Chapter 40 The Loyal Man
The crane hoisted up the huge steel coil. At first, Renala thought that Lu Feng wanted to use the steel coil to roll down to fight back against the guards.

But Lu Feng drove the crane to the other side. When Renara was confused, Lu Feng remotely controlled the crane and swung the steel coil towards the wall.

"Is that so?"

The steel ring slammed heavily on the wall of the warehouse, and the floor trembled.

However, the building of Shencheng Pharmaceutical is extremely strong, and the steel ring only left a scratch on the wall.

"Come again!"

dong dong dong.
Unwillingly, Lu Feng tried a few more times, and the wall was cracked, and the cracked cement mixed with white lime was scattered all over the ground.

"Ishikawa, smash this wall!"

Lu Feng roared amidst the hail of bullets.

Ishikawa was already injured at this time, and the enemy's firepower was very dense, and there were many powerful ray sniper rifles among them.

Shi Chuan's left arm was beaten to pieces, and the armor on his chest was also in pieces. He was shot in the head, exposing the metallic skull inside.

He looked unusually pervasive right now, a bit like the Iron Terminator.

"it is good!"

Ishikawa maximized the power of his prosthetic body, bent his knees downward, smashed the floor with his foot, and hit the wall with his shoulder.

The already cracked wall was overwhelmed by Ishikawa's human shells, and smashed to pieces with a bang.

On the other side of the wall is an aisle. Two agents in suits walked up to them. When they saw Ishikawa with a half body of metal and shiny prosthetic eyes, they also took a few steps back in horror, took out their pistols and shot at him. .


Ishikawa raised the palm of his right hand, the palm of the palm was shining, and the white rays tore an agent in half.

Another agent was running and looking for a favorable hidden area. Ishikawa's prosthetic body accelerated, and several afterimages passed the agent. He grabbed the agent's shoulder with his right hand and exerted force with his fingers.

The crackling sound was accompanied by a sharp wail, and Ishikawa crushed the agent's shoulder, and he chopped off the agent's head with a knife in his hand.

"Lu Jun, hurry up!"

Lu Feng turned on [Optical Camouflage Prosthetic Body Type A] and entered stealth mode.

He took Mother Xiao to rush out.

But the guards who came here were well-equipped and wore high-end thermal imaging helmets. Lu Feng was beaten back as soon as he leaned out.

"Honey, I'll cover you!"

Renara rolled out from behind the cover, and the Silver Dragon submachine gun frantically fired at the crowd.

Bullets were fired from the muzzle, a lightning chain was formed between the barrages, and the electromagnetic explosion flashed sparks and electricity, knocking a group of guards to the ground and losing their combat effectiveness.

In addition to the damage caused by the kinetic energy of the bullet, the people who were hit by the bullet, the continuous electromagnetic damage made them dance a laser dance before falling straight down.


Renara emptied the magazine in two seconds. She touched the magazine and found that there was no spare.


After sending Mother Xiao to a safe place, Lu Feng threw two magazines at Renala.

Renara reached out to catch the magazine, but the magazine was actually smashed by two rays in the air.

"Insidious and despicable fellow!"

Taduro Sakamoto, who had his arm cut off, got his arm back somewhere and rushed out of the agent.

He rushed towards Renara at an extremely fast speed, Renara narrowed her eyes, and the prosthetic body skills also activated.

Kelenara's prosthetic body seems to be of lower quality than Taduro Sakamoto, and he caught a flaw and stuck her neck.

The powerful force was about to crush Renala's neck, and Renala was lifted up by him like a chicken, her feet struggling in the air.

[Electromagnetic short circuit! 】

Lu Feng launched an attack on Taduro Sakamoto's prosthetic body, which was hit by electric current and exploded.

Renara took this opportunity to break free, kicked Taduro Sakamoto in the abdomen, jumped backwards, staggered a few steps after landing, and almost fell down.

It was Lu Feng who supported Lei Nala.

"Are you ok?"

Lu Feng had a cold face, and the cold eyebrows added a bit of depth to this small boy.


Renara thanked in a low voice.

"Lu Jun, Renala, hurry up, the enemy is coming!"

"We have to go."

"None of you can get away!"

Taduro Sakamoto was furious like a wild beast, he smashed open all the boxes, picked up one of the iron boxes and threw it at Lu Feng and Renara.

Lei Nala lightly led Lu Feng to avoid the fatal blow.

The box smashed into the wall and embedded itself deeply.

Lei Nala hugged Lu Feng, and the prosthetic body activated and dragged out dozens of afterimages.

Ishikawa Meiji took Xiao's mother, and the four escaped from the warehouse.

"Go ahead!"

"it is good!"

