In the second week, I was entangled by them

Chapter 43 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 43 Chasing and Killing
A missile hit the Sika family's camp, and vehicles on one side of the camp were blown up by the missile.

Lu Feng lay on the ground under the cover of Shi Chuan, and the dust from the explosion splashed the dust all over the two of them.

Looking up from the gray dust, Lu Feng's ears kept ringing, and his vision was blurred.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of a rifle firing.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Renara ran over and dug Lu Feng and Shi Chuan out of the soil.

How embarrassing and embarrassing the two of them should be.


"I'm fine, Lu Jun, are you okay?"

"I'm okay"

Lu Feng was covered by Shi Chuan just now, so the missile didn't kill him.

However, his thigh was hit by shrapnel, and blood gushed out of it. Walking and running must be unnecessary.

"Lenara, you carry Mr. Lu on your back, I will cover your retreat!"

"Give me your hand, honey, and wrap it around my neck."

Renara squatted down, and Lu Feng lay on her back. Renara held Lu Feng's thigh with one hand, and held the Silver Dragon submachine gun in the other.

Shencheng agents chased them out of the city.

Their sophisticated equipment and combat prosthetics caught the Sika family by surprise.

They didn't even see the agent's location before they were shot in the head.

"Company dog!"

Moore roared and took out Victor's Type 990 heavy machine gun, and the roaring machine gun fired at the agents who came over in the dark.

The agents are equipped with combat prosthesis, it is impossible to hit them head-on with bullets, and even Renara has to rely on sneak attack and assassination to deal with them.

"Suppress them to fire, and solve that heavy machine gun fire point!"

The agent captain put up a tactical formation, and the well-trained agents quickly went around to the shooting position.

Moore focused on the direction in which the bullets flew from the machine gun. At this moment, a bullet directly penetrated his skull.

The strong man took a few steps back, his eyes gleaming with unwillingness, and fell straight down like a mountain.



"Fight with you!"


The people of the Xika family seemed to be crazy, with red eyes, and rushed out of the bunker desperately. They couldn't even see anyone, and they poured bullets into the darkness.

bang bang
Gun flames flashed in the darkness, and several men lost their lives in an instant.

The agents' bullets blasted their heads with precision.

"Damn, where is the man!"

Leopard picked up the sniper rifle with one hand and set it behind a bunker.

The gunshots were still ringing, and the leopard could only judge by the sound, and fired blindly at the place where the light was shining.

The powerful recoil pushed up the leopard's shoulders, and blood overflowed from the wound he had just pierced yesterday.

A large-caliber bullet penetrated an agent's body, and the agent appeared from the darkness. Half of his stomach was smashed, and he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Compared with the weakness of the homeless family's equipment, Ishikawa Meiji's prosthetic eye is very advanced. He turned on the thermal imaging mode and found the agents hiding in the dark.

The agents used Lu Feng's optical camouflage body, but their quality is not as high as Lu Feng's, and they will appear when they are hit by bullets.

"Find the target, shoot!"

Another team of agents found the traces of Lu Feng and the three of them.

They picked up their rifles, and just when they were about to aim and lock, Shi Chuan rushed over, quickly dragging out dozens of afterimages.

He snatched the rifle from an agent, and turned it over with the butt of the gun in his backhand.

The agents shot in the direction of their teammates, but all the bullets hit their teammates.

Ishikawa pulled out the sword at his waist, shuttled across the Gobi at an extremely fast speed, and instantly killed a group of Shencheng agents.

"It's solved, Lu Jun, Renala, it's safe here!"

Ishikawa waved his hand, and a missile landed on his head in the next second.


Lu Feng's eyes widened. The smoke and flames from the explosion prevented them from approaching easily.

Countless bullets shot at Ishikawa in the smoke from all directions, and the tracer bullets were like falling raindrops, densely packed.

"Honey, we have to help him!"

Lei Nala put down Lu Feng and carried Lu Feng on her back, so she couldn't exert her own strength.

"Is your injury healed?"

"It's okay to go."

Renara's prosthetic body activated, Lu Feng stretched out her hand, and she got into the darkness in the next second.

"What a lingering fellow."

Lu Feng gritted his teeth, no wonder he felt a little strange, why his reward hadn't arrived yet after all the missions were completed.

It turned out that there was still a little tail left unfinished.

[Invasion protocol: BD, 77, C9]

[Quick Crack: Cyber ​​Spirit, 3 RAM is required for implantation, the current value is 12 RAM]

[Quick crack: Electromagnetic short circuit, 2 RAM is required for implantation, the current value of 9 RAM]

[Quick crack: prosthetic body burning, implantation requires 2 RAM, current 7 RAM value]


Lu Feng implanted all the quick cracks into the bodies of the agents in one breath. This time, no matter the tactics and plans, no matter how chaotic it came.

Soon there were lively voices in the darkness.

Lu Feng also got a gun himself, in case the agent didn't finish killing him, and he was stolen.

"Depend on!"

The leopard was found.

The agent flashed behind the leopard, and the leopard found the trace of the agent and dodged to the side. The agent's dagger was stabbed in a crooked place, and it hit the leopard's injured arm straight.

The leopard, which lost one arm, was no match for the agent at all, and was kicked to the ground by the agent.

The agent raised his gun and shot the struggling leopard in the head.

There was gradually no movement from the Sika family.


Lu Feng thought of a very important thing.

Mother Xiao is still in the tent.

Got to save her!

Lu Feng moved his thigh. Although he was bandaged and treated with medicine, the blood was still dripping.

It must have exploded into a blood vessel.

"Damn it!"

Lu Feng couldn't stand up at all.

Renara and Ishikawa are still fighting the agents in the dark, and Lu Feng's RAM hasn't recovered yet.

The situation is precarious.


Lu Feng supported himself to stand up with the butt of his gun. He saw an agent appear, holding a gun, walking towards Mother Xiao's tent.


[Quick crack: Electromagnetic short circuit, need 3 RAM value, current 2 RAM value. 】

"Reply quickly!!!"

Regardless of revealing his position, Lu Feng fired two shots at the agent.

The bullet just hit the agent's head, but the agent has a helmet for protection, and their skull has been modified, it is difficult for ordinary caliber rifle bullets to kill them.

"over there!"

After discovering Lu Feng's location, the agent shouted excitedly.

He didn't care who was in the camp anymore.

Yutomo Miyamoto said that whoever is the first to kill or find Lu Feng's body will be rewarded with 100 million yuan.

Such a price is worth everyone's crazy.

Lu Feng himself didn't know that he was worth so much money.

After firing a shot, Lu Feng turned on [Optical Camouflage Type A] and moved around.

After entering stealth mode, the agents searched for Lu Feng's location for a long time but failed to find him.

At this time, Lu Feng was hiding behind a stone, only 5 meters away from the agent.

The night wind blew on his face, carrying a faint fragrance of ink.

"Lion, you owe me a favor this time."

(End of this chapter)

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