Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 335 The End of Three Major Civilizations

Chapter 335 The End of the Three Major Civilizations (Last Chapter)
  The matter in the universe ranges from molecules and atoms to even smaller particles to stars and star systems. The Zerg now have some understanding of their nature, at least their apparent nature. Cognition.

However, in the face of this "Stone of Life" obtained from the Korva people, judging from the appearance inspection, it does indeed contain several substances that the Zerg have discovered are not found in the universe.

These substances are only its outermost components and most likely have little to do with its function, but in a sense, they do exceed the Zerg's understanding of this universe.

It is actually not that easy to call it a destructive experiment, and it needs to be treated with caution. After all, we don’t know what incredible changes it will undergo. From the moment the decision is made, everything is unpredictable. Since it has very It is a component element in the Zerg's cognition, so it is normal for some things outside of cognition to happen.

To put it bluntly, no matter how ordinary it looks now, it seems to have lost its original effectiveness. However, for more than three thousand years, although the Zerg were born because of it, it has always remained mysterious to the Zerg. This mystery may represent higher-level knowledge, and of course it may also represent unpredictable dangers.

But no matter what, Zero has decided to do it, no matter what he faces, he will do it. There will always be some risks in the future, but there will always be opportunities.

Under Zero's gaze, an insect species that had never appeared before appeared in the incubation pool of the mother nest and quickly took shape.

It is designed to deal with the special insect species hatched in this experiment. It has the possibility of precise and detailed operations. Although it is only the size of a kettle, the ones distributed on the surface of the body are either tough, sharp, rough, or The soft limbs, including the entire body, all embody the most advanced biomaterial technology of the entire Zerg race, making them a veritable "operator".

In fact, in the past, if the Zerg wanted to divide a piece of material or other substances or do other destructive research, the strategy they adopted was often to completely cover it with an insect species that grew on it. After completing this process, Complete the wanton and precise cutting of their various parts,
  But this time is different. This thing cannot be wrapped in any form of biological material. After all, it has a criminal record. Although the queen ant that swallowed the gem must have had many special reactions in her body before it finally caused the disease. The "eating" thing actually happened.

But at that time, the zero-sum ant colony had almost no understanding of living things. Who could guarantee that this reaction was not caused by the behavior of biological wrapping?
  This "operator" quickly took shape and had the ability to move alone. After going through the initial adaptation period, it quickly came to the "Stone of Life" where the Zerg kept the "Stone of Life" under Zero's gaze. Room".

This is also a container made with the highest technology of the Zerg race. The difference is that it does not contain any organic ingredients. In other words, it is "dead".

This is also to prevent the "Stone of Life" from unpredictable changes. At this moment, the bug enters here, which means that the experiment has officially begun.

The individuals used by the Zerg for experiments often have a "nature" that is almost completely controlled by the brain worm or zero, allowing its operation accuracy to reach an incredible level and not weaker than precision-controlled machinery.

This would appear to be redundant on ordinary insect species, but different needs will naturally lead to different required outputs. On it, everything is just right.


Decades have passed since the Zerg basically withdrew from the war and concentrated on development. The original territories of the Korva and Vege empires have been basically owned by the Zerg through conscious targeted cleaning. Of course, Mira's base also occupies them. It is not a small area, and this is the basis for its continuous attacks on the Hero Federation.

Today's Zero will not have any grudges because of the emergence of a "state within a state" within the territory of the Zerg. Since the planet Ori was rebuilt and "released", the Zerg has lost the last theoretical "fixation". "base", so strictly speaking, there is no "territory" at all.

Today's Zerg are completing the transformation from the original "occupying" race to a "wandering" race. They are just like the wanderer civilization they encountered back then, but they are much stronger than them.

This of course has its basis, the most important of which is the breakthrough at the technical level. As the three major civilizations were successively breached or were about to be breached, their unique technologies in the past were all or partially absorbed by the Zerg.

The increasing maturity of space jumping technology has made distances within tens of millions of light-years less distant, and the huge growth in the number of Zerg has intensified the consumption of resources in various star fields. In addition, breakthroughs in energy technology have gradually made restrictions The problem of the Zerg advancing slowly became less of an issue.

