Overlord: Insect Eater

Chapter 59 The Weakest Name

Chapter 59 The Weakest Name

Humanoid spirit insects can be regarded as a very special kind of existence. It does not come from the form of spirit insects, but its body shape is humanoid. In terms of size, it is not like other spirit insects. The stronger the strength, the bigger the body, that is, Normal human size.

The name of the Demon Blade Demon Insect, Heavenly Insect, has only been heard. It is said that it is a terrifying spirit insect with sharp blades that exist exclusively for killing.

Its bloodline level is very high, but its spiritual intelligence is extremely low. It is cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and can even affect the master's mind...

"Tianyi actually sent such a person over, it seems that he wanted to pick us out with the help of the other party alone." Tian Centenum said in a deep voice, his tone very serious.

Tian Chong looked at the serious-looking Tian Centenary and asked, "How about it, are you sure you can beat him?"

The centipede shook his head without any concealment.

"I haven't fought, and I don't know. But judging from the known information, this person is a strong opponent. I can fight him [-]-[-] at most..."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire twelve teams fell silent.

You know, Tianqiu, the master of the Twelve Branches, said at the time that Tian Centipede is the person with the strongest talent in the Twelve Branches for so many years!

Now that Tian Centipede has personally said that he is at most as strong as the opponent, doesn't that mean that the eighth team even only needs one or two top-ranked strongmen to really pick their entire team?
Is the difference really that big?

For a while, Tianji, Tianji and the others felt their scalps tingling...

Tian Chong also frowned, looked at Tian Centen, and said in a deep voice: "I'll go up and meet him first..."

"No! You can't make a move yet." Tian Centipede directly raised his hand to stop Tian Chong from continuing.

"Although Tianli is strong today, it can be ranked second or third in the eighth branch at most. We don't need to sabotage our plan for him. The strongest of them hasn't appeared yet, so you'd better not reveal your strength."

Tian Chong was silent, but finally nodded.

At this time Tiantianli had already reached the center of the valley, Tiancentu took a look at everyone, and finally met her younger sister Tianlu's worried eyes with firm expression.

"Twelve branches of the Tianmai, Celestial Centipede!"

Without any nonsense, Tian Centipede directly reported his family and was ready to fight.

"The eighth branch of Tianmai, Tianli!" After reporting himself, Tianli suddenly grinned, his white teeth gleaming coldly under the sunlight. "You can go together, I don't mind."

"If it's Tianyi, you might still be qualified to say this. You... don't need it!"

The centipede was slightly annoyed when he heard the words, and replied.

A touch of blood red flashed in Tianli's eyes, and the smile on his face became more and more cheerful, and even turned a little ferocious in the end.

"Very well, I hope you can stick to your words..."


Suddenly, a ray of light burst out from the ground, rushing directly towards the centipede with lightning speed.

From the very beginning, the centipede had always been vigilant, so although this sudden attack was unexpected, it didn't make the centipede flustered.


There was a sound of metal clanging, and then everyone saw that the whole body of the centipede had been enveloped by a huge phantom of a dragon centipede.

However, at this time, a deep scar appeared on the huge dragon centipede phantom, almost cutting it off in the middle!
Looking at the murderer who caused all this, everyone present gasped.

I saw a strange humanoid creature whose whole body was like crystal and could even reflect the surrounding scenery when it appeared in front of them.

The tenth thing that shocked everyone the most was that there was a blade-like horn on the forehead of this creature, and blades even protruded from its shoulders...

Similarly, its arms and legs are actually sharp knives, and even the front and back of the arms have sharp edges.

There is no doubt that this creature can attack like a long knife with a wave of its thigh or arm.

This is a killing machine made for killing!
"This is the magic blade demon worm?!" Tian Chong couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Saying this thing is a spirit worm feels a bit too much, right?

There were quite a few people in the arena who had the same thoughts as Tian Chong, especially the melon-eating crowd on the surrounding hilltops, all of them staring at the battlefield with wide-eyed eyes, lest they miss even the slightest detail.

"Although I don't like the lunatics like Tianmai, I approve of the fighting power of these guys..." Xuan Mo looked at the two fighting below, and his eyes couldn't help showing a solemn look.

