Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 280 Sword Falls Galaxy, a despairingly strong opponent

Chapter 280 Sword Falls Galaxy, a despairingly strong opponent
There were continuous clouds over Zhongjing City, and the hot sun in June was hiding behind the clouds. Unfortunately, this was not a precursor to a major landslide, but simply a cloudy sky.

Even as spell casters who have mastered extraordinary power, they still have to abide by the laws of nature. Just because Tiangong City 360 is exposed to the sun every day for five days, they cannot prevent Zhongjing City below from seeing the shade and enjoying the cool air. The clouds are gathering, but the race above remains the same.

The finals of the Youth Spellcaster Duel Competition is also called the Little World Cup. As a warm-up appetizer for the World Duel Competition, the last day of the Youth Competition is the most attractive stage. In the morning, the three strongmen compete to determine the championship and the Asian season. In the afternoon, 96 people Melee and chaotic fighting, methods that are difficult to use in the ring are used at the big battlefield, and many classic scenes of landslides and earth-shattering come from the melee on the big battlefield in the afternoon.

There is a saying that goes well: Pretending is one of the important driving forces for the advancement of human society, technology, etc. As a large-scale competitive game in the wizarding world comparable to the Quidditch World Cup, this is definitely the capital of every King B. It's a holy place to check in, a big stage for duels, come if you have the guts.

Compared to the previous two days, the audience present today was at least twice as many as before. Before Harry could enter the venue, the sound of mountains and tsunamis outside made him look away involuntarily.

"You will be even more surprised when you participate in the World Championships."

Professor Flitwick smiled and said to Harry, "That was a big scene with at least 10 people watching. Just relax and play well now, and you will be on a bigger stage in the future."

"Nervous?" Harry looked away and looked at Professor Flitwick innocently, "I'm just a little soft, it's not a big problem."

"It shouldn't be nervousness." Professor Flitwick muttered in a low voice with some doubts. "Shouldn't it be that his feet are weak?"

At nine o'clock, there was a figure standing in front of the venue's podium. His voice was not as passionate and infectious as other program hosts. Instead, it had a hard coldness, which was incompatible with the enthusiasm in the venue at this moment. .

But no one thinks there is anything wrong with this host. After all, he is a temporary guest host. As a former winner of seven consecutive world championships, he is one of the men who is still alive and has the longest winning streak——

"I am Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov."

"The host, commentator, and one of the referees of this year's Youth Spellcaster Duel Competition Finals, but as you all know, I am an amateur, so——"

Big Ivan raised his hand and pointed forward.

"Hurry up and let today's protagonists come on stage!"

He spoke loudly, and his thunderous voice echoed throughout the venue.

"The first one - Li Jiannan, a contestant from the Taishi Celestial Dynasty. He is the contestant with the shortest fighting time so far in this competition. The average time per game is only 0.31 seconds. So far, no contestant has been able to catch his sword. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jiannan walked out of the lounge expressionlessly with the sword case behind his back. He nodded slightly to the audience and walked calmly to the front of the stage.

"Second place - Tupac Yupanki, a contestant from the Magic Kingdom of Chimu Mochica, is 23 years old. As the youngest formal professor in Castrobushe in the past century, his strength is undoubted. Can he continue his undefeated winning streak after nearly finishing the game in a destructive manner?"

The young man wearing a pale green duel dress walked out gracefully, and a little plant man sitting on his shoulder waved to the audience innocently, but in the blink of an eye, the little plant man disappeared as if he had never appeared.

"Third place - Harry Potter, a contestant from the wizarding world of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He is the youngest contestant in this competition, only 13 years old. However, in a world full of miracles and infinite possibilities Here, age is never a value that measures a person’s strength. We look forward to him bringing us new miracles again.”

Harry, who had no stage fright at all, walked out of the lounge calmly. He waved to the audience and restrained his inappropriate thoughts of having fun. Some people will be nervous when encountering big things, and some people are born with it. A competitive player, the bigger the scene, the more stable he is, but Harry is different. The more people there are, the more excited he becomes. He is like a husky whose owner is not at home, with the words 'Make trouble!' constantly echoing in his mind!Make trouble!Make something big happen! '

'Remember, Harry, you are no longer a P club player. You must have morals, integrity, and a bottom line. You must not take off someone's pants when they are not paying attention, even though you know it will happen. It's exciting, exciting, and can break the human heart, but you can't read files in the real world, and you can't be a messy and funny person. You have to be a clean person, not too dirty. '

Harry, who was muttering in his mind and giving himself some vaccinations, straightened his expression when he walked to the stage. Of course, there were no flaws in this unknown mental journey. After he was in place, he decided on the order. The drawing of lots begins immediately.

Red, red, white!

The sealed wooden picks at the end are drawn according to the order in which they play. No matter what, the three of them need to compete with each other. The order of the game is actually not that important, but the winner of the first start will suffer a little. A little bit.

