Chapter 273
That afternoon, Lin Ping became the most popular person in FNC.

Not only are there delicious food brought from China, but also a cup of coffee and a small cake for afternoon tea.

Zhaofeng's handwriting really attracted a lot of fans for him.

It's rare for such a chaebol to have such a good temper.

The tenth floor is the floor where the FNC artist practice room is located.

Han Shenghao sat cross-legged on the ground, with a few guitars behind him, which he had prepared for Gu Cheng and the others.

But at this moment, he was stuffing a red snack made of flour into his mouth.

Slightly spicy taste with a hint of sweetness.

This small snack named 'Spicy Strips' conquered his taste buds the first time it came into contact with his mouth.

"Is this sold in Seoul?"

"I don't know, there should be Huaguo Food Supermarket in Chinatown."

"Take me to find it then."


After Han Shenghao showed off the two packs of spicy strips, the first rehearsal of the three officially started.

I don't know where the news leaked out, but nim, the president of the two companies, and nim, Wuli's handsome designer, actually formed a temporary band.

Outside the practice room, there were many sneaky heads.

"Is designer nim actually the lead singer?"

"I thought it would be the president, after all, I used to be a singer."

Seeing Gu Cheng holding the guitar and standing in the middle, the people who eat melons were a little surprised.

How many other skills did Gu Cheng have that they never knew?
From Assistant Li En's mouth, I learned that this person also has a psychologist's certificate.

Now, if the singing skills are also good, it would be too hurtful.

Obviously, Gu Cheng will not disappoint those who have expected him.

After plucking the strings a few times and finding out the feeling, he played the tune slowly according to the score.

A few seconds later, a gentle voice sounded.

Several people outside the door looked at each other.

"Rong and Ouba, can I trouble you to comment professionally?"

"What's there to comment on? If you practice and practice, you will be able to reach the level of debut."

Zheng Ronghwa was stunned.

In FNC company, his relationship with Gu Cheng is the best one.

There are several cases where AOA does not count.

But even so, he didn't know that Gu Cheng still had such singing skills? ? ?

Is there really such a versatile person?
After listening to Zheng Ronghwa's description, some staff members who are not entertainers can't help but wonder if they came to this world to make up for it?
However, to Zheng Ronghe's relative comfort, Gu Cheng is obviously a novice in playing musical instruments.

"What's the matter with eavesdropping outside, if you want to hear it, come in generously!"

At the end of the song, Han Shenghao was not in a hurry to comment on how Gu Cheng sang or played.

Instead, he strode to the door and opened the door of the practice room with a bang.

It scared the people who eat melons.

A few artists who wanted to sneak away were named and arrested.

"How about designer nim's singing voice?"

"pretty good."

"pretty good?"

Han Shenghao found the speaker with sharp eyes, and after realizing that it was not an artist, his raised voice calmed down a bit.

"Ronghe, tell me."

"Nai, President nim."

Zheng Ronghe had a bitter face, why did he find him, there were other people beside him!
However, even if he is full of complaints, he can only comment seriously.

After he finished speaking, the surroundings became much quieter.

Only non-professionals discovered that Gu Cheng's singing level was really that high.

"That's right, in the next few days, when you have nothing to do, come over and guide the designer Nim's vocalization and instrument performance."


After a long time, Han Shenghao opened his mouth slowly and arranged a task for Zheng Ronghe.

The rest of the people were arranged to attend compulsory lectures when they were free.

This is a little embarrassing!
Gu Cheng didn't expect that Han Shenghao could be regarded as a model by singing a song? ?

"Anyway, it's only a few days, just treat it as I owe you a favor. The young people now are not as hard-working as I was then."

After Han Shenghao made arrangements, he moved closer to Gu Cheng and explained a few words softly.

"I have to pay more!"


"Brother, you owe me two meals!"


Han Shenghao thought he heard it wrong, feeling Gu Cheng, your expression changed for a long time, just thinking about eating!
For the next few days, Gu Cheng and Lin Ping had nothing to do and spent time in the practice room on the tenth floor, or went to SM to rehearse for a while with the ensemble members they had prepared.

As soon as Han Shenghao made a phone call, he settled the identity of the special guest.

But in order to keep his mystery, he doesn't go to many joint training with SM.

At his level, as long as he rehearses a few times in advance, there will be no big problem.

In the evening, the AOA members who came back from the trip also came to watch after hearing the interesting stories here.

"Lin Ping Ouba, why are you even singing so well?"

"Well, does it count if you go to the karaoke room?"

During the practice break, Shin Jimin, the captain of AOA, looked at Lin Ping with admiration.

I thought that Gu Cheng's level was good enough, but I didn't expect that Lin Ping was not bad at all.

Such an answer is somewhat perfunctory.

However, Lin Ping didn't think so, and instead began to explain seriously.

For example, when you are working, you have to go out to socialize, and you have to drink a bar when you are socializing, so there must be a second drink, right?
The karaoke room is the second place I often go to.

There is no need to go into details about the third game or something, it is not important.

Shen Zhimin was stunned when he heard it, but he didn't expect Lin Ping to practice in the karaoke room?

"Jimin, don't believe his nonsense, we joined the music club when we were in college, and a senior sister helped guide us."

"It's just that he is more attentive, and I just paddle beside him mostly."

"Gu Cheng Ouba, it's better not to say what you said, it's not consoling at all."

"That's right, Gu Cheng, it's more hurtful if you paddle like this!"

Zheng Ronghwa came in with several bottles of water, and threw a bottle into his arms.

In the afternoon, Han Shenghao had something to do temporarily, so the task of guidance fell on his shoulders in advance.

In just a few hours, he was in pain and joy.

Gu Cheng and Lin Ping's comprehension is extremely high, and they can learn everything as soon as they are taught, and they only need a lot of practice.

Almost made Jung Yong Hwa think that he still has a good teacher side.


Gu Cheng chuckled, unscrewed the bottle cap immediately, and didn't say much.

For pretending to be 13, it is enough to have Lin Ping around, and that way he can still make his 13 look more advanced.

After the rest, the three of Gu Cheng practiced the two pieces together again before ending today's task.

"I'll treat you to dinner another day!"

"Kangsa Hamida, Lin Ping Ouba!"

After practice, Gu Cheng and Lin Ping had to leave quickly, and they were going to visit Zheng Xiujing's house in the evening!

Lin Ping, a flirtatious person, walked out of the practice room for a few steps, then jumped back, lying on the door to make an appointment for AOA, Zheng Ronghe and others.

On the way, Lin Ping directed Gu Cheng to go to the gift shop.

It's not a good idea to go in empty-handed when visiting for the first time.

It would be too embarrassing for Mr. Lin to make a few packages of special products as gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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