Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 220 No, no, no, my body can no longer support another match

Chapter 220 No, no, no, my body can no longer support another match
Looking at the six shining soul rings, the pupils of the hundreds of people blocking the entrance of the killing field in hell shrank slightly.

The killing desire in his heart was temporarily suppressed, and reason regained the upper hand.

Their eyes fell on Wang Mo who was standing behind the black armor staff. Everyone hesitated for a moment, and some people standing on the outermost edge chose to retreat directly.

If one dares to make trouble in the killing field of hell, he will be treated as an example by the King of Slaughter and beaten to death in public with various punishments.

Everyone will die, and they have already made up their minds about death.

But a quick death in an instant is worse than a life where you can't live but can't die. Everyone knows how to make a choice.

Seeing them go.

Wang Mo, who finally pulled them over, was of course unwilling.

Immediately, holding the container weighing dozens of kilograms, he came directly to the gate of the hell killing field, and looked at the people in front of him peacefully.

"Is anyone participating in the Hell Killing Fields competition? Whoever wins will get all the Bloody Marys in my hands!"

A strong bloody smell permeated the air.

Some people who had already moved their steps to leave paused for a while, then stopped again.

His eyes were fixed on the huge container in Wang Mo's arms, his face was full of greed.

With so many Bloody Marys, if they could get their hands on them, they probably wouldn't have to worry about food for the next month.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Although there are still many people who are still hesitating and waiting to see, there are also some people who directly stood up.

If there is a first, there is a second.

Soon, at least 20 people from the scene came to the Hell Killing Fields and signed up for the next competition.

Seeing that they didn't come to make trouble, the staff of Heijia slowly took back the spirit and spirit ring, and returned to the counter.

And register for everyone.

As for what's next, it's the turn of Best Actor Wang's performance.

Deposit the Bloody Mary with the black armor staff at the counter, and if he is killed by others, it will be taken by the victor.

The rules are simple and clear.

Seeing that Wang Mo was not lying, most of the other people outside who were still hesitating rushed in.

Of course, they didn't want to compete, but to watch the fun.

Want to see who will take this vat of Bloody Mary in the end.

At that time, isn't it much safer to rob with a sap stick behind you than to fight with people in this killing field?

A cold killing intent spread behind him.

There were ten people in the group, and Wang Mo, who was walking in the front, only felt that his back was full of gazes.

This is his second game here.

Wang Mo didn't want to perform too well. In that case, there will be fewer and fewer people who will participate in the competition with him later.

So, the game began.

Among the other nine people in this group, seven are soul masters of beast spirits, and only two are soul masters of weapon spirits.

In this city of slaughter, it is far more difficult for a weapon soul master whose strength is all in the martial soul to survive than a beast soul master.

Without the powerful enhancement of soul skills, and only using martial souls, they are far inferior to the soul masters of beast martial souls in terms of strength, speed, and defense.

Persimmons are specially selected for soft pinch.

As soon as they entered the field below, everyone else rushed towards the two Wuhun soul masters.

The shrill screams sounded instantly.

In the surrounding stands, looking at the blood gushing out at that moment, looking at the man who bit the dead man's neck and gulped down the blood, they all smashed their thirsty lips and swallowed their saliva.

Incomparable want to replace the people on the field, and bite up by himself.

For all this, Wang Mo just stood in the distance and watched quietly, holding the Tetanus Blade of the Wuhun in his hand, he didn't even release the Ancestral Dragon Wuhun.

After finishing off the other two Wuhun soul masters, the remaining seven looked at each other and rushed towards Wang Mo one after another.

"wait wait wait!"

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, Wang Mo took a few steps back with the tetanus blade in his hand, his expression flustered.

"I'm not ready yet."

Seeing his weak appearance, a certain emotion in the hearts of the few people here instantly rose. "Hey, looking at your skin and tender flesh, the blood in your body must be delicious."

"Get the hell out of here, he's mine!"

"Don't be afraid of the little things, the uncle will be very light when he bites your skin."

clap clap ~!

There was an instant battle on the spot.

A few minutes later, no one in the field below was still standing in place, and blood flowed wantonly in the field.

Wang Mo lay on the ground gasping for breath, his clothes were completely stained red with blood.

He secretly squinted his eyes and looked at the situation in the stands around him.

Seeing the pity and regretful expressions on their faces, the corners of Wang Mo's mouth slightly raised, and he got up from the ground with 'struggle', and staggered towards the top step by step.

"Number 9527, two wins."

Looking at Wang Mo who was staggering towards him covered in blood, the staff of Heijia directly handed over the identity plate and the vat of Bloody Mary.

"and many more!"

Before Wang Mo reached out to pick it up, a burly man who had signed up suddenly interrupted.

Looking at the gazes of the crowd, the strong man said as a matter of course. "I signed up for this big barrel of Bloody Mary. What? I just went through a group of battles and want to take it back. What about the groups behind us?"

All the people who participated in the competition for this reason nodded their heads one after another. They felt that what the strong man said was very reasonable.

"That's right, it's not enough to have rewards for only one group of games, there are three or four groups of people behind us!"

The black armor staff looked at them blankly. "Are you trying to make trouble?"

The lively atmosphere at the scene suddenly turned cold.

As long as they are people living in the killing capital, no one dares to make trouble in the killing field of hell.

However, the voice changed.

The staff member of Heijia sneered, and his eyes fell on Wang Mo, who was covered in blood.

"The reward you are talking about is not provided by our hell killing field, so you have to ask the party who provided the reward."

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Wang Mo.

"Boy, I advise you to put down that bucket of Bloody Mary wisely!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't want to be blocked by so many people on the way, do you?"

"I don't know how this kid got so many Bloody Marys."

"No matter how he got it, I just want to know if there are any rewards for the next group of games."


The corner of his mouth twitched, Wang Mo, who didn't expect things to go smoothly, just wanted to speak, but heard the black armor staff next to him speak again.

"According to the rules of the killing field, those who did not participate in the competition cannot provide additional reward services."

"So if you want to continue to provide rewards, you have to participate again!"

With a hint of panic and panic on Wang Mo's face, he waved his hands again and again.

"No, no, no, I've been injured badly, and my body can't support another game at all."

Several contestants sneered. "That's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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