The half-time break is only a short three to 10 minutes. If you encounter an evenly matched and difficult opponent in the final and are consumed too much, a half-hour break may not allow you to fully recover, and it will also expose you a lot. The means are given to your opponent in the next match, but if you want to get the real champion with the championship trophy and medals in hand, this kind of harshness is also a test.

Harry, who had a bye in the first round, returned to the rest area, but his eyes were fixed on the only duel ring in front of him. In this 50*5 meter long and wide field, he didn't know what was going to happen.The referee raised his right hand high and pulled the trigger. The blast of the starting gun resounded throughout the silent arena, and at the moment the sound spread!
A flash of cold light that was too fast for the naked eye to follow. For the audience, every game of Li Jiannan lacked the beauty of battle. This was not only because he ended the game too quickly, but also because even if he used With the slow playback method, it is difficult for people to see clearly whether the flash of light is a sharp blade or a pocket-sized sword. In a blurry moment, the blade of the sword cuts through the opponent's defense. The body, the high head flew up, and the scarlet protective light curtain flashed.

At this moment, everything in the arena seemed to have remained unchanged. The moment after the cold light flashed, a head flew high.

Just in people's minds, 'Is it over? ' When asked, the hollowness shown in the incision section makes people think.

The brittle shell like a cocoon was made of an unknown substance. After the head of the fake body was chopped off, it exploded into countless fine dust and disappeared into the ring together with Tupac himself.

'Not invisible!At least it's not the Disillusionment Curse! '

Harry did not see the magical form of the second human form on the ring. The smoke from the explosion of the fake body made the ring he saw seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, a layer of dark blue mist that was constantly flowing like sea water. .

'It's not magic! '

Harry's instantly narrowed pupils made him focus his sight again. The dust mist containing magic was not dust particles, but living, delicate spores with vitality.

The area covered by these spores was visibly covered with a transparent and thin 'bacterial carpet'. Tupac was using some strange means to turn the entire duel arena into his territory. Compared with using the deformation technique, Creating a controlled 'deformation field', the spores take root and corrode the occupied territory more viciously than seen with the naked eye.

At the moment when most people were confused and didn't know what was going on, Li Jiannan, who had been unmoved before, raised his right hand and pointed his sword at his chest.

"Get up!" He shouted softly, and the sword box on his back flashed for the first time at this moment. A delicate and small flying sword jumped out from the sword box and hung on the ring like a star. In the sky above, there are the second, third, and countless countless star points.

At this moment, Harry truly understood what Xiong Dezheng meant when he told him that this man had half of the Nantian Gate on his back.

That's the literal meaning!
Harry, who once thought he was a krypton gold player, was completely injured at this moment. The tens of thousands of genuine flying swords hung like sword clouds in the sky above the ring, and the shining cold light was like the stars in the night, twinkling. A sharp, cold light that makes people want to cry when they look directly at it.

It is no exaggeration to say that the four heavenly gates that guarded and penetrated the entire Taishi Celestial Dynasty were the artifacts of the state. And this artifact, worth one-eighth of the value of the artifact, originally belonged to the sword box of the Qinglian Sword Immortal.
Maybe a gorgeous curtain call is the greatest affirmation and recognition of your opponent, right?
In a daze, people seemed to hear a clear voice chanting in a low voice——

'Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. '

Then the sword waterfall hanging in the sky dropped, and thousands of galaxy stars suddenly fell!

Thousands of roots that were moving backwards erupted from under the torn scarlet carpet. The plant tentacles that could kill even giants were instantly turned into powder under the unparalleled sword light. There was no so-called resistance. There is simply nothing that can resist this blade light curtain in this small arena.

A scarlet light spot flashed in the rain of swords falling down like a waterfall. Tupac, who had disappeared without a trace before, was penetrated by dozens of streams of light the moment he appeared. If it weren't for the scarlet light curtain that forcibly blocked more Attack, maybe people won't even see the mutilated corpses.

Harry also understood at this moment why other ancient sects had withdrawn from history, but there was a sword cultivation school that had been circulating for thousands of years.

Sword monks are not good at fighting, and they kill heavily. When their swords come out, they come back stained with blood.

Although he was in the lounge, Harry seemed to be able to feel countless eyes focusing on him at this moment, with a hint of sympathy and pity, without any ridicule, simply looking at the poor man.

According to legend, every few hundred years, a generation of geniuses will emerge from the sky and become unrivaled in their generation.

And Tianjiao, standing on the other half of the stage that was not destroyed by the sword light, calmly turned his head and looked at Harry calmly, as if he was saying: 'I'm waiting for you to see me. '


I feel a bit lost. I didn’t update it because I was too busy in the past two days. Today I am very stymied in writing. I went home to code at 9.40 and it is now 4.58. I only wrote 3K3 after deleting, deleting, and editing. I feel so uncomfortable and I am so sorry. , I will squint for a while. If nothing happens in the afternoon, I will think about how to write.

(End of this chapter)

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