Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 256 Thousands of miles apart, Snape kills a bear to prove his truth!

Chapter 256 Thousands of miles apart, Snape kills a bear to prove his truth!
Pandas and Magic Pandas and Pandaren are completely different species.

Harry discovered and understood this matter after arriving at Panda Village.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Harry wouldn't have been able to associate the guy who stood at 15 meters tall as an adult, weighed at least [-] tons, and could create a small earthquake on the ground with a slap, with a panda, even if it had The pattern is exactly the same as that of a panda, the sound is exactly the same, and even the squeaking sounds when acting cute are exactly the same.

But ordinary pandas and magical creature pandas are similar to Muggles and wizards, and they cannot be compared together at all.

The latter is a kind of magical creature with the same combat power level as the Frost Tyrant. They are the mounts of the Pandaren. According to the villagers, Harry also learned that the Pandaren actually have an elite panda cavalry. It seems like a kobold rides a dog, and a werewolf rides a wolf. Each pair of rider and mount can be said to have a tacit understanding, and the man and the horse become one.

It's a pity that Harry has only seen one magical panda sitting on a hill. This guy has just grown up. He stayed in the village because he hasn't found a suitable panda rider yet. This guy's staple food is also It's not bamboo shoots. This kind of thing with very low nutritional value can't be eaten even if you eat it for a day. Their staple food is meat. Bamboo shoots are just side dishes to adjust the taste. Eating a cow a day is not an exaggerated adjective. This guy wants to eat it every day. The amount of meat eaten is at least one ton or two tons, which is not enough for one cow.

But what is even more surprising than the magical pandas are the pandas. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the reproductive capacity of the orcs is not as good as that of humans, perhaps they are the real "children of destiny" in the magic world. Compared to human wizards, Pandaren have stronger physical fitness, longer lifespan, higher total magic power, and higher quality magic power. They can even cast spells with bare hands without relying on any magic medium.

Except for a very small number of magics like Animagus, they can use all the magics that human wizards can use. However, compared to pulling out a gun to biubiubiu, the pandas prefer to play some real tricks with bare hands.

In the Taishi Celestial Dynasty, magic was called spiritual energy or qi. The way to use qi was not only to take out a gun-shaped wand and play tricks, but also to perform other forms of biubiubiu. The qi could also strengthen itself, that is, when Harry The magical body training promoted in the war group is something that almost no one in Europe does. Countless Qi refiners have been practicing in this place thousands of years ago. After passing on and multiplying from generation to generation, the training here has Qi warriors simply do not have the difficulty of enduring tremendous pain when refining their bodies with magic power.

Their ancestors have helped them eat these hardships, and their bodies have adapted to the feeling of blending and strengthening with magic when they were born. As pandas whose physical fitness is better than that of humans in all aspects, they are in the process of self-strengthening. The road obviously goes further and deeper.

The magic power that cannot be spelled will be quickly assimilated by the natural magic power after leaving the body. It is not difficult to condense the magic power into a ball. The difficulty is that when you throw the magic ball out, it will not automatically dissipate before it flies ten meters. .

The magic power of the awakened person can exist in the world almost forever. Even if the awakened person dies, the magic power he left behind can still exist for at least hundreds of years. The fundamental reason for this is that the magic power of the awakened person contains more than the limit and belongs to If the content of the spiritual will of the awakened person and the magic power of a normal wizard is one ten thousandth, then the content of the spiritual will of the awakened person will be one to one or even higher.

Magic is the business card of the awakened person itself, and each person's unique spiritual characteristics are their identity certificate that cannot be counterfeited.

The people of Taishi Celestial Dynasty knew this. The number of awakened people born in this country was not less than that in other regions. Also because their research direction on magic was different, they noticed it earlier than wizards in other places. This characteristic of the awakener's magic.

When other areas were still in a state of "wild release", the Taishi Celestial Dynasty had already classified spellcasters, and the criteria for classification were different stages of magic power.

Magic level has nothing to do with age or strength. This level is only used to measure the refinement of the caster's own magic power.

The first level of Qi refining refers to people who have not refined any magic power. When their magic power is not transformed into a spell, it will be quickly assimilated by natural magic power once it leaves the body. Eighty to ninety percent of the world's All wizards are at this level.

The second level of foundation building refers to the beginning of integrating qi into the physical body (magic body refining), strengthening one's own perception of qi, and preparing for the subsequent refining of magic power.

