Chapter 3 Art is Explosion
According to the agreement, Lu Feng and Xiao Xiao joined Karl's team.

Together with Lu Feng and the others, there is also a team of cyberpunks who have no reputation.

There are a total of six people in this group, and they all want to become popular and make a name for themselves in the City of Dreams.

Carl deploys tactics in the private room of the Doomsday Bar, and Lu Feng and Xiao Xiao's team are responsible for reporting points, invading the system network and solving the security guards who came to support.

Another team was responsible for creating chaos and leading away part of the bodyguards, and Karl was responsible for taking hostages.

After the work is completed, there will be a floating car to pick up in the sky garden of the hotel.

After the tactics were deployed, Karl rubbed his palms excitedly.

"This time it's a big deal, and the reward will definitely satisfy everyone. Let's go and smash the company dog ​​together!"

"Carl, this operation is very risky. Is it reliable for you to let two children with no hair grow with us?"

"Roner, this is a genius cyber hacker." Carl walked behind Lu Feng and happily introduced Lu Feng to the cannon fodder team.

Lu Feng smiled and said nothing, this fat man understood the art of language.

High EQ: This is a genius cyber hacker.

Low EQ: This kid is a young man with no record. I hired him purely for cheap.

As for why Karl dared to hire Lu Feng, it was because Karl had already found a way out.

The client of this operation guarantees his safety, even if he is caught, he can escape by relying on his connections.

On balance, Karl felt that he couldn't find mercenaries with too much experience, because they knew how to survive a crisis, and the price was too high to hire.

Besides, once they find out that they have been tricked, they will definitely find Karl trouble.

Therefore, these mercenaries who are eager to try, cheap, and have no famous background naturally become his first choice. When they are all dead, Karl can take the entire high reward.

Knowing this information, Lu Feng deliberately interrupted and asked, "Who is the client of this operation?"

"Hahaha, that's a really big man. I don't know if the dragon can't see the end." Carl squeezed Lu Feng's shoulder, laughing heartily.

"I also do business with unknown origins. You are indeed a big shot in the City of Dreams, Karl."

Lu Feng always speaks with thorns to Karl, and Karl, an old vixen, can naturally hear it.

However, the requirements of this kind of work are too high and there are many restrictions. It is difficult for Karl to find someone else to replace Lu Feng, otherwise he would have kicked out this kid who likes to ask questions.

"Do your job well, and the money will depend on you."


The Lijing Hotel in the City of Dreams is decorated with lights and festoons, white flower clusters are displayed on both sides of the road, the floor tiles are dragged like mirrors to reflect light, and polite waiters are waiting at the door.

The floating cars above the head landed in the parking lot of the sky garden one after another, and all the famous characters from the city of dreams gathered here.

A strict security system scans every person who enters the hotel. Security guards armed with rifles, snipers and cyber hackers hiding in the dark are on the lookout.

"What a good day today."

It was the first time for Xiao Xiao to come to such a high-end hotel, and the two of them wore the suits given by Carl to undergo security checks.

Upon arrival at the lobby, the shiny-haired waiters greeted the guests warmly and politely. Champagne and fine wines on display filled the long tables, and the air was filled with the smell of perfume.

The festive atmosphere here makes people feel that there is no crisis at all.

"Today is the coming-of-age ceremony of Miss Shencheng Pharmaceutical and the future successor of the company, Miss Chiba Rie. The company invited entrepreneurs and politicians from Dream City to participate in this ceremony." The waiter at the front desk explained to them politely.

"Because the room is tight, the two of you can only choose the standard room this time, sorry."

"It's okay, as long as we have a place where we can stay, it won't hinder them." Lu Feng smiled kindly.

"Okay, the two rooms are at 9211, and the authority has been activated for you." The front desk opened the authority to Lu Feng and Xiao Xiao.

The two took the elevator to their room.

Although it's just the simplest standard room, the panoramic open environment is much brighter than Xiao Xiao's in the old town. Standing by the glass, you can have a panoramic view of half of the City of Dreams.

"Lu Feng, I will buy this kind of big house to live in in the future."

Xiao Xiao lay on the glass, admiring the bustling city scenery outside the window, fantasizing happily: "After this list is completed, we can be regarded as people with dignity."

"Don't put it aside, come and get down to business."

Lu Feng successfully hacked into the hotel's security system through the network access warehouse, and the defense devices of the entire building were automatically highlighted and presented to the two in the form of a data model.

"I saw Carl."

Lu Feng found him on the roof of the hotel, and he successfully sneaked in disguised as a construction worker.

