Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 162 Is this the ten-thousand-year-level attack skill?

Chapter 162 Is this the 10-year level attack skill?
While turning his head to look at the surrounding environment, Wang Mo frowned and looked at the giant python that kept chasing after him, with a thoughtful light in his eyes.

It can't go on like this.

No matter how talented and powerful he is among the soul masters of the same level, his physical strength and soul power are obviously incomparable to that giant python with a length of nearly 20 meters.

If this pursuit continues, until the soul power in his body is exhausted, he can only become the opponent's dinner today.

Moreover, in this secret realm of the dragon clan, everything is unknown to Wang Mo, and there may be dangers lurking everywhere. If he bumps into other spirit beasts on the way, the consequences will be disastrous.

The thoughts in my mind had just turned, and I saw Wang Mo's eyes move suddenly.

Not far ahead, there was a cliff.

Without the slightest hesitation, holding the elementary school sister with one hand and Ning Rongrong with the other, Wang Mo jumped down directly.


Ning Rongrong didn't expect him to come out like this at all, feeling the weightlessness of the free fall, he couldn't help letting out a series of screams.

And Wang Mo, who was listening to Ning Rongrong's inhumane shouting at a close distance, frowned subconsciously, and kicked her ass directly, sending her flying far away.

Wait until the noise fades away.

Then he looked up.

The black-scaled python that had been chasing them didn't give up just because the three of them jumped off the cliff, but instead chased after them frantically spitting snake apricot.

Wang Mo also had no intention of avoiding its pursuit by jumping off a cliff, seeing it chasing up without any surprise, a sneer appeared on his face.

Those who dare to chase after Wang Mo, the last one has already been separated.

The cliff is very high, probably hundreds of meters long.

Wang Mo did not directly fall down freely, but embraced the primary school girl, relying on the stones on the cliff to borrow strength, and kept jumping down.

The body that has been tempered several times can easily support him to complete all this.

Soon, the bottom of the cliff came into Wang Mo's eyes.

Lifting his feet and kicking a few times on the rock wall, Wang Mo gracefully and calmly landed on the ground at the bottom of the cliff.

Let go of the arms around the slender waist of the elementary school sister, and let her go to see if Ning Rongrong, who is lying on the ground covered in blood and has a large pool of red liquid, is dead.

And Wang Mo himself.

Holding the Tetanus Blade of Wuhun in his hand, he stared coldly at the giant python that was chasing after him above his head.

This boa constrictor covered with black scales has a trace of dragon blood in its body, and its age is close to ten thousand years, its intelligence has already been activated.

Seeing that Wang Mo, who was holding a martial spirit, had a slightly dangerous aura, he couldn't help turning his head, and chased after Ye Lingling who was running towards Ning Rongrong.

In the front, it was because the incident happened suddenly, and Wang Mo needed to take into account the safety of the two women, so he couldn't spare his hands to fight back.

At this moment, seeing that it dared to ignore me to find trouble with the primary school sister, Wang Mo's body was surrounded by silver-white electric lights, directly blocking its way forward.


Seeing this, the big black python instantly stood upright, its ruby-like eyes burst into a bright red light, and it swung its tail violently and drew towards Wang Mo.

The thick tail whipped against the hard rock wall in an instant, and with terrifying power, it whipped out a deep pit several meters in size in that area on the spot.

Regarding this, Wang Mo, whose eyes were filled with orange flames, was not too surprised.

The physical strength of soul beasts is very terrifying, which has a lot to do with their huge bodies, but at the same time, their use of soul power is far inferior to that of human soul masters, just like their spiritual intelligence.

He raised his knife and chopped it out.

A ten-meter-long half-moon-shaped flaming saber air flew towards the giant python. The terrifying high temperature made the surrounding space slightly distorted.


A shrill hiss sounded through the bottom of the cliff, and the giant python screamed in pain. There was already a large area of ​​burns at the tail, and it was emitting a little blue smoke at this time.

The means of attack are too simple.

Shaking his head, Wang Mo flashed vigorously on the nearby rock wall, cutting out a flaming saber aura from time to time, making the giant python howl in pain.

But the giant python has nothing to do with him.

Although its huge size has brought it terrifying power, it is much weaker in terms of speed, especially there are many protruding spikes on the cliff, which often restrict its movement. play.

The silver-white electric light on Wang Mo's body never disappeared, and the speed was extremely fast.

Whether the giant python came to bite with its bloody mouth wide open, or used its thick tail to whip, or tried to use its long and large body to wrap around Wang Mo, Wang Mo would easily dodge it .

And every time between the attacks of the black-scaled python, Wang Mo would attack its seven inches or eyes and other deadly positions, causing the giant python to howl again and again.

Attacking more than ten times in succession failed, but he was seriously injured by that slippery guy. The black-scaled python looked up at Wang Mo, and a little retreat had already sprouted in his heart.

Although these injuries are not fatal at present, it may not be so if they continue to fight.

Moreover, there are many enemies of all kinds in the forest. If it is injured too badly, even if it doesn't die in the hands of the hateful hairless monkey on the opposite side, it will die under the sneak attack of those opponents on weekdays.

And this, just for a dinner, is not worth it.

Raising its thick tail, it lashed towards the opposite side with all its strength, and the black-scale python intended to slam it here and there.

But he saw that the hairless monkey who had been dodging left and right, no longer dodged, and the second halo on his body instantly emitted a dazzling light.



Under the eyes of the black-scaled python's desperate cavalry sister, its tail was cut off by the other party directly, and the scales, which should have a strong defensive power, are like paper at this time.

Did not wait for it to react.

A terrible toxin in its body suddenly spread throughout its body, which could directly affect its nerves, making its overall movements extremely slow.

Seeing this, the corners of Wang Mo's mouth raised slightly, and the tetanus blade in his hand was raised again.

The 10-year-old soul bone on the leg exudes a scorching aura, and a terrifying force spreads from the right leg to the whole body, and then escapes from the body through the various acupoints of the body, condensing a wave that is more than ten meters long. Huge golden lion phantom.

The second of the 10-year soul bone technique, the Wrath of the Lion King.


A deafening roar that made people shudder from the bottom of their hearts suddenly came from the mouth of the phantom lion.

The sound waves spread like water waves continuously towards the surroundings.

The black-scaled python, whose eyes were full of fear, was about to flee, but because of the delay of the neurotoxin, it only jumped forward a small distance.

Its strong body.

In front of the water-like sound waves, it exploded inch by inch, splashing blood everywhere.

He couldn't even make a miserable howl, and died suddenly on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mo, who was using this skill for the first time after obtaining the soul bone, was also a little surprised.

This is the 10-year level attack skill?
Just don't be too scary!
(End of this chapter)

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