Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 161 Cassandra?There is no such person!

Chapter 161 Cassandra?There is no such person!
"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Please come in."

Lupine put down the weight in his hand, pulled up the towel hanging around his neck to wipe off his sweat, and looked towards the door of the office.

"It's Harry, what's the matter?"

With a faint smile on his face, he waved his hand, and a teapot flew up automatically, filling two cups with tea.

"I want to ask you something." After Harry sat down on the chair, he put the Marauder's Map on the coffee table.

"The Marauder's Map?"

Lupine recognized the parchment at a glance, "I didn't expect you to find it at all. I remember it was confiscated by Filch, but we didn't think about getting it back. Maybe later People who also like to be mischievous will find this map."

"Do I look like a good student?" Harry looked at Lupine strangely, "If the Ministry of Magic knows what I have done, they would like to give me a life sentence in Azkaban and execute it immediately Kind of."

"At least the professors think so. The other professors think highly of you, Harry. At least you work harder than any student."

"Like my mother?"

"Of course, but I think you also got your father's true biography, but he didn't do anything to enter Azkaban." Lupine gave Harry a playful look, "Congratulations, you surpassed Your father is dead."

"I'll take it as a compliment." Harry shrugged nonchalantly, "But I didn't get this map, it's Fred and George who got it in Filch's office when they were in first grade of."

"The Weasley twins?" Lupine recalled for a moment, then nodded knowingly, "It's not surprising if it's them."

"What do you want to know about the map? It took Sirius and I several years to complete the Marauder's Map. There are many surprises hidden in this parchment."

"Is there a way to highlight someone on the map? And hopefully get her itinerary."

"Using the Marauder's Map to chase girls?" Lupine looked at Harry with some amusement, "You really deserve to be James' son, Harry."

"No, no, that's a good girl, but I'm not interested in children under the age of 14, that's against the law, Uncle Lupine, whether it's Azkaban or a Muggle prison, I have no plans to travel there .”

"I just accidentally saw the girl go to the broken girls' bathroom on the third floor, which is the toilet where Moaning Myrtle is, and I have read a lot of books and records about Hogwarts history in the last year .”

"Fifty years ago, the Heir of Slytherin came to Hogwarts and opened the Chamber of Secrets, resulting in the death of a Muggle-born girl in that bathroom, Moaning Myrtle. "

"You suspect that the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets is there?" Lupine understood Harry's meaning immediately, "but what if it's just a coincidence?"

"At that time, Hagrid was accused of being a murderer by a wizard named Tom Marvolo Riddle. Everyone believed that Hagrid did it, but Professor Dumbledore stopped this ridiculous accusation , he vouched for Hagrid, but even so, Hagrid was eventually expelled from Hogwarts, deprived of the right to use his wand, and began his life as a gamekeeper."

"And Tom Marvolo Riddle." Harry wrote a few black characters in mid-air with his fingers, and then waved his hand lightly, the characters reorganized and became a new line of words, "He is Voldemort. "

Lupine's pupils dilated and contracted rapidly at this moment, he pinched the armrest of the chair vigorously, some white knuckles indicated the turmoil in his heart at the moment.

After a while, Lupine asked suspiciously with a dignified expression: "This is indeed a secret that surprised me, but does it have anything to do with that girl?"

"Yes, but I can't tell." Harry shook his head slightly. He couldn't tell Lupine that he had read HP's books and movies in his previous life and knew that the diary was at Malfoy's house, right? "But more importantly, It's time for the wrong judgment to be avenged, Hagrid is a wizard, not an orangutan wielding a club to smash the dragon's head, and how can a wizard not have a wand?"

"I actually hate the messy laws of the Ministry of Magic. It's not good at all. It's a miracle that those guys whose ideas are still stuck in the Middle Ages haven't been killed by the torrent of the times. I don't recognize them as a serious government organization. "

Harry took a deep look at Lupine, "We should seek justice for Hagrid, right, he is our friend."

"But no orangutan can smash a dragon's head with a stick." This metaphor made Lupine a little dumbfounded, but he nodded seriously to Harry, "Yes, if everything was wrong at the beginning, then we need to correct it. it."

Lupine is a person with a great sense of justice. What's more, when he was in school, he and Hagrid had a good relationship. The Whomping Willow was planted by Hagrid himself, so Hagrid could subdue this grumpy willow. The tree, Professor Sprout hadn’t taught at Hogwarts at that time, she only came to Hogwarts ten years ago, and the professor of herbal medicine at that time was much inferior to her, otherwise she wouldn’t have Because of accidental death in the hands of magic plants.

"Yes, correct." Harry shrugged, "But regarding the chamber of secrets, the Marauder's Map can tell us a little bit of the answer, at least the map can prove that she went to a chamber of secrets that was not recorded in the map."

"I need to highlight her name and list her whereabouts separately, Uncle Lupine, can this be done?"

"Of course, it's a very simple thing." Lupine took the Marauder's Map on the table, "This map originally used very powerful name revealing and tracking spells, of course, we couldn't do it with our back then. The thing, thanks to Sirius, who got a little good from his uncle, is that we cleverly attached the magic used for the map to the huge magical barrier that covers Hogwarts."

"No one can hide his whereabouts on this map, unless his magic power is stronger than the entire Hogwarts, which is impossible."

Lupine didn't take out his wand, but tapped it lightly with his finger, "I'm Moonface, the prank begins."

An ink dot appeared at the place touched by his fingertips, and then the ink dot shot out countless thin ink lines, and the complicated pictures and texts quickly covered the entire parchment. Before the map was revealed, a few lines of writing were on the appear on the map.

