Chapter 343
On the first working day of November, Gu Cheng dressed up specially before going out to work.

When Zheng Xiujing helped him arrange his simple hairstyle, he also asked, are you planning to date an inexperienced girl?

After hearing this, Gu Cheng laughed loudly and stamped her forehead.

It was just a sense of ritual that suddenly appeared, and I couldn’t explain the reason.

Just show off once.

Some time ago, due to the weather, Gu Cheng, who was afraid of the heat, had always simply stayed cool.

The shirts and trousers are both very breathable styles.

The temperature has dropped recently and it's not that cold yet, so this outfit is just right.

Besides, this suit was newly bought for him by Zheng Xiujing, so he was not allowed to wear it to show off.

After hearing his reason, Zheng Xiujing twitched the corners of her mouth twice, feeling inexplicably ashamed.

How about asking Gu Cheng to change his clothes?
"Then I'll go out first, and I'll be back around three or four in the afternoon. Xiujing, you'll have to worry about what you're going to eat for lunch."

"Hey, Oppa, please stop being so nagging. We'll be stuck in traffic again later."

She said she was disgusted, but Zheng Xiujing's eyes were full of gentle smiles.

Isn't this scene the same as when she was a child and watched her parents go out?

After returning to South Korea from Amarika, we didn’t see many scenes like this.

These two heartless people would leave her and Ernie at home from time to time, and then run out to travel freely and enjoy their world.

From now on, how about calling Oppa and going out like this?

Let the children fend for themselves at home?
Something seems wrong.

Zheng Xiujing has been learning Chinese for a long time, and communication is not particularly difficult when she speaks slowly.

But this vocabulary can only be said to be broad and profound, and then there are too many.

It feels like no matter what you say, you can find the most suitable adjective for it.

After eating breakfast quietly, he cleaned the tableware and kitchen, and then took out the yoga mat from the storage room.

She plans to rest for a while and then practice yoga at home in the morning.

Come back to your leisure time.

Turning into a crystal ball again was not something she wanted to see.

I don’t know which ‘well-intentioned’ fan sent out that ugly photo at the airport.

If you know it, you must express your gratitude.

Maybe good things should happen in November. Gu Cheng arrived at FNC at a very smooth speed today, without encountering any traffic jams, and even got stuck on nearly half of the green lights.

With the combination of various catalysts, the mood becomes even better.

So, as soon as I walked in the door, I took out my credit card from my wallet and handed it to the front desk, asking her to buy everyone a cup of coffee.

"Big hair!"

"Did anything good happen to designer nim today?"

"Yes, you look so handsome today! The way you smile and talk to me is so charming!"

It happened to be shift handover time, and both front desks were there.

After he entered the elevator, they started discussing excitedly.

"Gu Cheng, what's wrong with him?"

The conversation between the two was also heard by Shin Jimin, Kim Seolhyun and others who had just entered, and they asked curiously.

Then I saw a credit card in the front desk's hand.

Is this something happy again?
We have known each other for more than half a year, and Gu Cheng has a habit of inviting everyone to drink coffee when he is happy, and FNC employees have adapted to it very well.

Some people joked, what if after the renovation project is completed, they won’t be able to drink such delicious coffee in the future!
I heard that Gu Cheng is already looking for a suitable office space.

"Jimin Unnie, we don't know what happened, but Gu Chengxi seems to be in a good mood."

"Besides, he is wearing a very handsome suit today, and his hair looks like he has been specially styled."

When talking about the latter part, one of them deliberately lowered his voice.

Very handsome?Several people looked at each other and were already imagining what Gu Cheng, who deserves such praise, would look like today.

Otherwise, find a reason to go up and take a look?
Forget it, that would be too crazy.

Even if you want to see handsome guys, you can't go like this.

Otherwise, if the head of the department finds out, he will have to be educated again.

However, just because they didn't go up, it doesn't mean that others won't look.

Gu Cheng arrived early today, and Kagui left early too.

As a result, everyone who steps into the company can get a cup of good-tasting coffee from the front desk.

The cups are densely arranged on the countertop, and you don’t have to think about who made them.

"Boss, why are you dressed up so handsomely today?"

"I heard that many people want to find an opportunity to come up and see you!"

"Aren't I usually handsome?"

Gu Cheng asked back, and after receiving a positive reply from Li En, he continued working with satisfaction.

As for what she said about wanting to come and see him, she didn't take it to heart.

They are all social animals, how can they have so much time to do such boring things?
"Dafa, designer nim is really handsome today."

I was complaining in my heart, but I heard an exclamation in my ears, and I raised my head in confusion.

Kim Min Young.

"Assistant Jin, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"I'm here to thank designer Nim for the coffee. It's very delicious." Jin Minying smiled playfully, and then seemed to feel that just saying this was not enough, so she added, "Seeing such a handsome man makes me feel even better. "


Compared with others, Jin Minying has more contact with and is more familiar with it due to work.

The two of them became more relaxed when talking.

"Boss, just wait, this is just the beginning!"

"Don't scare me!"

Gu Cheng's face looked strange. He no longer dared to speak so confidently.

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, he heard something moving outside the door. Following the sound, he looked over and saw two heads turning away quickly.

Aren't you worried about your boss scolding you?

"Those who stay in the company office can always find legitimate reasons to go up and downstairs, don't you think?"

Li En smiled evilly, the expression on his face was full of cunning.

Feng Feng and the others, what on earth are they teaching you? It feels like they have taught you everything, but they also feel like they have taught nothing.


At this moment, Li En's hands were so fast that Gu Cheng knew with his toes that this man was chatting with Feng Feng and others, passing on his gossip.

have this kung fu
"Li En, before you get off work today, give me the first draft of the decoration plan for the wedding room. I will take a look at the quality and progress of the renovation downstairs."


Li En's finger landed on the surface of the enter key and suddenly froze.

Boss, I haven't done anything. How can you do this?

"That's it. Just listening to your keyboard sound, I know you must be bursting with inspiration now. Come on!"


Li En didn't dare to say anything to ask Gu Cheng to come over and take a look at her computer interface, so he responded calmly.

Gu Cheng smiled happily, like a fox whose plan had succeeded.

So, as a human being, you can’t get too carried away!
"Gu Cheng, are you busy now?"

(End of this chapter)

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