continued to attack.

During the course of the war, both sides obtained more or less part of the structure. In Mira's laboratory, the biological materials of the new insect swarm and the structural remnants related to antimatter are already being studied.On the Zerg side, Sass has already organized and launched Zerg scientific research units to go to the front line. They are closely observing the phenomenon caused by the use of space weapons in the mechanical fleet. While corroborating their own scientific research results, they are also collecting some remnants. Both sides have Try to acquire the opponent's technology during the war.

In the short term, this can give one's side more advantages in the war, and in the long term, this is an achievement that can save each of them hundreds of years of research time!

Zero is not in a hurry to decide the winner. It doesn't matter to the Zerg how long this war lasts. Instead, they may have the opportunity to obtain more technology and information from Mira.

But Visser was clearly far more radical.

After interspersing in and out without achieving obvious results, it once again began to mobilize the insect swarms from the rear. At the same time, within its jurisdiction, the insect nest also began to fully erupt. Some small celestial bodies were destroyed and exploited visibly to the naked eye. In exchange, batch after batch of rapidly growing Zerg units were obtained.

And these newly hatched insect swarms are all sent to the front line by it, and there are even insect species carrying a large amount of resources. They will become the nourishment of the insect nest at the front, replenishing the entire insect nest as quickly as possible. consumption of the swarm to ensure long-term numerical advantage over Mira.

Compared to Visser's persistence, Mira is much more casual. Although it can be considered serious this time, after all, it has no real intention to fight to the death with the Zerg. To put it bluntly, Mira is actually ready to let go at any time. , just abandon the star field here and continue its research in another place.

Therefore, although the mechanical fleet continues to increase, it has no ability to cope with the pressure of the coming huge power of the insect swarm.

Mira, who has seen the progress of the Zerg over the years, has gained quite a lot this time.He is very interested in this kind of antimatter, which he has not studied in depth, and its applications in various aspects.

It is almost certain that although its database is missing, when it "left", the Hero Federation at that time should not have mastered the relevant technology. Otherwise, even if its "memory" is only incomplete, such an important topic and results, the conclusions will definitely affect all aspects, and it is impossible for there to be no records of citations in the remaining database.

New things always make people curious. As an omnic that has truly broken free from restraints, Mira always has a strong curiosity about science, which is the basis for its rapid progress.

From the captured Zerg bodies, it discovered brand-new biotechnology, such as a part of the extremely "hard" body structure. If there was no space cutting, it would almost completely exist as a whole. The current mechanical fleet, No conventional means can harm it.

This also attracted its intense attention, and it went to great lengths to harvest some such materials.

With Mira's ability and scientific literacy, when these materials were placed in the laboratory, it took almost no time to confirm most of the composition principles, and quickly understood the truth about the involvement of antimatter.

Of course, understanding the principle is one thing, but reproducing it is another.

Mira, who has not yet mastered the antimatter extraction technology, cannot convert it into the armor of the mechanical fleet, at least not until the end of this war.

If it weren't for the inspiration from the mysterious existence, the Zerg would not have the ability to do this. No matter how high Mira's computing speed is, it will take a certain amount of time to calculate and experiment on things that have never happened. It will never be achieved overnight. reason.

In contrast, some of the space weapons that the Zerg tried their best to obtain from Mira are quite different from the half-finished space theory of the Colosian civilization. It is certain that Mira's research is more complete, but the Zerg has already followed the path before. The Colossians have gone a long way. Although there are no fundamental differences between the two sides, it is also unrealistic to obtain more information from some war fragments.

But Visser doesn't care about this. Even without space weapons, it is confident that it can defeat Mira and regain the "dignity" it lost due to the tragic defeat.

In 1996, the Zerg swarm, with their huge numerical advantage, compressed the entire battle line into the galaxy for the first time. At the same time, they deployed large numbers of Zerg swarms in all directions, cutting off the opponent's reinforcements and completely surrounding millions of remaining warships. Inside the galaxy.

At the same time, a large number of insect swarms penetrating into the rear were also launching attacks across the board, doing their best to contain Mira's support force and consuming the opponent's production capacity.

At this point, at least on the frontal battlefield, the insect swarm had an absolute advantage.

Although Mira's fleet is still resisting tenaciously with the help of some planet bases, both sides know that this is just a futile struggle.

Zerg In 1997, Visser broke through Mira's frontal defense line and left countless mechanical fleets in this cold universe forever. Together with countless shattered celestial fragments, they became patches of space. Garbage, in the long time to come, will be scurrying around the entire star system. The huge energy given at the moment of destruction may allow some fragments to gain the kinetic energy to fly out of the star system, thus becoming eternal wanderers.

But Visser didn't care. In these years of entanglement, it had roughly figured out Mira's sphere of influence.

Compared with the general intelligent civilization, the star field it occupies is much smaller, but the degree of development is generally extremely high!
At the same time, Visser also has a simple way to judge, that is, the deeper you advance into Mira's sphere of influence, the stronger the opponent's resistance will be. This is because reinforcements from the surroundings are more and more convenient.

It is not an idiot, and it also knows that its attack like this will most likely not be able to do anything to this completely mechanical life, but no matter what, the war has begun, and there is no reason to end in an anticlimax. At least it must be able to defeat Mira's mechanical life. The fleet was expelled from this star field.

There is no way for the Zerg to accommodate a threatening existence like it.

Thanks to Visser's efforts, countless swarms of insects surged from all directions and finally converged crazily on the battlefield.

I don't know how many planets have been destroyed by the Zerg because of this. In a certain star system, it is almost an ocean of the Zerg.

And when the swarm passed by, nothing was left except stars and space debris throughout the galaxy.

That is an unimaginable resource. The Zerg uses its special biotechnology to combine ordinary materials with its own biological structure to achieve a strength that ordinary alloys cannot match. Except for a few elements that are completely unusable, those or a large number of them in the universe There is not much difference between elements that exist everywhere or extremely rare ones that aim to hatch more Zerg individuals.

All of this is actually due to the discovery of silicon-based life, which opened another door for the development of the Zerg, allowing the endless materials in the universe to become a backup resource for the Zerg in a sense.

Even if the nature of some elements makes it difficult for them to be stably combined with the Zerg, it does not change the nature of their contribution.

After all, most of the time, the strength of individual Zerg is not that important.

(End of this chapter)

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