Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 347 Reverse Invasion

Chapter 347 Reverse Invasion

Putting aside the issue of the attack strength of these soul bodies, at least in terms of the way they are used, they and Sass seem to be going in two directions.

After long-term training in the black hole base, Sass has basically moved in the direction of refined psychic abilities. It can also easily complete some high-precision operations.

And these soul aggregates have developed more on skills, maybe because of their instincts, or maybe they have been trained. In short, in these rounds of attacks, they have surpassed the Zerg without exception. Various shields and outer armor directly tore and destroyed the "nervous system" of the Zerg units, killing them without any outward damage.

From the outside, the bugs appear to be unharmed.

Generally speaking, directly destroying some units of the Zerg body cannot directly kill them, even if the key system that receives instructions is attacked.

Because the microscopic units in their bodies will rapidly multiply and expand, repair and strengthen them, in a sense, they will reconstruct a brand new bug.

Unless the most critical part is directly hit, this level of damage is not fatal.

But this time is different. It’s not that their damaged neural networks cannot be repaired, but that even if they are repaired, they are still corpses and will not have any life fluctuations!

Ruhl knows this very well, because Sass has done enough tests. Although psychic energy is closely related to the soul itself, it has the effect of annihilating the soul!

This is an effect that neither Zero nor Sass can directly observe. It is not as intuitive as an attack on the body. A living body with complete consciousness, if there is no corresponding means of defense, life is just another Things that are fragile can be easily taken away.

Such an attack, even creatures like ordinary bug species that have almost no soul or self-awareness, are not immune. They have changed from a living life to a collection of resources in the shape of a Zerg.

This is obviously a power that does not belong to this universe. At least at this stage, in the explored universe, Zero has not found any extraordinary power similar to this. Everything that the Zerg has obtained has a high probability of coming from what has been discovered so far. In this universe, perhaps in some ancient era, just like today, these two completely different universes once had some kind of intersection, leaving Zhuna and things like the "Stone of Life" that do not belong to this universe. Something from the square universe.

The reason why it is said to be an "extraordinary power" is precisely because it is unobservable but irresistible. It has no entity but can destroy entities.

Of course, there are other possibilities, but Zero will not consider small probability events for the time being.

Ruhr can no longer stop them from massacring the insect swarms. It can only try its best to let the insect swarms on the battlefield escape. Although it has nothing to lose, it must do its best. It would be better if it can discover more of the opponent's methods. .

At the same time, it is also using emergency genetic coding to transmit the information here through the surviving Zerg units on the battlefield. At least the Sars and the Zerg joint scientific research team outside the channel should be prepared, otherwise if these soul aggregates rush out of the channel and kill the entire elite team, it will no longer be an insignificant matter!

Luer's purpose has not been greatly hindered. After all, the enemy's current target is mainly the Zerg transport unit. Some hatched small insect species successfully entered the channel and brought the information from Luer to Zero and Sass.

The use of genetic coding for information exchange is the first form of communication created by Ruhr after entering the new universe. Of course, it was not so troublesome in the past, but now neither Zero nor the Hive Mind can directly connect to the other end of the channel, so they can only use this method. Communicate in a relatively primitive but still easily identifiable way by the Zerg.

Convenient and capable of delivering sufficient information quickly.


When Sass received the information, the one-sided massacre near the exit of the new universe channel was actually almost over.

Hundreds of thousands of large-scale transportation insect species did not have much resistance. Under the premise that the space jump could not be started and the maneuverability was not enough to get rid of the opponent, their corpses spread all over the area with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers, becoming other Food for native creatures that were later attracted by the huge movement.

Ruhr is very clear that it is now difficult for it to directly control the exit of the passage in its own hands. Some local creatures will inevitably enter the passage and eventually reach the main universe. However, it has passed the information out, and there must be something on the Sass side. response.

This is indeed the case. Sass is already organizing the evacuation of the Zerg joint scientific research team. At the same time, he is also using the last batch of biological materials left in the real universe to incubate insect species to deal with the invasion of new universe creatures.

