Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 310 "Curse" Zerg

Chapter 310 "Curse" Zerg

After the first round of offensive was defeated by the opponent with the advantage of increasing troops, Mira was very clear-headed and did not launch another attack. Although the progress was very rapid, it was obvious that there was still a big gap between the two sides. Although the battle loss ratio was visible to the naked eye, It's getting smaller, but it's still a huge number.

This number itself cannot make Mira shake in any way, but it can make it clearly come to the conclusion that no further attack will be fruitful.

So, after a large-scale trial severely enhanced her sense of existence, Mira once again chose silence.

Zero knew what it was doing, and he would definitely take the same measures if it were him.On the one hand, the combat units are improved and continue to advance towards the opponent's hinterland with better navigation capabilities.On the other hand, it continues to strengthen research and development at the technological level in order to further shorten the gap between the two parties.

Of course, this is what the Zerg are doing at this moment, but in addition, they must also face attacks from the enemy that may be launched at any time and from any direction.

Even Zero has gotten used to the long-term intelligence disadvantage.But this does not mean that it should be like this. Zero always wants to regain the time when the Zerg had the advantage in the past. For this reason, the Zerg swarm is also constantly penetrating into the opponent's defense line, although it is much more difficult due to technical disadvantages. , but fortunately, the number of Zerg explorers is large enough, so large that it is not cost-effective for the opponent to bomb them with naval guns.

For this reason, at least in the area that the Zerg can monitor, the alliance's large-scale conventional military mobilization basically cannot hide from Zero's eyes.But once the opponent starts a space jump, all tracking will be meaningless, because the Zerg cannot predict the extent of the star field in the next jump just through the space fluctuations at the entrance like the Hero Federation.

Against the opponent's offensive development, the Zerg have been like this for hundreds of years. If we count from the time when the Zerg first encountered the Hero Federation in 2159, until the Zerg 3066 when Mira completed this attack on the Hero Federation The attack fell into silence, and this war that spread to the entire Zerg race has been going on for 900 years!
Since the birth of the Zerg race, it has only been a little over 3000 years in total, and nearly one-third of the time has been spent struggling with this enemy who spent so much time on expeditions.

To be honest, even with the enemy's blockade and attacks, these 900 years were the period of the most rapid development of the Zerg. In history, the Zerg has never been as powerful as it is today. The expansion of the Zerg has covered one star field after another. In the past 3000 years, The sum of the star fields occupied in all time in the past cannot compare with this round of expansion in the past 900 years.

But Zero knows very well that this is just "puffiness". The expansion of the insect swarm is of course meaningful. This kind of "puffiness" also has irreplaceable existence value, which is the root of the strength of the Zerg race.

At present, it seems that this is of little use in defeating the enemy in front of us. At least at this stage, the numerical advantage of the Zerg is difficult to really play a role. No matter how large the number of besiegers is, it cannot withstand the opponent's leisurely stroll on the battlefield. Without solving the problem of "catching up with the opponent", they can only endure a very high battle loss ratio and at best can only draw a partial tie with the opponent.

The expansion speed of the Zerg has always been inconsistent with its own technological strength. This is difficult to see in ordinary intelligent races. Just like when the Zerg just entered the space age, they had not even developed the technology of super-light navigation. At that time, large-scale interstellar travel had already begun. For the Zerg, this was really common.

Time is always on Zero's side. After so many years of development, we finally see hope of catching up with him.

In the dark and deserted cosmic belt between galaxies, the scientific research bases of the Zerg intelligent race are making every effort to promote the advancement of related technologies.

Todd, the brainworm who nominally rules all the intelligent races under the Zerg, has already used all kinds of martial arts to fight for this purpose. Facing a total of more than 6000 billion intelligent race individuals, the excellent scientific research that the Zerg tried hard to preserve during the previous enemy raids Workers, Todd used coercion and inducement all over the place. Promoting scientific research and development within such a large group of people almost broke Todd's heart.

It is impossible for Zerg lurkers to influence all scientific researchers. The vast majority of outstanding intelligent race individuals can only be made to work spontaneously through subtle influence.

