In the second week, I was entangled by them

Chapter 21 Black and White Templar

Chapter 21 Black and White Templar
In the network, a virus called "Honkai" was released, silently infecting the surrounding network electronic equipment.

Lu Feng connects himself into the cyberspace. At this time, he is the god of the Internet, with the omniscient and omnipotent perspective of God.

Wherever he looked, the information of all vehicle personnel would appear in the form of data codes.

For those connected devices, Lu Feng can turn them off at will.

[Engine off]

Lu Feng manipulated the code in the options, and issued the [command] to all the surrounding air vehicle systems.

The engine of the floating car suddenly misfired, and the driver frantically tried various backup methods, but no matter what they did, they couldn't restart it.

Dozens of powered-off hovercars are now useless tin cans, plummeting from the high school.

"Director, be careful!"

Yuichi Miyamoto's personal bodyguard jumped out of the car with him at the moment the floating car fell.

The car crashed to the ground, and the bodyguard successfully landed Miyamoto Yutomo slowly by relying on the thrusters of the anti-gravity shoes.

"There are really two brushes, it seems that I underestimated you again."

After Miyamoto Yuchi landed, he calmly commented on Lu Feng, but Lu Feng's consciousness was still in the cyberspace at this time.

Although his quick cracking is powerful, he can't directly kill those who are independent of the network, such as Miyamoto Yuchi, this guy has no prosthetic body at all, and there is nowhere to black out.

It's just that the bodyguards around him will suffer.

"To be honest, I still admire you a little bit. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can give you a new identity and let you live again. But if you are still like this, then your end is predictable."

"It's such a time, and I'm still waiting to force Lai Lai."

Xiao Xiao's silver blade drew a cold arc in the twilight.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

Yutomo Miyamoto snickered, and the bodyguard beside him smashed the ground and shot out like a cannonball.

Xiao Xiao's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and directly confronts the bodyguards.

Two tempered golden praying mantis knives popped out of the bodyguard's hands. As long as the mantis knife of this attribute hits anything, it will attach fire damage.

If it hits a person, even if it only makes a cut, the cut will be ignited, and the blood will continue to burn, and the injured will often struggle very painfully, thus losing the will to fight.

The two knives collided, and fierce sparks burst out.

"Carlos' sharp blade!" After seeing Xiao Xiao's weapon, the bodyguard laughed extremely excitedly: "Hahahaha, die for me!"

Xiao Xiao was receiving the opponent's blow, but he still hadn't stabilized when he landed.

I saw a group of figures flashing over.

This speed is much faster than Xiao Xiao's weapon skills and prosthetic body!

Xiao Xiao frantically resisted the attack, but was directly knocked and flew backwards, fell heavily to the ground, and got up in embarrassment.

The opponent teleported a few times, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Xiao Xiao, and the Mantis Knife made a sharp howl in the air.

Xiao Xiao wanted to dodge, but found that she couldn't see the opponent's mantis knife at all, and her movements were no different from slow motion in the eyes of the bodyguards.


The pupils in Xiao Xiao's eyes dilated slightly.

[Movement is restricted! 】

The Mantis Knife suddenly stopped halfway through its swing, hanging over Xiao Xiao's head.

Xiao Xiao was also very excited, knowing that it was Lu Feng who made the move.

She waved the sharp blade in her hand, a burst of blood mist exploded, and the bitter and salty smell of blood wafted in the wind.

The silver crescent pierced the sky, beheading this mighty head.


Xiao Xiao roared ferociously, and several more knives fell, cutting the bodyguard's body and limbs into several pieces.

Lu Feng detected from the cyberspace that a fast-moving target was approaching their area, and the speed was as high as Mach 0.5.

He plucked his hairs out in horror.

In Shencheng Pharmaceutical Company, there is a very special armed department, they are the ultimate weapon in the second corporate war, called "Templar".

These guys are all prosthetic bodies from head to toe, and the degree of prosthetic body implantation is as high as "98%", which is a proper war machine.

In Act [-], these guys are enemies at the [Invincible] level, and they have to rely on the plot to kill and detonate the nuclear bomb to kill them.

When encountering them now, Lu Feng couldn't guarantee whether he would be able to escape unscathed.

"See if you can hack these guys!"

[Limited movement, target Templar, requires 6 RAM, currently 12 RAM]

"Exactly, two guys, one for each."

Lu Feng implanted the quick crack into the prosthetic bodies of the two templars, and sure enough they both slowed down.

Can no longer love to fight.

"Xiao Xiao!"

Lu Feng came out of the cyberspace, and when he left, he activated the final process of the Honkai virus.

"Lu Feng, kill him!"

Xiao Xiao kicked Miyamoto Yutomo viciously, Miyamoto Yutomo was a little panicked at this moment, his forehead began to sweat.

His personal bodyguard was actually solved by these two guys.

What is the origin of these two people?

"There's no time, we have to go!"

Lu Feng pulled Xiao Xiao into the alley, Yutomo Miyamoto lowered his head slightly, and said coldly in the communication: "Why are the Templars coming so slowly!"

