Chapter 148
Well, the scene in Huang Zhixiong's mind can be said to have appeared before his eyes within a few minutes.

Before starting to eat, the two touched their glasses briefly.

After taking a sip of wine, Huang Zhixiong couldn't help squinting his eyes due to the special flavor.

On the other hand, Gu Cheng, in just a few seconds, let him see how much a person can be drunk.

His face, which was originally fair, had already turned red.

Perhaps the method of freezing it really worked, Gu Cheng felt a little drunk at the moment, he hurriedly grabbed a peanut and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing slowly.

This method was taught by Lin Ping.

Peanuts are just wine, you can drink all night.

These are Lin Ping's original words.

Obviously, Gu Cheng didn't expect to be able to drink all night, making Huang Zhixiong, who came to drink with him, enjoy himself to the fullest, was already the most ambitious goal.

Seeing his appearance, Huang Zhixiong chuckled lightly.

It is not easy to meet the same alcohol trash as Kim Taeyeon in my lifetime.

"Brother Zhixiong, how is this wine?"

"It's very delicious, even if the degree is too high for me, I probably can't drink much!"

"Just have fun!"

"That's right!"

Huang Zhixiong nodded in approval, picked up a pair of chopsticks to scramble the eggs, the rich aroma caused a lot of saliva to secrete from his mouth before he could eat it.

The spiciness of Cheongyang pepper and the aroma of eggs are mixed together, it is really a good appetizer!
"good to eat!"

"Eat more if you like it!"

Now that it's delicious, Huang Zhixiong will naturally not be polite with Gu Cheng.

Although there was a big oolong before, the relationship between the two families has also been brought closer.

As for the reason why he asked him to drink, Gu Cheng didn't tell him and he didn't mention it. He would naturally say it when he wanted to. It's not beautiful to ask rashly.

"Brother, what were your thoughts when the news of Xiuyan Nuna's withdrawal from the team reached your ears?"

"Here, let me think about it."

Sure enough, without waiting for a long time, Gu Cheng took the initiative to touch Huang Zhixiong with his wine glass, and then spoke.

It's just this question that makes Huang Zhixiong a little confused.

Could it be that Gu Cheng is in a bad mood today, or is it because of this?
Isn't he dating that girl Xiujing?
Jessica, I should have met you a long time ago!

"Yunzhen and I are actually not very concerned about the reason why that child Xiuyan quit, but just worried about Yuner's mood."

"You should also know that before this incident happened, the relationship between Yun'er and Xiuyan was very good."

"It can be said that it is that kind"

"No one can do without someone's relationship! Even Yunzhen Nuna would be jealous!"

Seeing that Huang Zhixiong was talking happily, but got stuck for a while, Gu Cheng took it up with a quick brainstorm.

"Yes, that's it!"

Huang Zhixiong's eyes lit up, this is what he wanted to say!
Therefore, when the clear news came out, Lin Yunzhen even took several days off, just to be with her sister and calm her emotions.

About, that's it?

"There is no way for outsiders to intervene too much in the matter of the combination. Only they know their own situation."

"All the family can do is to care about them at this time!"

Does high-grade wine still have the function of developing chicken soup for the soul after drinking it?
Huang Zhixiong raised the transparent wine glass, shook it slightly in front of his eyes, and suddenly a wonderful idea popped into his head.

He didn't even notice Gu Cheng's hand about to pick up the peanuts, and paused for a long time.

His inadvertent words pulled Gu Cheng out of the chaos.

"Brother Zhixiong, I understand!"

"I offer you a toast!"

"I did it, you can do whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Cheng picked up the wine bottle again, filled Huang Zhixiong's wine respectfully, then filled it up for himself, and drank it down in one gulp!

I'm going, you're a drunkard!

Looking at Gu Cheng's gradually bright eyes, Huang Zhixiong suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why is there a situation like in the Huaguo novel I read recently, where the two veins of Ren and Du were opened up!

However, Gu Cheng, the younger brother, has done everything, so he can't be cowardly, he laughed and scolded if he looked down on his brother, and he was bored.

cough cough cough.
This pungent taste made Huang Zhixiong suffer a lot and choked on several mouthfuls.

It took a while before he recovered.

Gu Cheng, if you ignore his crumbling body and just look at his eyes, you can really drink all night.

Right now, it's just relying on strong willpower to support it.

The two started eating peanuts at the same time.

I have to say that after chewing slowly, the alcohol seems to have dissipated somewhat.

This action lasted about 5 minutes.

During this period, neither of them spoke, and the only sound in the huge living room was the passionate collision of teeth and peanuts.


Breathing out a foul breath, Gu Cheng felt that he had finally regained his strength.

So, he picked up the wine bottle again and refilled the wine for Huang Zhixiong.

"Less, less, drink too much later, you Nuna should blame me again!"


Huang Zhixiong looked at the wine glass, fearing that Gu Cheng would come back again, and it would be too much for him, so he hurriedly moved out of the back of his back.

Gu Cheng nodded and said yes.

It's a pity that the hand didn't listen to the command very much and shook a bit.

The glass is full!
At eleven o'clock in the evening, Huang Zhixiong returned home drunk.

"Honey, why did you drink so much?"

"It's not too much to drink, and the two of them only drank a bottle of wine, which is the degree."

Hearing the movement, Lin Yunzhen walked out of the room, and before she got close, she was overwhelmed by the strong smell of alcohol.

Covering his nose, he seemed to say something in disgust.

Afterwards, he hurried into the kitchen and began to prepare Huang Zhixiong's hangover soup.

On the other hand, Gu Cheng did drink a lot of wine today, and he should have fallen asleep at the moment, but now he opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Look at the overhead light, one becomes two, two becomes three, three
After thinking for a while, he awkwardly took the phone from the bedside table, found Jung Soo-yeon's phone number, and dialed it.

"Gu Cheng?"

"Xiuyan Nuna, no. Didn't disturb your work?"

"what happened to you?"

In Paris, on the laptop in front of Jung Soo-yeon, the follow-up work plan is being listed.

Gu Cheng's phone call interrupted her train of thought.

It's just this voice, why does it sound so wrong?
Have a drink?
"Nuna, I apologize to you for beating someone rashly on the streets of Paris earlier."

"Although the time for Nuna to quit the group is not too short, I think I have seen a lot, but I did not expect to act impulsively."

"It also didn't take into account that this incident might cause unnecessary distress to Noona."

"Praise Hamida!"

"Gu Cheng, you drank too much, you should have a good sleep, sleep"

"Noona, listen to me."

Gu Cheng's rambling words made Zheng Xiuyan very sure that this guy was drunk.

But, why did you suddenly tell her these things?

Within a few minutes, she knew it all.

That girl Sulli is also planning to quit the group, but Gu Cheng is worried that Xiujing will be sad and is worrying about it.

Even, Jin Yingmin even looked for him.

Even knowing that the other party was uneasy and kind, Gu Cheng went over willingly.

It really is.
"Nuna, one last thing to add, I don't regret the beating at all!"

"Next time I have a chance, I will find a place where no one is around and continue beating him!"


Zheng Xiuyan knew that Gu Cheng would not listen to what was said at the moment, so she let him speak.

Who knows, what I heard again was a slight snoring.

Then he dialed his sister's phone.

"Xiujing, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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