Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 4 The Second Ant Queen

Chapter 4 The Second Ant Queen

Thanks to Zero, the ant colony is now a small kingdom with more than a thousand ants.This also results in greater food consumption and a heavier burden on No. [-].

No. [-]'s commanding ability obviously has an upper limit. When the ant colony reached the scale of thousands, Zero keenly discovered that No. [-]'s control of the ant nest was not as handy as before.

Although everything still looks orderly and peaceful on the surface, in recent days, No. [-]'s behavior pattern has begun to change.

Worker ants who go out to explore every day do not come back. Most of them died in the battle, and a small part got lost due to various reasons. Once more than 5 days, these lost worker ants will be found and come back. The smell on them will also change, and they will no longer be accepted by the ant colony.

A considerable number of ants are lost every day, and in normal times, number one produces more eggs every day.Therefore, the number of ant colonies not only did not decrease, but increased.

But in the past few days, No. [-] has become a bit salty. She no longer lays eggs so actively. Under the observation of Zero, the number of ant colonies began to decline slowly, and finally maintained at a number of about [-]. .

However, No. [-], which was originally a reproductive machine, would only produce one-fifth of the previous eggs every day to make up for the loss of the ant colony. The rest of the time was either eating or lying still.

Zero was a little curious about how the ants solved the problem of the upper limit of the population, so he focused his energy on No. [-].

For several days, there was no movement on the [-]st. Except for eating and laying eggs every day, everything was almost back to the original point.

During this time Zero made a surprising discovery.Previously, as the ant colony continued to grow, his attention was scattered on each ant species, and he had a great time switching perspectives between the ant species every day. Now that he calmed down, he noticed in surprise, unconsciously During this time, the perspective from which I observed No. [-] changed a little.

When there was only No. [-] before, His viewing angle was almost fixed a few centimeters above No. [-], and he could not move.

However, now, his viewing angle can be zoomed in and out according to his thoughts. At the largest time, it can include the entire ant nest, and all the passages and caves in the ant nest can be seen at a glance.

"This is………"

He was a little surprised.

"My territory?"

Zero suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

It seems that with the expansion of the ant colony, these places completely controlled by the ants will be completely open to him.

"Then... what if all the ants die?" Naturally, Zero came up with a somewhat extreme idea.

"Am I...will I... die too?"

He remembered the time when he first became conscious, hazy, everything before him was blank, everything was eternal loneliness.

To become like that, He doesn't want to!
At this moment, he had a different emotion for this little ant colony.

All of His actions before were basically based on curiosity or boredom, but once this was clarified, everything changed. All of His motives would be for a simple reason—survival, better survival.

Regardless of the fact that the current ant colony has not yet encountered any crisis, the current population is actually very fragile.Not to mention anteaters and other natural enemies, once a fire breaks out on this dry grassland, all creatures within one meter of the ground will be lifeless.

Once the population becomes extinct, Zero will inevitably fall into chaos again, which is a result he absolutely does not want to see.

"We must find a way to strengthen the race!" Zero made up his mind secretly in his heart.

The current population has stopped growing, and there are currently more than a thousand ants, which have no ability to resist such natural risks. If they encounter natural enemies such as anteaters, they can only wait for death.

"Only a large enough population can resist risks." Zero thought.

Thinking of doing it, Ling immediately asked the increasingly salty No. [-] if he could control more ants.

"More... out of control... can't... die..." There was a vague negative feedback from No. [-].

"Then how can we control more ants?" Zero fell into deep thought.

"If No. [-] can only control so many ants, then if there are two No. [-]s, can they control more ants and expand the colony?"

Zero asked One again if the idea was feasible.

"New... ant queen... control... can't... new... ethnic group... master... try..."

Zero understands.

No. [-] can't control the newborn ant queen, and can only let the newborn ant queen build a new colony, but with him, you can try to control more ant colonies at the same time.

Zero expressed to Number One the idea that he could give it a try.

Three days later, No. [-] laid an egg that was much larger than the other eggs.

Another five days later, a female ant larva hatched from the egg.

After three cocoons, half a month later, the mature female ant emerges from the pupa.

Although all worker ants are also female, this female is fundamentally different from them.

The reproductive function of worker ants has degraded, which means that they cannot become new queens.But this female ant is different, she has a pair of small, transparent wings on her back, she is an ant species that can really produce offspring, and she can become a new queen ant just by combining with a male ant !
Zero was delighted to find that the newborn female ant immediately expressed her obedience to him.The aura on her body was exactly the same as that of No. [-].

This means that she is not an outlier in this nest, and all the ant colonies will recognize her as a queen.

At the same time, this also means that two ant queens appeared in one ant nest!

This is unprecedented.In the world of ants, there is no second day, and an ant nest can only have one queen.Once the second queen is produced, the new queen will immediately leave the nest to combine with the male ants, and then, like No. [-], seek ground and hibernate, waiting for the birth of worker ants to establish a new colony.

However, this time is different. This will be a brand new way of survival. From here on, this ant population will take a completely different path from others of its kind.

Zero named the newborn queen ant No. [-], and asked No. [-] to command the male ants to combine with it. At the same time, he commanded the worker ants to build a cave next to No. [-]'s "royal house" as No. [-]'s residence.

The construction was proceeding in an orderly manner under the command of No. [-], and Zero also began to think about the division of labor between the two queen ants.

The breath of No. [-] and No. [-] is exactly the same, and there is no difference between the two for other ants.

If No. [-] and No. [-] issue different or even diametrically opposed orders to the ant colony, it will inevitably cause chaos in the ant colony, which is also what Zero does not want to see.

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(End of this chapter)

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