Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 31 Is Learning Abandoned?

Chapter 31 Is Learning Abandoned?


Wang Mo, who had dinner, first sent Ye Lingling back to the small courtyard of the class, then wandered around looking left and right, and walked into the martial arts arena.

Thinking of the young ladies and sisters he saw along the way just now, Wang Mo sighed, being conservative, really too conservative.

It's summer now, those seniors are covering themselves tightly, only showing a little bit of flesh, who are they looking down on?

It's not like the world before he crossed over.

Ladies and sisters were afraid that they would not reveal enough to attract attention, so they gave out various benefits.
Hey, let's not talk about it.

There were not many people in the martial arts arena at this time. Seeing Wang Mo coming in, everyone showed awe, and Yu Tianheng, who had been waiting for a long time, trotted all the way to greet him.

"Student, you are here."

He nodded lightly and didn't speak, Wang Mo was well aware of their awe.

If his talent was not good, the quality of his martial spirit was poor, and he didn't come from the Prince's Mansion, when these people saw him, they wouldn't be in the respectful attitude they are now.

In this world where the strong are respected, only those who are strong enough can win the respect of others.

"Come with me, junior. Senior, I spent a lot of money to open a practice room. Let's go this way." Holding a bunch of keys in his hand, Yu Tianheng walked ahead and led the way.

Yu Tianheng didn't even think about studying in the hall outside.

Of course, the fewer people know about this kind of technique that can predict the opponent's attack route and the release of soul skills, the better, it is best for only him to know.

Wang Mo is willing to teach him, it is because he has made great achievements in protecting Ye Lingling today.

The others didn't pay anything, so why go whoring for nothing.

The so-called practice room is actually a closed single room, about [-] square meters, which can be used for pair training.

Some noble children with higher grades want to save face, and they don't want to compete in places like the outside hall. They will be treated like monkeys, so they will rent such a single room.

The door of the practice room was closed with a click, completely isolating the inside from the outside.

"Student, senior, I'm ready. When do you think we can start?" Yu Tianheng looked at Wang Mo with scorching eyes, and rubbed his hands impatiently.

"Now you can."

He randomly found a chair and sat down, Wang Mo raised his hand and patted the back of the chair next to him, signaling Yu Tianheng to sit down, and then said. "Does Senior Tianheng know what battlefield observation is?"

Battlefield observation?

Yu Tianheng looked bewildered, didn't we come to learn skills, what does it have to do with that battlefield observation?
Although he was puzzled, Yu Tianheng didn't say anything, but looked at Wang Mo seriously. "Also ask the younger brother to expand and talk about it."

Wang Mo pondered for two seconds before saying. "In fact, it is a way of carefully observing the enemy's every move. It can also be said that success or failure is determined by the details."

"The so-called prejudgment is a kind of prejudgment to react in advance and make corresponding actions after observing the traces of the opponent's shot."

"Can this really be done?" Yu Tianheng looked confused.

During the battle, the movements of both parties can be said to be very fast. Not only must the opponent's movements be observed in a very short period of time, but also his meticulous movements must be observed, and the analysis and corresponding reactions must be made in the mind.

The brain will be broken, right?
"Can it be done? Of course."

Wang Mo said with a smile. "First of all, we must have the awareness of the overall situation, command everything from the overall situation, bring the opponent's role into account, and predict his movements in advance, and then we pay close attention to his hands and feet."

"A person who is not experienced enough in combat will not have fake moves. Before he makes an attack, his left and right hands or feet will definitely make moves in advance."

Listening to Wang Mo's words, Yu Tianheng thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

Take the fight between Wang Mo and Tyson in the afternoon as an example. At the beginning, Tyson stepped on the surface of the ring and then jumped up.

I think it was at that time that junior Wang Mo quickly analyzed and judged the battlefield, and then made a corresponding reaction.

Such as avoiding Tyson's attack, a series of follow-up output, etc.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Tianheng didn't want to know, but was startled when he thought about it.

As far as he himself is concerned, he basically adapts to the situation when fighting, either relying on the strength of his soul power or the strength of his martial soul to win. He never thought that fighting can be like this.

This f*cking side is just thinking about meeting a narrow road and the brave wins, but the other side has [-] minds, even thinking about how you will attack when you move your hands and feet. It would be a strange thing to win.

Seeing that he seemed to understand a little bit, Wang Mo continued to speak with a faint smile. "I call this kind of movement before attacking. After seeing their forward movement, you can easily judge from which direction they will attack. Although it is impossible to predict the attack intensity, it is always wrong to dodge in advance. of."

"According to the different attack strengths, the body will have a stalemate for a certain period of time after the attack. I call it the backswing of the attack. The stronger the attack, the longer the backswing time. This is the best time for us to make a move, because This is the most vulnerable time for a soul master, almost powerless to resist."

His complexion changed again and again, Yu Tianheng didn't know what to say anymore.

What is professionalism, this is professionalism!
Thinking about the battle between himself and Wang Mo a week ago, he was still unconvinced at that time, but now he was a little creepy.

Not to mention doing it again, even ten times a hundred times, Yu Tianheng felt that there was a high probability that he would not be able to win.

Because the opponent really observed every detail on the battlefield in detail, even the movements before the attack and the blank period after the release of the soul ability were regarded as flaws by him and integrated into the battle.

If such a person becomes an enemy, it is really terrible.

"Have you lost your studies?"

Smiling and patted Yu Tianheng's shoulder, Wang Mo got up and walked out. "Let's realize it slowly."

Regardless of what Yu Tianheng would learn in the end, Wang Mo walked back to the small courtyard of the class after leaving the martial arts arena.

When passing by a field of flowers, I suddenly found a bamboo strip as thick as a little finger thrown in the flowers, and I don't know which bastard threw it here.

Don't you know that taking care of the campus is everyone's responsibility?
As a sunny boy, Wang Mo strongly condemned this immoral behavior, and then went straight into the flowers and picked them up.

With the bamboo stick in hand, it's like a sword fairy possessing the body.

Seeing Wang Mo's wrist trembling lightly, the bamboo strips turned into streams of light flashing in the flowers, causing countless petals to fly in all directions.

"Who is where? Stop me, maliciously destroying the campus environment, have you forgotten what the school rules are written?"

An angry voice sounded from a distance.

Wang Mo saw that it was dark and he didn't know which teacher it was. He couldn't see clearly, and his footsteps stomped on the ground, walking like flying.

slip away.

Wang Mo felt that he couldn't be completely blamed for this incident. If he wanted to blame it, he could blame the person who threw the bamboo stick. He intended to pick it up.

I never thought that holding the bamboo stick in my hand seemed to activate the power of a certain bloodline hidden in my body, and it was difficult to control myself for a while.

Wang Mo admitted that he was at fault, but the one who threw the bamboo stick should at least bear more than half of the responsibility!

(End of this chapter)

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