【Wow, this seems to be the first time that Moon Face has taken the initiative to play a prank. Padfoot really wants to give you a hug. You finally got the hang of it. 】

[Prongs agree, today must be a day of carnival, Moonface’s first time, let’s keep it in mind. 】

[So I will have such a day?Oh my god, I must be possessed by some weird dirty thing. 】

[If found out, without a moon face, who will take care of the troubles?Wormtail expressed concern. 】

[You can shut your crow's mouth, Wormtail, or Padfoot will kick your ass viciously, and Prongs swear I will do the same. 】

"It's interesting to be noisy, isn't it?" Lupine smiled slightly after reading these lines, "There are many kinds of spells to open the map, after all, they are intended to be passed on to future predestined people. The key word is mischief."

The map of Hogwarts was completely unfolded, and the dense lines made people a little dizzy. Now it was almost dinner time, and there were black spots of ink everywhere in Hogwarts. Walking towards the direction of the auditorium, it was almost a mess .

"You see, Professor Dumbledore is also on it. Although he cast a spell on his name to save him from a lot of unnecessary harassment, in front of the Marauder's Map, even Professor Dumbledore There is no way to hide from the wizard."

"No single individual can resist the magic of the entire Hogwarts. Well, now tell me the name of the girl you want to track down, and I will help you locate her. Speaking of which, your father used it secretly back then." I clicked on the map to find out where your mother is, and then met many times by chance, creating a lot of alone time."

"Cassandra Malfoy."

"She belongs to the Malfoy family?" Lupine raised his eyebrows slightly, "No, if Malfoy is the heir, Lucius should have done something long ago."

While speaking, Lupine wrote Cassandra's name on the parchment with his hands. The dense black spots of ink disappeared, and the map suddenly became clean.

"Let me see where she is."

Lupine frowned and stared at the map, "Something's wrong."

He looked up into Harry's eyes, "The girl might have gone to the Chamber of Secrets, her name doesn't exist on the map."


Harry waved his hand, "I left a magic mark at the door of Myrtle's bathroom, but so far, the magic mark has not been touched, no one has entered the bathroom, not even anyone near that place, otherwise I would The magic mark will definitely be touched."

"I made the arrangement after I found out she came out of that bathroom. There is no so-called gap time."

Lupine, who also realized that something was wrong, tapped on the table lightly, "Then there is only one possibility now."


"Cassandra Malfoy is not the girl's real name. The name shown on the Marauder's Map is a person's real name. You can think that a name is a person's label, although it will change due to some things. Even deliberately concealing it, but as long as it is displayed on the Marauder's Map, then this name must be the name recognized by that person himself."

"By the way, Draco told me that Cassandra is actually the illegitimate daughter of Lucius Malfoy, and she only returned to the Malfoy family two years ago."

"If this is the case, then the current situation can explain that Cassandra Malfoy is the name she now uses to show others, but in her heart, she does not recognize this name."

"Maybe we can directly locate the Hogwarts surname Malfoy? After all, she is an illegitimate daughter, right?"

"Yes, this can reduce the workload of screening, otherwise I can only use stupid methods."

Lupine nodded, and wrote the last name of Malfoy on the parchment.

As the surname was written, several small black dots grew larger, and the ink figure was easily seen on the map. Malfoy is not a particularly rare surname, although it is mentioned in the English wizarding world. When I came to Malfoy, I thought of that family, but it didn't mean that everyone surnamed Malfoy was a member of the Malfoy family.

There are three ink figures highlighted, the first one is Draco Malfoy, he is in the auditorium now, he should be having dinner, and on the Hufflepuff table, there is also a Malfoy shining, Mi Clara Malfoy, it was an unfamiliar name, but Lupine remembered it right away.

"This is a seventh-year Hufflepuff student. If I remember correctly, there is also a girl named Malfoy in Ravenclaw. By the way, she is here, Lyanna Malfoy."

None of the three highlighted ink figures were the one they were looking for.

"It seems that we can only use this method."

Lupine spread his hands helplessly, then got up and walked to the bookshelf beside him, he took out the roll call that every professor had, the names here included all the students of Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts is a compulsory course, from All grades [-] through [-] are taught.

Lupine drew out his wand, and 'dragged' the names on the page after page of the roll call onto the Marauder's Map, and the dense black spots kept disappearing.

"After using this stupid method, you have to re-register the names one by one. After all, it is a map made when you were young, and it is somewhat flawed."

This stupid method didn't take long. After a few minutes, there were no other students' ink dots on the Marauder's Map, only dozens of professor's ink dots, and their goal—Ika Sandra Malfoy's self-proclaimed, unnamed girl.

When the truth was about to be revealed, Harry couldn't help but feel a little nervous, or excited. The accidents again and again made him very curious about this matter. After layers of identities, what is hidden? What kind of secret?
Lupine had deleted the professor's name, and the only black dot left on the Marauder's map was Cassandra Malfoy's real name.

The two of them moved closer by coincidence, and the black dot was at the location of the auditorium. The letters were written and drawn with thin ink lines, and they pieced together a weird name that should never appear here.

No first and last name, just a single word, like Hedwig.


Harry would never have misspelled the name, and he would never have misremembered who it stood for.

It was the Viper who had accompanied Voldemort for ten years in the Albanian forest, a wizard who had completely turned into a beast because of the blood curse.


 I modified it at the end. If you don’t see Nagini, click on the directory to download the chapter again.
(End of this chapter)

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