Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 124 The Final Choice and the Remnants of the Ruins

Chapter 124 The Final Choice and the Remnants of the Ruins
"Just a simple coma."

Harry, who was squatting in front of Fred and George, said in a relaxed tone, "You know, the coma is actually a means of self-protection. After entering this state, whether it is pain or other negative states, it will be blocked. A blank mind will be emptied of all information beyond human capacity."

"Although the magic power flows in our body and is part of the wizard, the strange thing is that our body is extremely resistant to the invasion of magic power. They do not interfere with each other, just like two distinct rivers."

"This conclusion is a bit arbitrary. After all, the lifespan of wizards is much longer than that of Muggles. Wizards who can live to 150 years old are not too rare. We have one wizard at Hogwarts who is still energetic after a hundred years old, but no matter what How, it is indeed a violation of the rules to refine the magic power into the body."

"The strong physical body strengthened by magic seems to be exclusive to magical creatures. As wizards, we seem to be a head lower than other magical creatures in terms of talent."

"Since we want to violate this rule, we have to pay an additional price, such as overcoming this extreme pain."

"If there is no super-sensing potion, the intense pain brought by the fusion magic will be just stuck on the pain limit you can bear. This unbearable pain will last for several minutes or even tens of minutes. I almost tried it for the first time. Just gritted your teeth and bit off your tongue, even if you passed out for a moment, the continuous pain stimulation will wake you up again, allowing you to continue to bear the aftermath of the pain."

"I thought about it for a long time. If there is no firm will, no one should be able to survive such torture and continue the follow-up exercise. So I took a chance. I took the initiative to amplify the pain and let the first wave of pain stimulation directly It exceeds the limit that the human body can bear, instead of bouncing back and forth on the edge, to actively activate the human body's protection mechanism, and to be immune to subsequent continuous damage."

"It's like being pricked by a needle, the pain will only hurt for a while, and after that, you can't feel everything that happened to you."

"What about after that?" Qiu Zhang with a pale face raised her hand weakly. Although she is much stronger than ordinary girls, she is also afraid of pain. It's useless, right?"

"After that," Harry rubbed his chin and paused, "I got used to it after that, and I got used to it with pain and pain. The magic power I used to strengthen my body just now is about ten times that of the two of them, but it's not over the top. Well, I just sweated a little, I got used to the pain."

This M-shaking speech made everyone wonder how to answer, how did such chilling words like 'just get used to it' come out of 36 Degree Duo's mouth?Thinking of this, they all shivered in unison.

"Don't think about it too scary. When you drank my potion, you vomited like a puddle. Don't you get used to it now? Just frown, right? Don't underestimate the adaptability of human beings. This is the treasure left by our ancestors who conquered nature step by step until now."

"If you can't change the world, then adapt to the world. This principle is the same."

"It can be for glory, it can be for survival, or it can be purely for the pursuit of power. You can try to convince yourself and find an excuse to make you choose to become stronger."

"Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement. If someone can't make up their minds, just break off the badge and activate the port key, and treat it as an ordinary team building trip with a little adventure."

"I don't force everyone to have the courage to take this step full of suffering, because I know this is very difficult, but I have already embarked on this road, and the only ones who can be with me are walking together. A fellow traveler on this road."

Harry patted the faces of the twins, who had woken up early and just kept their eyes closed and pretended to be dead.

"The decision is up to you. I'll go for a walk in the woods and see if there are any souvenirs to bring back. Don't worry, there won't be any magical creatures coming to the camp tonight. You have enough time to make a decision."

Harry, who patted his butt and got up, walked towards the woods. Perhaps if he stayed, some people who were vacillating would make a choice because of this, but that was not what Harry wanted. What the battle group destined to become absolutely elite needed was not With a huge team, there are plenty of talents in the wizarding world, and Hogwarts is just a tiny place in the wizarding world.

The most important thing is that this kind of training requires an extremely high cost. Even if not everyone has Harry's strong foundation, they still need to drink expensive potions worth at least one million Galleons to complete the transformation of physical magic power. The special products of the Forbidden Forest prostitution and Snape's free support, the price is too high, high enough to empty all the property of a pure-blood wizard family with little accumulation.

If you want to get this absolutely huge investment, the price is to pay unshakable loyalty.

The war group is not a good church. The essence of Harry's establishment of the war group is to find a group of battle brothers who are absolutely loyal to him. This is selfishness and the only purpose.

Looking at Harry's back, the people who fell into silent thinking were silent. Young people are indeed good at being hot-blooded, but the heart-wrenching reality often makes them look at everything in the future with the clearest mind. This extreme pain cannot be faked.

Those who had the idea of ​​giving it a try made a try, and in an instant, the unbearable pain completely exposed their inner weakness and magnified the wavering and unsteady thoughts.

Someone broke off the breastplate, activating the Portkey back to Hogsmeade.

more than one.

Since the founding of the Chapter, the harshest screening has begun.

On the other side, Harry, who had no idea how they made their choice, had already gone deep into the island. His footsteps were fast, and the brute force that could break a big tree with one kick made him run like lightning. Rampage like a tank, he ran to the center of the island in less than a few minutes.

A piece of ruins entangled by vines still has the last trace of dilapidation, and there are still red remnants of the stone slabs exuding an uncomfortable coldness. An obsolete imprint.

The decayed bones were only left with some broken bone fragments that were hard to see the whole picture, like gravel, they made a hoarse rustling sound when they were trampled on.

Harry, who was walking on the ruins, carefully searched for all the remaining traces. He didn't care what the cultists who tried to open the abyss did. What he cared about was the powerful force that broke the portal of the abyss. After thousands of years, But still struggling to leave their own traces, it belongs to the ancient wizards, or the mysterious power of the awakened ones.

"Prototype now."

Distinct ripples spread in all directions. After drawing the silent power, the magic tainted by darkness swayed into a circle of black waves, just like an evil eye opened its pupils, looking for it in the dark horizon. That ray of light.

(End of this chapter)

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