Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 350 The Mystery of Reproduction

Chapter 350 The Mystery of Reproduction

Sass returned to the main base with a group of the most elite insect swarms it led, some of which had even undergone preliminary psychic transformation, and participated in the biological cleanup work near the main base.

With the urgently returning Sars in charge, some chance to complete the fusion, or simply the high-energy soul body that the Zerg actively fused back then, it will be difficult to cause trouble again. No physical creature can enter within the two thousand kilometers of the main base. All All basic soul bodies were wiped out by the Zerg collection device.

As for those high-energy soul bodies, they eventually became the nourishment for the evolution of the Zerg race. This sudden crisis was eliminated by Ruhr's quick response, and instead brought a large amount of resources to the insect swarm.

If it weren't for the initial fright, the effect of this "passive hunting operation" was quite obvious.

Unexpectedly but within reason, Zhuna in the real universe actually has such an ability! Thinking about it this way, when the New Universe Soul Body invaded the real universe, it may not just be as simple as finding a creature to "possess" it. It may also have something to do with Zhuna herself.

All these conjectures are nonsense now, and there is no need to verify them. What is really important is that Ruhl's previous method of causing noise in the main base to attract local creatures is really too low-end compared to Zhuna!

As long as the Zerg have enough combat power and can capture almost all nearby native creatures on a battlefield like this, the harvest will be extremely rich. Why bother to go out and suppress them?

And it doesn’t have to be near the main base. In any place, as long as there is Zhuna and the Zerg has enough combat power, hunting operations can be launched!

The only thing that needs to be worried about is whether the native organisms can withstand such an intensive attack. Can their numbers withstand such consumption?

Of course, this matter requires long-term planning, careful testing and planning. With the Zerg's current combat power, it is still possible to escape. Once something happens, at least one brain worm will be paid. Zero will start this plan only when it is absolutely foolproof, it is convenient and efficient.

Zhuna's secret is obviously more than that. It is indeed extremely closely connected with this universe. Zero must understand this.

It seems that Zhuna has an extremely great ability to attract the native creatures of the new universe, and she has some kind of information transmission method that is not yet detectable. Whether this method is active or passive, it means more value!

Zero had a premonition that Zhuna, an energy creature that had accompanied the insect swarm for thousands of years, would unveil its mystery here!

Even if he doesn't dare to let them show up easily now, it doesn't stop Zero from conducting experiments on them!

The new universe will attract a large number of biological attacks, so capturing some of the creatures in the new universe and conducting experiments in the real universe can perfectly avoid this problem!

Therefore, in addition to hunting the native creatures here through various means, Sass and Ruhr also took on a new task, which was to capture various native creatures alive and transport them to the main universe as experiments. The body participates in further experiments with other cerebrates and the Zerg joint scientific research team.

Now it seems that the secret hidden in Zhu Na's body may be of some help to the Zerg.


In addition to the development problem of the new universe, there is another problem that needs to be solved urgently, that is, the mobility problem of the insect swarm after it loses the ability to jump through space.

The inability to run fast is the biggest disadvantage of the Zerg units facing the enemy at this stage. It is very likely that they will not be able to catch up when attacking. If it were not for the brainworms such as Sass to check for leaks and launch long-range attacks, many results would have been missed.

And if unfortunately you encounter the situation of being chased by the enemy, then the slow speed will become a real fatal weakness!

This has not been alleviated much in the past few hundred years of the new universe, including the Zerg who have not been able to draw many useful conclusions after studying the basic structure of native creatures.

The "darkness" there is not really dark. It hinders the swarm from using its jumping ability and makes the swarm's exploration progress extremely slow.

If this point is not solved, the insect swarm will face huge troubles in every aspect. It may not be obvious now, but there will be a day when it is necessary. By then, it will be too late to develop.

