Chapter 207

The eight-year-old childish ghost boarded the Hogwarts Express. When he was staring out the window in a daze, the box was full of people before he knew it.

"Captain? Harry? Dinner is ready!"

"Sed, didn't you say that the people in Hufflepuff couldn't resist the temptation to eat, why is it useless to the captain?"

With a puzzled look on his face, Qiu took his hand back and tugged at Cedric who was sitting beside him.

"Because I'm full~"

Harry's lazy voice came, and he propped his chin and turned his head to look at the people beside him.

"Oh, then I seem to have bought my little snacks for nothing."

The trolley has already passed by the carriage. Qiu bought a lot of snacks and piled them on the table, which was full like a hill. Her pocket money is not a lot at all, twice as much as Seide’s, ten plus a month What about Long?

"Eat, how can anyone not eat it if there are free whorings." Harry grabbed a piece of cauldron pie and took a big bite. It was honey pumpkin flavored and had a familiar recipe and taste.

"Why do you feel that you have become a little different after Christmas?" Qiu hugged his knees and opened his eyes curiously, showing a gossip expression, "Is there any secret that cannot be revealed?"

"In order not to let the girls in Hogwarts miss their beautiful youth because they always miss me, I fell in love."

Harry spoke calmly, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

"Wow! Who is who? Is it from Hogwarts or from another school?" Qiu, whose eyes lit up for a moment, approached excitedly, and at the side, Cedric and the twin brothers also pricked up their ears. In his eyes, the leader of his family has lived like an ascetic monk since the beginning of school, and the schedule that makes people's scalp tingle just looking at it is too much.

Now that there are melons to eat, how can I not be curious.

"She's in Beauxbatons. Let's wait for the summer vacation. We'll get together during the summer vacation. We'll see each other then. By the way, I'm going to Durmstrang next year, and I need to prepare for the exam at the end of the school year." .”

"Sed has helped me with the transfiguration, don't worry, I will be able to pass."

If Hogwarts does not complete a comprehensive reform in a day, then this place really cannot stay for a day. Although there have been a few changes now, the changes are really not big. After all, the reform of completely renovating the system is not a simple matter. The one who agreed was the Ministry of Magic. It has not been a day or two since they wanted to get their hands on Hogwarts. The wizard level exam that was abolished by Dumbledore before was the result of the long-term influence of the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore is not a decisive person like Grindelwald, and his character will not allow him to turn magic into his own words. Although he has this ability, since he can't do it across the board, the reform process is doomed. Closely involved with compromise and concession.

Dumbledore is not a good leader, this is the result of both Harry and Grindelwald agreeing.

"By the way, Fred George, have you two made any progress in transforming the TV? Has Mr. Weasley taught us any secrets?"

Harry's twins were basically raised for money, but they just got together at this moment, and he also wanted to hear about their recent research.

"this one"

The faces of the twins were somewhat embarrassed. When they took on this task, the two of them were full of confidence, but the painful reality told them that they were still too young.

"There is a little bit of progress, just."

"This development may not be what you think it is."

"We've personally verified the fact that 'technology and magic are not compatible' over the holidays."

"The internal operating principles of Muggle technology products are almost inseparable from electricity and magnetism. The more technologically advanced Muggle products are, the higher the demand for precision is, and the magic magnetic field will have a negative impact on this aspect on the physical level. If the impact is very slight, if it is an electronic product that does not require high precision and has a simpler structure, such as a radio, it is relatively easy to modify it, but TVs, or other electronic products, are almost impossible to save.”

"Maybe we will find a way in the future, but now"

The twins shrugged and shook their heads helplessly, "I can't do it."

"But!" After being depressed for three or four seconds, Fred's face revealed a smug expression.

"Although the right way doesn't work, we are good at the crooked way." George crossed his arms triumphantly, his chest raised high.

"Thanks to my father, we went to the contraband warehouse confiscated by the Ministry of Magic. It was full of Muggle items remade by various wizards."

"Although it's a mess like a mountain of garbage, it's a genius that we managed to capture a little inspiration in it."

"The real thing has not been made yet, but the design ideas have been sorted out. When I go back to school and have the experimental equipment, the finished product will be produced soon."

"While we can't handle the TV, the main use of the TV is to watch what's the name of something very interesting, George?"


"And movies and TV shows!"

"We can't change the TV, but we can bring the TV show back!"

