Peninsula: My girlfriend is ACE

Chapter 334 Enemies with the whole world

Chapter 334 Enemies with the whole world
"Designer nim, are you going to participate in the RM program?"

"Well, I haven't decided which program I will participate in yet. I'm going to find a free time to have some fun."

"Big hair!"

Gu Cheng's plan to participate in the RM program spread throughout FNC immediately after Kim Jong Kook and Chen Jin left.

Director Do Min, who is in charge of the artist department, even called and asked if he could talk to him after a specific time.

He thought about inserting two artists from FNC, just in time to take advantage of Gu Cheng's popularity to gain popularity among the audience.

Gu Cheng has never had any burden for such things.

It was just an offer of time to participate in the show, and there was no need for him to communicate with the program team, so he readily agreed.

As the saying goes, men and women match, work is not tired.

After Du Min hung up the phone, when considering the participants, several male artists passed directly.

The rest are the girl groups and actors in the company.

Who to choose?
His eyes wandered over the names of several people, and his fingers paused on a few of them.

I heard that Kim Seol Hyun seemed to like Gu Cheng, but later gave up because he had someone he liked.

Should I choose her?
This idea was killed by him within a few seconds of popping up in his mind.

Not to mention that not long after Gu Chenggang made his relationship public, he took Krystal outside to enjoy the maple leaves yesterday. This was a bit unethical.

What's more, Gu Cheng's status is not low, so doing this will not do any good, but will only make him feel bad.

Can't make it!
Can't make it!
You can't do that in business.

Then choose a male artist!
Simple and easy.

From this point of view, Zheng Yonghwa and Li Hongji, who are relatively close to Gu Cheng, are very good and suitable candidates.

In this way, the problem is solved!

Gu Cheng didn't know yet that a short phone call would bring so much psychological activity to the dignified artist director.

Turning around, he turned on his computer and started checking emails and industry news.

The sports venue design plan and sample photos he collaborated with Lin Ping titled "Chasing Dreams & Building Dreams" have been submitted to the competition jury.

After receiving the two people's works, the jury immediately began to examine the plan according to the process.

At first, a small folder labeled Sample Display next to the plan did not attract the attention of all the judges.

It wasn't until one of them couldn't help but applaud and marvel after reading the entire design plan that he remembered that there was another folder that he hadn't read.

After opening it, it was not the rendering he expected.


"Bro, what are you fussing about?"

"Joe, just open the folder next to the design plan and take a look."

"Isn't it just a rendering?"

The judge named Joe said lightly, and then slowly opened the folder.

After looking at a few photos, I stopped.

"Hey everyone, I think you can stop what you are doing and take a look at GU and LIN's masterpiece."


In the small judges' office, it was a little strange to hear Joe, one of the main judges, say such words.

Aren’t you already watching?
Seeing that some people still didn't understand what he meant.

Joe repeated it again, opening another folder with sample display written on it.

After opening it, there will be a surprise.

WTF! ! !

Not even 30 seconds.

In the office, the second curse word was already heard.

These two are playing so hard, does anyone else know?
They are all senior experts in this field, and their professional and technical levels are absolutely above the standard.

It can be seen at a glance that the photo is not a P-picture, but a full-scale model made by Gu Cheng and Lin Ping frantically.

Looking at the background of the photo, this model is estimated to be the size of several offices. "Contact them and confirm what that sentence means."

Joe pointed to a sentence on the computer screen, turned around and called the work assistant.

All content can be directly displayed publicly for everyone's reference.


However, when the phone was called to Gu Cheng, the prompt was that the phone was turned off.

The assistant then contacted Lin Ping.

"LIN, are you serious about what you said?"

"Joe, you are an old friend too. Don't you understand that we two have the same character?"


Two lunatics!

After the call was connected, he immediately took the phone from his assistant and asked the question straight to the point.

After getting a clear reply, Joe cursed secretly in his heart.

The contestants are all top people from various countries and regions. With this, are you really not worried that they will draw some inspiration and surpass you in one fell swoop?

"Joe, thank you for your concern."

"However, there is an old saying in our Chinese country, those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die."

"This plan, Gu Cheng and I, was confirmed by many inspirations and many discussions. If it can be simply copied, then we will consider ourselves unlucky."

"Bro, then I can only wish you good luck."

When Lin Ping said this, Joe understood what he meant.

As mentioned before, the participants are all top players.

Top players all have one very distinctive characteristic, that is, they are confident and have their own pride.

Just looking at an excellent work and having the idea of ​​adjusting your own plan is too unstable.

Furthermore, it is now less than 20 days before the deadline.

If you want to make drastic changes to the plan, there is simply not enough time.

This is what happens when a single move affects the whole body.

If you modify a line in the plan, you have to consider whether it will affect the follow-up.

"Everyone has been working overtime in the past two days to get their plan formula out as soon as possible."

"Joe, this is against the rules."

"There is nothing inappropriate. They are willing to do it, and it has no impact on us. I will submit a written report to the jury later to explain the situation."

"That's fine."

Joe settled the matter quickly and resolutely.

Then he returned to the computer, created a new document, and began to write his written report.

While typing on the keyboard, he was even thinking about how big a ripple this plan would cause once it was made public.

These two people are really good at tossing things around!
The evil dragon that is the enemy of the whole world?

I don’t know if there will be a dragon-slaying warrior in this competition.

When Gu Cheng saw the news, it was already afternoon.

I don’t know where I bumped into it, and I don’t know when my phone was turned off.

He thought he was so free today and no one came to disturb his work.

When he learned that the competition's judging panel had confirmed the situation with him, he suddenly fell down on his chair.

Against the whole world?

Joe is still so good!
Next time I should recommend him to watch some movies that adults should watch.

For example, the recently released Ultraman Orb from the island country looks very beautifully made.

Although I haven’t read it yet, just from the introduction, it seems to be pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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