Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 249: Supplementing yesterday’s fifth update

Chapter 249: Supplementing yesterday’s fourth update

"The most powerful spell against demons"

The explanation about Qinglian Sword Immortal was certainly enlightening, but what Harry cared about the most was what Zhang Shanfeng mentioned.

Compared with other places in the magical world, especially England, the Taishi Dynasty, which has never cut off its inheritance, has left many records from the war thousands of years ago. Even Zhang Shanfeng, who is not a wizard, has a lot of understanding of this, although many of these are Because of my career, recording and remembering history is something that not all countries can do.

The history of European magic recorded in the History of Magic textbook has always left Harry speechless. Although it records many real historical events, it is mostly filled with trivial things and is always distributed in scattered small countries. It is really difficult for European countries to put together a complete historical record. This is the huge difference brought about by the inheritance of culture and civilization.

European history has been dating for who knows how long. In the Muggle world, there are also outrageous things called cuneiform clay tablets that fabricate historical falsification. The fire happened to burn a specific batch of clay tablets, allowing them to be pottery and porcelain. "Reservation", the emotional fire will only burn the clay tablets in those places you want, and will not burn the other places at all?There is also that ghost-like deciphering genius. Without other reference objects, he deciphered a text that had been lost for more than 2000 years as soon as he was asked to decipher it, and even deciphered the pronunciation. The speed was so fast that ghosts wanted to shout, "Labour and management have no dreams." '.

There is also the even more ridiculous Dead Sea Document. That thing is a pure fake. If you can’t find the real history, you can just make up a fake history. The Jews are really very clever.

Harry has finally seen the importance of inheritance. What is inheritance? This is inheritance. There is no denying that the European magic world must have produced some amazing and talented people, even those who have achieved the level of Qinglian Sword Immortal. No, but they have not left any traces of their own. Maybe they have left their family behind. But in this environment that lacks communication and lacks updates and iterations that keep pace with the times, no matter how advanced and exquisite the design of the old antiques is, they will Slowly being eliminated by the times.

The most precious thing left by the senior masters is not the 'extraordinary magic', but the core concept that condenses this extraordinary magic. This is the ultimate guarantee for opening up a new path, just like the core idea of ​​a school. Around this center, countless classic works can be born.

Harry could be sure that the ancient sword cultivators who still occupied a place in the Taishi Celestial Dynasty must be different from those thousands of years ago. The founder founded the mountain, and his successors planted trees on the mountain, and the branches bloomed. The leaves scattered until today's prosperity.

“I really should go and see it if I have the chance.”

Although he only heard some superficial information, Harry still had some guesses in his mind. After all, he had faced the demons personally, and even if they were just some of the lowest level cannon fodder, the racial characteristics of the demons would not change much. .

The reason why it is difficult for wizards to deal with them is because even the weakest demons have the same ability as the invisibility cloak, absorbing magic power and destroying the spell from the source. If the wizard wants to deal with them, he must convert the spell's innate ability The power is concentrated and explodes in an instant, so that the instantaneous output exceeds the upper limit of their magic absorption speed, so that the spell can work on the demons.

Since it is the most powerful technique against demons, and the previous words "hidden gods with swords, and contained gods with swords" are all saying that they have completely integrated the power of the technique into the sword in their hands, this is indeed in line with The correct way to deal with demons is high concentration and high burst, releasing the power of the attack in an instant.

They took a group photo in front of the statue of the Qinglian Sword Fairy, and then followed Zhang Shanfeng to visit other scenery of Suiye City. As a border town that has survived a thousand, three hundred and fourteen years of ups and downs, it is still standing tall and prosperous. , there are so many historical monuments for people to appreciate in Broken Leaf City. Harry and Fleur spent the whole afternoon frantically checking in and taking pictures, even though their pace was not slow and their energy was strong enough, they were completely No need to rest, but I still haven't been able to see one-tenth of the scenery of Broken Leaf City.

As a first-class tour guide who has received hundreds of praises in a row, Zhang Shanfeng is worthy of his high tour guide fees. Compared with the black-hearted guys in the tour group, everything he said to Harry and Fleur can be used immediately. The dry information above includes but is not limited to things you need to pay attention to when traveling after leaving Suiye City, and some convenient tips when living in the Taishi Celestial Dynasty.

For example, he gave step-by-step explanations on takeout, online shopping, online booking of tickets and hotels, and even how to scan the shared spaceship during the tour. Even if the two-day tour guide employment ended, Harry and Fleur did not need to renew the contract, or Find another tour guide.

Although these are common sense that does not need explanation at first glance, as a 'foreigner', at least Fleur has no idea that such convenient things exist. Harry, who has experienced similar conveniences, is finding it again. In this familiar but unfamiliar daily life, I suddenly felt like I was home.

After the first day of the trip, Zhang Shanfeng had also booked a hotel for the two of them. Originally this was included in the tour guide fee. However, adhering to the simple principle of 'use the best', they were able to overlook the hotel from mid-air. Suiye Yunzhan, which has half the scenery of Suiye City, was booked into a high-end guest room.

"I'm so tired~~~"

Fleur, who threw herself on the bed, had lost all her ladylike charm for half a year, "I didn't expect to go to so many places at once today, Harry, please help me slip on my shoes."

"Will it stink? If it smells bad, I won't take it off."

"Stink! You stink to death!" Fleur, who turned over and propped herself up with her backhand, kicked her feet hard, and the two embroidered white shoes flew up and hit Harry's head accurately. superior.

"..." Harry stood up silently with a calm face, "I have a stomachache, go to the bathroom." "Obviously there is no smell at all, my feet don't stink!" An angry Fleur grabbed Harry's sleeve and said She spoke seriously, this was a matter of her reputation, how could she talk so casually.

"Well, it has no taste."

"Then what are you running for?"

"I have a stomach ache."

"But you are obviously holding your breath."

Those blue eyes shone with a wise light called "I have already seen through everything".

"I do not have."

"Then you count from one to one hundred. After counting, my sister will take you to a feast."

"." Harry turned his head speechlessly, "Why can't there be more between people? Cough cough cough."

It's okay to hold your breath normally, and you can still talk while holding your breath, but the iron lung is not enough to make you feel like this.

"I really have a stomachache!"

Harry held his nose and rushed out, walking as fast as he could.

"Don't run away Harry! Tell me clearly!"

"I told you it has no taste, but even if it has taste, I won't eat it!"

"Do you still think that boys have such perverted ideas?"

"Then you think about it?"

"!!!" Furong, who was stunned on the spot, widened her eyes, "What are you considering?"

"Pork trotters stewed in white water."

In ancient times, a black-faced Zhang Fei was called "Chacha", but now there is a white-faced Lotus called "Wow!"
Harry was so scared that he was jumping up and down like he was flying over the wall.

"That's just foot washing!"

"You are the trotter!"

(End of this chapter)

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