Lu Feng pointed out the direction for the two of them. At this time, Lu Feng's prosthetic eye could penetrate the wall of the building and observe the enemy's position.

"Turn left!"

"Turn left at the second fork."

"The enemy is on the left side, be careful about sneak attacks."

"I have opened the door directly in front, rush over!"

Under Lu Feng's command, the three of them bypassed the pursuers and came to a platform.

"Close the floodgates!"

Lu Feng input the command into the heavy gate, and the gate slowly fell.

"You guys don't even want to leave!"

Just as the gate was about to close, an iron hand came out from the crack of the door. The heavy gate weighed at least a dozen tons.

But even such a mechanical creation was forcibly broken apart by Taduro Sakamoto.

Ishikawa put Xiao's mother down, and stared at Taduro Sakamoto with cold eyes.

"Zhong Lang, do you have to help the evildoer?"

"Ishikawa, you traitor!"

Taduro Sakamoto approached the four of them slowly with heavy steps.

"The real traitors are you, you betrayed the lady, you betrayed the family, you tin men with no sense of honor!"

Taduro Sakamoto was taken aback by Ishikawa's scolding, he seemed a little unconvinced, and then he defended himself.

"I have always been loyal to the company, I have always been there, and I am not like you, Ishikawa, who betrayed everyone!"

"My allegiance is only to the young lady, and only to the Chiba family. The parents have trained me and Ryunosuke since we were young. Ryunosuke is a heartless guy. I can understand him, but you, Zhonglang, have you forgotten everyone? Thank you for your kindness!"

Ishikawa opened his mouth.

"When the corporate war broke out, you were an orphan without a family. Have you forgotten who adopted you!"

"Who will give you a place to stay when you are desperate!"

"Who taught you swordsmanship and how to fight!"

Lu Feng scratched his head unexpectedly, he always thought that Shi Chuan was a loyal reckless man in the game.

I didn't expect this reckless man to have some brains, which is even more terrifying.

However, Lu Feng was not idle when Shi Chuan and Zhong Lang were talking, and hurriedly called 211 to meet them.

"My lord, please give me some time, I am trying to break through their siege."

"hurry up!"

Lu Feng squeezed sweat with wet palms.

"Zhong Lang, I know you are not such a person, as soon as you leave the company with us, we will go to miss together!"

Taduro Sakamoto exhaled faintly from his nostrils, his trembling eyes fixed on Ishikawa.

"Zhong Lang, let's go, Miss will forgive you."

"Zhong Lang."


Taduro Sakamoto took a step back, yelled emotionally, and then looked at himself collapsed.

"I don't know what I'm doing, I."

Taduro Sakamoto has always been loyal to the company. For him, the company's interests are above all else, and all enemies of the company are the targets he wants to kill.

But now Chiba Rie is expelled from the company by Miyamoto Yutomo, and Ishikawa is on Chiba Rie's side.

As the company's umbrella, Taduro Sakamoto didn't know how to stand in line at this time.

The company is his family, but Chiba Rie is the heir of this family.

His heart was tangled to the extreme.

In the past, Chiba's family was the company, but now that the company has broken with Chiba Rie, it is really difficult for him to make a choice.

"Let's go, don't come back!"

Taduro Sakamoto made up his mind, he couldn't make a choice, so he planned to let Lu Feng and his party go.

"Thank you, Zhong Lang. If Miss has a chance to return to the company in the future, I will speak well for you."

"Enough Ishikawa, that's it."

Taduro Sakamoto lowered his head, suddenly he couldn't find the meaning of his existence.

It was as if the belief that had been believed for a long time was suddenly shaken at this moment.

He always thought that the company was on the right path. For the sake of the company, he also voluntarily accepted cyber transformation and became the current Templar "Black".

211 drove the floating vehicle out of the encirclement and came to the platform.

"My lord, I just lost them, but they will catch up soon."

"Ishikawa, come up!"

After boarding the car with Mother Xiao and Renara, Lu Feng waved at Shi Chuan.

Ishikawa took a deep look at Taduro Sakamoto.

"do not."

After the four boarded the vehicle, the engine of the floating vehicle roared away.

"Hehehe, hehehe"

After the four of them left, Sakamoto Tadaro drew his Otachi sword.

The sword is called "Jinzhong Pill", one of the legendary weapons of Dream City.

As a retainer, he was sorry to Chiba Rie, and as a templar, he was also sorry to the company's cultivation.

Under extreme pressure, he roared and sliced ​​the Zhongzhong Pill into his heart.

Taduro Sakamoto was grateful for the kindness of the Chiba family with his death, and also cut off the entanglement of grievances and resentments.

(End of this chapter)

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