Chapter 40

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, and then looking at Yang Hengdong who was holding the rein of the armored beast, Zheng Yelong wiped his cold sweat again.

Usually when there are big shots coming, his move can be said to be invincible.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

He waited in line at the gate of the city with a smile all over his face. As long as he was a man who knew the world, he would exchange a few words with him, even if he didn't like it.

After that, go to the most expensive restaurant in the city to have a meal, and then go to the Chunfeng Building to listen to Xiaoqu. This relationship will be established.

Thinking that the other party was still a boy, Zheng Yelong was not angry, raised his hand and waved away the soldiers behind him, and quietly followed behind Yang Hengdong.

Relationship building is also a skill. The ones who got off the RV just now include Wang Mo, who has recently become famous among the nobles of the empire, and the daughter of the Ye family who sent her to study at the Tiandou Royal Academy.

No need to guess, Zheng Yelong knew what Wang Mo was thinking with his ass.

Holding the reins of the Iron Armored Beast, Yang Hengdong followed behind Wang Mo and Ye Lingling unhurriedly. He also noticed when Zheng Yelong followed, but he didn't make any other movements.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

This is Floating Leaf City, he is the lord of the city, it's fine if you are a little arrogant on his territory, your status is more noble, and he doesn't say anything, but if you stop him from shopping in his own city, it would be too much Too much.

Turn left and right all the way.

Soon, a mansion with an area of ​​nearly a thousand meters came into everyone's eyes.

A pair of huge two-meter-high stone lions stand on both sides of the gate, and a golden-red plaque hangs high above the gate.

There are two large characters in the letter, Ye Fu.

The door was closed. After coming here, Ye Lingling's whole person obviously became more emotional.

He came to the door with brisk steps, gently pinched the knocker and knocked.

Seeing this, Wang Mo took out a golden soul coin from the storage ring, clasped his hands together in his palms, closed his eyes and prayed for a while, then snapped his fingers and threw the golden soul coin back.

I don't know if it was luck, but the golden soul coin rolled a certain distance and just stopped at Zheng Yelong's feet.

The two looked at each other, and Wang Mo looked away calmly.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Lingling, who wondered why he did this, blinked her big eyes, and her pretty face behind the veil was full of doubts.

"This is called breaking money and eliminating disasters."

Wang Mo said with a mysterious expression on his face. "When people may encounter danger or bad luck, they put those bad things on coins and then throw them away, so that whoever picks up the coins will inherit the misfortune of the person who lost the coins."

"Is this impossible?" Ye Lingling couldn't believe it.

"Maybe, it's auspicious." Wang Mo smiled slightly.

At this time, the servants in the mansion probably heard the knock on the door, opened the door and poked their heads out to check.

Sweeping his eyes, he first saw the Lord City Lord who was bending over to pick up something, and then he saw the high-end and luxurious armored beast car.

Then, there was Ye Lingling standing at the door.

"Miss is back? Please come in quickly, I will inform Lord Viscount." The servant's face was a little joyful.

Seeing the figure of the servant running quickly towards the mansion, Ye Lingling turned her head and glanced at Wang Mo. "Let's go, it's the first time I bring my classmates home. My dad always wants me to make more friends. He will be very happy to see you here."

Looking down at Ye Lingling's little hand that took the initiative to hold him, Wang Mo was a little dumbfounded. The sister who returned home seemed to be a lot more courageous.

The two entered the mansion one after the other.

After less than 3 minutes, a handsome middle-aged man with a broom in his hand chased Wang Mo all the way and beat him out.

"Where did you come from, you little brat, you come out to pick up girls before your hair grows, and you don't even want to see if you can do it!"

Ye Enze blocked the door with a broom in his hand, cursing, and looking at Wang Mo with unkind eyes,
As for Wang Mo, he stood tremblingly on the street outside, looking at Ye Lingling who was blocked by Ye Enze from a distance, his eyes were full of resentment.

Deception, this is naked deception!
Didn't it mean that her father would be very happy to see him come?
Thinking about what happened within a few minutes after entering the mansion, Wang Mo looked aggrieved. He was fine at first, but the other party praised him as a young hero with a bright future.

Then he asked how the two met.

Ye Lingling is such an obedient girl, of course she wouldn't lie, so she said a few words submissively.

Before they finished listening, just after hearing Ye Enze at the beginning, he grabbed a broom and ran out chasing Wang Mo in a thunderous rage.

"Uncle Ye, listen to my sophistry. No, listen to my explanation." Wang Mo shouted from a distance.

Glancing at Yang Hengdong who was holding the rein next to him, Ye Enze's tone softened slightly. "Little bastard, don't let me see you pestering my daughter again, or I will break your dog legs!"


Ye Lingling grabbed Ye Enze's arm with both hands, with a little pitiful look in her eyes, trying to influence her calf-protecting father to let some bad guy go.

"Girl, don't worry about it."

Regarding his own daughter, Ye Enze spoke softly. "This little bastard is not a good person at first glance, he is a dude, I have heard of his notoriety in Tiandou Imperial Academy even in Floating Leaf City."


Wang Mo in the distance heard the words, with a look of indignation.

Slander, all slander!
What kind of dude, what kind of notoriety, isn't this the time to praise him as a young hero?

He, Wang Mo, a commoner of three generations, dare not claim the title of a dude if he is true. This is all framed by people with ulterior motives!
After he joined Tiandou Imperial Academy, he didn't do many things in total, except he hacked Yu Tianheng a few times and almost killed him, gave the fourth prince Xue Beng two big pockets, and taught him a lesson for trying to rob civilian girls Tyson
Well, Wang Mo admitted that what he did was really not like what a good person would do.

But there is a reason for that!
As for the reason. Well, it is not humane.

Next to him, Zheng Yelong, who was about to go back, had twinkling eyes, and the development of the matter was full of twists and turns.

But... this twists and turns are so good!
Worried that there is no way to get closer to Wang Mo, isn't the opportunity coming now?

Holding the golden soul coin that Wang Mo had thrown in his palm, Zheng Yelong was still wondering what he meant. At this moment, it seemed that the boy had expected it, so he greeted himself in advance to help him share the firepower.

At that time, the daughter of the Ye family was beside her, and it was difficult for the other party to remind her, so she used gold soul coins to remind her.

Feeling that he had understood Wang Mo's intentions, Zheng Yelong stroked his collar and came to the gate of Ye Mansion with his hands behind his back.

"Brother Enze is not an old brother, I said you, what are you doing? The prince is a handsome man in the prince's mansion. It is for your face to come to your Ye mansion. Don't give me shame. What is his identity? Is it you, a mere viscount, who dare to offend you?"

Ye Enze glanced away, and the anger that gradually subsided after seeing Yang Hengdong exploded in an instant, and he turned his gun and slammed it.

"Zheng Yelong, you bastard, f*****, not your daughter, **********."

Seeing her father spitting wildly at the city lord, with all kinds of encrypted calls constantly coming out of his mouth, Ye Lingling blinked and looked at Wang Mo who seemed to be fine.

This. This also works?
(End of this chapter)

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