Therefore, the current state of the entire Zerg race is to rapidly migrate to the periphery of the star field occupied more than [-] years ago. It is like a huge "burrito" that can sweep across several galaxy clusters, forever moving from the inside out. While it surges outward, bringing endless desolation, it also makes itself larger.

They are like cosmic locusts, leaving behind only some abandoned planets with extremely low mining value wherever they pass, making the entire universe more disordered.

This process did not happen overnight, but was formed over the past hundreds of years. If you trace its roots, it even had its beginnings when the Zerg developed space technology more than a thousand years ago.

Abandon Ori and no longer regard it as the basic territory of the Zerg, but only as a memorial, a memory that is carried more in the hearts of Zero and a few brainworms, because this current situation has become the development journey that the Zerg must go through. Of course, the motivation is also to no longer let the inherent material hinder the progress of the Zerg.

In fact, although today's insect swarm still has a "border" with the Hero Federation, their footsteps have crossed the star field where this civilization is located and are heading deeper and further.

If it were on the surface of the planet, the current situation of the Hero Federation would undoubtedly be "surrounded", but the special environment of the interstellar era allows them to still have the ability to resist and escape.

It is also because of this that they can still make the final struggle under Mira's attack. At the same time, Zero also noticed that more and more planets have completed the evacuation of personnel and important materials before the war approaches. This means that The Hero Federation's will to resist is also disintegrating.

The war has progressed to this extent. No matter how you look at it, sticking to it will not bring good results. It seems that the entire universe has become the world of the Zerg. Although the territory they actually control is still barely vast, it has become a vast ocean. There is no point in clinging to an isolated island in the middle of nowhere.

Mira's attack on the Hero Federation was very rapid. With the destruction and departure of other civilizations, Mira's technical level also improved during the war. Relying on the absolute advantage in the number of warships, Mira was even able to operate in the deep Look for the Hero Federation’s massive jump ship in the sky!

This made the Federation's evacuation plan much more troublesome. Compared with the Vege Empire and the Korva Empire, the evacuation losses were several times greater.

Faced with Mira's continuously iterative and intensified offensive and continuous harassing attacks, the Hero Federation finally chose to withdraw completely.

Zerg 4016, 216 years after the Vege Empire was invaded into the core area and had to retreat in full retreat, the Hero Federation reluctantly chose to evacuate under the increasing pressure from Mira to preserve the existence of civilization. They mobilized a large number of combat units to withstand Mira's crazy attack, leading a batch of civilization's most valuable resources and essential needs. With their own superior technology that has even reached the threshold of "space compression", they forcibly left behind Mira. La's harassment and pursuit plunged him into the boundless darkness.

At this moment, although there are still some "old tribes" of the three major civilizations surviving in this universe, they are actually all abandoned "abandoned children". Facing the encirclement and attack of the Zerg and Mira, there is no theory. Above odds of winning.

At this point, the three major civilizations that were once so glorious and ruled several galaxy clusters have completely come to an end in the current universe.

The enemy that was untouchable and invincible two thousand years ago has now become a wanderer like a bereaved dog. Although it took such a long time to achieve this, the distance between the two sides that originally seemed endless and was still rapidly moving away, Just like the almost insurmountable technical differences between them, in the past two thousand years, they have all disappeared.

Time is the most magical thing. Even if the Zerg have a good understanding of its nature, Zero still finds it mysterious.

Two thousand years, for a primitive civilization on the surface of the planet, no matter how great it is, no matter how fast it develops, it is only enough for them to go from eating hair and drinking blood to wearing formal clothes. However, the Zerg used this time to jump hundreds of millions of light years away. The distance has crossed the boundless darkness, and they have completed the expulsion of a cosmic-level civilization alliance that was originally much more powerful than themselves, and are infinitely close to their peak level in terms of technology.

When the snowball rolls to a certain extent, each additional circle will far exceed the countless rolling times at the beginning. Today's Zerg are like the snowball that has rolled. In the hundreds of years since space jumping became a regular means of long-distance navigation, they have expanded to more areas than in the past thousands of years combined!

The substantial destruction of the three major civilizations brought to the Zerg not only this huge star field that had been developed to a certain extent, but also their ideas, their population, their technology, resources, scientific theories, etc. , are being collected by the Zerg and quickly turned into their own.