"Harry, think about it, who can refuse to watch those interesting shows under the warm blanket?"

"We can make a lot of money. There are no Muggle TV shows in the wizarding world, and there are no cinemas to watch movies."

"The first batch of finished products, we plan to record some. Hehehe. Small videos that entertain the body and mind."

"What Hogwarts lacks most is a boy who is lonely at night and tosses and turns."

The twins who laughed so obscenely were laughing non-stop, and Harry couldn't help showing a little bit of astonishment when he saw them turning into 'film sellers'.

"Is this considered to bring progress to the magic world?"

Harry spoke hesitantly, he always felt that something was wrong with the unfolding of this matter.

"Yeah, bring progress to the wizarding world!" Fred liked this rhetoric very much, why didn't he think of it just now.

"That's right! The two of us must be rich men who can go down in history!" George's mind was already filled with money.

"The investment you gave us will never be wasted, just wait a while, we will definitely be able to"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Harry stopped them from starting outrageous words, "If people hear the name of the Warband later and think that we made a fortune selling movies"

Harry squeezed his knuckles, made a crisp cracking sound, and said in a dangerous tone: "Then you are really finished."


The twins with a kitten's p-face suddenly collapsed, and the twins who hadn't thought of this before felt stunned. Harry was not short of money, and of course the warband was not short of money. Compared to a bad reputation, a little gold plus Long is of course unsightly.

"That can't be done?"

"Don't you two know how to open a new project and separate it from the Zhantuan? The entire Emperor Pictures or something, it's a big idiot if you don't make money. Now the Zhantuan can only get in and out. I have invested more than 100 in it." Vangallon, do you really think that gold falls when it rains?"

"Oh!" The twins who suddenly realized it immediately understood, and their faces were full of enthusiasm again, "Don't worry, leader, we promise to sell the film to England and go to the world!"

"Bigger and stronger!"

"Create brilliant again!"

The twins who set up strange ambitions seem to have found their purpose in life, and the first step they took was to become legendary film sellers.

"You guys, come on"

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched slightly, and then he immediately turned his eyes to look forward.

"Hey, Seid, you and Qiu are both tanned, where did you go during the holidays?"

Cedric didn't speak, he just returned a meaningful and mysterious smile.

"Oh, I see." Harry immediately understood, "Sunshine beach bikini, good taste."

Looking at Harry's thumbs up, Qiu gave Seid a cold sideways glance, and saw that the handsome young man who was showing a mysterious smile just a second ago had a stiff face, trying hard to restrain the severe pain in his waist.

"Leader, do you like sunny beach bikinis very much?" Qiu Tiantian said, with a shy little pink on her face.

"That's right, I really like it." Harry, who is open and honest, admitted very straightforwardly, "Girls in bikinis are shining like angels."

"Wretched boys are the worst." Qiu smiled sweetly, then turned her head and glanced at Cedric.


The dazed Seid widened his eyes, "Why do I feel obscene when I smile, the leader is right in everything he does."

"Men should be aboveboard." Harry coughed and gave Cedric a look. "Someone wants to listen."

Seid gave him a grateful look, and there was a pile of unclaimed dog food in the box room.

The dirty little train passed through the wild valley, and the increasingly familiar scenery told people that Hogsmeade Station was coming.

I don't know how much regret the little wizards will have on their faces when they find out that the cold Slytherin princess has disappeared after returning to school?

Harry didn't care about Nagini's affairs, but Dumbledore, who was in charge of this matter, should come up with a perfect solution.

But after the incident was over, Harry remembered another thing he had to do.

Myrtle's death had deprived Hagrid of the right to use a wand. This punishment was no less than the punishment of being deprived of the country's citizenship and expulsion of nationality.

Although it has been 50 years, and although the delayed justice is not known whether it can be called justice, it is always infinitely better to have the grievance cleared than to do nothing at all.

It's just asking the Ministry of Magic to restore Hagrid's reputation. Where should we start with this matter?

Voldemort has already sent it, and now no prisoner has personally told the truth back then.

"Why don't you find a chance to stab Fudge? Push an obedient puppet to the throne?"

After the trip to North America, Harry, who was originally not interested in the Ministry of Magic in England, became more and more courageous.

"But who should the puppet choose?"

With his mind full of thoughts, he walked out of the train following the flow of people, and boarded the Thestral carriage back to the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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