Peninsula: My girlfriend is ACE

Chapter 351 The One Who Can't Wake Up

Chapter 351 The One Who Can't Wake Up

After recording for a whole day, everyone after dinner had no energy to continue to the second scene, so they parted at the entrance of the barbecue restaurant.

As for the TV station, the staff who work overtime are very efficient.

You can already see the preview of the show now.

Among them, Gu Cheng was the one who caught the attention.

A handsome figure stands at the front, followed by a dense crowd of artists, and the style of the title is also very rough.

The font is large, as if others can't see it clearly.

Gu Cheng joined RM?
For a time, netizens were talking about it.

I really can’t imagine what kind of image Gu Cheng will appear in the camera.

Wearing suits and ties to participate in brand-breaking events?
It seems to be pretty good.

However, all this has nothing to do with Gu Cheng.

I will never participate in a variety show like this again in the future, it’s just too tiring.

At this moment, he just wanted to get home early and lie down for a while to soothe his tired body.

It’s really not that difficult to record in a field that I’m not good at.

"Well, this road doesn't seem to be the way to your dormitory, right?"

"Nay, let's go home directly."


Gu Cheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, realized something was wrong only after the car had traveled half the distance.

While speaking, he pointed behind him with his hand.

There is also Shirley behind me!

"Xueqiu will sleep with us today. She will go on other trips tomorrow. Oppa Junxuan will come to pick her up."


"Oppa Gu Cheng, even if you are disappointed, don't make it so obvious. I'm not asleep."

Gu Cheng gently drawled a long note, but it was caught by Shirley in the back row, so he sat in the middle and said with a smile.

Oh, is that called disappointment?

Sure enough, breathing is the wrong thing to do when you want to find fault.

Shirley didn't pursue the matter fiercely. She stopped after teasing him for a while.

It can also be seen that Gu Cheng is very tired.

It seemed that he had never seen this kind of fatigue even when he worked overtime until midnight.

Today's recording really squeezed it out a lot.

After arriving home, Gu Cheng, who had simply washed himself, fell directly on the bed in a large font.

Within a few minutes, I fell asleep.

The room door was opened.

Seeing the scene inside the house, the visitor couldn't help but smile, then walked in and carefully covered him with a quilt.

"Already asleep?"


Seeing Zheng Xiujing's tiptoeing movements and drinking water, Shirley walked over curiously.

After taking a shower, are there two minutes before and after?
I admire this powerful ability to fall asleep! I admire it!

Zheng Xiujing made a gesture on her lips with her fingers, then walked out of the room gently and closed the door.

“I’m so envious of Oppa Gucheng’s sleep quality.”

"You don't look sleepy at all right now, and being envious is of no use."

"Dou Ding, you really don't love me anymore. You would never have spoken to me like this before!"

"Go! Go! Go"

Zheng Xiujing rubbed her arms in disgust and said something disgusting!

However, there was always a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

No matter what Shirley thinks in the future, I will definitely be her strongest support.

At that time, if she felt tired, she would have a harbor where she could dock.

Yes, this is a decision made in Zheng Xiujing's heart.

Zheng Xiujing actually didn't have much confidence in changing Shirley's mind, so she could only try her best to persuade her.

At that time, there will only be another way to help her.

Thinking of the cases she had seen recently, it was really shocking.

She didn't want to see such a miserable look on her best little sister.At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the two people cuddling together finally turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Shirley would go out to participate in an event early the next morning, and the next time the two of them would meet would probably have to wait until they returned from the Alps.

Going forward, there will be more opportunities to meet.

Due to preparations for the concert, Shirley will also participate in practice again in December.

Otherwise, it's not her style to embarrass herself on stage.

Zheng Xiujing gradually fell asleep, thinking about how she should help Gu Cheng shoot tomorrow.

At this time, on the other side of the city in Seoul, a man was staring blankly at a message on his mobile phone, falling into deep doubts.

Isn’t this the address of Gu Cheng’s home?
It’s okay to pick someone up to record a show in the morning, but why do you pick him up at home in the evening?

Is Krystal not at home?
Will Shirley also be brutally murdered?
Lin Junxuan even wanted to call Shirley and ask about the exact situation.

But at the end of the message, the words 'good night' were very prominent.

Every one counts, it’s really not a worry!

We can't blame Lin Junxuan for his rich imagination.

But in this land, as an agent, he has seen too many similar situations.

It is not uncommon for young men from wealthy families to date two or more daughters at the same time.

And most importantly, they both know each other's existence.

The reason for the harmonious coexistence is probably either King Sejong the Great or Franklin, and his extravagant hope of entering a wealthy family and living the life of a rich wife.

Gu Cheng has all the conditions to achieve this achievement.

Fortunately, I heard from Krystal that they were going to travel to the Alps for a while.

It's a good opportunity to understand the situation.

We can only hope it's not true.

At this time, Gu Cheng, the protagonist of Lin Junxuan's ideological struggle, was swimming in his sleep, turning his body from time to time, as if he was a little uncomfortable without one person.
"Brother Junxuan, good morning!"

"Hello Gu Chengxi, did you sleep well last night?"

"Not bad. I fell asleep after coming back. Recording a program is really not an easy task."

"That's right, there are some programs that even artists who often participate in are still afraid of them."

"Where's sulli?"

"I just finished cooking breakfast and haven't called them to get up yet," Gu Cheng turned sideways and got a pair of slippers for Lin Junxuan, "Brother Junxuan, please come in and sit for a while. I'll call them."

"I don't know what time they went to bed last night. They probably chatted until late again."

Watching Gu Cheng go to the second bedroom, Lin Junxuan, who had been nervous all night, breathed a sigh of relief.

Last night, it was just my imagination that was too rich.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.
"Xiujing, are you awake?"

"Brother Junxuan is already waiting!"

There was no response. Gu Cheng turned around and smiled awkwardly, only to see Lin Junxuan looking like he was watching a show.

In the past, when Song Qian was still here, he looked at her like this.

The experience of those who have been there tells him that he cannot wake up within ten minutes.

What's more, Gu Cheng is still a man, and he can't just open the door and wake up like Song Qian.

There was a good show.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.
Gu Cheng knocked a few more times, but the room was still silent and there was no response.

Lin Junxuan found a suitable position for himself and straightened out his wrinkled clothes, completely in the posture of an outside audience.

ten min later
Looking at the room where there was still no movement, Gu Cheng decided to use his trump card.

Turning around and walking into the study, he found a loudspeaker from somewhere and connected it to the stereo.

"Brother Junxuan, testify, I have no choice but to do this."

Obviously, Gu Cheng also knows the consequences of disturbing a girl's sleep, but he can't just watch Lin Junxuan waiting at this moment!
Breakfast has been prepared for three people. If we make it now, it will obviously waste more time.

"Get up, the sun is shining on your buttocks."

"Oh Mo!"

"Oh Mo!"

The effect of the loudspeaker was extraordinary, and the two of them were indeed awakened by the blast.

He looked around in confusion, and then saw a figure flashing past the door.


"Gu Cheng Ouba!"

(End of this chapter)

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