Started as a photographer and became the top of China Entertainment

Chapter 193 Yifei, Don't Belittle Yourself

Chapter 193 Yifei, Don't Belittle Yourself
Luo Yushu never thought in his life that one day he would be approached by a woman.

And this woman is still Liu Yifei, who is called the fairy sister.

Good guy.

If she didn't open the door, would Liu Yifei smash the door directly?
Want to try it?

Try and die!

There's no need to do such thankless things, it's better to obediently open the door for others, in case someone sees it, it will damage your reputation.

He's not the kind of person who does things just to be popular.

Isn't hot search just a random thing?

Opening the door, Liu Yifei walked in without saying a word, Luo Yushu couldn't help but twitch his eyelids with that familiar posture.

But when she came in, she covered her waist with one hand, and it seemed that her waist injury was indeed serious.

Luo Yushu looked outside, making sure that there were no sneak shots of paparazzi, so he closed the door with confidence.

If there are paparazzi here, he really dare not close the door.

With the door closed, none of this can be explained.

As soon as Liu Yifei came in, she sat at the table, rubbing her waist with one hand, and took off the disguise on her body with the other.

"Is it necessary to be so careful?"

Luo Yushu looked at the scarves, hats, masks, and coats on the table... For a moment, it seemed that Liu Yifei was more tired than himself.

"Do you think this kind of thing is known by everyone? I don't really care. After all, I won't be the one who bears the label of 'chaos and abandonment' in the end."

Liu Yifei, who took off the disguise, looked at Luo Yushu calmly.

For the first time, Luo Yushu felt the gap between this woman and those stereotypes in his impression.

After all, despite those labels, Liu Yifei is just an ordinary woman.

A country woman is quite suitable to call her.

Luo Yushu sat cross-legged by the bed, smiled and said: "It seems that you came here with determination, then I might really disappoint you, the gossip you know really has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei gave Luo Yushu a supercilious look.

Do you really think her a fool?

Now there are people in the circle who want to start with Luo Yushu, and some even want to join Luo Yushu's company in order to achieve their goals.

In order to be beautiful, they will give everything.

Besides, becoming Luo Yushu's woman didn't seem like a bad thing.

He is handsome, talented, talented, the boss of an entertainment company, and generous to his subordinates...

The man's strengths far outweigh his weaknesses.

"You don't have to be so afraid of me. Since I can find you to take the initiative to show my cards, I'm already mentally prepared. In fact, I've wanted to trade with you since you said you wanted to invest last year."

Liu Yifei's words were so direct that Luo Yushu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

But what really made him smile was the "deal" that Liu Yifei said.

to be frank.

It's not that Luo Yushu has never experienced a deal. He and Zhang Bichen are just a deal, and the same is true with Fan Ye. Counting forward, there are still a few female artists in the circle.

But why did he only choose to help Zhang Bichen and Fan Ye?

Very simple.

What Zhang Bichen traded was only the songs in Luo Yushu's hands. To put it bluntly, he valued Luo Yushu's creative ability.

She can run her own affairs completely, all she needs is someone to push her behind.

This deal was not bad for Luo Yushu, who made him really have a lot of songs in his hands, and he was able to turn these songs into corresponding bargaining chips.

This is God's favor for him.

As for Master Fan, it's even simpler.

Fan Ye wants to help his younger brother Fan Chengcheng, and Luo Yushu's entertainment company can do just that.

Compared with other people's short-sightedness, Fan Ye takes a longer view.

She dared to use herself as a bargaining chip, betting that Luo Yushu's company would have a great future, and at the same time believed that Luo Yushu would help Fan Chengcheng for her sake.

Although this kind of transaction cannot be put on the table, as long as it can be seen and understood, it is understood, but it is not said.

Now Liu Yifei wants to trade?

In exchange for her old injuries to recover.

But she just said that she needed it and didn't say what chips she could pay.

And on Luo Yushu's side, as long as the word 'deal' is linked, his attitude will change to a certain extent.

As long as the deal is concluded, Liu Yifei is not even comparable to Zhang Bichen and Fan Ye in his eyes.

"Liu Yifei, do you know what you're talking about?"

Luo Yushu had a playful smile on his face: "One point is linked to the word 'transaction', you are a commodity to me, don't stare at me like that, you understand what I mean, this world is so realistic."

Looking at Liu Yifei's resentful eyes, Luo Yushu didn't care at all.

He knows his temper well.

It's not all bad people, after all, good people don't live long, he just did what he should do.

"In the eyes of you people, are we women so unbearable?" Liu Yifei's tone became a little cold.

"Hey, I didn't say such a thing. You despise yourself and insist on trading with me. I'm just telling you the truth."

Luo Yushu shrugged: "Think about it with your limited brain capacity, even if I really have that kind of medicine that can make people look younger, why should I give it to you?"

In a word, Liu Yifei fell silent.

The deep eyes also looked out of the window slowly, as if Luo Yushu's words had calmed her down a lot.

Perhaps because of her back injury, she was indeed a little irritable.

All she can trade is money.

But does Luo Yushu seem like a poor man?

She even holds her own contract in the hands of her mother, and the studio is independent, not under the name of any entertainment company at all.

The only things that can be obtained are those numbers that have been saved.

"Sorry, I was the one who got impatient tonight."

Liu Yifei got up slowly, her red lips parted slightly and said, "But I really need the medicine in your mouth, so..."


Luo Yushu shook his head and said: "To tell you the truth, I don't have that kind of medicine at all, or I am the medicine in your mouth, do you understand what I mean?"

After all, she is an adult, and she is also an adult female artist matured in the entertainment industry. How could Liu Yifei not understand?
There are many speculations in the circle, but most of them say that Luo Yushu has a special medicine in his hand.

The results of it?
The so-called special medicine turned out to be Luo Yushu himself.

It seems that her guess is correct, almost all female artists who have changed in the circle have been in contact with Luo Yushu, and they should also be Luo Yushu's shady lovers.

This is indeed something that cannot be traded, and money is not everything.

Liu Yifei sighed, slowly picked up the things on the table, turned her head and said, "I see, but I need to think about it, so...can you give me some time? I won't tell anyone about this, just don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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