Chapter 57
The two floating vehicles parted ways over the Gobi, and the floating vehicle that Lu Feng was on arrived at a high ground.

As soon as the car door was opened, the torrential rain poured in from the window.

Lu Feng put a poncho on Wendy, and Wendy came behind a boulder carrying the dawn.

"It's too far from the factory."

Xiao Xiao measured it with his eyes. Looking down from here, Yougui's factory is only about the size of a palm.

"Is there a problem with Wendy?"

"I can."

Wendy nodded in the torrential rain, the rain was splashing on her poncho, her well-behaved and clear eyes were full of killing intent like never before.

In this extremely harsh and windy situation, ultra-long-range sniper killing is definitely a very big test for snipers.

But Lu Feng believed in Wendy's ability. In the first episode, Lu Feng had seen Wendy's sniper level far surpassing that of ordinary people.

The neuroprosthetic system on her body can quickly react and predict the enemy's movement, thus greatly improving the hit rate of bullets.

"The backs of me and Xiao Xiao are all up to you."

"Leave it to me, Wendy won't hold back, I want to avenge my brother!"

Wendy made up her mind and would never relent.

"it is good."

With Wendy sniping from the commanding heights, Lu Feng is not afraid that there will be ghosts escaping, so he can ensure the smooth completion of this achievement task.

Lu Feng and Xiao Xiao got on the floating vehicle and pushed forward. The floating vehicle opened the optical camouflage casing and quietly hid in the night.

There was a strong wind and heavy rain.

Wendy lay quietly on the pitch-black rocks. The undulating and desolate Gobi looked like a beast's mouth, with endless darkness inside.

The water beside her flowed along the cracks in the rocks. Wendy closed her eyes in the darkness, took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and aimed at a sentinel with the cross.

The trigger is pulled.

call out.
Dawn was equipped with a muffler, which made a crisp sound, and a golden-red flame flashed from the muzzle. A bullet slipped out of the rifling, and flew towards Specter's factory in the heavy rain.

Just as there was a thunderclap, a sentry was yawning, and the bullet whizzed over and hit him in the torso.

The huge human body was shattered into a puddle of flesh, and the blood was quickly washed away by the rainstorm.


Wendy pulled the bolt, and the sound of bullet casings falling to the ground symbolized the loss of a human life.

She started looking for her next target.


Renara and Ishikawa's floating vehicle arrived at the slope to the west of the factory, and the floating vehicle exited the optical camouflage mode.

The two wore raincoats and walked out of the floating car.

Meiji Ishikawa brought his own legendary weapon, the Cyber ​​Blade, and two [Stiranka] smart pistols on his waist.

Renara is holding a silver dragon, and two assassination daggers are hidden on the side of her thigh.

"Partner, it's time for us to act."

Renara squinted her eyes in the heavy rain, and Ishikawa pulled out two pistols, "Then let's go."

The two walked down the hill so openly, and soon entered the vigilant range of the ghosts.

The big and bright searchlights of the ghosts shone on the two of them.

"Hey, get out of here, what kind of idiot are you?"

The sentinel issued a warning to the two, but the two did not stop, nor did they stop.

"Fuck, find fault, right, today."

A gunshot echoed in the valley, and the bullet precisely hit the sentry's brain. The sentry's head split open like a smashed watermelon.

Ishikawa's [Stilanka] pistol is not an ordinary pistol, it is a real epic pistol.

One of Ishikawa Meiji's exclusive weapons.

"Good marksmanship."

Renara whistled.

"They are here."

"It's ready."

Renara opened the safety of the silver dragon, and the two of them flashed, and a grenade fell from where they were originally standing. With the sound of the explosion, gunshots followed one after another.

Renara jumped up, laughing wildly, the silver dragon's muzzle slammed, and the bullets hit the ghosts' chests, bursting out blossoming blood.

Many people were inexplicably hit by bullets without even seeing what the woman's face looked like.

"Damn it, her bullets will bend!"

A ghost noticed that the trajectory of Renalla's bullets was very strange.

"It's a smart weapon, be careful!"

A ghost resisted the RPG and blasted towards Ishikawa in the dark.

Facing the flying RPG, Shi Chuan's prosthetic eyes lit up, his two guns swung horizontally, and the trigger was frantically pulled.

The bullet precisely hit the warhead of the RPG, and it turned into a ball of flames in the air.

The two guns hit the attacker's chest, and a hole burst out in that person's chest instantly.

The ghost fell into the rain, wailing twice with blood flowing, and then lost his breath.

"Quickly pull the mecha over, these two guys are hard to deal with."

"Damn it, wait for the mecha to come and kill these two punks."

The cyber mecha came out of the warehouse, stomping on the ground with heavy and powerful footsteps.

Looking at the high and thick walls of the factory, Renala leaped forward, landed on the wall briskly, and stepped on the top of a container with her strength.

The mech's radar detected Renalla's position, it raised its machine gun, and the twin large-caliber machine guns fired at Renala.

Renara ran on the container, followed by tracer bullets like rain.

After bypassing the back of the mech, Renala reloaded Silver Dragon.

"Iron Pimple, let me show you how powerful the electromagnetic storm is."

Silver Dragon locks on to the target.

The small and powerful submachine gun fired continuously, and the continuous bullets flashed in the air like a giant woven net, falling on the cyber mech.

The mecha, which was originally invulnerable and not afraid of shells, was hit by an electromagnetic storm, and the system was paralyzed.

"Restart the system, hurry up!"

The mech pilot manipulated the joystick, desperately trying to save this expensive mech.

There was a sound from the shell of the mecha, and the driver managed to restore the vision system of the mecha, and found a man standing on the top of the mecha.

The driver opened his mouth in surprise, and then he saw a scene he will never forget.

With a roar, Ishikawa stretched out his terrifying mechanical hand, grabbed an iron plate of the mecha, and broke it hard.

A piece of the reactive armor of the mecha was torn off by him abruptly.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces.

When did the driver see such a perverted human being.

No. It shouldn't be human, this is simply a Cybertron!
Cybertron tearing up the mecha!

"Help. Help!"

The driver desperately called for help inside, but there was no movement outside.

Renara kicked the shell casing under her feet, raised the muzzle of the gun, and the rain fell on the muzzle, making a sizzling sound.

Ishikawa stabbed the prosthetic hand into the inside of the mecha, and pulled it hard, the mecha flashed with lightning and sparks, and pulled out a ball of wires.

The cockpit door slammed twice.

That was the loud noise made by Ishikawa beating with his hands.

The driver took out his pistol, his pale face was so frightened that he lost control of himself.

The moment the cabin door was torn open, the pilot shouted with a ferocious expression, and the gun flames in the cabin flickered.

The bullet hit Ishikawa's chest and shattered the raincoat on Ishikawa's chest.

The bullet scraped across his chest without leaving a trace.

"It's strange. A monster."

The driver looked at Ishikawa with blank eyes and raised his pistol.

After the gunshots, blood burst out of the cockpit.

Ishikawa got down from the mecha, and Renala saw blood on Ishikawa's body, so she came over.

"Did it hang up?"

"It's bloody."

Ishikawa borrowed the rain to wash the blood off his body.

In the cabin, the pilot drank a bullet and died.

"Come on, let's go in and sit down."

Renara and Ishikawa cleared out the sentry guards on the west side, and slowly approached the factory.

(End of this chapter)

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