Chapter 679 The Power of Money

Du Yu passed through the portal and came to Zaresantis.

Because this is a real world, there is no need for guidance like in the main world game to reach the Enlightened One's base of operations, Tranquility Harbor.

In Tranquil Harbor, he saw many brokers active, much more than he had in the game.

In order to obtain the secrets of the Firstborn, Du Yu simply put the blood elf priest of Lorando Morrowind 'online', like the players of the Fourth Natural Disaster, who took on tasks to gain reputation.

Based on his combat power that was comparable to that of a real Titan, he quietly killed many elite monsters, and in the process gained something as magical as the essence of Yuan Zun.

In the game in the main world, Yuan Zun Essence is just a material used to make equipment, but in the real world it contains a magical power.

Du Yu hasn't unlocked its real secret yet, but he can feel the preciousness of Yuan Zun's essence, and subconsciously feels that it should be related to the power of creation he is looking for.

It's just that you need a certain amount of luck to get this magical material, and it can't be easily obtained by killing those violent creatures in Zaresantis.

In fact, the essence of Yuan Zun may exist in any monster, and may also appear in minerals or herbs.

Just like in the game, the ones with the greatest chances of obtaining them come from those gathering professions.

Du Yu wants to collect a large amount of Yuan Zun's essence, but he doesn't want to have to work hard to mine and collect herbs.

Fortunately, there is an auction house in Oribos City, and as a person who owns more than a dozen small worlds, he is not short of money at all, not to mention that he has secretly obtained a lot of wealth in the world of Azeroth over the years.

He simply made a shadow clone and squatted in the city's auction house as a material merchant. While buying low and selling high to earn gold coins, he continued to increase the purchase price of Yuan Zun's essence.

In just a few months, Yuan Zun Essence was fetched an extremely high price by him.

Driven by the power of money, the players of the Fourth Natural Disaster went crazy doing tasks and looking for extremely hidden treasure chests.

Of course, the largest number are those who have dual mining side jobs. In order to obtain more gold coins, some people even go online for more than ten hours of mining.

Du Yu was extremely happy after seeing it. With so many free workers working for him, what better business could there be?

Well, the reason why he said that is because this guy secretly mastered several manufacturing side jobs to the master level.

Because it is a real world, there is no restriction that you can only choose two side jobs in the game.

With his intelligence level and soul strength, it is not difficult to learn those side jobs. In fact, after every 'version' change, this guy's shadow clone will secretly learn tailoring, leatherworking, forging, enchanting... and other side jobs.

After secretly 'monopolizing' the essence of Yuan Zun, the various equipment he manufactured became a hot commodity among 'players'.

Even those in the collecting professions unknowingly returned the gold coins from selling Yuan Zun's essence at a high price to this guy's pocket.

In other words, in addition to the initial investment, Du Yu has already earned millions of gold coins back, and is still making money.

It's not that there aren't people with business acumen among the players of the Fourth Natural Disaster, but it's that those people didn't get into the industry as early as he did.

By the time the smart people reacted, he had already occupied more than 80% of the entire market share, and because his equipment would intentionally or unintentionally coincide with the yin and yang and the five elements when manufacturing equipment, he often outperformed in terms of quality and magic bonus.

Equipment based on his iconic moon mark has almost become a symbol of inspection-free and high-end products among 'players' and coalition forces.

The shadow clone is squatting at the auction house, while Du Yu himself continues to explore Zaresantis. In fact, there are many more secrets hidden in this alien land than what is shown in the main world game.

After swiping through various elite monsters, he discovered many Firstborn devices that were not in the game.

What surprised him the most was that the system actually translated the information left by the First Born based on the sacred texts of the 'Moon God's Inheritance'.

After learning the words of the First Born Ones, it will be much smoother to communicate with those enlightened ones.

Here I have to talk about the group of brokers who claim to be enlightened. They used to be members of the Ai Consortium, but have given up the pursuit of profit and glory and instead serve the Firstborn devoutly.

The main thing is that after gaining their favor, the enlightened ones are happy to share the knowledge they have gathered. Especially after learning that Du Yu had an extremely outstanding 'language talent' and could translate the sacred texts left by the First Born, the relationship between the two became even closer.

After sharing some of the secrets he had deciphered, this guy gained more and learned many lost Yuan Zun languages.

Du Yu also mastered the cipher text console and some automatic devices.

Not only that, he also obtained a lot of Firstborn secret currency, and used it to research and unlock more languages ​​to learn more Firstborn secrets.

Of course, in the real world, those secrets cannot be explored overnight.

Du Yu is very patient. Apart from the daily work of maintaining a few shadow clones from time to time, he devotes all his energy to this aspect.


Time flies, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Thanks to the efforts of the coalition forces and the Fourth Scourge, the traces of Warden Zoval were finally discovered. He actually entered the mysterious heart of the Shadow Realm - the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn.

If he controls the original energy, he can reshape the universe and make the power of death superior to other cosmic forces.

In order to prevent the warden's conspiracy from destroying the world of Azeroth, the Alliance and the Horde have once again put aside their past suspicions and joined forces.

After gathering the elite of the coalition forces, Bolvar Fordragon summoned the top players in the Fourth Scourge, preparing to enter the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn to disrupt the conspiracy of the warden Zoval.

The army was quickly assembled and a large amount of supplies were prepared, and the war was about to begin.

It was not until this time that Baron Hillman Sasse rushed to the front line from Oribos and once again participated in the war as an army staff officer and commander.

Soon, the coalition forces entered the Holy Tomb of the First Born through the portal.

As soon as you enter the 'dungeon', you are greeted by the giant automaton robot guard guard and several of its younger automatons.

Du Yu is very familiar with the game strategy of the main world, but the pressure of creation faced by the Firstborn in this real world is much more exaggerated than the game shows.

He still followed the previous routine and asked the players from the coalition forces and the Fourth Natural Disaster to 'test' their skills first.

Unexpectedly, in just the first tentative attack, the advance team was wiped out by the continuous damage released by the vigilance guards. Even the healers, who desperately used their skills, were unable to withstand such exaggerated damage.

'I am so strong. Du Yu secretly complained in his heart.

However, it is not based on their own interests that the coalition forces advance as fast as possible. On the contrary, only with certain battle losses and consumption of blue and purple gourds can more high-quality soul fragments be harvested secretly.

After several trials, Baron 'Hillman Sass' finally analyzed the tactics of using several automaton boys around the security guards, and the coalition forces solved the problem of being killed instantly.

It’s just that the hundreds of elites that have been lost can never be saved again.

But solving an important problem does not mean that the Vigilance Guard can be killed smoothly. In fact, every skill it possesses such as violent attack, material decomposition, fission analysis, and cleavage wave has cost the coalition forces a huge price.

Even Bolvar Fordragon, Jaina Proudmoore, Uther Lightbringer, Lor'themar Theron, Liadrin and other battle-hardened people are a little sad.

However, Ci does not control troops. For the future of Azeroth, the real world, they have no choice but to grit their teeth and endure such battle losses.

After more than ten days of fierce fighting, and after sacrificing the lives of nearly a thousand elites, the coalition forces finally pushed down the Watch Dog Guards. However, after the victory, no one was in the mood to celebrate the victory.

However, Du Yu was secretly very happy. The Green Purple Gourd not only harvested the soul fragments of the elite coalition forces, but also unexpectedly received a ray of golden soul power, which was instilled by the Firstborn in order to drive the automaton.

'Could you be the so-called power of creation? ’ he thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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