Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 150 Please start your show

Chapter 150 Please start your show

However, after listening to the reward offered by the man on the stage, a group of onlookers in the audience couldn't help being shocked and in an uproar.

Long Di Dan.

This is the special secret elixir of the Elephant Armor Sect. After taking it, it can greatly enhance the physical strength of the soul master. It is said that the preparation of this elixir requires dragon blood as a guide, which is very precious.

Even the direct disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect are not rare items that everyone can obtain.

But now, in order to attract a young man who has been in the limelight recently to come and challenge, the Elephant Armor Sect actually offered a sky-high reward of ten Dragon Earth Pills!

This is something that has been spread to the auction house, and the starting price alone can reach [-] gold soul coins!
In this regard, Wang Mo expressed his disdain.

"Who do you look down on? A few pills that you have never heard of before, and a mere hundred thousand gold soul coins. With such a low appearance fee, you want to invite the young master to appear?"

It wasn't that he was bragging, if it wasn't for the fact that the identity of the candidate for the Holy Son of the Wuhun Hall could not be revealed, just by revealing the identity of the candidate for the Holy Son, Hu Yanzhen, the suzerain of the Elephant Armor Sect, would have to run over and kneel and lick.

Others may not be clear, but Wang Mo knows clearly that the Elephant Armor Sect, which is one of the seven great sects on the surface, has already become the running dog of the Spirit Hall in secret.


Ye Lingling next to her heard the words, she blinked her big eyes a few times, not knowing what to say.

One hundred thousand gold soul coins, nothing? ? ?
Do you want to hear what you're talking about?
You know, the annual salary of their Ye family is all added up, and there is not even a hundred thousand gold soul coins.
As expected of the person who is backed by the crown prince Xue Qinghe, he speaks in a tough manner.

"By the way, primary school sister, what is the Longdi Pill they are talking about?" Looking at the shocked look of the audience in the distance, Wang Mo couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Lingling next to him.

In this Douluo Continent, is there any medicine with strange effects?
Wang Mo doesn't know, because he came to this world for a short period of time. Although he has read many books, he only has a general understanding of some general things in this world.

As for Ye Lingling, when Wang Mo met her, she was a top student at Tiandou Royal Academy, with solid theoretical knowledge.

When Wang Mo wanted to bully her, as a teacher, Qin Ming was not even afraid of the power of the Prince's Mansion, so he taught him verbally.

"Longdi Pill is the secret elixir of the Elephant Armored Sect, which can greatly increase the physical strength of the soul master. The reason why their disciples of the Elephant Armored Sect have such a strong defense is not only the factor of their own martial soul, but the Dragon Earth Dan can be said to have a large part of the credit."

Ye Lingling explained. "It is rumored that dragon's blood is needed to refine this elixir, but it should be just a gimmick. Even so, it is an extremely precious medicine. Even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan need to pay a lot of money to buy it from them. .”

And such a thing?
There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and Wang Mo couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his chin a few times.Speaking of which, isn't this thing quite precious?

With his current physical strength, if the fourth spirit ring absorbed the ten thousand year spirit ring, it would be very reluctant, and his life might even be in danger.

But if there is Long Didan from the Elephant Armor Sect to assist
Wang Mo smiled.

In fact, the appearance fee offered by the other party is quite attractive.

"Miss, you stay upstairs for a while, and come here for your husband." Wang Mo slapped his chopsticks on the table with a bang, and did what he said.


The pretty face behind the veil turned red in an instant, Ye Lingling cast a reproachful glance at someone who would only take advantage of words, and reminded softly.

"Be careful yourself!"

"rest assured."

After gesturing ok, Wang Mo jumped off the roof of the restaurant and quickly ran towards the activity site in the center of the square.

Most of the people around were ordinary people. With just a little force, Wang Mo separated a barely passable crowded path from the middle, and went straight to the inside.

Registration is required to participate in the event.

So Wang Mo went all the way to a sign-up office with a banner next to the ring.

I finished my name.

Under the surprised eyes of the audience in the audience, Wang Mo jumped lightly and came directly to the ring.

"Okay, another challenger has come to our ring, let's see if he can break through the defense and take the prize."

Seeing this, the host youth hurried over enthusiastically. "Hello, what's your name, are you sure you can win the grand prize?"

Are you sure you can win the grand prize?

You left the words sure and?, and you came here for the prize.

Of course, you should not be too arrogant when you are away from home, and you should not talk too much, otherwise you will be easily slapped in the face.

"Didn't you hear that a genius boy appeared in the empire before and challenged him, and now he is here."

There was a reserved smile on the corner of Wang Mo's mouth. "I have no other intentions. After hearing your challenge, I just want to prove my own strength. At the same time, I also want to see if the defensive power of the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect is really as strong as the rumors say."

The voice fell.

The chaotic and noisy scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at the calm young man on the stage in disbelief.

"You are that Wang Mo!!!"

A look of shock could not help but appear on the host youth's face, but it took only a moment for him to react.

"Hello, hello, welcome to our event. Don't worry, I can assure you in front of everyone at the scene that the conditions I offered before are absolutely true and effective."

As for the audience in the audience.

At first they saw a young man on stage, and they didn't take it seriously. Now they heard the host's shocking words and enthusiastic performance, and everyone reacted.

This is the Wang Mo of the Prince's Mansion who has been in the limelight recently in the empire?

Is this too young?
He looked like he was only thirteen or fourteen years old, but he was able to defeat the five-ring soul king!

Because most of the rumors were not credible, everyone didn't show too much enthusiasm. Defeating the soul king of the fifth ring with the cultivation base of the third ring was most likely an official gimmick for publicity.

Everyone turned their gazes to the ring, whether it was true or not, they would soon know.

"can we start?"

Without answering the young host's words, Wang Mo looked calmly at a disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect who was waiting quietly on the other side of the ring.

The youth host was stunned.

A person like him who has been vigorously promoted by the Prince's Mansion should not try his best to express himself in such a large audience. First, let me introduce myself, like "Hi everyone, I am a youth idol who has been practicing for two and a half years. Soul master, what I am best at is ctrl+' or something.

Why not follow the routine and go straight to the point?
But since the other party urged, the youth host didn't say anything more, and raised his hand with a smile as a gesture of please.

"Please start your performance, let us wait and see."

After finishing speaking, the young host consciously stepped aside, leaving the center of the ring to Wang Mo and the direct disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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