In the second week, I was entangled by them

Chapter 29 Keep Your Head Down

Chapter 29 Keep Your Head Down
Early in the morning, Li Hui was awakened by a rustling noise.

She turned over, buried her head in the quilt, and wriggled a few times like a caterpillar.

"Dear Member of Parliament, according to the schedule you made, today you should go to the western suburbs of Tianqiong City to meet with the homeless family."

The sound of electronic cyber was heard, Li Hui opened her eyes in a daze, lifted the quilt, and saw that Lu Feng had already dressed in front of the mirror.

"The floating vehicle has arrived, and breakfast is ready for you."


After Lu Feng talked with the "housekeeper" and walked out of the room, Li Hui looked up sleepily, she was still sleeping on the floor.

It's just that this time the bedding at home is very soft and comfortable, and I can sleep comfortably.

"you are?"

When Li Hui saw a bald projection in a suit and leather shoes falling into the room, she couldn't help but feel a little strange, and covered her low-cut pajamas with a quilt.

"I'm Butler 211, you can call me by my code name, or just call me Butler."


"I'm here, what is Miss Lihui's order?" 211 put his hands on his chest and looked at Lihui politely.

"are you human?"

"I am an artificial intelligence, absolutely obeying the arrangement of the head of the household."

"Oh, artificial intelligence, we Shencheng Pharmaceutical had such a similar existence before."

Li Hui thought of some of her past situations, her pretty face was thoughtful, and she slowly let go of her grudges.

"Miss Lie is the heir of Shencheng Pharmaceutical, and she must be far beyond ordinary people in terms of knowledge."

"You know my true identity!"

Rie's hazy eyes slowly widened, she thought 211 retrieved personal information from the Internet.

"This is the information entered into by my lord, and my lord asked me to protect your safety at all times."

"Protection, can you still protect me?"

Pear E looked at this intangible artificial intelligence, and was a little suspicious of what it said.

"Yes, 211 has a combat mode and a daily mode. Skylight Property is committed to protecting the life and property of the head of the household. Your information will be scanned as soon as you enter the house."

"That's it"

"My lord, please pay attention to your movements and protect your safety, anytime, anywhere."


Rika rubbed her eyes slightly moved.

Although he was always fierce and had no good looks towards himself, he never seemed to give up.

Even in the face of desperation, you must escape with yourself.

"Miss Lie, the Councilor has arranged breakfast for you, there is an opera event in the morning, and afternoon tea and movies for you in the afternoon, are you leaving now?"

"so good"

In a trance, Li Hui seemed to return to the leisurely life of the past, and her daily schedule was full of eating, drinking and having fun.

"Skylight is committed to serving the head of the household, and will arrange the most suitable activities for the head of the household according to the personal preferences of the head of the household."

"Where did Feng go?"

"My lord congressman is going to meet with the homeless family today, and he has already left in a floating car."

"I can't seem to help him"

Thinking of this, Li Hui realized that she was a burden to Lu Feng.

"You live safely, and not causing trouble to him is the greatest help to him."

211 comforted Rie with a smile.

"Is that what he told you?"

Li Hui was a little disappointed, as expected, she was just a vase in Lu Feng's eyes, and could only be used as an ornament.

But 211 shook his head with a smile, "No, Mr. Senator never told me that."

"Eh?" Rika looked up in surprise.

"This is an inference I have come to after thinking about it."


Lu Feng was driving in the sky above the city on a floating car, and skyscrapers and huge billboards passed by.

"211, how long will it take to arrive?"

"It is expected to arrive at the homeless Sika family camp in 3 minutes."

211 is active on Lu Feng's floating car, it is an artificial intelligence, replacing "Xiaoqiong" as the driver of the floating car.

Like a shuttle, the floating car flew away from Tianqiong City and came to the vast Gobi outside the city.

The sky is clear, the yellow sand is rolling, and the exposed yellow stones and ridges look like giant muscles and backs. The view on the Gobi is very wide, and Lu Feng can see the homeless camp from a distance.

"It is expected to arrive and land in 1 minute. Your Excellency, you can get ready to get off the car." 211 reminded Lu Feng.

