Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 294 It turns out you are such a Slytherin

Chapter 294 It turns out you are such a Slytherin

Harry, who was playing with the 'Slytherin Emerald Cannon Bullet Pendant', walked briskly towards the Hufflepuff lounge.

Compared to when he just returned to Hogwarts, at least he no longer needs a cane to walk along the aisle. Snape is indeed Snape. Although the potion made Harry want to perform the scene of "I will die for you" on the spot, but After drinking the potion, his physical condition actually stabilized a bit. Although Heng Heng Ha He couldn't move with his fists and feet, he at least regained a certain amount of mobility.

When he first got the Slytherin pendant, Harry felt a sense of dissonance. You must know that the first gun-shaped wand in Europe was made by Ollivander in 1230, imitating the Eastern Fire Wand. The initial form of the current fixed flintlock gun is the version of the gun-shaped wand that was determined after a series of improvements and upgrades.

And what about the era when Slytherin existed?
Hogwarts was around AD 965, when Dumbledore went to school. Hogwarts was not yet a prestigious school. At that time, not to mention flintlocks and fire rods, there seemed to be only a few things like bullets. Ahead of its time.

Dumbledore is not a history buff or an expert on the history of ancient magic. Although he is knowledgeable, he does not know much about this matter. As for asking the history teacher, Professor Binns, he is indeed a teacher with a very long history. An experienced old professor, but you can't count on him too much. In comparison, asking about the ghosts in Hogwarts seems more reliable.

The fat monk likes lively places very much. Although people and ghosts live in different directions, he is still the one among the ghosts who likes to deal with the little wizards the most. When almost everyone gets on the train home because of the holiday. , the fat monk who still resides in the Hufflepuff common room is humming a song to pass the time. The ghosts have an almost 'eternal life' for a long time to torture them in the ghost life after death. Daze has become every day. A necessary skill for a ghost. When three figures walked into the empty common room, the fat monk who was immersed in his own world did not notice their presence.

"Whoa whoa!"

The frightened fat monk danced in the air for a long time. After seeing clearly that it was Harry, Dumbledore and Snape, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Principal Dumbledore, why are you here looking for me?"

The fat monk stared at the old wizard who should be the most popular among the trio with some resentment. For some reason, he always felt that Dumbledore seemed to have undergone some different changes compared to before.

"You have to ask Harry, he has something to ask you." Dumbledore said with a smile, without any sense of guilt for scaring the old ghost.

"Ha-oh, Harry! Is that the rune pendant in your hand?" The fat monk turned his head and saw Harry and the Slytherin Emerald Cannon Bullet Pendant in his hand, " I didn’t expect that young people today still like this. In our time, this thing was so popular.”

"It's a pity that today's wizards only talk about Merlin's blessing, but they don't know that this thing is an amulet that can bring people good luck."

Without Harry even having to speak, the fat monk had already answered a large part of Harry's doubts.

"You said this is an amulet? A rune pendant?"

Harry shook the Slytherin pendant in his hand, his face filled with stunned confusion.

"Ah, of course." The fat monk nodded, "You all know that in the magic world, 7 is the number that represents luck and the most magical power, but today's wizards almost don't know why there is this saying."

The most satisfying thing for a ghost is to show its trust in him and make him feel the value of his existence, especially for a ghost like the Fat Monk who has an optimistic mentality.

"When it comes to Merlin, what everyone thinks of is that he is proficient in prophecy, the founder of the Animagus, etc. But in our time, the most widely circulated ones were Merlin's Seven Sacred Artifacts. Just like the Three Holy Artifacts of Death, it was a very famous legend at the time.”

"In order to fight against the devil, Merlin made seven runes, which contain Merlin's seven magical powers."

The fat monk fiddled with the machine gun cartridge belt on his chest, "I believe in this legend. Have you seen this? Here are seven groups of seven Merlin blessing rune amulets. When I was still alive, I was not lucky. It was so good, but if it was only seven pieces, I felt that it was not enough for me, so I made seven sets and wrapped them around my body, and sure enough, I had much better luck."

"But it's a pity" the fat monk's face showed a hint of helpless distress, "Merlin is a wizard, he only blessed me with luck in the magical world, but I couldn't figure it out at the time, why did I go to the church? In the Muggle world , Merlin can’t protect me, and now that I think about the sneak attack, I’m still very angry, hey!”

"Being taken for granted." Harry answered subconsciously, but before he could finish speaking, the fat monk immediately interrupted Harry.

"I wasn't tied up like a pig and then killed with a knife! Those Muggles were sneak attacks. They used stun guns to sneak attack me, a cardinal who has done good things and done good things, and will soon become the Pope!" "

"But I haven't said anything yet." Harry glanced at the fat monk, "Are you guilty?"

"certainly not!"

The fat monk frowned and underestimated. If the ghost didn't know how to blush, he would show you what red, warm and full of anger are right now.

"Okay, okay, Harry, what do you want to ask me?"

