Overlord: Insect Eater

Chapter 85 The Continent of Merchant

Chapter 85 The Continent of Merchant
Arriving at the Forest Continent again, Tian Chong did not go to the Green Leaf City that he had passed through before, but went directly to Lingye City, the king's capital of the Lingye Clan in the Forest Continent.

This is the only place in the Forest Continent that has a large teleportation array...

The reason for choosing to take the large teleportation array is also because the destination chosen by the worm this time is relatively far away.

Of course, another very important reason is that the Heavenly Insect has no shortage of Supreme Spiritual Liquid now.

It’s like everyone going out to travel now. Rich people choose high-speed rail and airplanes. Those who have no money can only take cars and green leather. If they have no money, they will sit in front of the computer like a poor guy Codeword……

"Traveling, what kind of tourism... Only people who are idle will travel. Think of people like me who worry about the construction of the spiritual civilization of the people every day, so I won't be so depraved!"

An unknown person defended himself with tears in his eyes.

Two hours later, Forest Continent, Central Region, Lingye City.

This is a huge city built on the tallest building in the entire forest continent.

According to rumors, all the Jianmu in the entire Forest Continent grew from the roots of this Jianmu.

When Tian Chong heard this rumor for the first time, he was still very surprised. After all, he had also heard that the Forest Continent was created by a branch of the sacred tree Jianmu that was destroyed in ancient times.

Doesn't that mean that the giant tree under my feet is the branch of the once sacred tree?
After thinking about it, Tian Chong felt that it was very unlikely, otherwise this giant tree would have been taken away by the Heavenly Sovereign and used as a golden cudgel for playing with...

Arriving at the center of the city, Tian Chong saw a gigantic teleportation array standing upright. This is the teleportation array with the longest teleportation distance in the entire forest continent, and it is also the only large-scale teleportation array among several continents around it.

Outside the spiritual formation, countless lights and shadows shuttle back and forth overwhelmingly, rendering this place extremely lively and prosperous, and the vast spiritual power dyes the sky here in brilliant colors.

"A large-scale teleportation array can only be set up by a master of the array at the very least, and the Supreme Spiritual Liquid it costs is an astronomical figure!"

Tian Chong let out a sigh of emotion.

It's just that his words were heard by a person next to him who was also preparing to ride the teleportation array, and he immediately smiled and said: "This brother is right, it is rumored that this teleportation array is a junior who was invited by the Lingye Emperor at a great price. The spiritual formation master came to arrange it, and it is said that tens of millions of Supreme Spiritual Liquid were spent just to arrange this spiritual formation..."

Tian Chong took a look at the other party and found that the other party was neither the Spirit Leaf Clan nor the Spirit Zerg Clan, so he just nodded lightly and didn't say anything.

Stepping into the spirit formation, with a wave of his sleeves, thousands of drops of Supreme Spiritual Liquid flew out and fell into the groove in the center of the teleportation spirit formation.

Then Tian Chong entered the teleportation coordinates into the space compass, and the teleportation array burst out with dazzling aura, the space distorted, and in the next instant, a space vortex was formed to envelop him.

The next moment, the light stopped, and the figure of Tian Chong had disappeared in place.

The man who spoke to him before looked at this scene, and a hint of envy flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to have a chat with the other party, improve the relationship, and then see if the other party and himself were on the way. If they were on the way, they could take the teleportation array together, which would also save a little bit of Supreme Spiritual Liquid.

Although this kind of saving is not much, for low-level supreme beings like them, a little bit of saving is just a little bit...

It's a pity that the other party is still a big dog, and he even uses a large teleportation array by himself, and thousands of Supreme Spiritual Liquids are put on him, and his heart hurts to death!
Shaking his head helplessly, the man could only shift his target and try his luck with someone else...

In the next month, apart from taking the teleportation array, Tian Chong also needed him to travel by his own flight in some places.

However, as a spirit insect master, his biggest advantage is that many things can be replaced by his spirit insects, just like this rush.

Tian Chong let his several supreme gods take turns serving as mounts for him, and he took advantage of this time to still seize every minute and every second to practice.