The third level of golden elixir refers to the completion of the magic power refining and the beginning of condensation of a spiritual core in the body, which can further spiritually temper the magic power in the body. At this stage, the Qi in the practitioner's body can already be Maintaining it outside the body for a short period of time can prevent the Qi from dissipating quickly when it is not transformed into a spell.

At the fourth level of Nascent Soul, practitioners who have reached this stage have the means to break free from spells and use Qi alone for offense and defense. The spiritual core in the body has been sublimated, forming a clone of spiritual will, which can serve the magic power in your body all the time. Carry out deep spiritual rendering and strengthen the content of spiritual will in the magic power.

There is no fifth stage. These four stages are the limits that human wizards can reach. There is a gap above the fourth stage, a gap that can only be filled by God-given talents. And on the other side of that gap is the other side called the Awakened One. , the magic power of the awakened ones is the pinnacle of the quality of magic power in the magic world. Even if they are powerful elemental beings like the Sun Dragon, the magic power in their bodies cannot remain in the world for as long as the awakened ones.

However, this kind of refining magic power and increasing its spiritual will content can only be done by human spellcasters. This is originally a 'skill' used by humans to make up for their own magic power deficiencies, but it is completely unnecessary for other magical creatures. .

Pandaren have naturally reached the third stage, where they need to refine their bodies with magic power and strengthen their perception of magic power/qi. The 'purity' of their magic power in the sky is enough to support them to use Qi directly, although it will also be assimilated by natural magic power. In the end, they disappeared without a trace, but compared to humans, the speed at which their magic power was assimilated into natural magic power was sufficient.

If the talent of this panda is high enough, or they reach adulthood at the age of 30, then the fourth stage will come naturally, not because there is any Nascent Soul in their adult body, but because after adulthood, the body and magic power are fully developed, and the magic power is pure. It will naturally increase a little and pierce a thin layer of window paper.

Ten seconds, the fourth stage of magic can stay outside the body for ten seconds before it begins to dissipate. This time is completely enough to use any method, including but not limited to the bear pie rubbed in the bear's paw when Xiong Dezheng and Harry were sparring that day. Qigong bombs.

If more time-consuming magic compression is performed, the speed of this air bomb can climb to a maximum speed of 700 meters per second. Ten seconds is enough for them to send you a hand-made missile that can be turned and guided from six to seven kilometers away. The explosive power It was enough to blast a two to three meter deep hole in the ground.

The destructive power caused by the simple release of magic power is relatively low compared to spells, and its function is single and easy to be restrained. However, this simple and crude way of use can also do many things that magic spells cannot.



"I want to learn this!"

Next to the martial arts arena, the passionate shouts of a passionate young man echoed in the spacious venue, and the powerful voice seemed to be able to penetrate gold and stone.

"Is that your brother? Does he look a bit silly?"

A panda man who was more than three meters tall asked a black bear man who was lying on the ground with a crooked mouth and leering eyes after being beaten by him.

"I, Xiong Dezheng, swear to God! I will never get married in this life. I will prevent you from having any grandchildren in your lifetime. I will make you mad to death. Oh - old man, don't fight. If you are going to die - ah - your bones will be broken." !”

"My labor and management told you not to get married! My labor and management told you not to let me hold my grandson. You son of a bitch, you can only grow up after a few years, right? Ah!"

"Old man, I was wrong. I was really wrong. I will find a white bear sister some other time and get married right away!"

"Look for Bai. Me." The Pandaren's fist as big as a sandbag was raised fiercely, but then he shook his head and put it down, "Forget it today, go and play with your brothers, don't bother to come here, treat me well Yes, remember to go home today, so that your mother won’t talk about it again, don’t you understand?”


Xiong Dezheng stood up with a grin on his face and limped toward the sidelines. His mouth opened and closed without making a sound. He was obviously saying something like "I wish you peace." "Damn, he's so handsome!"

As soon as Xiong Dezheng arrived at the sidelines, he saw Harry with bright eyes staring at the back of his cheating father and saying this.

"You are handsome only if you have never been beaten by him. If you are really beaten by him, you will know what comfort is."

"What's the point of being afraid of pain!" Harry spoke in Sichuan dialect and patted the stone sill beside him. "There are so many difficulties in the world, and this is the easiest thing to get used to."

"Blow, you keep blowing." Xiong De, with a look of disbelief on his face, carefully sat down next to Harry, grinning and sucking in air, "Why are you afraid, your baby has never been hammered."

"Don't believe it?" Harry raised an eyebrow, "I've experienced it dozens of times. It's ten thousand times scarier than pain."