"Lion, can you hear me?"

Carl successfully connected to the encrypted communication channel.

"Yes." Lu Feng replied.

"Our mission target this time is Chiba Rie."

"Chiba Rie. Isn't that the heir of Shencheng Company?" Xiao Xiao was taken aback, and then hurriedly covered her mouth.

Lu Feng deliberately pretended not to know, and asked coldly: "Carl, you didn't say that we kidnapped the young lady of Shencheng Medicine before you came."

"As I said, it's a high-level person in the company. The higher the risk, the higher the reward. Those who work in our business will die from the bold and starve the timid. Now you just do what I say," Carl replied stiffly. .

"Lu Feng, what should we do, should we do it?"

Xiao Xiao looked at Lu Feng uneasily, and she began to feel a little regretful, because the other party was really someone they couldn't afford.

Anyone with a bit of a brain would not come to find fault with the Qianye family. This is no different from assassinating the emperor in ancient times.

"Since you've come all the time, you can't go home without eating enough today." Lu Feng said with a firm look in his eyes.

"Good boy, it's a good material."

Carl was delighted that the cannon fodders were all motivated.

"Rona and the others are going to create chaos at the door later. At that time, they will attract some security personnel. Lion, you hack their defense system, and I will take advantage of the chaos to sneak into Chiba Rie's floor, and you will get rid of Sweet Potato." Those security guards who came to support gathered in the atrium of the Sky Garden after they succeeded, where there was a floating car I arranged to meet them."

"It sounds like our task is the toughest." Lu Feng frowned, "Let us catch the hot potato?"

"Haha, it's up to me to succeed. Kidnapping the heir of Shencheng Company face to face is a terrible job." Carl tied a rope to the roof of the building and pulled it hard, and it was still safe.

Holding a giant hammer in his hand, he checked the high-explosive bombs in the arm prosthesis.

"Okay, I will report to you when the time comes."

At 17:[-] in the evening, a floating vehicle arrived at the parking lot of the Sky Garden.

Before the floating car stopped, a girl jumped out of the car.

"Miss, be careful."

Ishikawa Meiji chased after him and reached out to protect the girl.

The girl was wearing a cherry red small furisode kimono, her dark and beautiful hair was tied up with a pure white camellia hairpin, and her clear eyes shimmered like a quiet spring.

She raised her proud head and snorted at Meiji Ishikawa.

Ishikawa Meiji is Chiba Rie's personal bodyguard, with a slightly burly figure and a lot of prosthetic equipment built into his close-fitting suit. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a Cybertron.

Chiba Rie doesn't like these tin cybermen.

"Meiji, Rie will give a coming-of-age speech in the auditorium later, you are responsible for the safety around you, and you cannot allow any threats to appear, understand?" Miyamoto Yutomo ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Director." Meiji glanced at Rie, then turned and went downstairs to inspect.

"Pear E, today is your birthday and your coming-of-age ceremony. As the heir of Shencheng Pharmaceutical, you should behave more prudently, stop being naive like a child all day long, and pay attention to the image of the company's leaders."

"Don't worry about me."

Li Hui pouted her mouth, she hated the long-winded preaching of these elders the most.

After she said a word, she went to her room to make preparations without looking back.

Miyamoto Yutomo smiled coldly and disappeared into the parking lot of the Sky Garden.

Chiba Rie was led by the manager to the executive suite. She stood at the door and ordered something, and the manager nodded and left.

All this was seen by Lu Feng, he told Carl in the encrypted channel, "You can do it now, Chiba Rie is in room 9811."

"Received by Rona, the explosives on our side are also ready, and we promise to give the company dogs a little artistic surprise."

Luo Na and others arranged a lot of explosives inside and outside the venue through their connections. As long as they press the remote control, the good show will begin.

People came and went in the venue, and Meiji Ishikawa scanned through the prosthetic eye to check for hidden dangers one by one.

When he came to a corner, he found a strange cylindrical object.

"what is that?"

He took a closer look, his eyes turned cold instantly, his forehead was bulging with veins, he waved his hand at the staff, and shouted: "Evacuate the staff immediately, activate the first-level preparedness plan!"

Then he immediately called Yutomo Miyamoto, "This place is no longer safe, Miss must evacuate immediately!"

"Ishikawa, what's going on, what happened?"

"No time to explain, we're going to be terrorized!"

Just as Ishikawa roared at the top of his lungs, the TNT explosive in his hand was slightly heated. Ishikawa's eyes widened, and he prostrated himself, pressing the TNT explosive under his body.


Bang bang bang.
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(End of this chapter)

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