Zero doesn't believe that there are only two or three of these big cats in Nuoda's new universe. It can form a system of its own, and it must have its own way of operating. At the top of the biosphere, there must be some kind of creature that the Zerg has not yet come into contact with, but it does exist!


To increase the speed of the Zerg in the new universe, Zero had two ideas that were not considered mature. One is to study the nature of "darkness" there and figure out what is hindering the Zerg from making space jumps, and then we can solve the problem in a targeted manner.

The second is to give up the application of space jumping technology in the new universe, and try to develop a new method of maneuver suitable for the new universe through research on native creatures and psychic energy applications.

Both of these options have certain feasibility, and are worth studying for the Zerg. Zero didn't make a choice. The Zerg's scientific research team was large enough to support the two at the same time.


Sasse's entry into the new universe is equivalent to temporarily giving up the study of black holes. Generally speaking, it is just a celestial body with huge gravity. Even if it has some special features, it does not require such a big effort.

However, the discovery of the new universe and the problem of time flow made Zero aware of some problems. This kind of celestial body with a gravity so strong that it can cause drastic changes in time may be able to answer some of Zero's questions in the new universe.

At this moment, Sass, after basically arming a swarm of twenty insects that can jointly threaten high-energy soul bodies, has reduced the frequency of going out and concentrates on studying with Ruel in the main base. How to use Zhuna's characteristics with maximum efficiency to bring the greatest benefits to the Zerg.

It is definitely not possible to completely let go of Zhuna. We still need to be vigilant to learn from the past. It is like a high-power beacon in the dark night, attracting many phototactic "bugs". Once the exposure time is too long, the "bugs" attracted will be too large. Too much may be counterproductive and the gain outweighs the loss.

Sass is trying to further differentiate Zhuna. They have the ability to reproduce in a divided manner. Reducing its strength should affect its attraction range.

Ruhr, on the other hand, was trying to calculate the release time of Zhuna, just like the first time, and cooperated with the Zerg's monitoring system in this way, so that the enemy would lose their target on the way forward. The former takes some time, while the latter is not easy to control. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they are both sure that once the plan is successful, the development of the Zerg here will reach a new level!

A group of native creatures were sent to the real universe through the Zerg transport unit. They included soul bodies at various stages that the Zerg could control, as well as various physical creatures that the Zerg had encountered during their hundreds of years of exploration. It is to test Zhuna's ability to attract these creatures in the main universe.

And this is just the first batch. Sass will send more individuals to the real universe in the future. How Zhuna attracts these native creatures is of great significance to the development of the Zerg in the new universe.


In a large-scale scientific research base station that is far away from the main base but equally well-guarded, outstanding representatives of this generation of Colossians are carefully observing and recording a group of native creatures that have been dissected but not dead.

On the main screen of this laboratory, through the special biological protection materials, you can see a large number of captured living creatures locked in separate "cages", frantically attacking the cages that restrain them. But it has no effect.

His name is Dean, and he may have had a more distinguished surname in the past, but it is no longer important. His current identity is the chief representative of the Zerg tribe in the new universe!

As a talented player, Dean has no objection to being sent to the new universe and participating in the research of a large number of soul bodies. He is a normal Colossian, but he has been completely separated from his ancestors.

Although it is a bit dangerous here, the research direction is exactly what he is good at, and the "income" he can get is exciting enough. Everything is wonderful.

After coming to the new universe, he did a lot of research on the soul bodies fused to various levels, including the nature of their magical splitting and fusion abilities, and later the reasons why they can have relatively powerful psychic reactions after fusion.

Unfortunately, he only got some superficial results from these studies. This is not due to Dean's lack of ability. On the contrary, he did it very carefully and his ideas were very clear. It's just that the Colossians, including the Zerg, did not study the soul body in depth enough. .

In the end, the phenomena and data obtained by Dean were far beyond the scope of what theory could explain, including research on psychic energy. It could only be called a discovery, and it was just something recorded in a book. It is not unified and irregular, and it is impossible to obtain data for demonstration, so it cannot be called science.