It would be very difficult for him to face any of these two!
This statement was also recognized by everyone around.

The reason why they don't like Tianmai's group is that apart from the other party's behavior style, the combat effectiveness far surpassing that of the same race is also an important reason.

After the initial confrontation, the centipede also had a clear understanding of the magic blade demon worm.

This thing is not only full of blades and is extremely good at attacking, but its speed is also very fast, even if it is at full speed, it will be weaker than the opponent.

What's more, the attack power of this thing is really terrifying. Every attack can easily break through his current defense. As long as I have a slight flaw, I am afraid that I will be injured by the sharp blade of this thing.

Now that the temptation is over, the real battle will begin next...

Taking a deep breath, the whole body of the centipede changed awe-inspiringly, and then violent spiritual power surged out from behind him, and a terrifying dragon centipede with the size of a hundred feet rushed out of the spiritual energy, and raised its head to the sky and let out a violent roar.

The next moment, the centipede jumped into the sky, and the whole person was placed obliquely below the head of the centipede.

After roaring, the dragon centipede lowered its head slightly, and a bloody rune suddenly appeared on the black carapace on top of its hard head...

The bloody light of the rune fell on the centipede, and then under the gaze of everyone, pieces of blood-striped black armor began to cover the centipede, forming a black full-body battle armor in a short while.

The Celestial Centipede, completely wrapped in armor, only showed its indifferent pupils, and then opened its hands...

The bright red light condensed in the palm of his hand, and in the next moment, the red light turned into a scarlet and ferocious battle gun. There were many runes engraved on the battle gun. As soon as he showed his face, an astonishing spirit erupted. Power fluctuations and killing spirit.

Tian Chong looked at the scarlet battle gun, and his pupils froze slightly: "Peerless artifact?!"

The slug next to him said with some complacency: "That's right! This is my brother's strongest weapon, the Red Dragon Spear. Combined with the Dragon Centipede Battle Armor on his body and the Flying Dragon Centipede, even the demon No matter how strong the blade monster is, it's useless!"

Tian Chong is not so optimistic.

You know, at this time, the Celestial Centipede has shown his strongest state, but the opponent has only sent his own natal spirit insect from the beginning to the end...

Could it be that only the Celestial Centipede has a powerful artifact that can fuse with his natal Flying Dragon Centipede, so the other party won't?
Thinking of this, Tian Chong's eyes fixed on Tian Li immediately, his eyes burning to see what he would do to deal with it.


I saw the demon blade demon worm waved those two arms, and then crazily killed towards the position of the centipede again.

The face of the centipede, which was covered by the battle armor, could not see the expression clearly, but I could only see the red dragon battle spear in its hand sweeping across, the red light swept across, and finally collided with the knife arm wielded by the demon blade demon worm forcibly... …

In an instant, the sky fell apart!

The entire land seemed to tremble at this moment, and ripples visible to the naked eye vibrated from the feet of each person and insect, stirring up dust all over the sky.

The earth cracked.

The white light and the red light frantically eroded everything around, the shock wave continued to spread and explode, and finally dissipated under the gaze of countless eyes because of the exhaustion of spiritual power.

A gust of wind swept across the sky, rolling up the dust and dust in the sky, and the scenery in the valley became clear again.

In the center of the valley, centipedes standing with spears in their hands stood motionless.

As for the Demon Blade Monster Worm, it had already been forced back hundreds of meters by the Celestial Centipede's shot, looking a bit embarrassed.

It's just that the defensive power of this demon worm is too high, and the shot of the centipede didn't leave any scars on its whole body!
"Jie Jie Jie, is this your full strength? Yes, very good...you are qualified to be my opponent!"

Tianli's smile gradually became villainous.

Those people around were also startled by the eruption of the centipede.

With such a strong combat power, even Lingqing, Diyan and others felt their own inadequacy.

"The weakest? If there are such geniuses and they can only be the 'weakest' branches, how strong should the children cultivated by those powerful branches of the Tianmai be?" Ling Qing shook his head and sighed.

"It seems that this rumor is not true..."

