302 Sudden Attack
The smile on Gu Cheng's face stopped abruptly when he saw the picture sent by Zheng Xiujing.

This, too complacent, how could I forget such an important thing.

"Ouba, judging by your expression, you should have another account, right?"

"how is this possible"

Gu Cheng unconsciously raised the volume.

This kind of behavior, doesn't it properly prove that he is insincere?

Really shooting myself in the foot.

So, under Zheng Xiujing's 'coercion and torture', Gu Cheng had no choice but to hand over the backup account.

There were quite a few photos of Jessica Jung in there.

Great harvest!

Today, not only the plan to meet with Gu Cheng in video was achieved, but also a network disk account that stores black historical photos was obtained by accident.

She waved her hand contentedly, indicating that she was going to hang up.

Gu Cheng smiled wryly, he could tell from her posture, what she was going to do in a while, at least half of the photos he collected with great difficulty were lost.
The next day, before Lin Ping came to knock on the door, Gu Cheng took the breakfast he had bought and entered his house.

Brutally kicked the guy who threatened to hurry up but didn't get up early from the bed.

That's right, it's just so caring and kicked.

"Hurry up, wash your face and go out."

"The content of the node adjustment, I have already adjusted one yesterday, let's take a look together, if there is no problem, I will definitely be able to drive out the remaining few today."

"I rely on."

Lin Ping stood in the bathroom in a daze, looking at his messy hair, suddenly felt that it was not a good idea to ask Gu Cheng to work overtime.

If I could never, I would never say that.

At worst, after Gu Cheng is gone, won't it be nice for me to work hard on my own?

However, when he got up, Lin Ping scolded a few words from the bottom of his heart that Gu Cheng is not a human being, how can he be so excited about working overtime?
Worried about taking too long to wash, Gu Cheng rushed in again without even bringing his cell phone.

As for the hair, forget it.

I am not planning to go out to meet clients recently, and I am too lazy to wash, so I just put a hat on my head.

If something happens temporarily, say that you are looking for inspiration.

Aren't designers also artists?
"You can do it!"

"Those who didn't know thought our company was going bankrupt!"

In the car, Gu Cheng saw Lin Ping's attire today, and made complaints about it.

"If I spend more time tidying up, you will probably say I wasted time."

"It's easier to come out like this, and you can actually connect this to the company's operations."

"Old Gu, why didn't I realize that you were so quick-spoken before?"

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, take your own breakfast, and I'll drive first."

Gu Cheng ignored Lin Ping's rebuttal, handed over the big and small bags of breakfast, started the car and drove to the company.

On the way, there is still the interesting 1047 radio station.

On the way, when he heard the voices of Mr. A and others, Gu Cheng remembered that he wanted to find them for dinner, so he asked Lin Ping if he knew where these people worked at the radio station.

How could Lin Ping know about this, he just told him to ask.

"Although there is a script, it's quite interesting that these few people can be so happy every day."

"I don't think they acted like some of the content."

"That's right, improvisation!"

Speaking of which, Lin Ping recommended Gu Cheng for this radio station, but he never had the idea of ​​asking these anchors to have dinner together.

It's quite interesting that Gu Cheng made such a sudden move.

"When the time comes, Mian Ji, let's go together!"

"You find my place first, then talk about it."

"Look at you, is this a begging attitude?"

"You'll find it anyway."

Lin Ping laughed, you kid is just playing around here! ——
Since Lin Ping said that he was ready to speed up the progress.

Gu Cheng has logged into the overtime account that has not been used for a long time, not only late at night, but also early in the morning.

It really made Lin Ping miserable.

After completing the modification of several node diagrams, Gu Cheng dragged Lin Ping to change the office space.

From the Nanshang CBD with excellent conditions, it was transferred to the warehouse on Fuqing Road.

It is not very convenient to eat.

For a time, Lin Ping thought that he had returned to the time when he first left the campus.

I regret the two words in my heart, I don't know how many times I wrote them.

That's it, five days later.

At seven o'clock in the evening, in the warehouse on Fuqing Road, Gu Cheng and Lin Ping were sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding some pieces of fried chicken in their hands.

That's right, it's dinner for two.

After a week of hard work, the content of the main body is finally sorted out.

The rest is the treatment of the surface decoration.

Due to the real physical construction, a large amount of metal material is required for surface decoration.

They're not going to do that, though.

You can care about the funds, but you can't waste them casually!

"In two more days, I will lock the door and mute the phone when I sleep at night, and see how you disturb me to sleep."

"Don't worry, in two days, no dog will enter the gate of your house."


Looking at the already well-formed exhibits, both of them were satisfied and proud.

Once such a work is released, it will definitely overwhelm the crowd.

Just as they were thinking about this small venue, Gu Cheng's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Ouba, are you off work?"

"No, after dinner, then get off work."

He took a photo of the fried chicken in his hand with his mobile phone, and then switched the camera to the front.

I have talked to Zheng Xiujing about the recent working and living conditions, and there is nothing to hide at the moment.

However, why is the background behind Oh Soo-jin so familiar?
"Ouba, come pick me up at the airport!"

"What the hell? Why are you here suddenly!"


"You stand there and don't move, I'm coming!"

Surprised and delighted, Gu Cheng stood up abruptly, completely oblivious to the fact that the fried chicken that Lin Ping had just picked up was knocked off by him.

Pick up the small bag hanging on the side and prepare to go.

Then he felt someone pulling him from behind.

"I said, you are too ungrateful, you have to go home anyway, why don't you take me with you?"

"Forgot to forget."

Gu Cheng said something perfunctorily, and then urged to turn off the lights and pack up, otherwise, Zheng Xiujing would have to wait for a few more minutes.

It takes nearly an hour to go left and right.

What is the difference between 5 minutes more and 5 minutes less?
"The difference is you!"

"I rely on."

Lin Ping read a few words brokenly on the road, and Gu Cheng's sudden words pierced his heart.

If the car hadn't been traveling at a speed of 66 yards at the moment, he would have to get out of the car.

Hurrying quickly, Gu Cheng finally arrived at the airport before eight o'clock, and successfully found Zheng Xiujing in the coffee shop.

"Xiujing, why did you suddenly come to Huaguo?"

"I'm not going to fly to Seoul in a few days?"

"I just miss Oppa!"

Oh Soo-jin didn't say that she had a schedule tomorrow afternoon, but hugged Gu Cheng and sniffed him vigorously.

Haven't smelled it for days!
"Okay, let's go home first."

Gu Cheng rubbed her hair and said softly.


(End of this chapter)

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