Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 255 Goodbye Dragon God

Chapter 255 Goodbye Dragon God
Sea God Island.

On the supreme Sea God Mountain, the great priest Bo Saixi held a scepter, and a pair of endless blue eyes quietly looked towards the direction of the mainland.

Listening to the tidal sound of the waves hitting the rocks between heaven and earth, Dai Mei frowned slightly.

I don't know if it was her illusion, or the influence of her inner obsession was too serious, but just now, she actually felt a fleeting breath of Sea God from the direction of the mainland.

But that feeling is fleeting.

When she wanted to catch it again, she could no longer feel the slightest breath, which made her feel a faint feeling in her heart.

Look up to the sky.

On the star position in the north, two stars seem to be particularly shining tonight. One of them is completely blue, but its surface emits a slight red light, which indicates that there may be a bad omen coming.

As for the other one, its whole body was as dark red as blood, but its surface shone with a deep and dark luster, it was endlessly mysterious, and it was a terrifying disaster star that confused the world.

After looking up for a long time, Bo Saixi sighed slightly, turned and walked into the building on the top of Sea God Mountain.

"I hope that the coming troubled times will not disturb Qingning on Poseidon Island."

Pope Hill.

At the highest point of the mountain top, Qian Daoliu, the chief priest of Wuhun Palace, was also watching the stars at night, but unlike Bo Saixi, his attention was always on the north of Wuhun City.

I don't know when, but a certain area of ​​land on the northern outskirts of Wuhun City was completely shrouded in a dark black light.

The land with a radius of more than ten miles has been completely isolated from the outside world.

This kind of thing happened in front of his own house, Qian Daoliu wanted to go to investigate, but when he was about to take action, a divine thought came from the black light, telling him not to act rashly.

Although his cultivation level is as high as level 99, which is only one step away from the legendary Dootian level [-], Qiandaoliu knows that there are many, many people in this world who are stronger than him.

For example, the person who conveyed his spiritual thoughts to him was a strong man that he could never offend.

According to the wishes expressed by the other party, that terrifying existence did not have any malicious intentions, so Qian Daoliu listened to the persuasion and had no intention of going to investigate.

However, after feeling the other party's breath like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, Qian Daoliu's expression inevitably showed a little more sadness.

Troubled times are approaching, and his little Xueer is still living outside, and he doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.


Wang Mo has just shown his amazing eloquence, moving with emotion and understanding with reason, and through persuasion, he has recruited Qi Cheng and other manufacturing talents under his command.

Complacent, he just left the village with his primary school sister.

The next moment, it was immediately enveloped by the black barrier that suddenly appeared.

This sudden change made Wang Mo shocked. He did not expect that such a method would appear in a world with a low average level of military force like Douluo Continent.

And he also found out.

After the black area enveloped him inside, Ye Lingling, the elementary school girl who had been following behind him, also disappeared at the same time.

This made Wang Mo's heart suddenly sink.

Just as he was about to do something, he saw that the body around his body that could not see his fingers suddenly became visible.

Behind him is the icy boundary wall, and the left and right sides are filled with black mist. I don't know what's going on inside.

Ahead, there is a huge space, in which there are eleven chairs arranged in a circle.

Kind of like a conference room for meetings.

It's very quiet here, you can hear a needle drop, and even Wang Mo's cautious footsteps can be heard clearly.

Frowning and looking at everything around him, Wang Mo let out a breath slowly, it seems that things are not as bad as he imagined.

There doesn't seem to be any danger here?
Just as Wang Mo was about to go to look for the primary school girl and look for the exit at the same time, he saw a flash of light on two of the eleven chairs on the scene, and two figures suddenly appeared on the scene.

With the appearance of their figures, an extremely terrifying pressure also emerged from the surrounding void, almost crushing Wang Mo and causing all the bones in his body to creak.

At this moment, Wang Mo even saw Tai Nai who was waving to him in heaven.

But the pressure comes and goes quickly.

When Wang Mo came back to his senses, the two figures on the seat had already stood up from their seats.

"Long time no see Wang Mo." Dragon God Barkan, with exaggeratedly bulging muscles, crossed his shoulders with his hands.

At first, Wang Mo didn't recognize who he was.

Because when I was in the secret realm of the Dragon Clan last time, although I had a friendly conversation with the Dragon God, it was just a divine thought and had no entity.

It wasn't until Balkan spoke, listening to the familiar voice, that Wang Mo guessed the identity of the person in front of him in surprise.

"Dragon God?"

Balkan grinned. "The young man has a good memory."


Wang Mo didn't look at the god next to him, his expression was a little cold. "What do you mean, you didn't even say hello, you suddenly pulled me into such a space, and you also released your breath to give me power. Isn't it a bit too much?"

Balkan looked slightly stunned and shook his head. "No, no, this is just an assessment to test whether you have become a member of our organization."

As if knowing what Wang Mo was about to say, Balkan spoke. "Don't rush to refuse, because you will get great benefits by joining the organization. At the same time, through the sharing of information among members of the organization, you will learn many things that you have never had access to before."

"Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after joining the organization, you can get a salary of one god crystal every month. This is something that even gods desire."


"Are you finished?"

Wang Mo looked at Balkan very calmly, and seeing him nodding, he couldn't help but speak. "I'm not interested in what you said, I'm going back."


The dragon god Balkan scratched his head in embarrassment. He was not good at pulling people, so he cast a look at the figure next to him for help.

Seeing this, the figure next to him immediately nodded in understanding.

"I remember your name is Wang Mo, right? Don't you want to know your current situation?"

There was an evil smile on the corner of the evil god Grote's mouth. "As far as I know, the Sea God and Asura God have already taken action after they learned about you. If you don't want to die too soon, I advise you to think carefully about joining the organization."

Frowning, Wang Mo looked up at him.

What do you mean?
He hasn't done anything yet, how did he attract the Seagod Shura's attention?
But with the personality of the other party, it shouldn't be possible to deceive him because of this kind of thing.

Seeing Wang Mo frowning slightly, Grote smiled even more, and said honestly and kindly. "They know your identity as an extraterrestrial demon, think you are a disaster in troubled times, and plan to strangle you in the cradle."

"You also know that those hypocrites who claim to be righteous are different from our holy (devil) way. They like to eliminate the crisis before it starts."

"We feel that it would be a pity if you are such a potential new star of the holy way, and it would be a pity if you died so young, so you will not hesitate to lower the sanctuary to absorb you into the organization. How about it, think about it?"

"As for how to choose, the choice is yours, but there is only one chance."

(End of this chapter)

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