Sass himself did not leave. According to Ruhl's description, at the other end of the passage, there were sixteen soul bodies that could also use psychic attacks. It was very curious.

This is the first time that the Zerg has encountered such a being. No matter what, it will try. Even if these souls are not chased out this time, Sass will enter the new universe to find them. Ruhl is already responsible for hundreds of people there. Year, it’s time to change to a bug.

Of course, this is Sass's own idea, and Zero has no intention of replacing it. Whether it is natural or deliberate, the focus of Zerg's development is now slowly shifting to the new universe. In the future, there will definitely be more than just Ruhr. Relevant individuals and a lot of resources have been invested in it, but that must be done after the safety is basically confirmed.


Sass waited quietly. Apart from it, the Zerg only left some insect species here to attract the enemy's attention when necessary. Their main task was to cover Sass's evacuation in critical moments, but they used psychic powers to Due to the particularity of the attack, whether there is such an opportunity is still open to question. You can only know after trying it.

Of course, there is another reason why Sass stayed. This is not a new universe. In the real universe, the Zerg's space jump engine is active at any time, and short-distance directional jumps are not a problem. This gives them a greater advantage than each other. More powerful mobility also brings a sense of security that is untouchable in the new universe.

Sass did not wait too long. After the two Oris, the entrance to the passage that had fallen into calm once again stirred up trouble. What followed was a medium-sized new space predator that looked like an enlarged version of a tiger fish. , its body structure is obviously not just for preying on weak soul bodies, because there is no need to bite this kind of action. Obviously, it is a rare physical predator in the new universe. !

The reason why Zero was able to take the time to carefully observe the appearance and structure of this "tiger fish" was not because it did not take the initiative to attack the insect swarm after getting out of the tunnel. On the contrary, it exposed its fangs to the insect swarm as soon as possible. , not at all frightened by the huge number of insects in front of them.

And that’s why it has become a “specimen” that is being observed as it rotates wantonly in the universe. The reason is simple, SARS has "controlled" it!

Zero has already conducted detailed tests on the limits of Sass's abilities. At least within the scope of cognition, it has tried all the tests it can do, so it does not surprise Zero to achieve this. Thass is trying to kill the opponent directly from the inside based on the intelligence provided by Ruhr. It didn't seem too complicated to do this, because Zero soon discovered that this "tiger fish", which was struggling but useless, had lost all its ability to move.

Zerg units came forward to collect its corpse, while Sass was waiting for more new cosmic creatures to enter the main universe from the entrance of the passage.

Through this trial, Sass further confirmed his abilities. These physical creatures should not pose a threat to him in the real universe. The spiritual power he possessed did not disappoint him. What he is waiting for now is Those soul bodies mentioned by Ruhl are just suspected of giving birth to truly intelligent souls!


On the other side of the passage, Ruhr still maintained a certain degree of monitoring of the battlefield. It watched as these souls completed the massacre of the insect swarms one after another, but did not leave, nor did they expel or kill them. The native creatures that came later, they just stayed there, as if waiting for something, or doing some communication that Ruhr had no way of knowing.

Instead, a few native creatures discovered the passage by chance and rushed in without fear.

These creatures cannot cause much trouble to the insect swarm at the other end of the channel. Ruhr knows this very well, so he just stares at these extremely eye-catching souls in front of him!

With them there, it can be directly declared that Ruhr and the swarm it leads are disconnected from the main universe. They have in fact isolated the material and information connections on both sides of the channel.

Microscopic insect species cannot bear such a heavy responsibility. If they want to cross a long distance of at least tens of millions of kilometers and accurately reach a fixed location, the time required is simply incalculable.

Therefore, they must not be allowed to occupy this place.

But besides using a large number of Zerg units to "seduce" the opponent to leave, Ruhr can actually do no more. And with the enemy's current attack methods, it is not known whether this method will be effective.

All Zerg units are just cannon fodder under the opponent's psychic attacks. Ruhr can only place his hope on Sass. If it cannot be dealt with this time, it is very likely that it will not be able to return to the main universe in a short time.

