Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 375 Magic Energy Source

Chapter 375 Magic Energy Source

The other party was unprepared, but Zero would not be polite to the other party because of this.

Just like the expansion war in the real universe, the swarm of insects rushed straight away and quickly occupied the orbit of the planet. This means that once there is any change on the surface, Zero can react as quickly as possible and Give a physical blow from space!

Judging from the current combat power of the Zerg in space, it would not be too difficult to directly destroy the planet.

But this is destined to be unnecessary, because while controlling the orbit, Zero has already discovered the truth about this planet.

There are no large creatures here!

This is a planet dominated by land and swamps. The vegetation on it is very dense. It is roughly estimated that the species is as lush as the original Ori. However, through comprehensive monitoring, Zero can be sure that at least above the surface, there is no There are large animals, let alone exotic beasts of such huge size.

This planet shows signs of being heavily mined, and the "gaps" in the land can be clearly seen even from orbit.

That's proof that creatures once mined magical ores here, but it's now completely abandoned.

The swarm began its landing operations and quickly came to an obvious conclusion.

The mana ore here has been basically mined. At least 70% of the high-energy ore that can be mined relatively easily below the surface has been mined and consumed. The rest is basically in some places that are too difficult to mine or buried extremely deep. place.

The insect swarm found obvious traces of alien beasts living here, so it is easy to speculate why there are no large animals here. Those alien beasts, or the cubs of these alien beasts, brought this planet to The vast majority of living animals have been completely wiped out, and that's just within the last few decades!

Otherwise, at the speed of natural evolution and recovery, since the environment has not completely collapsed, as time goes by, other organisms will definitely fill the biological niches occupied by the eliminated organisms.

In other words, those alien beasts are not native species on this planet. They also migrated here. This is just their hunting ground and mining ground!

To this planet, they are also invaders!

There is no trace of the opponent here, but Zero is not disappointed, because the insect swarm has obviously approached the opponent's real living area. While the insect swarm is fighting fiercely with the magical insects, these alien beasts still have the leisure to wander in this universe. Among them, "burning, killing, looting" obviously has some foundation, and it is most likely somewhere around here.

It's possible to be hundreds of light years or thousands of light years away. At this distance, it can be said to be very close to the Zerg!

Sure enough, during the next round of exploration, the insect swarm found traces of the alien beasts!

Not on the planet, but in the void!

A miniature version of the alien beast, "alone" traveling through the dark universe.

Obviously, it is not yet a mature individual, but it has begun to live alone. It seems that these alien beasts have a very strong exclusivity. This is true when the real universe invades, and it is also true in this universe, even if it has not yet The fully grown larvae are also the same.

Such a race, even if the individual is very powerful, poses only a limited threat to the Zerg.

Zero easily completed the capture of this alien beast "cub", or it was not a cub, it could only be said to be an immature individual. After the opponent ferociously caused some unnecessary damage to the insect swarm, Gloriously, he became the first living prisoner of the Zerg race after they entered this universe.

There is no doubt that it will be sent to the dissecting table as quickly as possible. In addition, its course, the direction it came from and the direction it is going to will be the places where the insect swarm focuses on searching.

Now that the first one has been discovered, it can't be just this one.

Following the direction pointed by the other party, the insect swarm once again discovered a living planet, and this time there were obviously busy and orderly biological activities in the orbit of the planet!

There are alien beasts, large and small but obviously underage, traveling up and down the atmosphere. Here they do not seem to be so repulsive to each other, at least they do not choose to fly alone, and they even have obvious cooperation with each other.

Material is rapidly circulating around the planet in this way. It can be guessed that there must be a large number of "cubs" of alien beasts on the surface of the planet. This can simply be called their nest!

To be honest, the fact that the other party is living here in such harmony now makes Zero a little confused.

The swarm of insects has already reached their hometown, but they still seem to be unaware of it. I have to say that this kind of creature is really strange.

Zero has no sympathy for them at all, even if he has not encountered any mature individuals like the batch of alien beasts that invaded the real universe, it is even possible that the alien beasts here are not the same group as those invaders at all.

But Zero didn't care.

The insect swarm came here not to distinguish between right and wrong. Before entering the passage, it had already acquiesced that all creatures here belonged to the category of enemies.

The sudden attack caused a lot of panic in these alien beasts that had not really grown up yet, and the direct result of this panic was that almost all the individuals on the orbit were wiped out in the first round of attacks!

Next, the Zerg naturally took over the orbit of the planet. At this point, even though there are hundreds of millions of individual alien beasts on this planet, they have all fallen into a strategic disadvantage.

The insect swarm is still exploring the surroundings. These alien beasts are real dangers, especially the relatively mature individuals among them. It would be best if they can be wiped out as quickly as possible.

Only by completely eliminating the threat from these creatures can Zero be able to develop this star field with confidence.


It turns out that these alien beasts are complete invaders, and they may not even be native to this universe.

Because even on the planet that Zero originally thought was their "home", the other party is still carrying out an extermination of native species!

Such unbridled slaughter, without considering sustainable development at all, is completely destroying the ecological environment of a planet. According to the research of the Zerg, the reason why they do such a thing is just because of instinct.

Of course, because these planets are rich in magic, the bodies of these creatures originally contain high-intensity magic energy, which can provide a certain degree of magic supplement for these alien beasts, but they are not causing massacres at all. This little magic power!

