Chapter 252 Qi Cheng
The two followed Xiao Jinghe, turned left and right all the way through the streets and alleys, and finally left the city from the direction of the north gate of Wuhun City.

Although he was out of the city, Wang Mo was not worried that this would be a trap.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't face more than two Title Douluo at the same time, he basically won't have any big problems.

Furthermore, this is the jurisdiction of Wuhun City.

As a pretty boy who is about to take up the post of Holy Son of Wuhundian, he still feels afraid in his own territory, isn't it funny?

Slowly following behind Xiao Jinghe, Wang Mo behaved calmly, and at the same time his eyes wandered around, preventing unexpected situations that may arise at any time.

However, his worry was obviously superfluous, and the whole process was very safe.

Walked forward for about ten minutes.

Xiao Jinghe, who led the way ahead, stopped.

Several people looked into the distance, and saw not far ahead, a small village quietly located beside a meandering stream.

At this time, the moonlight was like a waterfall, and the village was pitch black, making it very quiet.

But Wang Mo's super mental power can clearly feel that there are at least hundreds of people in this village.

Some of them have very weak auras, as if they were dying, so they should be some elderly people.

"Let's go."

Xiao Jinghe took a deep breath, and while leading the way, he opened his mouth and said. "The semi-finished soul guides you bought were actually made by my friend. Although they are beautifully made, they can't be sold at all because he doesn't know how to engrave soul guide circles. I don't know what you are looking for him to do. .”

doing what?
The smile on Wang Mo's face remained unchanged, with his hands behind his back. "It's okay to tell you. I've taken a fancy to his superb soul guide production technology, and I want to talk to him about a project."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghe shook his head. "I don't care about your purpose, just don't forget the reward you promised to give me."


Wang Mo and Ye Lingling, led by Xiao Jinghe, came to a very large building in the village, and gently knocked on the door.


A low voice of inquiry came from inside.

In this world where people cannibalize people but don't spit out bones, the life of ordinary civilians is like this. They live carefully every day, for fear that if they are not careful, it will be a natural or man-made disaster.

Xiao Jinghe glanced at the two people following behind him, and said calmly. "It's me, Xiaohe, I'm back."

When the people inside heard that the voice was indeed the familiar voice, they immediately put down their guard, and after a burst of clicking operations, they slowly opened the door.

"Xiaohe, don't you usually come back in the middle of the night? Why is it so early today? It's not about who you are!"

Door open.

Standing at the door was a young man wearing rough clothes, he looked about 30 years old, at this time he was staring at Wang Mo and Ye Lingling who were following behind Xiao Jinghe vigilantly, as if he was facing a big enemy.

"Li Xuan, what are you doing with such a big reaction? This is the sponsor, and he came to discuss cooperation with Qi Cheng."

First he explained something, then Xiao Jinghe looked at Wang Mo. "Brother, please come inside, the person you are looking for is in the studio inside."

Nodding slightly, Wang Mo walked straight inside with his hands behind his back.

But before he went in and went deep to the bottom, a group of twenty or so people came out head-on, and they could be vaguely seen by the quiet moonlight in the sky, all of these people were young people.

The leader should be the Qi Cheng that Xiao Jinghe mentioned.

He didn't look at Wang Mo, but his eyes fell on Xiao Jinghe who was at the door, with a stern look in his eyes.

"Xiaohe, why did you bring outsiders to our camp? Didn't we make an agreement that we would never bring outsiders?"

Qi Cheng's expression was ugly.

Their Qi family was originally the No. [-] soul tool manufacturing family in the Star Luo Empire. In its heyday, [-]% of the military soul tools in the Star Luo Empire were produced by their family.

When Mrs. Qi celebrated his birthday, he used baskets filled with gold soul coins to throw money.

Walking on the street, anyone who saw him had to shout brother, even Emperor Xing Luo had to sell them three points of face.

It is precisely because of this that the family has attracted the "gift" from the emperor.

The family that occupied one-tenth of the Xingluo Imperial City was directly copied, the old lady Qi was given to death, and the second and third generations of the family's disciples were almost wiped out. Even the family members, maids, and guards were not spared.

The entire Qi family was almost ransacked.

Why almost?
Because Qi Cheng, who was a playboy at that time, was going out to find a certain woman he liked to have fun, and thus escaped the disaster.

However, he soon got the news that the Qi family was wiped out, and began his wandering career.

However, as a dude, without his family, Qi Cheng's life is very miserable.

There is a saying that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality is difficult.

The money he carried was quickly spent by Qi Cheng. Without money, he almost starved to death by the side of the road.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a kind-hearted man appeared and gave him a bite to hang himself.

It was a woman who looked ordinary, but in Qi Cheng's eyes, she was as beautiful as a fairy.

After learning about Qi Cheng's experience, the woman expressed sympathy and invited him to go with him.

Seeing the woman busy with eating and drinking for the two of them every day, Qi Cheng felt guilty. As a man, he also wanted to help with something.

What is the most profitable on the mainland?

Naturally, it is the soul tool manufacturing industry.

This kind of tool that can assist soul masters in fighting and enhance the combat power of low-level soul masters to a certain extent is like a sweet bun in the world of soul masters.

As the legacy of the family that once ranked number one in the soul tool manufacturing industry of the Star Luo Empire, Qi Cheng wanted to carry on the family tradition and manufacture soul tools for sale.

Although when he was studying, he only wanted to pick up girls half-heartedly, and he didn't even know how to engrave the soul guide circle, but the shell of the soul guide device he made was exquisite in appearance, and was deeply loved by those noble ladies.

The two sold one and manufactured the other, and soon gained a certain reputation in the local area.

Another business route has been derived, soul guide crafts!
However, just as their business was booming, the killing order from the Star Luo Empire came again.

I don't know if it was God's will, but when those Star Luo Empire soldiers came to the door, Qi Cheng happened to go out to purchase raw materials for manufacturing, and it happened that Qi Cheng was not at home.

As a last resort, he started the road of escape again.

And on the way, he also heard some news, it is said that the reason why people from Star Luo Empire found them was because someone informed them.

And the whistleblower was obviously someone from the production factory hired by their own family with a high salary.

For a while afterwards, Qi Cheng lived in a gloomy world, feeling that his whole life had lost its color.

It wasn't until he met Xiao Jinghe, Li Xuan and others, and under the influence of everyone's enlightenment, that he gradually got better.

At the same time, in order to avoid lessons learned, Qi Cheng often warns everyone repeatedly that they must never reveal the location of their camp to outsiders.

It is to prevent people from the Star Luo Empire from coming to the door again.

But looking at Wang Mo standing not far in front of him, Qi Cheng clenched his hands tightly. "Are you from the Star Luo Empire?"

(End of this chapter)

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