The fat monk pretended that nothing happened, waved his hand, smiled kindly at Harry and asked.

"This is Slytherin's pendant. I saw that its shape is very similar to the bullet belt, uh, amulet you wore, so I came to ask you."

"Is it Slytherin's pendant?" The fat monk lowered his head and looked at the object in Harry's hand carefully, "Take it and turn it slowly, eh, yes, at this angle, stop."

The fat monk nodded with a look of astonishment on his face. "Everyone knows." The fat monk cleared his throat, reached for the bullet belt on his body and pulled out one, "Merlin's seven holy weapons were infused with his seven virtues, or seven kinds of justice. strength."

"Hope, kindness, bravery, wisdom, justice, faith, prudence, the holy weapon corresponding to each power contains a powerful magic that can be inspired. For example, the magic corresponding to hope is the Patronus Charm. Of course, the legendary Seven Saints The Patronus Charm used by the weapon is the nemesis of all dark magic, not just for fighting dementors."

"Patron Saint, if you can't protect you when the dark power comes, how can you be called a Patron Saint, right?"

Compared to the era the Fat Monk lived in, the magic back then was really different from what it is now. The war against the Abyss had just ended not long ago, and the martial arts in the magic world were much more abundant than now. Today's magic spells are more convenient and easier to use. Yes, but relatively speaking, the spells in peacetime are not as sharp as those in wartime.

'Is Merlin also an awakener? 'The thought came to Harry's mind, 'It's a pity that I didn't stay in the cemetery for long, so I don't know many things clearly. '

Sett did not intend to let Harry have too much contact with the power of the Awakener at this time. Before his body is well restored, it is best for Harry not to use the power of the Awakener indiscriminately. At this stage, knowing more is not necessarily a good thing. Curiosity not only kills cats, it can also kill people.

"Did you see the runes painted inside the emerald?"

The fat monk pointed at the warhead and said to Harry, "Slytherin's amulet pendant is modeled after the 'Justice' in the Seven Sacred Vessels. Look, it's the same as mine."


This time, not only Harry was surprised, but also Dumbledore and Snape couldn't help but show some changes in their expressions.

Who is Slytherin?In the world of Hogwarts, he is the guy who doesn't look at 'non-pure-blood' wizards. Legend has it that he broke up with Gryffindor and left the school because of this disagreement with the other three founders. They all wanted to accept half-blood or Muggle-born wizards, but he only wanted to accept pure-blood wizards.

Just like Sett discriminated against every Nico fairly, Slytherin discriminated against every non-pureblood fairly.

You call this thing justice?

The fat monk was not too surprised when he saw the different but equally subtle expressions of the three people. He was used to people's view of Slytherin.

"Although no one believes me, just ask the ghosts who have experienced that era, such as Mrs. Gray and Bloody Barrow." The fat monk's voice paused. These two ghosts stayed at Hogwarts. The ghost that has been around for the longest time, Mrs. Gray's true identity is the daughter of Ravenclaw, and the identity of Bloody Barrow is a student of Slytherin. Both of them are figures who have really come into contact with the four founders. No one Know these four founders better than they do.

"My teacher is Helga Hufflepuff." The fat monk said affirmatively, "I should be the teacher's last student. She previously advised me not to go to the Muggle world, but I didn't listen to the teacher."

"It's not what you think. Although Slytherin had already left Hogwarts when I was studying, I know that Slytherin is not a person who discriminates against wizards who are not pure blood."

The fat monk spoke in a somewhat complicated tone: "He fairly discriminates against every ordinary wizard whose talent is not enough for him. According to the teacher, Slytherin insists on absolute elite education, not what Hogwarts has now." In such an education that is open to most people, the Pen of Acceptance is made by Gryffindor, and if the Book of Admission had not been modified by Ravenclaw, Hogwarts would not be able to recruit more than double digits a year now. of qualified students.”

"Justice. Of course, justice." The fat monk shook his head and said, "He is indeed very fair."


Snape suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Before I leave my job, I have something I want to tell you for a long time."

"What, Severus?" Dumbledore looked at Snape with some confusion.

"As the head of Slytherin, I tell you very seriously now that Slytherin is not a pure-blood garbage dump. Although I will not stay at Hogwarts, I also don't want to be in Hogwarts after I leave. , Slytherin is still the cesspool it is now."

"Hurry up and change the admission requirements. Those pure-blood families who have not received the notice should not allow their idiot children to come here to make themselves embarrassed. Just like Goyle and Crabbe, tell them not to come next year."

"If Slytherin knew that Slytherin House is like this now, he would be so angry that he would commit suicide, Dumbledore."

"Ah this?"

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what he was thinking now.


I got off the plane just after 11 o'clock in the evening. I just came back from WLMQ. I went there to collect the money. The New Year is approaching. If I don't collect the money, I won't have a good year. It will delay the update. This is the code as soon as I get home. , hot.

(End of this chapter)

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