"Director, we have encountered an unknown hacker attack. We have resumed our operations and will arrive in ten seconds."

The dull mechanical voice replied to Yuichi Miyamoto.

Miyamoto Yutomo took a deep breath and said to himself, "He can actually hack into the templar's system, who the hell is this hacker!"

Although he said so, Miyamoto Yutomo had already made up his mind.

Today, no matter what, Lu Feng must be killed.

If this person cannot be used by himself, he will be a terrorist who can subvert the world in the future.

"My body is out of control!"

The violent and terrorist mobile team in the floating car aimed at Miyamoto Yutomo, and Miyamoto Yutomo stepped back, only to find that behind him, whether it was a police officer or an agent, they all started holding weapons or killing themselves or killing each other.

The scene became a mess!
"It's him!"

Yutomo Miyamoto thought of what Lu Feng said in cyberspace before.

This man can really control everyone's prosthetic body!
Bang bang bang.
The muzzle spewed out flames, and the spinning bullets flew towards Yuichi Miyamoto.

At the critical moment, a figure almost teleported in front of him, and the bullets passed by him without leaving any trace.

A black mechanical arm loosened, and a crushed bullet fell from the palm.


Yutomo Miyamoto saw the savior. This guy was wearing a black haori on his upper body, a red hakama underneath, and a big sword pinned to his waist.

Their shape is just like their name, a classical samurai costume.

It's just that their bodies are no longer flesh, but hard mechanical bodies, invulnerable.

The police officers of the Terrorist Mobile Squad stared at the monster in horror, and pulled the trigger uncontrollably.

"No, I don't want that either!"

But the templar didn't listen to his explanation at all, he pushed the Taidao out of the sword with his thumb, and the figure moved quickly to draw the sword.

Due to the high speed, he seemed to be standing still, and drew a Dimensional Slash in the air.

The police officers of the violent terrorist mobile team were torn apart on the spot.

"Where's Bai?"

"Bai is chasing the target, and it should be here soon."

"Okay, I'm relieved to have you here."

Yutomo Miyamoto finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Templar "Black" looked at the agents and police officers who ran out of control behind him, slowly pulled out the sword in his hand, and left his back to Yutomo Miyamoto.

"Leave the work of cleaning up the garbage to me, please."


Lu Feng pulled Li Hui, followed by Xiao Xiao, and the three of them ran in the alley.

The ground was wet, black mud accumulated in the corners, Xiao Xiao slipped and fell to the ground if he was not careful.

Lu Feng hurriedly turned around and helped her up, "Can you still run!"

"Okay, I'm fine."

Xiao Xiao nodded firmly, her body was already reaching its limit.

The high-intensity fighting and heavy use of inhibitors have overwhelmed her body, and it is only a matter of time before she collapses.

"You go by yourself, I will carry Xiao Xiao on my back."

Lu Feng let go of Li Hui's hand, then squatted down, Xiao Xiao looked at Lu Feng's broad back, hesitated for a few seconds, and still hugged his neck.

Lu Feng supported Xiao Xiao's thigh, and when he stood up, he let out a cry of surprise.

"what happened?"

"You are so light, even lighter than Rika."

"I pay attention to exercise, of course it's light."

It was the first time that Xiao Xiao had compared to Li Hui in terms of body. After hearing Lu Feng's praise, she buried her head on Lu Feng's shoulder, her cheeks flushed.

"But it's not much lighter. I think it may be a problem with some configurations."

Lu Feng made a proper joke to ease the atmosphere, Xiao Xiao squeezed his fist and hammered Lu Feng's shoulder.

The three continued to flee on the road.

There are white shadows lurking in the dark alleys, like ghosts wandering in the world.

"Lu Feng, there seems to be someone following us."

Xiao Xiao's prosthetic body has already sensed the danger.

"I know, run!"

"I can't run anymore!"

Li Hui followed behind Lu Feng, falling behind immediately.

Lu Feng frowned and stopped.

Li Hui supported her knees, unable to breathe.

"hug me."


Li Hui tilted her head in a daze.


Lu Feng's voice was very loud, and he also heard footsteps behind him.

This guy can obviously appear directly, but he insists on consuming the physical strength of the prey and creating a feeling of fear.

"Aren't you afraid that we will leave if you have such a bad taste?"

Lu Feng sneered, and Li Hui hugged Lu Feng behind him. The heads of the three were all very close to each other, and their breaths interacted with each other.

Xiao Xiao evaded with a blushing face, and Li Hui bowed her head silently.

【Carlos Hook Type A】

The hook line popped out of Lu Feng's hand, and it was launched towards a billboard not far away.

"Bringing three people for the first time, we will definitely fall into a shit later on, so be prepared."

Lu Feng vaccinated the two of them in advance, and then launched the hook in his hand, hitting the billboard.

The three were quickly pulled over.

Just as the three of them left the ground, a gloomy smiling face emerged from the darkness.

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(End of this chapter)

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