Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 284 Go all out to trigger thunder disaster

Only Tang Hao and Tang San, whose cultivation was growing rapidly like trying to force a young man to grow up, felt worried in his heart.

Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. This is not just a lie.

Without persistent and arduous training, it would not be able to support his extremely high level of cultivation. Tang San seemed to be very strong now.

But in Tang Hao's view, all this seemed like a castle in the air.

But the attitude of the elders in the clan and the god who called himself Poseidon made him dare not say anything more.

Perhaps, the Poseidon with great supernatural powers will have a way to eliminate this hidden danger of unstable foundation caused by the rapid improvement of cultivation level.

Star Dou Great Forest.

At this time, Wang Mo was running with all his strength in the forest.

Running along the way, countless hundred-year-old and thousand-year-old soul beasts were frightened to death.

With his current aura of an eighty-level Soul Douluo, no non-ten thousand-year soul beast can stop him.

And even when faced with the ten thousand year soul beast blocking the way, in front of the tetanus blade blessed by the power of Wang Mo's Xiaocheng Law, there is no way it can withstand the power of its sword.

Therefore, he felt like he was in a deserted place in the Star Forest. He was violently pushed along the way.

It only took less than half a month to reach the core circle of Star Dou Forest from Wuhun City.

In line with the principle of not wanting to do it secretly, the shooter will enter the circle. Oh no, the person who shoots the gun will not accept it, but will enter the circle secretly.

Wang Mo flew directly towards the Lake of Life in the center.

But on the way there, he met a smelly orangutan blocking the road. His hair was black, and he knew at a glance that he was not a good monkey.

As the righteous son of Wuhun Palace, how could Wang Mo tolerate such a bad guy to continue to do evil in the Star Dou Forest?
So he summoned the Martial Soul Tetanus Blade and slashed it across.


Blood splashes out and penetrates three-thirds of the flesh.

Then there is no more.

The blade was directly clamped into the opponent's muscles, and even if Wang Mo tried his best to pull it out, he couldn't pull it out.


A deafening roar suddenly came from the mouth of the giant ape, causing the surrounding trees to tremble.

"Human, you are courting death!"

The titan giant ape Er Ming was furious, and the muscles all over his body were condensed together in an exaggerated way.

It's not a bad feeling to be suddenly stabbed into the body with a weapon while sleeping.

As for Wang Mo.

As soon as he saw something was wrong, he quickly retreated dozens of meters away and looked at this side from a distance.

Oh my god, I didn’t look at the Douluo Calendar when I went out today. I’m so lucky.

He actually bumped into the Titan Giant Ape Er Ming.

If I had known it was this guy, he should have struck out with all his strength with the knife just now. Maybe it would not be impossible to kill him directly in a sneak attack.

Even Wang Mo himself didn't know how much attack power he could achieve now that he was going all out.

Because since his debut until now, he has never been exposed to a soul master who has understood the power of the law and reached the stage of becoming a master.

Even Qian Daoliu, the great enshrinement of Wuhun Palace, has only comprehended [-]% of its sacred laws.

Well, Dragon God Barkan's understanding of the laws must have exceeded the stage of completion, but he is not a soul master, but a god who has transformed the laws into rules, so he cannot be used as a reference.

Therefore, after knowing that he was encountering the titan ape Er Ming, Wang Mo did not leave immediately. Instead, he felt itchy and wanted to have a fight with him.

He came here this time just for Da Ming and Er Ming.

Thinking of this, soul rings began to emerge from the soles of his feet. Wang Mo held the tetanus blade in his hand, exposing his skin, and pieces of pale golden diamond-shaped scales quickly covered his body.

Er Mingming's big yellow eyes were originally full of rage, but after seeing the soul ring rising from Wang Mo's body, his huge pupils suddenly shrank.

A total of fourteen blood-red soul rings! "How is this possible!" Er Ming's eyes were filled with shock.

In its understanding, a blood-red soul ring represents a 10-year-old soul beast, but Wang Mo has a total of fourteen blood-red soul rings!

Wang Mo obviously didn't have the time to explain it.

The spirit rings of the four attribute-increasing skills of Thunder, Source of Plague, Flame of Earth's Fury, and Frozen Heart flashed instantly.

All attributes skyrocketed rapidly.

Then, the Elemental Forbidden Domain and the Killing God Domain expanded at the same time, and each attribute doubled again.

Finally, Wang Mo activated the weapon soul of the Tetanus Blade.

All attribute attack power was converted into skill attack power, and superimposed on the terrifying increase of the weapon soul's true body, the aura quickly climbed to a very terrifying level.

The scene was filled with strong winds.

The tyrannical energy emanating from his body directly stirred up chaos within tens of meters of the area, and all kinds of flowers, plants and trees were shattered.

This wasn't the end yet. After finishing all this, Wang Mo moved his mind slightly, and his right leg instantly became hot. A strong force suddenly started from his right leg and spread throughout his body.

10-year soul bone skills, the king's command.


There was a thunder in the sky, and almost for a moment, the sky here was filled with wind and clouds.

Pieces of black clouds gathered from the void, and terrifying thunder was conceived in them. A thunder dragon formed from silver-white thunder poked its head out of the black clouds.

His empty and emotionless eyes looked straight at Wang Mo below.


The alarm bells in his head were ringing crazily. Feeling the overwhelming and terrifying pressure coming from the sky above, Wang Mo swallowed hard, and only two words appeared in his mind.

Thunder Tribulation!

Obviously, with the increase in his powerful skills, his current state has exceeded the limit that this continent can bear.

In other words, as long as he survives the thunder tribulation, he can attain enlightenment and become a god!

However, he was only over level 80 at this time, and he even had the eighth soul ring attached.

Feeling the terrifying pressure that was constantly gathering in the sky, Wang Mo could clearly feel the gap between himself and the thunder calamity in the sky.

He turned his head and looked to the side.

I don't know when, the Titan Giant Ape Er Ming disappeared.

Although the intelligence of the soul beast that has not transformed is slightly weaker, it is not a fool, and it also understands that those who understand current affairs are handsome apes.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mo directly released his own weapon soul.

The scene of flying sand and rocks suddenly stagnated. The flowers, plants, dead branches and rocks that were originally driven by the dissipated energy suddenly fell to the ground with a roar.

The calamity cloud in the sky also gradually dissipated due to the disappearance of the corresponding power after he released the martial soul's true form.

Feeling the terrifying qi energy condensed on his body slowly disappearing, Wang Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

So fucking scary.

At the same time, Wang Mo also had a clear understanding of the power he now possessed.

With all his efforts in using various amplifying skills, he is now comparable to the god level.

Of course, this god level is not that god level, and gods also have strengths and weaknesses.

From low to high, it can be divided into nine levels: divine servant, divine attendant, priest, third-level god, second-level god, first-level god, main god, god king, and god emperor.

With his full strength now, he should be able to rush to the servant of God in a short time.

There is still a long way to go. (End of chapter)

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