Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 216 I am the savior Wang Mo, you have betrayed the light

Chapter 216 I am the savior Wang Mo, you have betrayed the light

The cave is not deep, only a few meters high, because there is no light source here, so the line of sight is pitch black.

But Wang Mo didn't panic in the slightest, his heart was as stable as an old dog.

Let go of your perception, and the situation around you immediately comes to mind.

This is a tunnel-like passage, extending diagonally downwards. Standing in the passage, one can clearly feel countless icy winds slapping randomly on the face.

All the way forward.

When Wang Mo walked down for about 3 minutes, a cold voice without emotion suddenly sounded from the passage.

"Welcome to the capital of killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, and the price is your life!"

At the same time, Wang Mo felt very clearly that he had passed through something like a protective cover and entered the inside of that 'protective cover'.

There was no pause.

Wang Mo continued to move forward, and after a while, there was a light in front of his eyes.


Get closer.

When Wang Mo walked out of the tunnel, the surrounding light suddenly lit up, causing Wang Mo to subconsciously raise his arm to cover it.

But when he found that there was no dazzling feeling, he couldn't help but put his hand down again.

The first thing that catches the eye is a purple crescent moon.

Then, under the crescent moon, there was a black city shrouded in thin moonlight.

A city hidden underground.

Looking closer, a group of people wearing black armor like guards quickly swept over from the city.

The leader is riding a tall horse, like a victorious general leading a team to fight.

Far away and before they approached, the knight on the horse had already reprimanded loudly, pointing forward with the spear in his hand.

"I'm Scary Knight Scott, you broke the rules!"

The voice was cold and piercing, without the slightest emotional fluctuations, and perhaps because of the long time of not speaking, the voice seemed a little hoarse.

Ever since he passed through that 'protective shield', Wang Mo felt that his soul ring was sealed and could not be summoned again.

Fortunately, Wuhun can still be used.

With the tetanus blade summoned in his hand, Wang Mo's expression was calm. Two dragon horns appeared on the left and right sides of his forehead, and his body was quickly covered by fine dragon scales.

"I am Wang Mo, the savior, you have turned your back on the light!"


The horse charged forward, Wang Mo moved coquettishly to avoid the frontal collision, and swept the tetanus blade in his hand.

There was a soft puff.

Accompanied by the neighing of the war horse, the disemboweled black horse instantly fell to the ground, blood gushing.

Scott, who was on horseback, was thrown out directly, and got out of the way.

Although the soul skills cannot be used, Wang Mo's soul power is still there, and the power of the Zulong martial soul has doubled after being possessed, which is far beyond what ordinary martial arts soul masters can compare.

Slowly coming to Scott who was struggling to stand up again, Wang Mo kicked him to the ground again, with the tetanus blade in his hand resting on the opponent's neck, his tone was cold and full of undeniable taste.

"Either die, or give me the entry certificate to the Slaughter City!"

The helmet rolled to the side, swallowed, and Scott looked at Wang Mo with his feet on his chest in horror.

Some don't quite understand why the other party is so familiar with the situation here, even though it's their first time here, and it's through the back door.

But feeling the blade that had been slightly cut into the skin because of the delay, Scott hurriedly handed over a black sign.

"This is your number plate. Please take it well. Someone will come to guide you as soon as you arrive at the city gate."

At this time, those other people who followed Scott before arrived at the scene.

With just one glance, the situation on the scene has been judged.

They all lined up on both sides, paying attention to Wang Mo who was walking slowly towards the gate of the city with a sign.

Didn't go far.

Scott's opening words of "I am Scary Knight Scott" sounded again behind him.

It was those drinkers who jumped down behind Wang Mo.

Unlike Wang Mo, who was familiar with everything, they were still very confused when they first came out, and then they suddenly found that the spirit ring could not be used, and they acted a little flustered.

Because he suffered a loss at the hands of Wang Mo, Scott desperately wanted to save face in front of his subordinates.

Near the city.

Wang Mo looked down at the so-called certificate in his hand. It was a plate made of special metal, with a skull engraved on it, and a line of serial numbers underneath.

Nine five twenty seven.

As for the back, it is engraved with a dark golden bat about to fly, which made Wang Mo's heart move slightly.

Soon, Wang Mo came to the main gate of the city.

There was a line of black-armored guards standing on the left and right sides, and a masked woman in black silk greeted her with foresight.

Putting one hand on the lower abdomen, the other hand faced the inside of the city and made a gesture of invitation.

"Welcome to the Capital of Slaughter!"

Glancing at her slightly, Wang Mo withdrew his gaze in disgust. She was also dressed in a black silk mask, and the primary school sister looked much better than the other party.

Walk into the city slowly.

There are many people coming and going on the street, and the number of people is not small, and the sounds of selling are endless.

Wang Mo found that this so-called Killing City seemed to be no different from other cities outside. The only difference was probably that the light was darker.

"I am your guide. In the next twelve hours, you can ask me anything you don't understand. After twelve hours, you will officially become a member of the Slaughter City, and this is where you will live in the future."

The black silk girl followed Wang Mo and spoke calmly.

"Take me directly to the killing field of hell."

There was no politeness or excessive greetings, Wang Mo went straight to the point.

The black silk girl gave Wang Mo a weird look, feeling a little strange, but she couldn't explain why it was so strange.

As a person who entered the Slaughter City for the first time, this 9527 was too calm and too familiar.

It was as if he had been here once before.

And as soon as she came in, she would go to the killing field of hell. It was the first time she had seen such a person in the killing capital for so many years.

But after all, she is just a person in charge of guiding newbies in the city. Since the other party wants to skip all the steps, what can she say?

Taking a deep look at Wang Mo, the black silk girl walked ahead and led the way. "Please come with me."

The girl's pace was very even, and she seemed a little unhurried when she walked.

Although Wang Mo had no other requirements except to go to the killing field of hell, but with a responsible attitude, the girl still carefully explained to him.

"The location we are in now is the outer city of the capital of killing. It is the area where most people live. Killing is absolutely not allowed here. As long as you pay two cups of Bloody Mary, you can stay safely in the outer city for a month."

"And the inner city is actually where the real killing capital is located. There are no rules in it. You can do whatever you want. It is a truly lawless place without order."

Impatiently waving his hand, Wang Mo urged. "I got it, I got it, can you walk faster, at your speed, you won't even be able to eat supper at the killing field in hell."

Guide Girl "."

(End of this chapter)

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