On the contrary, Sass is still very confident in itself. It does not think that it will fail. It easily took down several living creatures that came out of the wormhole and turned them into part of the evolutionary resources of the new era of the Zerg.

Of course, Sass can be confident, but Zero is actually mentally prepared to not be able to hold the exit of the passage. In the main universe, the insect swarm has the ability to jump through space. Except for a few factors such as massive celestial bodies or chaotic gravitational fields, there are almost no Affected by any natural factors, even if the Zerg's original experiment was to shoot itself in the foot, Zero can still ensure the safety of the Zerg itself and all intelligent races.

The only ones who are a little troublesome are Ruhr and the others. After all, Zero doesn't want Ruhr to "come back dead" himself.

There are insect species that detect soul fluctuations and are paying close attention to the exit of the passage. There are also precision detectors designed by the Colossians and known to be sensitive to conscious bodies. They are displayed not far from the exit. Once any soul body comes out of it, it will be detected. It will not escape the eyes of the Zerg, and if it is a physical creature, it will be controlled by Sass at the first time, and it will either be captured alive for study, or killed and used as material.

Until a certain moment, the insect species responsible for surveillance sent nervous information, and the monitoring equipment at the entrance of the passage immediately responded!

A powerful soul source appears in the real universe!

Sass himself did not have the ability to directly observe the opponent, but the special feature of the Zerg brainworm, or the information sharing from the Hive Mind, still allowed it to see the existence of the enemy, four independent aggregate souls!

Without any hesitation, Sass immediately chose to take action. It knew that in the face of such an existence, the many weapons and attack methods of the Zerg would have no effect, and the dark energy defense field that used to limit ordinary souls would also be affected by excessive power. As for the failure, if the Zerg has any means to stop this enemy at this stage, then it is the only one left.

It is said to be psychic power, but it is actually just a name. In fact, Zero thinks that it may be more appropriate to call it telekinesis, because it does not have the bright color in memory and can be directly observed by the naked eye.

But no matter what it is, for today's Zerg, it is an extraordinary power, a power that can only be passively accepted and cannot be actively generated.

At this moment, as soon as the opponent appeared in the real universe, Sass had already launched the most violent attack. It was using its spiritual energy to charge at the four soul bodies at the same time without any physical body!

Sass itself has seriously tried to "attack its own shield with its own spear". Over a long period of time, it has made too many preparations. Except for some truly unimaginable directions, it has It has tried everything it can. It has not had the power of self-action for thousands of years. No one who has it for one day can understand the enthusiasm of Sass.

Therefore, while it was going all out, it was also prepared to be stopped. However, this thought did not receive feedback. It could feel that it had actually attacked the opponent without much hindrance, and it was easy. ground, "penetrating" the opponent.

Not just skip it, but really penetrate it and actually cause damage!

The fragility of the opponent's defense made Sass feel as if he was bombarding a worm with a high-power energy cannon with all his strength!

no feelings!

Just like the native creatures of the new universe piercing ordinary soul bodies, Sass easily "pierced" their "bodies".

Maybe the enemy's attack capabilities are also very powerful, but before they even have time to show it, their fragile bodies are punctured and torn apart.

The exact amount of damage caused to them cannot be defined in detail, but just from the overall observation, Zero can intuitively observe that their soul strength is rapidly decreasing!

This means that the result achieved by Sass's "Psychic Dash" is not its own illusion, but it has indeed caused heavy damage to the opponent!

In the new universe, it is still unknown whether spiritual energy is used in this way. Even if you have done many experiments in this regard, you will inevitably have the constraints of inherent thinking and preconceived notions when facing this brand-new thing. In a universe where psychic reactions exist even in ordinary living creatures, there must be quite developed application methods.

But for today's Sass, as long as it is useful!

In one round of attacks, Sass rushed these powerful soul bodies that were fused with unknown numbers of the same kind before the other party could react. The soul fluctuations fell all the way like deflated tires. In just six seconds, In just a short time, they have fallen into the range that ordinary insect swarms can deal with using special means. If they were not afraid of the psychic attacks that may still exist, they would have been driven away and captured at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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