Peninsula: My girlfriend is ACE

Chapter 362 Senior Brother Gu

Chapter 362 Senior Brother Gu.
The trip to my alma mater is just a small episode.

After this episode, Gu Cheng took Zheng Xiujing to visit the Lin family and have dinner.

At the dinner table, Lin Ping, who was not present, became a thorn in Father Lin's side.

Gu Chengdu knew that he would bring his girlfriend over to see him, and this bastard was fooling around there all day long.

Afterwards, Lin Ping said that it was like this even if he was not present.

If you were there, wouldn't you be able to practice the trumpet?
If Lin's father heard what he said, there's no telling what kind of serious crime Lin Ping would suffer!

Even my parents dared to tease me.

Early the next morning, we went straight to the airport and flew towards Beijing.

Qin Tao has been waiting for a long time.

"Brother Gu, sister-in-law."

"Why did I send you here?"

"It's not that I don't know the way!"

After dragging his luggage out of the lobby, Gu Cheng saw Su Rui standing at the entrance to pick up the plane. After bumping their fists through the railing, they had a good laugh.

No matter how the times in China develop, it won’t be such that you don’t even know your own way!

Besides, with a Wangjing campus as big as the Central Academy of Fine Arts, it is not an easy task to move the location out of thin air.

The approval process alone is enough for the clerks to run around for a while.

"Brother, the campus has not changed. The teacher has changed his residence. You really don't know how to get there."

"Really, does Teacher Qin mean to go further?"

"Why are you leaving? It's just the school's preferential treatment for veteran employees, not to mention respected industry seniors like teachers."

"Should be."

Gu Cheng nodded, there was nothing wrong with such a move.

For an old professor like Qin Tao, who has devoted his whole life to teaching and educating people, no matter how high-level preferential treatment he receives, it is not an exaggeration.

Su Rui didn't have a driver's license yet, so he took a taxi back with the two of them.

As the capital of a country, the prosperity of Shangjing is a level higher than that of Hangzhou and Yongcheng.

What followed was heavy traffic.

Fortunately, this kind of situation is nothing new for Zheng Xiujing.

Just like Seoul, it’s hard to put into words, and sometimes it even feels like two legs are faster than four wheels.

Airport → Wangjing Campus of Central Academy of Fine Arts. The distance on the map shows that it is only [-] to [-] kilometers. If you drive according to the speed limit on the road signs, you should be able to get there in just over an hour.

But the actual time spent is much longer than that.

When he got off the bus, Gu Cheng had a headache thinking about getting up early tomorrow morning and rushing to the airport.

At this moment, he was thinking about whether to go directly to a hotel near the airport to stay one night after dinner?
The hotel I booked before was still far away.

"At this time, the teacher is still in class. Shall I take my senior brother and sister-in-law for a walk around the campus first?"

"I still need you to take me?"

"That's true. I've actually forgotten about it."

So, after rolling his eyes, Gu Cheng stuffed his and Zheng Xiujing's two suitcases into Su Rui's hands, waved his hands and walked away.

A complete deception.

In three days, I visited two top universities in China.

Zheng Xiujing's biggest feeling is that the school covers such a large area that it is a bit difficult to walk through it in one day.

"Oppa, if you want to study at your alma mater, don't you have to be very talented?"

"No, I feel just normal."

"Change the unit of measurement."

Now it was Zheng Xiujing's turn to roll her eyes.

What is your level and what are other people's levels? Can you compare them like this?

After wandering for a while, Zheng Xiujing suddenly stopped. Gu Cheng continued to walk two steps before realizing it and turned back in confusion.

"Oppa, catch it!"

Before he could ask, Zheng Xiujing took two steps back and began to sprint forward.

Seeing this, Gu Cheng understood and hurriedly turned around, leaving his back to Zheng Xiujing.

A second later, the weight on his back made Gu Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

All of a sudden, if he didn't react quickly enough, he might not be able to cooperate with her.

"Go forward!" "Guilty!"

On Gu Cheng's back, Zheng Xiujing looked like a female general giving orders, waving her little hands with great momentum.

In the recent period of relaxation, Jung Soo-jung has not relaxed her body management.

Otherwise, if it were in crystal ball form, Gu Cheng might still find it a bit difficult.

Now, just right.

There is no doubt about whether I am tired or not.

"Look at my boyfriend, he's been carrying her for so long and he hasn't put it down yet."

"Am I neglecting to exercise?"

Not far behind the two, a young couple seemed to be having a conflict, and happened to follow them for a while.

No, the girl took Gu Cheng out for comparison.

The boy smiled awkwardly and vaguely found a reason.

The voice was not loud, but there were few people at this time, so Gu Cheng and Zheng Xiujing also heard it.

With a chuckle, Gu Cheng silently quickened his pace.

Gossip sounds good, but if you stay here any longer, it will easily lead to conflicts among the young lovers. It is better not to do such an immoral thing.

Jingle Bell.
Gu Cheng probably knew which teaching building Qin Tao was attending classes in, and walked in that direction with Zheng Xiujing on his back.

Before I even got close, I heard the ringing of the school bell that was engraved deep in my memory.

Zheng Xiujing also hurriedly got off Gu Cheng's back.

It was okay that there were few people just now, but when the students get out of class later, they will still feel shy when there are so many people.

"Brother Gu, this way!"

Just as they were about to walk forward, the two heard Su Rui's voice again.

Looking around, I found him squatting under a tree, waving to the two of them.

"Why are you waiting for us here?"

"Teacher Qin said you should be walking this way. After I put my luggage away, I came right over."

"Look, I've finished playing the game."


Gu Cheng led Zheng Xiujing to Su Rui, sat down on the bluestone steps, and looked at the door of the teaching building with Su Rui.

A large number of students walked out in groups, carrying bags or holding textbooks.

Perhaps because of Zheng Xiujing's own aura, many students noticed the pretty figure standing under the tree after they walked out.

They didn't hide too much, they looked open and generous, and they didn't think about celebrities.

But when he saw Gu Cheng sitting on the stone steps next to him and Su Rui squatting beside him, he immediately recognized who they were.

"Gu Cheng?"

"Senior Brother Gu Cheng is here?"


An elementary school girl pointed in the direction of Gu Cheng, and then everyone who heard the voice looked in the direction of the three of them.

Because Su Rui was complaining to Gu Cheng at the moment, he shouldn't have asked FNC to visit his works last time. After Mr. Qin found out, he had one more homework to do.


Appreciation of Gu Cheng’s works.

Finally, the difficulty of the homework he had done in exchange for the study tour had been raised several levels.

This is quite uncomfortable.

"Oppa, it seems the students are running towards us."

"Don't be afraid, Oppa is here and will protect you."

Gu Cheng stood up, dusted off his butt, and stood in front of Zheng Xiujing, ready to exercise his power as a temporary manager.

In just the next second, he knew he was wrong.

"Brother Gu, why did you come back suddenly today?"

"What you're asking is not nonsense. Senior Brother Gu must be back to visit Teacher Qin!"

"Brother Gu, can you give us a sharing lesson?"

"Brother Gu"

(End of this chapter)

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