If it weren't for the fact that every once in a while, Tian Chong needs a few days to consolidate the spiritual power obtained by absorbing the Supreme Spiritual Liquid, it would be impossible to say that he has reached the peak of the second-rank Supreme.

And on this day, Tian Chong's speed finally slowed down, because the land under his feet is exactly his destination this time, the Continent of Shang!

As the name suggests, this continent of commerce is a continent dominated by commerce.

On this continent, there is the most magnificent auction house among the dozens of nearby continents. Countless treasures of heaven and earth, divine objects, and various magical arts are circulated here through various channels.

Maybe some of those channels will be dark, but who cares?Everyone knows that they can buy anything on this continent of commerce.

As long as you have enough Supreme Spiritual Liquid.

Tian Chong is now considered a small fortune, but on this continent, he is still nothing.

What's more, on this not-too-vast continent, dragons and snakes are extraordinarily mixed, and there are countless forces, large and small, and most of the auction houses have a lot of background behind them, so although here There are countless treasures gathered here, but few dare to act recklessly here.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was a tycoon of top power who took a fancy to a divine object, and when the final auction failed, he directly robbed it in the auction house, and took the manager of the auction house and the god who competed with him The competitor of the object was wiped out on the spot, and after winning the treasure, he walked away...

This incident instantly shocked the Continent of Shang at that time!
Immediately, all the auction houses and forces on the entire continent responded immediately. In just a few dozen days, the top forces where the giant belonged were surrounded by many powerful forces, causing heavy casualties...

Even the culprit was severely injured in the end, and had to return the fetish in embarrassment, and also paid an extremely huge amount of compensation, so that the matter could be settled.

The spread of this matter is very wide, and it is said that there are those people from Shangzhi Continent who are behind it, but the effect is also obvious, because since then, no one has dared to ignore the rules of Shangzhi Continent to seize treasures and kill people in the auction house... …

And it is also because of the perfect rules of Shangzhi Continent and the powerful hidden power behind it.

This has made the Shangzhi Continent more and more famous in the world in these years, and countless treasure hunters flocked here, trying to find the treasure they like here.

It has to be said that the group of people behind this Shangzhi Dalu are really good at marketing, even if Tian Chong heard about this, he had to secretly praise them in his heart.

The mall, the main city of the Shang continent, should be regarded as the most majestic city on the continent, and it is also the center of the entire continent.

Tian Chong, who came outside the city, looked at the city wall in the distance.

On the city wall, one could see the huge ray of light flickering, and the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual power quietly rippling, making one's heart palpitate.

In the sky above the city, a huge beam of light soared into the sky, and finally formed a light shield that enveloped the entire city.

The only way to enter the city is to pass through the city gate. Anything that descends from the sky will trigger the city's large formation, and then be regarded as an invader and be attacked.

While Tian Chong was observing the city, a sergeant in silver armor came over, looked up at Tian Chong, and the huge and ferocious iron-armored dragon centipede under his feet, and couldn't help swallowing. ,road.

"Master Insect Master, please take back your Spirit Insect, it is too big to be released in the city..."

Heavenly Worm, who came back to his senses, smiled apologetically. His current situation is a very common behavior in the Spirit Worm Continent, but it is a bit scary outside.

Very cooperatively, he jumped off the armored dragon centipede, and then put away the giant beast, and the worm was ready to walk towards the distant city gate.

It's just that when the sergeant passed by, his footsteps paused slightly, and he said with a smile: "Thank you for your reminder, but I am a spirit insect master, not an insect master, so don't call me wrong next time..."

After finishing speaking, Tian Chong walked towards the gate of the city with steady steps, ignoring the eyes of those around who were startled by the iron-armored dragon centipede.

The sergeant was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help frowning.

"Spirit insect master, insect master, what's the difference..."

After muttering, after completing the task, he hurried towards the guards outside the city gate.

After entering the city, Tian Chong found that the whole city was crowded with people. Among all the cities he had seen, none of them could be as prosperous as the current city.

Moreover, Tianchong knew very well that these people were not fools, most of them had extraordinary net worth, otherwise they would not have dared to come to Shangzhi Continent to search for treasures.

Looking across the crowd, Tian Chong looked at the shops on both sides of the surrounding streets.

On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of shops, and the majestic spiritual power emanating from them is obviously not a simple thing.