In order to transform the results that are still in the experimental stage into real and visible combat power as soon as possible, not only the brainworms are working together, but also the top scientific researchers involved in each scientific research base station are fully cooperating.

From the experimental stage to feasibility demonstration to full-scale Zerg application, Zero's plan is to use 50 years to complete the pursuit of Mira, even if there is no direct conflict between the two parties.

Today's Zerg are in the stage of demonstration. In what areas this rare breakthrough can be applied, and what role it can play, etc., all need to be tried and studied. The transformation from theoretical science to technology with practical value has never been Judging from the historical experience of the Zerg race, it is not unusual for something to be accomplished overnight to take tens to hundreds of years.

Therefore, 50 years is a lot of pressure for Todd. Fortunately, it is no longer alone. Many brainworms are also participating in research, and the many outstanding talents under its command also give it a lot of confidence.

In Zerg 3121, the first batch of Zerg space species that "crossed the ages" carried out mobility tests. This means that Todd and the Cerebrates have initially completed the transformation from science to technology. Although it took a little longer, it is still worthy of the praise. The efficiency is amazing.

Zero is not sure whether Mira and its mechanical fleet have made great progress at this time, but what is certain is that the alliance's fleet still maintains its original level, because just after the sixth test was successfully completed, after the Zerg In 3129, Zero had hatched the first Zerg new era warship, and followed Mira's lead in a head-on collision with the Alliance.

It is both a practical test and a declaration.

After being beaten passively for a long time, it was impossible to say that Zero didn't have any anger in his heart.Although the Zerg are still far from the time to truly be proud, the real counterattack can only begin when they find the opponent's home star field.

But this does not affect Zero's ability to show the other party the progress the Zerg have made over a long period of time.

In fact, the technological development of the three major civilizations has not fallen behind over the past 1000 years, and they have basically maintained their original pace of development. However, it is obvious that they need to take into account the comprehensive development of the entire civilization and they will never be able to concentrate all efforts like the Zerg and Mira. The scientific research force adds all technological points to military technology.

Secondly, due to the special nature of the alliance, all the warships installed here by the three major civilizations that are on their own guard are not their active main warships, at least not the most powerful ones.This ultimately led to the current situation where the gap in combat power between the two sides of the war was rapidly approaching. However, even if we compare the real top combat power of the three major civilizations in the military field over the years, the gap between the two sides is still visible to the naked eye. The speed is shortened!

It is worth mentioning that to this day, the first batch of Zerg units that crossed the alliance's military defense line and moved forward have completed the feat of "circling behind" the Zerg in a strategic sense, and are still moving forward at this moment.

No matter how powerful the three major civilizations are, they cannot block the wormholes and occupy all the galaxies in front of the Zerg at the same time. Their defense lines are loose. After the Zerg gave up the wormhole passage and focused on researching space technology, the alliance's mission has been quietly completed. The transformation from preventing the swarm from moving forward to hindering the swarm from moving forward.They are destined to be unable to do the former, but if it is to harass and destroy, it is more feasible to reduce their forward speed as much as possible.It is a pity that with the withdrawal of the Veggie Empire, to this day, the swarms of insects have wandered freely through the "loopholes" that can be seen everywhere in the alliance, and the entire alliance has basically lost its original function.

The Vege Empire has completely withdrawn. As the Zerg completes its development around the back, the "new alliance" formed by Korva and the Hero Federation only has surveillance on the front line. When the original front line becomes the enemy There is no point in holding on to the enclave within the territory.

In Zerg 3196, as Zero led the Zerg swarm to initiate wave-like offensives, the Hero Federation made its final resistance.

After facing the never-ending offensive of the swarm again and again, they gave up the plan of replenishing combat units from the rear to fight the protracted war with the swarm. When the last batch of battleships were exhausted, they made painstaking preparations at the beginning of the establishment of the alliance. industrial bases began to be abandoned.

Next, there is the Korva Empire.

The advance of the swarm has become unstoppable. They have done what the Alliance can do. All that is left is real-time monitoring and preparation for a new round of defense.