Of course, this beneficiary may also include Mira. Although it mainly participated in the war against the Hero Federation, looking at the three major civilizations, the technological system of the Hero Federation is the most consistent with Mira. After all, it was the "mother civilization" that once created it. Even now, Mira also has more or less certain characteristics of the Hero Federation back then.

In addition to revenge, Mira's war has also gained more. If it develops normally, it may take a long, long time to reach the level of the Hero Federation. But now, minus the time spent on the journey, It only lasted a few hundred years.

The war has basically ended, and Mira seems to have begun to adjust her strategy. A large number of "inferior warships" that were born because of the need to quickly defeat the Federation are being abandoned or destroyed. For Mira, retaining these will only unreasonably reduce it. computing power, and once the war begins, more can be built whenever it needs it.

Zero observed that it even began to abandon the many planets it had already occupied. Although it was unknown where Mira's "basic base" was, it was obvious that it had no nostalgia for these war bases that had taken hundreds of years to develop. .

It is leaving, or in other words, after the war is over, it is consciously withdrawing from the area occupied by the Zerg and moving further away.

Zero didn't know what its purpose was, whether to continue to search for traces of the remaining forces of the Hero Federation, or to wander around the universe as before. But Zero has no idea at all about the star fields it has developed.

That's basically worthless.

The focus of the Zerg's development is no longer related to war. Including the dimensions and wormhole "creatures" previously studied, the Zerg swarm is digesting the gains from this long-term war and exploring secrets that once had no clue.

This may take a long time, but the progress of the Zerg will never stop. In terms of expansion alone, they are even accelerating!
  Compared to the vastness of the entire universe, the area occupied by the Zerg now is actually just a drop in the ocean.

But Zero gradually realized a problem. The initial crazy expansion of the Zerg was actually due to Zero's concern about the survival of the Zerg. The larger the Zerg swarm, the less likely it was to encounter a fatal threat. No matter what, they could survive. Survive the universe.

But until now, this goal has actually been achieved. They can even complete the establishment of Zerg hatching pools and even mother nests through microscopic aggregation. In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that they will never die.

Today's expansion operations are more like turning the useful resources of the entire explored area into another way, transporting them from one corner of the universe to another.

Zerg individuals are essentially just a pile of resources. Whether such constant transportation and never-ending material transformation will have the same significance in subsequent development as ensuring survival, Zero is also thinking about this issue.

Of course, the so-called meaning is actually just to achieve a more clear and important purpose. If today's Zerg race is just like locusts, gnawing and transporting resources in the seemingly endless universe, then this race is nothing more than a cosmic transporter at best. Work is actually just doing futile things.

The so-called insect tide tactics can be easily achieved by today's Zerg in all aspects. As long as there is one insect, as long as there is a stable development environment, in a very short time, they can organize an army of millions or tens of millions. There are even hundreds of millions of combat units, and the price paid by this universe is hundreds of resource planets with only useless elements left.

Super star cluster-level overlords like the three major civilizations were all expelled under the attack of the Zerg. No matter how huge the Zerg swarm was, it seemed that it was just a number now, and it could be owned by zero thought.

Zero began to think about whether there were other directions for the Zerg to develop, and how to truly understand the nature of the universe. The expansion of territory is of little significance to Zero today. The Zerg race has almost no threat of extinction, and its own safety has been adequately guaranteed. Gradually, he prefers this race to simply expand its numbers. Can have a little higher pursuit...

The fourth volume [Xinghai] is completed.

 This volume is also the longest one and it ends here. As expected, the next volume should be the last volume of this novel.

  I’m not sure how many words there are left (laughs). In fact, I’ve almost finished the outline since I started the book. When I was sick two days ago, I said it was almost the end, but in fact it’s almost the same. At the end of this volume of Xinghai, it’s It means that I have already written everything I wanted to write when I started the book. The original intention was to explain it clearly and finish it here. However, after writing it here, I feel that there is still something that can be written, so I will write another volume, probably to finish it off. Now let's finish writing the plot that I have in mind. I haven't decided on the outline for the time being. I only have a general idea. After this exam, I will go back and sort it out, try to have a beginning and an end, and finally give it a less bad ending.

  Thank you all for reading this. If there are any unnecessary words, I will wait until the end of the last volume and say them in the closing remarks. Thank you for your support along the way! !

  (End of this chapter)

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