Di Yan next to him also said solemnly: "Seeing is believing, hearing is believing!"

"Now it's up to Tian Li how to deal with it..."

Well, with Tianli's morbid personality, he naturally chose to be tough at this time!
Amidst his strange laughter, the magic blade demon worm suddenly came behind him, and finally one person and one worm stuck together, and the latter seemed to have turned into a liquid, and it was directly wrapped around Tianli's body...

Two silver full-moon scimitars appeared in Tianli's hands, and they were held by one from the left and the other from the right. The tips of the scimitars met and turned into a round curved blade.

Seeing this, the centipede hung the spear in his hand slightly, and the spiritual power in his body was also circulating at this time, and the spiritual power around him swept up like an ocean. Behind it, the space was distorted, and the Supreme Sea loomed, exuding powerful spiritual power.


Sensing the majestic spiritual power around the centipede, Tianli's eyes flashed immediately, and he sneered, and then his eyes suddenly became stern.


The powerful spiritual power exploded behind Tianli, but his figure turned into an afterimage at this time, and almost instantly, he appeared in front of Tianli, and then he slashed out...

This knife does not have any bells and whistles, but it condenses an extremely violent killing intent. Moreover, when this knife is swung out, there is blood on Tianli's body, and the blood is entangled on the blade, as if with The miserable howls of countless innocent souls came from it, which was shocking.

"This is the blood-killing knife technique practiced by Tian Li." Tianlu looked at the burst of blood energy from the opponent's body, and quickly scanned the scroll with his beautiful eyes to record the news, and explained anxiously.

"This is a very bloody and strange killing technique. It needs to go through countless bloody battles, and use the blood of the enemy to condense one's own killing intent. After Dacheng, there will be countless grievances and blood demons accompanying each knife, which is breathtaking!"

Tian Chong looked stern, and nodded slightly as he watched the battle in the field.

The melon-eating crowd on the mountain also sensed the terrifying killing intent contained in Tianli's saber technique, and many of them changed countenance.

If they were the ones facing Tianli at this time, I'm afraid that this killing intent alone would make them less than [-]% of their total strength, and they might be instantly killed by the opponent at that time.

It's just that the Celestial Centipede holding the red dragon spear at this time did not show any weakness in the face of such an attack. A domineering dragon spear was used by him to shake the world, and the violent dragon power on the long spear was not inferior to the opponent's terrifying killing intent at all. , for a while, the two were evenly matched.

At the same time, the sixth team, which is at the same trading point as the eighth team, has already received the news, but Tian Xing, the captain of the sixth team, did not send only one person like Tianyi, he personally brought the entire sixth team All 28 people came to the outskirts of the valley, watching the battle between the two with great interest.

"I didn't expect that this generation, which is considered to be the weakest of the twelve branches, would have such a gifted child..."

Looking at Tian Centen who was getting more and more courageous in the field, Tian Xing, as the captain, couldn't help but praise him.

After hearing his words, the person next to him immediately laughed and said: "It's a pity that this genius boy is about to perish... Tian Li in the eighth branch is a famous murderer, except for their captain Tian Yi, no one dares to provoke him. "

"The stronger this person is, and the fiercer his attacks, the more likely he will be unstoppable and destroy that centipede directly!"

In these people's minds, they never thought that Tian Centurion would be Tian Li's opponent, and the best ending for the former would be to save his life in the hands of that lunatic.

It's just that Tian Xing doesn't think so...

"Don't make a conclusion so early, maybe the result after a while will surprise you..."

Judging from Tian Centenary's current performance, his strength is not much weaker than Tian Li's, and since the opponent dared to put down the ring so openly, and directly aimed at their two teams, he would definitely not Only this little strength.

The weaker the team, the more they will investigate all the competitors' information before coming.

Tianxing didn't believe that the members of the twelve teams would not have information about them and the eighth team.


"These guys in the eighth team should be more careful. I didn't expect that Yi Yi had such a strong team member that day. If we face him in the future, it may be very difficult to win..."

This day, Tianxing is very greedy for the points of the eighth team. If they can beat the eighth team and take half of the opponent's points, then their goal of hitting the top three this time is [-]% sure to be achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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