The plan to increase the depth of civilization strategy has been continuing. Even the Vege Empire, which has abandoned the alliance and chosen to go it alone, is still sparing no effort to do this. It can be seen that it is not as indifferent as it said when it withdrew from the alliance.

After all, expansion is needed, and "defensive expansion" can obviously better meet the needs of the three major civilizations.Although they are reluctant to face it, with the current development speed of the Zerg and Mira, it is only a matter of time before they truly come into contact with the explored universe controlled by the three major civilizations.

However, what makes the Federation and Korva somewhat uncomfortable is that even so, the Vege Empire is still relentlessly creating border friction. Over the past few decades, the conflict between Vege and the two has gradually expanded. This was a sign that all three parties should have tried their best to suppress the impact, but it did not develop as expected at all.

Once a conflict arises, it is difficult to truly eliminate it. For the Federation and Korva, at this moment, Weegee is properly playing the role of a pig teammate.

Since the emperor of the Vege Empire came to power, the strategies of the entire empire have become much more aggressive. Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, their strategies are blind and stupid.

Not only did they lose two natural allies when facing powerful enemies in the future, they also actively placed themselves at a strategic disadvantage.

But for the entire Vege Empire itself, they don't feel that way.As one of the three major civilizations, all strategic decisions have potential purposes. For example, the so-called "betrayal" incident against the Hero Federation and the Colva Empire had a strong political overtones afterwards.

The Vege Empire, which has always been the leader in the military field, does in fact have the possibility of being "superior" to some extent. Otherwise, with the consistent style since the establishment of the empire, it would have been wiped out by other civilizations.

At this moment, in addition to strategically trying to suppress the Federation, the Veggies are also conducting another crucial research.

That is, "cursing" the Zerg.

It may seem a bit ridiculous to say it, but the experiment being conducted by the Virgilians at this time was not a "joke" at all.

Because this "curse" is not a concept in the field of occultism. Although hundreds of years of research have failed to figure out its specific working principle, there is no doubt that it is scientific, and at least there is some kind of science. in accordance with.

In addition to expressing awe at the beings who made such creations, the Vaegians prefer to focus on the present.Compared to the Zerg who obtained those finished products but only obtained the most superficial results, the Veegis' research was obviously much more profound.At least they know what this thing really does and how to make it work, while the Zerg have no idea.

This experiment has been carried out for a long time. At the beginning, its main experimental targets were the Korva Empire and the Hero Federation. Weji conducted a lot of research on these two "hodgepodge" civilizations, and finally all The intelligent race individuals who participated in the experiment were all judged to be effective. Therefore, the Veggies have mastered part of the mechanism of this "curse" and understood what effect it can play under what circumstances.

This achievement is also one of the reasons why Veggie dares to fall out with the Korva Empire and the Hero Federation.If one day a full-scale war breaks out between the three major civilizations, it is difficult to predict the outcome of our own civilization, but the Korva and Hero people, as the main races, will definitely suffer heavy losses at the racial level!
After having such research results, the empire turned its target to the Zerg. At that time, the Zerg showed its strong ability to progress for the first time, which also aroused alarm within the empire. In fact, Hawut believed that the empire was too contemptuous of the Zerg. The conclusion is not completely correct. At least since that time, the Veggies have been trying to come up with the possibility of solving this threat from the source.

Over the years, a large part of the various Zerg units captured by the Vergis on the front line have been put into this research.

However, due to the special characteristics of the Zerg, its so-called "tracing" relationship is not established, and this "curse" plan has not made much progress for a long time.

For so long, everyone has been familiar with each of the three major Zerg civilizations. Their reproductive systems and their various characteristics, even though they have been changing with development, are always under the key monitoring of the three major civilizations.

The Vegeans once tried to actively hatch Zerg units, and then exerted influence on the offspring to observe whether this power could work in this small "population".

But their results were not optimistic. Since 80 years ago, this experiment has been conducted no less than [-] times, but it has never caused obvious changes within the "population", or in other words, no change at all.

(End of this chapter)

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