Lu Feng stood up, this was the first time he visited the homeless family in the second week.

In the first week, the homeless family is an important part of the main line, and it is also the player's first base.

Every homeless family has a different name, and Lu Feng is going to the Xika family today, which is the one where Victor and Wendy are.

The floating car came over the camp, ready to land.

[Warning warning, unknown artillery is approaching! 】

[Emergency defense mode is on! 】

[Battle mode starts! 】

"what happened!"

"My lord, sit tight."

211 reminded in a cold voice, and as soon as the words fell, the floating car shook violently.

Lu Feng's head almost hit the glass, he tightened the armrest in the car, and looked out the window.

I saw several RPGs flying out of the camp.

[Close-up guns open]

Two near-anti-aircraft guns are extended on both sides of the floating vehicle body.

The firepower of the close-in artillery was fully fired, and the ejected barrage formed a firepower net, destroying and shooting down the flying rockets.

"My lord, do you want to call the nearby support?"

"No need, let's go down."


211 drove the floating car to the sand dunes not far from the camp. When the floating car landed, seven or eight jeeps drove out from the camp, flying towards the sand and mud all the way.

The hatch opened, and Lu Feng took out the silver dragon and hid it behind a piece of yellow stone.

The homeless family under the sand dunes had arrived. Lu Feng turned around and found that he was surrounded and his escape route was cut off.

"These guys."

It's not that the Homeless family is deeply exclusive, it's that they especially hate company dogs and city politicians, including some ostentatious rich people.

In their view, it is the exploitation of these people that has led to their poor situation today.

Obviously, they also regarded Lu Feng as this kind of person.

Lu Feng did have the name of a "senator", and they didn't wrong anyone.

211 appeared in front of Lu Feng with a serious expression: "My lord, the air vehicle has turned on defense mode."

"Stand by first, don't fire without authorization, I don't want to cause conflict."

The firepower of the combat mode of the floating vehicle is very fierce. Once fired, it will cause great damage to the homeless below.

Lu Feng came here to exchange feelings and talk about cooperation by the way. Friction such as misfires is unnecessary.

"The one above, you are surrounded!"

Someone under the sand dunes took out a horn and yelled at Lu Feng.

"Don't shoot, it's all yours!"

Lu Feng walked out of the bunker with a gun in his hand. A few bullets whizzed past Lu Feng's ears, and sparks exploded on the stone, scratching Lu Feng's face.

He immediately hid behind the bunker again, wiping the cold sweat that was dripping down.

"Damn it!"

Lu Feng scolded angrily, fortunately he still wanted to speak the truth frankly, he didn't expect this group of people to be so ignorant of martial arts.

Now it seems necessary to use some special means to subdue them.

【Optical camouflage type A open】

Lu Feng entered stealth mode and disappeared on the sand dunes without a sound.

There was no movement on the sand dune for a long time, and the people below were unavoidably anxious.

"Moore, we don't have much time, the support from Tianqiong City may arrive soon, let's go and have a look!"

A woman in a leather jacket proposes to the man next to her.

"Okay, Leopard, you cover!"


On the jeep, a homeless man wearing a flaming turban set up a large sniper, and the cross aimed at the bunker behind the dunes.

"Nancy, I'm on the left, you're on the right, we'll outflank it!"

Moore made a plan, and the two men, rifles raised, cautiously groped towards the stones behind the dunes.

Arriving next to the floating car, Moore jumped out to pull the gun line, and aimed the rifle at the floating car, but did not find anyone here.

"Nancy, I didn't see him here!" Moore said in the communication.



Moore's voice rang hollow over the dunes, the wind whistling in his hair.

He felt very strange and ran towards Nancy.

On a rock, he found Nancy fainted.


Moore ran to Nancy's side, checked the surrounding situation, and began to check her body after confirming her safety.

Fortunately, nothing serious, just fainted.

The safety of the gun was turned on, and a hard barrel was pressed against the back of Moore's head.

Moore froze for a moment, put down the gun, and slowly raised his hand.

"Don't move, keep your head down."

(End of this chapter)

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