Therefore, recently, he began to change his thinking and try to open a gap in the life of local entities. Powerful soul bodies can obtain nutrients from the bodies of these creatures, and there are psychic reactions inside their bodies. Even if they are not strong, they are real.

Dean has reason to believe that the spiritual energy source of these powerful soul bodies has some connection with these physical creatures. However, there is another problem here, which is also the point that puzzles him now. That is, the high-energy soul bodies cultivated by the Zerg can only reach a certain level. The level exceeds the level of those individuals released that year, and continues to increase the supply of ordinary soul bodies, and they can also naturally produce psychic reactions!

This seems to prove that Dean's guess is wrong, but he himself does not think so, because in a recent study on physical organisms, he came to a conclusion that is not consistent with macroscopic observations.

It is not that high-energy soul bodies obtain spiritual energy from physical creatures. On the contrary, it is these creatures that obtain extremely weak "spirituals" from those basic soul bodies!

This kind of hunting behavior is essentially a transfer of psychic energy!

During experimental observations, Dean discovered that after eating multiple times in a row, the level of psychic energy in the body of an entity has increased significantly!

Spirit sons are not born from them, but are owned by those basic soul bodies. It can be further concluded that whether it is hunting behavior or the aggregation behavior of high-energy soul bodies, it is essentially a kind of "spirit son" collect!

Coming to this conclusion means that the Zerg's "hunting" direction may need to be adjusted. After all, everyone knows that having "middlemen" such as physical creatures to earn price differences will inevitably lead to losses. On the contrary, those who are endless, look The seemingly worthless basic soul body possesses the wealth at the bottom of this universe!

Of course, this does not mean that these physical creatures have no value to the Zerg. Their body materials, even for today's Zerg, are non-renewable and scarce resources. The Zerg's inability to copy this material means that it will continue to There is a demand for them.

And Dean's research was far more than that simple. During this period of research on physical creatures, he was keenly aware of something unusual.

The reproduction method of these creatures seems to be related to psychic energy!

The Zerg have always known nothing about these individuals who seem to be forever wandering around in the darkness, chasing soul bodies. How they were born, but they must have an origin, but they have not yet been discovered. Just discovered.

This time, Dean discovered some clues.

Through in-vivo observation, Dean discovered some peculiar spiritual energy flows in their life activities. For these creatures, "spiritual seeds" are very precious things, and their bodies have also tried their best to use the spiritual energy in their bodies. The ground is so fine that it has obviously gone through countless years of self-selection and evolution, but now Dean has discovered that there are some useless flows, and the proportion is not small!

This is obviously abnormal. Although there is no clear evidence yet, Dean has reason to guess that this is evidence of the other party's reproduction!

Reproduction is a great biological event that allows life to continue and makes everything possible in the transmission from generation to generation.

Of course, life span monitoring is also an important topic for Dean.

For the Zerg, the reproduction of this kind of life is also of extremely important significance. If this law can be controlled, it will be possible for the Zerg to get rid of the current situation of fishing out of the lake and officially enter the breeding era!

The reason why it is possible is that the difficulty of operation, cost performance, and reproductive cycle should also be considered. However, no matter what, once the opponent's life activities are mastered by the Zerg, it will definitely represent a revolution for the Zerg. The change!

In view of this, Dean has temporarily forgotten that his original purpose was to open up the direction of soul body research from the side of physical creatures, and instead concentrated on research in this area.

If he can succeed, in addition to bringing huge benefits to the Zerg, he will also bring huge benefits to himself and the Colossians!

In this era, although the Zerg has brought together outstanding individuals of all intelligent races, there is no doubt that competition still exists. Individuals of each race represent the interests of the group they belong to. As long as they can make a contribution, they can get the benefits of the Zerg. A lot of support. In this regard, Zero is never stingy. The precious resources they crave are all "worthless things" to Zero.

(End of this chapter)

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