But Tian Chong didn't intend to go in, but prepared to go directly to the auction house.

There is a place where there are really good things, and of course, it will empty the pockets of anyone who steps into its gate...

Walking through several streets and rounding a street corner, the sight in front of him suddenly opened up. In front of him, a huge hall like a mountain stood quietly, and majestic spiritual power emanated from it, forming a beam of light straight into the sky .

Outside the main hall, a mighty stream of people poured into it, and these were people who came from all directions to participate in the auction.

"There are so many people..." Tian Chong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After all, this is the largest auction house in Shangzhi Continent, so it should be able to have such a scale.

"Moreover, this auction house turned out to be an artifact, which is really a big deal."

Of course, to a Heavenly Insect with a high-grade artifact in his hand, an artifact-level hall is nothing. He has even fought against a quasi-sacred object, so would he care about it?

Following the flow of people, he walked towards the hall, and then Tian Chong clearly felt a spatial fluctuation sweeping over him, and then he came to a new space.

The space here is extremely bright, the ground is made of dazzling crystals, and there is a sea of ​​people in it, but even if so many people gather here, it does not seem crowded at all, but it is unusually open.

That's the magic of space...

Glancing around, Tian Chong found a counter and told the other party that there was an item to be auctioned, and then a special maid led him to a space door.

"Hehe, what does the guest need to auction, please bring it out and let the old man appraise it."

An old man in a green robe stroked his beard and said with a light smile.

Tian Chong didn't talk nonsense, and threw out three low-grade artifacts in a flash, so that the opponent almost didn't pull off his beard!
"This... are all three artifacts going to be auctioned off?"

Tianchong nodded, but he felt a little bit guilty about the reaction of the old man in front of him.

As an appraiser of such a big auction house, how many low-grade artifacts are you facing?Is it a little too unseen.

"Guest wait a moment..." The old man's face became serious, he picked up one of the long swords and looked at it.

The old man's complexion changed when he took the long sword, because he could sense that there was a ferocious aura rushing towards him from the long sword.

Fortunately, the old man's own strength is not weak, so he easily suppressed the ferocity, but it was enough to shock his heart.

"This sword actually contains such a fierce and evil spirit. It is definitely a top existence among low-grade artifacts. Good, good sword!"

"Guest, if this sword is auctioned at my auction house, the base price can be given to 1 Supreme Spiritual Liquid. According to the old experience, the highest transaction price should be as high as [-] Supreme Spiritual Liquid."

"If you can't wait for the auction and want to sell it, our auction house can buy it for [-] Supreme Spiritual Liquid!"

"It's only ten thousand, why so little?" Tian Chong frowned, feeling very dissatisfied with this guy.

It's just that what he said almost didn't make the old man vomit blood. The price he gave was already a super high price. It was only because of the quality of the long sword and the terrifying and vicious aura contained in it that he dared to offer such a high price.

Although the price of low-grade artifacts is mostly in the range of [-] Supreme Spiritual Liquid to [-], there are very few that can be opened to [-], and the most are seven to eight thousand.

Looking at this young guy in front of him, he should be a son from a big family. He doesn't know the price of the world at all, because there is never a shortage of Supreme Spiritual Liquid at home, so he underestimated Supreme by mistake. The value of the liquid.

Well, although most of the old man's guesses were wrong, he was right about the fact that he didn't understand prices.

"Guest, this is already the highest price we can offer, and the 1 Supreme Spiritual Liquid I just said is only possible under the best circumstances. If you are unlucky, the base price of [-] is considered expensive. It's possible to make an auction, so it's not that the old man is deliberately lowering the price..."

Tian Chong frowned in distress, in this case, his Supreme Spiritual Liquid would be far from what he expected...

"What's the price of the middle-grade artifact?"

Originally, the old man was still worried that this young master would become angry from embarrassment, but he didn't expect to hear the other party's question, his eyes lit up immediately, and said: "Depending on the quality, the middle-grade artifact can be opened up to [-] Supreme Spiritual Liquid, which is about Ten times that of a low-grade artifact!"

Tian Chong frowned...

"Ten times... Is the high-grade artifact also ten times the middle-grade artifact?"

The old man nodded: "It can also be calculated like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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