"Tch, it's ten thousand times scarier. Bragging is just a draft. If you have the ability, tell me what it is about."

"This thing is said to be useless. I need to experience it myself. Do you want to give it a try?" As he said this, Harry touched in his arms and took out a thumb-sized bottle from his chest bag, which contained About one-third of the red liquid, "Aren't you going to be beaten? If you have a temper, just drink this stuff. If you can keep silent, I will consider you awesome!"

"Just drink, come on!" Xiong Dezheng was not worried that Harry would give him some gut-piercing poison. This thing was probably some kind of recovery potion. Even if Harry didn't give it to him, he would get a bottle later. , Injuries are common for martial arts bears, and he drinks healing potions and the like.

"Remember to call me Niubi!"

Without saying a word, Xiong De opened the bottle cap with his thumb and poured a few drops of the potion into his mouth. At this moment, his originally dark face seemed to have been filtered by a gray-white filter. , immediately lost color.



The miserable scream was accompanied by bursts of retching.

"You are indeed a jerk."

Harry slowly gave a thumbs up. After all, running upside down while retching with your mouth open was indeed quite difficult.

"What are you doing, you idiot?"

The panda father, who hadn't gone too far, strode back after hearing his son's pitiful howl. He glanced at Harry, and then at the dragon and tiger, who could see all the bruises on his body. The missing son clasped the back of his head in distress.

But before he could ask any more questions, his nose wrinkled slightly and he seemed to smell something familiar.

"This small bottle." He carefully picked up the potion bottle that Xiong Dezheng had left behind with two fingers. "It's the ultimate life potion! The price is at least 1000 yuan. Did you just give him this?"

He bent down and asked Harry. After seeing Harry nod, the panda showed a look of pain. One thousand gold dollars is equivalent to more than 4000 galleons. It is not a small sum of money no matter where you put it.

"Don't waste it."

When he saw that there were only one or two drops left at the bottom of the bottle, although he knew that the turtle son's injury did not require drinking this level of medicine, but adhering to the principle of not wasting, the Pandaren reached out and grabbed Xiong Dezheng, who was running around. He brought it back and said, "There's still a little bit in it. After you drink it, no matter what you do, your brothers will always treat you well, do you understand?"

"I won't! I won't drink! Why don't you kill me! I won't drink! Even if you kill me, I won't drink!"

Xiong Dezheng, who covered his mouth and struggled wildly in his father's hands, finally understood what was ten thousand times more terrifying than death. The terrible taste that penetrated deep into the soul was not something that could be described correctly in words!

"Hey, you melon boy, this is good stuff. Your old man's monthly salary is not enough to buy two bottles."

"You should drink the good stuff by yourself! If you have a temper, taste it. If you don't have a temper, don't talk!"

"You son of a bitch deserves a beating today! Don't think that I can't bear to beat you even if your brothers are around."

"You can drink it alone if you like. Anyway, I'm fine. I want to go home and see my mother. You put me down!"

Xiong Dezheng, who was hung in the air by the scruff of his neck, kicked and punched, but he still couldn't escape from his father's five-finger mountain.

"There's nothing wrong with the smell of this thing." Although my son is a fool, he is not stupid. There is nothing wrong with his brain, but it's not like he has never drank the ultimate life potion, and it smells like this. That's right, this bottle is still filled with high-purity raw liquid. It's not an exaggeration to say that it can bring life to human flesh and bones.

"You will know if there is any problem." Seeing that he could not escape from his father's Wuzhishan, Xiong Dezheng could only hold his arms and speak, with a look in his eyes that said, "If you have the ability, don't push me." of contempt.

"Just try it, taste it, what else can happen if you drink this thing!"

The Panda man who chose to trust his own experience and sense of smell dropped two drops of the magic potion from the bottle onto the tip of his tongue. He subconsciously clicked his lips and successfully bit his tongue.

Almost instinctively, before the weird taste had time to spread to his brain, his body instinctively tried to cut off the source of the taste. The sharp bite of his mouth left deep tooth marks on his tongue, but the next step In seconds, the tooth marks looked like they had never appeared before, and the healing was completed in an instant.

Snape's products must be high-quality products. In terms of potion effectiveness, it is difficult for anyone in the world to match him. Although the European area is a 'novice area', those who can sneak out in the novice area and enter the world stage, There is no top genius who is not terribly talented and can ignore the backward environment around him.

And at this moment, Snape 'killed' the bear and became enlightened!
(End of this chapter)

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