The most direct way for them to obtain magic energy is to swallow magic ore, and killing creatures is just a hobby and has nothing to do with growth or replenishing energy. Although the Zerg had no mercy, in the face of such existence, even Zero felt that exterminating them would be beneficial to the entire universe.

Of course, the insect swarm, known as the cancer of the universe, does not have the position to accuse these alien beasts. In the early stages of development, the insect swarm did nothing worse than these alien beasts. However, in the past few hundred years, The Zerg relaxed their destructive development of the real universe and focused on exploration. This prevented one star field after another from being destroyed like locusts passing through.

But for this, Zero naturally ignored the past.

Zerg is a native creature of the real universe. He can create it however he wants in his own home. But now he is very doubtful whether these alien beasts are native creatures of this universe.


The truth remains to be proven, but the swarm soon discovered something unusual on this planet that was already being purged by alien beasts.

After occupying the orbit and basically blocking the entire planet's outgoing routes, the swarm launched a landing operation as a matter of course. They did not immediately launch an orbital attack, but these alien beasts with low intelligence obviously had not yet figured out what they were doing. situation.

There are constant underage alien beasts taking off and trying to attack the Zerg landing ships, but under the absolute firepower suppression above the orbit, the behavior of these alien beasts is no different from sending them to death.

The Zerg have not yet thought of launching orbital bombing on the entire planet, because it may have high research value, but for these alien beasts, the Zerg has collected too much research material, and there is nothing to cherish at all.

With the help of the opponent's attack and the space-based defense counterattack system all over the sky, the insect swarm completed the forced landing without much effort, and it was in the area where the alien beasts were most densely distributed in the space-based detection!

Of course, the magic fluctuations there are also the strongest.

Zero originally thought that there might be a larger and higher-purity magic ore vein there. This was basically the case, but it was not exactly the same.

Because what Zero saw there was, in addition to the huge and pure magic energy ore, there was also a magic vortex occupying an area of ​​about 600 square meters!

It is completely composed of magic of various attributes. It extends from the surface to the underground and continues to shrink. The magic vortex of unknown depth is distributed in the places where the surrounding magic ores are densest!

From space, the vortex's footprint is barely noticeable, but from a lander's perspective, it's not that small!

Zero was curious about what was in it, but entering it obviously required resisting the damage caused by this almost disorderly but indeed very powerful flow of magic.

The small alien beasts that gathered here before, but are still charging here despite the overwhelming space-based orbital bombardment, are obviously constantly absorbing the magic energy escaping from this magical vortex. This may be It was the powerful catalyst for their growth, but now that they were discovered by Zero, they naturally had no chance.

It is obviously unrealistic for the Zerg to enter this vortex by conventional means, and it is not impossible to break through with a psychic shield. However, after a simple test and calculation, Zero has already realized the price of doing so.

That would probably require a unit with a psychic level at least five times that of today's Sass to be able to do it!

Of course, for the sake of scientific research, with the degree of control of the new universe by the Zerg today, this consumption of spiritual energy is nothing. However, this still does not take into account the estimation of other changes that may occur in the future. Before it is understood, Zero decided not to act rashly for the time being. .

With its own Zerg scientific research team stationed in orbit and even completing landing and approach research, the Zerg are rapidly learning about magic.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because the passage this time was opened independently by the Zerg, Mira did not follow the Zerg into this universe. It seems to be fully promoting the construction of the base on the Zerg battlefield. Recently, As the war situation developed, batch after batch of magical insects entered its research base station, and it was unknown how many conclusions were drawn.

But Zero believed that it might be better to explore in this not-so-large star field than to fight tooth and nail with the zerg.

Apart from anything else, he now seems to have understood how the so-called magic is produced.

Just like here, through observation, it can be quite intuitively discovered that the source of magic on the entire planet comes from this vortex and the area where it is located!

It should be noted that the so-called magic vortex is not a gas-like existence. It is more like a liquid, but it does not have an entity, but it can actually cause damage to any object that enters it.

This thing is probably the best nourishment for the growth of these alien beasts, even insects and undead beings, and it is also the source of their magic power.

Perhaps there were originally vortices similar to this on those planets that had obviously been "hollowed out", but they were eventually mined by the alien beasts, and even the magical creatures born on them could not survive. .

The Zerg will not be polite to these alien beasts. After the first forced landing, the Zerg surface base has been established, and a steady stream of Zerg land has begun. The sky units have returned to the world, and began to center on the magic energy vortex. With the help of psychic cannons, eliminate the alien beasts on the surface and in the sky.

Maybe they were put on this planet to grow slowly, and in the future they will be able to compete with the larvae of the adult alien beasts that invaded the real universe before, but they are still too weak now. Even if they are large in number, this advantage is basically impossible in front of the Zerg. It's not really an advantage. Even without the help of space orbit or even the support of follow-up psychic energy, just relying on this base and the Zerg's current methods is enough to compete with the opponent on this planet and win. Of.

Under the advance of the insect swarms on land and in the air, these groups of alien beasts, which were not very smart to begin with, fell in pieces just like the native creatures they slaughtered.

It seems that their growth cycle is not short, otherwise no matter what the insect swarm is, you should see a few nearly adult beasts here.

(End of this chapter)

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